Barrier of Light

Chapter 544 The Big Explosion of Destiny

"Zhenyue brought so many people?"

Yuan Yuan lowered his voice, but there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice.

Those who can become exempt from the test must naturally pass the Central City's review. Each of these seven pre-determined "captain" level experts has sufficient strength.

Because you are strong, you have privileges.

But I haven’t seen anyone, like Grand Duke Zhenyue, directly appoint an entire team!

Does this still require detachment?

"These are all his 'followers' after he became a prince. Some are from Guangming City, but since they are willing to join us and contribute to the fortress border... Beizhou will not refuse."

Lu Zhe said calmly: "The people he brought are strong enough and meet the requirements of the appointees. The guys in Central City have no reason to object... For us, restarting the mission is so dangerous. Who would want to take them with them?" Are you going to take risks with your old subordinates?"

On the one hand, they are unwilling to take risks.

On the other hand, the restart mission requires very high strength.

In Zhong Yuan's second team, there are only two or three people who can be brought over if they meet the pre-determined conditions. The overall strength of the first team is slightly stronger, but it is also limited.

"It makes sense." Yuan Yuan nodded and murmured: "But this guy acts in a high-profile manner and is really unlikable... It's a good thing that he doesn't join the team."

He didn't want to meet Zhenyue again.

"Okay, stop paying attention to him."

Zhong Yuan said calmly: "Although we are working together on this mission... But after entering the disaster situation, we will explore separately and do our jobs well. There is no need to pay too much attention."

On the airship.

"I haven't seen such a lively scene for a long time."

A burly man with one eye covered with black cloth, sitting in a chair with a relaxed posture, looking at the picture on the rooftop of the building through the central control screen, these exempted candidates are selecting their own team members...

The Central City meeting is over.

The generals drew up the final list of people to participate in the restart mission. In addition, they also confirmed the overall commander of the mission.

The Eye of the Third Legion, Osmond!

"These young people remind me of the scene thirty years ago..." Osmond's remaining eye showed a trace of reminiscence, and he smiled lowly: "That was the first time we went to a super-large disaster. , standing in front of you, I am as nervous as they are at the moment, excited and eager to try."

The identity of the person who can be called "you" by the Eye of the Third Legion is self-evident.

On the other side of the central control screen, [Deep Sea] is connected to the network in an unknown place. The signal there is not very good, and the picture fluctuates for a while, and it takes several seconds for one or two frames to appear.

Vaguely visible, the world over there is swept by wind and snow, with white cloaks flying like flags and hunters dancing wildly.

"...You have to be careful when restarting the mission this time."

General White Lizard's hoarse voice came from the spiritual link in the ice and snow.

Osmond smiled: "Don't worry."

Bai Lizi hummed slightly.


His signal was disconnected.

The main control screen was not silent for too long. After a few seconds, a new spiritual link applied to join.

Osmond sat upright, corrected his demeanor, and then chose to connect.

The screen jumped, and a delicate, gentle and pretty face appeared.

"Lord Legion Commander."

Osmond greeted warmly.

He admired the "Legion Commander" of the Survey Corps from the bottom of his heart. Many people in the border areas expressed disdain for her behavior of serving His Majesty and never leaving the castle... After all, this woman holds the power of the entire Survey Corps. Every one of her subordinates has to go out to perform tasks, but she alone lives deep in the central city. , be alone.

This is not in line with the Beizhou general's style of taking matters into his own hands and taking the lead.

But the very few senior executives who know the general situation on the second floor don't think so.

If there is only one person who can serve Her Majesty the Queen.

Then this person can only be Ziyu.

"Sir Osmond, we 'met' again. If I remember correctly... the last time we cooperated was ten years ago."

The legion leader had a gentle and pleasant face, looking peaceful and graceful.

But those are all lies!

There is an extremely blazing fire hidden in this woman's eyes. Once released, it is enough to burn everything in front of her to ashes. Only those who have fought side by side with her know how powerful this seemingly weak body actually is. energy of!

Ten years ago, Osmond and Ziyu performed missions in disaster areas together.

To this day, every time he recalls the terrifying power of this legion commander, he always feels palpitations.

"Your Majesty's heroic demeanor is vivid in my mind. It has been like one day for ten years, and it is still fresh in my memory."

Osmond's voice was filled with emotion. Ten years had passed since he was stationed at the frontier fortress. Only then did he realize that his hair and temples had turned a little gray, but this woman didn't seem to have aged much.

He laughed at himself, why was he so sentimental today?

"If there is an opportunity, I would like to have a drink with you and reminisce about the past, but now is not the time." Ziyu said a simple greeting and then got straight to the point: "At this grand gathering in Central City, the generals are strongly recommending you as the commander-in-chief of this mission. Looking ahead Beizhou...there is indeed no commander more suitable to lead this mission than Your Excellency."

The last crusade mission was jointly planned by General White Lizard and the legion commander.

Now, General White Lizard is heading north alone and has not yet returned.

Ziyu, on the other hand, serves the castle wholeheartedly and has no time to be distracted.

There is only one candidate left for the "commander" to restart the mission... Of course, this is not a helpless move. Osmond's ability and prestige are enough to control this operation!

"His Majesty appointed a young man to be your adjutant. This matter... was not notified to the Central City meeting." Ziyu said slowly: "Your Majesty believes that the adjutant matter will be announced after the mission is over. good."

"Oh?" Osmond raised his eyebrows.

His Majesty’s appointed adjutant...

"Legion Commander, I respect your Majesty's will." Osmond said solemnly: "But the ugly words are ahead. This mission is of great importance. It is not easy to be my adjutant... If this emperor appointed If a person is not capable enough, I won’t give him face.”

Ziyu smiled.

"Do not worry."

She said calmly: "There is no need to take more care of him because of his status as the 'appointed person'. You can just make normal arrangements. I hope that through this mission, you can polish him up."

"Oh... Your Majesty wants me to polish him?"

Osmond was stunned.

On the other side of the airship, the belly compartment was opened and the elevator slowly rose.

He subconsciously turned back and looked at the door of the passage. The bright light falling outside the automatic sensor door was a bit dazzling, and a straight, familiar young figure came into view.

The young man saluted solemnly and said respectfully: "Your Excellency Osmond, we meet again."

"It turns out it's you...Lin."

Osmond suddenly understood the true intention of the legion commander's words.

He smiled and shook his head.

What a coincidence. He had been stationed at Beizhou's main defense line for many years, and he had always had a good impression of this young man.

If he had to choose his own adjutant... Lin Lin would be the best choice for this mission!

It's been calm these days.

On the first day, the extraordinary beings who came to this building were all attracted by one person. Grand Duke Zhenyue was waiting on the rooftop for the final list to be drawn up. Then he directly took away those "intentional candidates" who belonged to him, and said that he The team is complete and will not participate in the subsequent teaming ceremony.

Before this, everyone had more or less heard the story of this young archduke.

Commander Osmond said nothing about this.

Training is normal.

Judging from this incident, Zhenyue seems to have his own "privileges" this time around.

Where there is privilege, there is a mission.

This world is big, and this world is also small.

When the one hundred extraordinary people on the final list entered the training ground, the originally empty building was no longer so quiet. In the deserted bar, you could occasionally see people having a drink or two.

Apart from Grand Duke Zhenyue, the person who caused the most discussion was Gu Shen... This young S-class from Dongzhou enjoyed incredible preferential treatment after arriving in Beizhou, which also caused a lot of criticism.

Everyone knows that Zhenyue and Gu Shen had a head-on conflict at the conferment dinner not long ago.

The two are now together again.

Many people are looking forward to seeing what sparks will come out of these two fierce rivalries...


Everything was as usual, the sun rose and the moon set. Except for occasionally going to the battle cabin on the 37th floor to relax, Gu Shen basically never left his floor.

These two people had no chance of meeting each other.

Not to mention sparks.

A bright glow filled the house.

Meng Xiao sat cross-legged, with four exquisite porcelain bowls placed in the four corners around him.

These four porcelain bowls are respectively engraved with the sun, moon, stars and clouds.

This is a set of sealed objects used to suppress spirits.

The four-corner link suppressed the blazing spiritual radiance within a one-meter circle, and also suppressed Meng Xiao's mental power stably on the tenth level...

This time, he was not shirtless, but wore a black robe.

This robe is also a sealed item.

The seven followers were in the pavilion, several meters away, watching quietly... This scene looked a bit strange, because it was too quiet, and it seemed like some kind of ceremony was being held.

In fact, this is a more serious "sacrifice" than a "ceremony".

The bright atmosphere that fills the house comes from the distant Xizhou.

These radiances continue to overflow from Meng Xiao's scars, continue to overflow, and turn into billowing steam... It looks like he is like a blazing copper furnace, burning blazingly, with strong internal fire, and the boiling of these spiritual radiances , and became more and more frightening amid the constant burning excitement.

Looks majestic.

But the truth is different.

This is not a voluntary "dispersion of power" on his part.

But not under control.

The "blazing bracelet" on Meng Xiao's wrist... began to revive under such intense spiritual burning, and the robe on his body began to burn. His mental power and light aura seemed to be guided by some force, moving towards The bracelet flew away.

In this world, not only darkness can turn into a black hole.

If it's pure enough.

Light... will too.

The bracelet turned into a blazing light that wrapped around the wrist, swallowing up all the boiling spirit and fragments of light.

Meng Xiao closed his eyes tightly and was immersed in the dream guided by the bracelet.

He saw one scene after another of broken scenes with rapid cuts.

This is the "sacrifice" that Meng Xiao is holding.

The bracelet on this wrist was a relic left to him by his father. Meng Xiao originally thought it was just an ordinary jewelry among many relics... But when he really explored it, he realized that it was a "divination" item. Destiny's forbidden relic.

As long as you can pay enough.

He can then see his "disastrous future"——

What kind of terrifying power is this?

As long as he feeds the bracelet, those scenes that will have an adverse impact on his future, even if they are thousands of miles away, even in the [Old World]... this bracelet can accurately capture them and send them into his spiritual sea.

All living beings in the world are pulled by invisible threads of fate.

And he is the "theater" who has the right to watch his own destiny. He can see all the divination of disasters in advance and respond to them!

And this time, he wanted to see more...

The speed of mental energy burning is extremely fast.

He saw a long corridor filled with flames.

I saw the attic where ice and snow were dancing.

He saw the female emperor sitting high on the throne, looking down at the "spiritual crystal ball" suspended in front of her.

The blazing light surged, and the robe on Meng Xiao's body burned into embers and adhered to his body. After a few seconds, it was also swallowed up by the bracelet... His expression became a little pale.

He didn't expect that this time the bracelet would lead him to the Queen's residence.

What does it mean?

Is my destiny related to the Queen?

He manipulated his mind to see more pictures, his eyes gradually came closer, and he was immersed in the world in the "spiritual crystal ball".

Because he was far away from the forbidden attic, his mental consumption was no longer so intense.

Meng Xiao subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. The scene in the Queen's attic was just a passing scene. This should be considered a good thing...

He saw the Queen staring down.

Boundless, turbulent river water, dark and sticky.

Doru River?

The next moment... Meng Xiao's relaxed face became stiff.

He saw a familiar figure.

Above the river, black clothes were flying.

Ever since the news of the maze mission in "Gubao" reached his ears, every time he used the bracelet, he would see this guy named Gu Shen... Every time, every time!

This time, it's no exception.

But the difference this time is...

This time, in the "Future Divination" scene, the young man named Gu looked back at "himself".

It's like I'm aware of myself watching from far away in time and space!

Meng Xiao's breath was stagnant.

He knew that all this was his illusion... This bracelet only provided a "picture" of the future, and even the queen in the attic was not aware of this method of divination. Why was this young man aware of it?

What really shocked Meng Xiao was.

In the picture given by the bracelet, the flow of time became very slow... He seemed to see that at the end of the dark river, a grand long light burst out, so powerful that it shot straight into the sky, as if it was going to swallow up the entire world.

This seems to be what the bracelet wants to remind myself...

In the future, my destiny will be affected by "that kind of thing".

That was a... big explosion?

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