Barrier of Light

Chapter 536 S-class versus S-class! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Snow falls on the ice field.

Gu Shen twirled his saber, and after mentally connecting to the battle cabin... all the feelings were extremely realistic, tending to the real world.

He really has the feeling of acting in the real world.


There was a trembling sound in the distance——

The source armor opponent generated by AI can shoot with just a raise of his hand!

The bullet penetrated the wind and snow and shot towards Gu Shen's head without mercy!

It started... Gu Shen gathered his energy instantly. He did not draw the knife, but leaned down immediately after sensing the sound of the bullet. There was a long line passing through the frost and snow in the sky. It was the mark left by the bullet on the back of his neck. !

Gu Shen lowered his body very low and stepped out of the ground!

He is faster than a bullet.

In an instant, they ran into each other's arms. Before the two source armors could collide, Gu Shen drew his sword and slashed in a smooth motion——


One knife!

Directly cut the opponent in half!

He put away his sword and stood up, looking back at the broken fragments of source armor all over the earth, and shook his head.

"The Beizhou military's simulated opponent... is still too weak."

The reason why battle cabins cannot be popularized is that the current strength of AI opponents cannot be compared with that of extraordinary beings.

A third-level transcendent possesses more than just extraordinary agility and strength.

And wisdom!

They control sealed objects, domain embryos, their own abilities, and many means... In the virtual network simulated by the battle cabin, it is too easy to kill the Source Armor intelligence of the same level.

To put it bluntly, [Deep Sea] in a closed network state cannot simulate an opponent with extraordinary abilities.

Gu Shen's battle with this AI was like bullying an unawakened child.

Gu Shen raised his head and spoke loudly to the sky above the snowy field.

"Add more opponents...I want to fight ten!"

Chu Ling was sitting on the big rock, holding his knees with his hands, watching this scene with interest.

The sound echoed.

[Deep Sea] Received the message!

On the snowy mountains in the distance, rays of light fell. A few seconds later, ten virtual AI source armors slowly walked out of the beam of light. They held guns and sabers and launched an attack on Gu Shen the moment they walked out of the beam of light. !

"Bah bang bang!"

The sound of gunfire rang out continuously. These Source Armor AIs were not stupid. They did not directly fight hand-to-hand. Instead, they immediately distanced themselves and kept them as level as possible so that they could take care of each other. They vaguely formed a pull on Gu Shen. Unified formation!

Bullets weave into a web!

If this was a battle that took place in the real world, Gu Shen would not choose to go head-to-head. He would let these guys have a taste of the bombardment of the "Cannon of Truth". However, in the virtual network battle, he wanted to sharpen his own resources. A's close combat skills.


The long sword roared like a dragon roaring.

Gu Shen shook his wrist, leaned over and killed the nearest Source Armor AI!

The saber was like an iron whip when swung at high speed, knocking out all the bullets and cutting a narrow path in the rain of bullets...

Chu Ling watched quietly.

Heavy snow is flying in the distance.

Among the fireworks exploded by bullets, there was a thin figure, holding an ancient knife, stepping across the snow like a flying dragon. It was really a beautiful sight, and what was even more beautiful than this picture... was the "fighting" constructed in Gu Shen's mind. Law".

Use less to fight more.

Use the near to defeat the far.

Such a choice is like the scene of falling from the sky above the castle, flying around the energy cannons... This is the behavior of a dancer dancing on the cliff wire. Only by completing all the movements can one reach the other end safely.

If you are not careful, if you make a mistake, you will fall.

Logically speaking.

Gu Shen would not be able to complete the charge at all, he would be suppressed by firepower...

But his speed is too fast!

And those bullets fired at close range were deflected by the long knife in a strange way!

In three seconds, he stepped in front of the nearest Source Armor AI and slashed down with a sword without any fancy. Before the AI ​​could react, the barrel and chest were cut in half.

Gu Shen did not stop.

He suddenly increased his speed, put his shoulder against the opponent's chest, and continued to charge forward... Bullets were coming one after another. These AIs had no concept of "companions". Their gunfire poured mercilessly towards Gu Shen's direction, and they were all killed. The "human shield" in front of him stopped him, and a burst of crackling and shattering sounds quickly exploded, making people feel a sense of physical pain when they heard it!

The "shield" held up by Gu Shen had dozens of bloody pits exploded behind it!

It felt no pain, and was still able to move without being terminated. This AI "hardly" reached out to hold the handle of the saber at its waist... but before it had time to take it out of the sheath, a bright light flashed by!


The light of the cross sword came out of the body, Gu Shen slashed the source armor AI, broke out of the shell, and within ten seconds, he broke through head-on... and arrived in the formation composed of the ten source armor AIs.


It was a massacre.

There is no suspense when a wolf joins a flock of sheep.

Gu Shen danced among the AIs, with heavy snow flying and source armor flying. He waved his long knife like a melon and vegetable. After a minute, all the AIs fell to the ground.

Gu Shen slowly inserted the long knife into the ground.

The extremely powerful mental power... allows him to control this source armor with great stability in the virtual network.

There is no way these AIs can stop him for even a second in close combat.

This is not a problem that quantity can solve.

This is a "qualitative" leap.

On the other side of the snow, Chu Ling's applause sounded.


She smiled and said: "It's a pity that the opponent is too weak."

Gu Shen shook his head helplessly: "With the current military technology, it is amazing to be able to achieve this step. These AIs have already shown a certain degree of combat intelligence, and they actually know how to unite against me."

If these AIs appear on the scene, they will choose to fight independently instead of united front.

Then this battle will be resolved faster!

This battle cabin can still have a certain training effect on ordinary third-level extraordinary people.

For most extraordinary beings, it is not easy to defeat ten AI opponents in one go.

"It's a pity... for me, they are still too weak." Gu Shen murmured in his heart.

Azhar is right.

This thing can only be used as a toy.

Get familiar with the operation of Source A, and temper your "spirit" by the way.

The battle cabin does have a warm-up effect. After this battle, Gu Shen feels that he is in good condition... Unfortunately, there is nothing left to fight next. This instrument can only bring out ten AI opponents at most.

The hardest difficulty level has been cleared.

Just when he was about to quit.

Above the snowy field, a system prompt box suddenly popped up.

"Someone has issued a challenge. Do you accept [the challenge]?"

Gu Shen was startled.

What the hell...someone challenged me?

He subconsciously turned around and looked at Chu Ling's position.

Chu Ling stood up, crossed her arms, looked at the end of the snowfield, and said with a smile: "Don't look at me, this prompt box has nothing to do with me... There is a second transcendent, and the link has entered this battle cabin. "


Gu Shen frowned.

In the wind and snow, Chu Ling's figure gradually faded. She exited the LAN link of the battle cabin, leaving the entire snowfield to Gu Shen, but the mental link was still maintained.

Chu Ling gave it a try and said, "Don't worry, it's not Meng Xiao. You can have a fight with her. You'll know after the fight, right?"

The system did not receive a reply from Gu Shen and started the final countdown.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

Gu Shen smiled.

He raised the long knife again and said calmly: "I accept the [challenge]."

Those who can enter the building are all extremely powerful "exemption candidates", captain-level geniuses of the Duolu River Mission Squadron.

If they were to fight in the real world, he wouldn't dare to guarantee that he would win.

After all, the strength is quite different.

These "exemption candidates" are all fourth-level transcendent beings. Fisher, Zhong Yuan, and the captain of the team should all be at the eleventh level of perfection, just one step away from being banned... No matter how talented Gu Shen is, there is no such thing as There is no way to cross so many realms and compete with a strong man of this level on the seventh floor.

But in the "spiritual world", it's different!

In the spiritual world, he has nothing to fear.

In the duel on the "virtual network", the gap in extraordinary strength is not that important!

I just feel that the level of these AIs is too low!


The snowy field was silent for a few seconds. After the LANs of the two battle cabins completed a stable link, Gu Shen felt a beam of light shrouding him... Then the frozen snow danced, and he walked out of the beam. Two hundred meters away, there was an equally slender and thin beam. The red Source Armor figure walked out.

Is this my opponent?


Gu Shen's voice was interrupted just as he spoke!

The opponent raises his hand and shoots!

The same gun, the same bullets...but the power of this guy's shots is much stronger than the previous AI!


Gu Shen's pupils shrank, and he quickly raised his knife. The sharp blade that was originally used to cut and cut was like a stream of bullets. This time, it was beaten like thunder, shaking wildly from left to right... Gu Shen could not insert the long knife into the snow to release his force. At the same time, The whole person was hit by bullets and fell back.

After pulling out a gun to interrupt Gu Shen's speech, the red phantom began to act.

She swept towards Gu Shen's side and behind.

This was an opponent with extremely strong calculation ability. He took over the entire battle from the moment he took action... When Gu Shen stepped into the snow with his back foot and put his hands on the knife to release his force, the second bullet rushed out from the diagonal stab.

This is an extremely weird and tricky angle.

Gu Shen took a deep breath and concentrated to the extreme.

He suddenly drew the knife, no longer retreating, but accurately found the position of the second bullet and tried to cut it in the air.


There was an explosion, and the third bullet attached to the master's mental power accelerated and shot out, hitting the tail of the previous bullet and igniting like a firework... The raging flames engulfed Gu Shen.

Gunfire is just the prelude.

The red phantom circled in a large circle and successfully penetrated Gu Shen's back. With a sharp look, she unceremoniously exposed her true intention.

It is completely different from those AIs that keep distance and only attack from a distance!

All she did was to get close and kill him!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

In a second, she emptied the magazine, and several bullets shattered the mist of fire.

Then kick the ground and counterattack!

The tail of the source armor burst out with a roar... Using the huge arc from the side to perform buffer acceleration, she even caught up with the bullet she fired!

Fire and snow mist burned each other.

The blurry figure of the fighting force could be vaguely seen in the snow, before it could complete its turn.

"Is it over..."

She recited this sentence silently in her heart, then drew her sword and took it out of its sheath!

At this moment, time in her eyes became very slow.

The six bullets smashed into flames and snow in the air, and were supposed to embed themselves in the back of the opponent's head... But the target suddenly moved, and in Mu Wanqiu's eyes, the blurry figure began to shake rapidly.

【End Flash】?

No...this jitter frequency has not yet reached the level of [complete flash]!

Look at it this way.

The opponent was able to dodge these six bullets, but there was no way to dodge his final slash.

The next second.

Mu Wanqiu's mind completely changed.

The figure trembled and retreated... Yes, she guessed correctly, this was not a [complete dodge] at all. The frequency was not enough, so there was no way to dodge all the attacks on the spot.

So Gu Shen chose to retreat.

The moment he stepped back, he raised his gun.


He only fired one shot!

This shot, under the control of mental power, collided head-on with the one directly above the six bullets with great accuracy, and then both shifted. The second time, two bullets collided with two... and then It's the third time.

After the third collision, six bullets exploded.

Mu Wanqiu snorted, this was just basic trajectory calculation, not a powerful skill.

It's just that the opponent's unexpected battle choice... interrupted her perfect plan!

Fiery heat mist exploded between the two of them. Her sword had been unsheathed. If she gave up the attack at this moment, she would miss the opportunity. If she continued to charge forward, she might fall into a passive position.

Before she could hesitate.


On the other side of the fire mist, the sound of breaking through the sky sounded!

That guy didn't make the slightest adjustment and launched a counterattack with his sword drawn?

Amid the fire mist, a figure as black as a ghost emerged!

Gu Shen raised his knife and smashed it——


This sword was extremely powerful.

Mu Wanqiu hurriedly drew his knife to fight, and was almost thrown into the snow. This kind of pure close-quarters fighting had no layout or planning at all. The guy on top of him used the simplest, The most brutal way, interrupting all combat changes!

One knife, another knife, another knife!

Gu Shen's expression was gloomy... Ever since that guy took out the gun, he had been led around by the nose. Now that he had finally broken the situation, he didn't want to give the other party a chance to breathe!

Mental power, head-on!

Let’s see who can’t stand it first!

The red source armor parried again and again, and after dozens of blows, the lower half of his body was smashed into the snow.

at last.

Two long knives, pressed together.

One up and one down, forming a stalemate.

Gu Shen looked ugly. This battle was not as simple as he thought. The opponent's spirit was extremely strong... Under the continuous blows, the red source armor was able to parry every sword perfectly, but he was finally at a disadvantage. At this moment Even I feel "tired" already, that guy must have consumed more!

The snow mist curled up.

Gu Shen frowned and looked intently.

He looked in front of him in disbelief. In the mask of the red source armor, there was actually a pretty and angry face of a woman.

His opponent is Beizhou's "S-class", Mu Wanqiu?

(PS: 1. Sorry everyone, because I had something to do during the day, I started typing at night, so the update is a bit late. 2. If it says it will break out, it will break out. I will stay up late to write another chapter. If you can’t wait, you can go to bed first.)

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