Barrier of Light

Chapter 559 Entering the Mirror

Just disappeared?

Just disappeared.

Black snow swept across the sky, and after the howling wind dissipated, Gu Shen's figure also dissipated.

Grand Duke Zhenyue looked stunned for a second.

But he soon regained his composure.

Along this way of climbing, I and my followers have already seen the strangeness of this snow-capped mountain.

The reason why I was surprised just now was because I didn’t expect this rule to come so quickly!

In fact, Meng Xiao already had a rough guess about the rules of Black Snow Mountain.

In the divination image that the bracelet fed back to him, there was a picture of a "replica" and related prompts, so he predicted in advance that there might be an independent mirror world on this black snow mountain!

But just now, he wasted some time checking the corpse of "Gu Shen's clone" on the top of the mountain. When he chased down the mountain again, his team members had "disappeared out of thin air."

This can be regarded as evidence that confirms the previous conjecture.

His own team members were dragged into the nightmare door!


He still doesn't know the specific pattern of nightmares.

"Is it light?"

Zhenyue thought for a moment, then turned back to look at the other side of the snow-capped mountains, which was the direction he came from.

In the bracelet, he saw a scene of Gu Shen trekking alone on the black snow mountain.

So he knows.

This is the best place to ambush Gu Shen!

It’s just that... Gu Shen was climbing the mountain with Zhong Yuan’s team. There was no reason for the group to separate. At this moment, he understood the reason why Gu Shen was alone. The nightmare door would swallow up the creatures that ignited the "light" to maintain the black snow mountain. of long darkness.

However, his own blessed light and Gu Shen's S-level blazing fire were both too special.

Even if it touches the taboo, it does not provoke the nightmare rappelling!

Thinking of this.

Meng Xiao collected the blessings emanating from his body, the light of the dim moon dispersed, the robe slowly settled down, and he also fell into darkness.

He knelt down and picked up a stone.

Imitating Gu Shen's previous actions.

In the dark night.

A faint fire lit up.

Grand Duke Zhenyue raised his head and looked at the black tide that made a dense whistling sound in the distance.

The sudden snowfall came again without warning and drowned him.

To others, each piece of black snow falling from the Iron Dome is like a blade falling on the spirit.

These snow flakes, when accumulated, will freeze the lake in the heart.

The spirit of an extraordinary person will be weakened bit by bit in the heavy snow, and will gradually collapse.

But for Gu Shen.

When he extinguished the blazing fire, held the light of the stone in his hand, and was drowned by the black snow tide, instead of feeling cold, a ray of warmth emerged in his heart... These black snows would not consume his spirit.

Perhaps, this has the same origin as the "Power of Hades" that he has not yet integrated.

The fire went out.

Covered with black snow.

Gu Shen was convinced that he had come to another world. Although the scene in front of him had not changed, the snow mountain was still the same snow mountain, and he was still the person standing on the mountainside. After the tide dissipated, it had completely disappeared.

The whole world became extremely quiet, and not a single ray of light could be seen.

Successfully came to the mirror world.

Gu Shen felt like a "fish in water". He stretched out his palm and black snow flew towards him. This feeling was quite strange... He seemed to have mastered a power more powerful than the real world, wearing a ghost veil Afterwards, the spiritual power spread freely, extending far away in this dark place.

Even as powerful as Zhong Yuan, a peak fourth-level transcendent, reality and illusion are still confused in this mirror world.

But Gu Shen didn't feel confused.

Is it because of the underworld fire?

In the Rule of Truth, the small transaction he forced the devil to make confirmed the existence of the Black Snow Mountain Gate and the conditions for his entry!

Turn off the heat.

Change to a cheaper, inferior fire, and you can enter the [door]!

Gu Shen knows... this method is not difficult. It won't be long before Meng Xiao can see the pattern. Maybe he is trying it right now and will catch up soon.

"It's time to hurry up."

Gu Shen let out a long breath.

Not far from the mirror world, he felt a few faint breaths... The black snow here was more corrosive than the real world, so wearing the Zhenyue robe, the Zhenyue followers who had entered it in one step earlier , the light that can be emitted at this moment has been greatly weakened.

in this world.

These people are "blind", but they are not.

The darkness here, in Gu Shen's eyes... is just the right amount of light.

He put away his iron sword and walked forward slowly.

Under the control of [Iron Throne], the iron edge turned into countless iron filings, attached to Gu Shen's body, and returned to its original indestructible steel armor.

And the arc of the Ruler of Truth peeled off.

Silvery white light flew around Gu Shen.

He was wearing a ghost veil, and driven by his mind, the fire in his forehead flickered, the arc of fire and truth, and the black snow that slapped on his cheeks, produced a wonderful reaction... Gu Shen's face changed little by little. It must be gloomy and forbidding.

The robe on his body also grew longer amidst the flying black snow, and finally swayed in the wind, turning into a large robe.

On this robe, there is an extremely bright pattern engraved on it.

With one hand, he suppressed Gu Yue.

"Bakui, where are we...?"

Seven followers are on a long and destinationless journey.

Ever since the sudden snow wave came, they had completely lost Gu Shen's vision, and the originally promising massacre... had to be interrupted.

"Damn it... I must have fallen into this kid's trick."

Ba Kui looked ugly.

He is the most powerful one under Zhen Yue.

At this moment, the entire team... was in a dilemma. No one could figure out what happened. After all, they had too little information. Although Grand Duke Zhenyue mastered the magical skill of "disaster divination", he Never share his divination results with others.

The rules and regulations of this black snow mountain.

Their knowledge was limited to the few battles they encountered when they entered the mountain...

They met extraordinary beings who were exactly like themselves and had great fighting prowess. After a fight, they successfully killed those "replicas" and moved on without having time to study them.

Because Meng Xiao didn't care about the strange things on the black snow mountain. He held the blessing of Guangming City in his hand and the guidance of the bracelet. When he entered the snow mountain, he wanted to find Gu Shen and kill Gu Shen as soon as possible!

But now...

The entire team lost contact with Meng Xiao.

"Gu Shen...has he mastered some weird evil arts?" A follower of Guangming City gritted his teeth and was puzzled. "I have heard that there are such weird warlocks in Nanzhou before. Maybe he Do you also practice some practice?"

Baguio nodded matter-of-factly.

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Gu Shen turned around and refused to escape, and watched as the snow wave swallowed up his group... The scene was so weird, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like he had summoned the black snow to scatter him.

"I can't find the exit from this damn place..."

Another team member asked: "Is it possible that this is a dream?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Several followers who were busy running around felt quite "enlightened".


Thinking of the "replica" I encountered earlier...

The conjecture of the mirror world slowly emerged.

"So, are we hypnotized?"

Ba Kui calmed down, frowned and spoke.

When he was with Zhenyue, he would be scolded every day.

Of course Baquet also knows that apart from his good fighting talent, he has no special talents. I am afraid that he will not be able to lead the whole team at this moment that requires quick wits, so he has never made a radical choice and just led the team forward. Take another walk.

In this uncertain situation.

There is nothing wrong with taking a few walks to explore the surroundings of the situation.


Several team members gave this reply that was close to the truth.

", slap me, don't spare any force."

Ba Kui turned to look at his teammates beside him and said seriously: "I remember Master Zhenyue said that strong stimulation will cause the spirit of the extraordinary to leave the dream. Maybe this will be a way to leave here."


The team member obviously didn't guess that there was such an operation.

He knew Ba Kui's character well. Once he made up his mind, even ten cows couldn't pull him back. He was silent for a second, then rounded up his palm and slapped him hard.


Ba Kui was hit so hard that he staggered a big step, half of his cheeks bulging high. The slap made his eyes scarlet red, almost inducing a half-animal state... After shaking his head hard.

Everything is as before.

Just a little dizzy.


Ba Kui sucked the tooth flower seeds hard and gasped in pain, "The method Master Zhenyue said doesn't seem to work well, does it?"

The team member asked softly: "Am I too weak..."

Ba Kui glared sharply: "What, you want to do it again?"

The man immediately fell silent.

"The top priority now is no longer killing Gu Shen, but how do we get out?"

Although he received a slap, Ba Kui, who was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, quickly recovered.

He sat cross-legged in the snow and stopped moving forward.

After leading the team and trekking aimlessly for a while, everyone's energy was somewhat exhausted... The surrounding scene had not changed much, with endless black snow and densely packed rugged rocks.

Everything here seems to be cyclical.

It looks like it's been moving forward, but in fact... it's constantly making detours and returning to the starting point.

"We just disappeared, Lord Zhenyue shouldn't just ignore it, right?"

One of the team members murmured: "If we really can't find a way out, adults will come to rescue us?"


Ba Kui was silent for a while. Although he was stupid, he understood Zhen Yue's character. This master came straight to the snow mountain, obviously to kill Gu Shen.


Ba Kui said softly: "But even if he comes...he will only come after killing Gu Shen."

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