Barrier of Light

Chapter 582 Breaking the [Door] (Please vote!)


A low roar echoed in the long and narrow corridor.

The brilliant sword slashed past.

Mu Wanqiu sheathed her sword and stood up, looking at the countless stone walls that she had chopped into pieces and the [portal] with black light flying behind the stone wall. She held her breath and looked at Gu Shen.

After a while.

Gu Shen shook his head.

"Eula Ola Ola——"

The judge took action again, picked up countless stones, sealed the stone wall, and the broken door was closed again.

The entire maze also returned to silence.

The ancient texts carved on the stone wall changed again with the disappearance of the [Gate]... Although Gu Shen could not understand these ancient texts, he could clearly sense the changes on the other side of the stone wall.

The danger sense coming from the cross pendant kept rising and falling.

This is the way to "leave" here.

It's simple and crude, doesn't require much thinking, but is a bit time-consuming.

Theoretically...if you can't understand the ancient text, you won't be able to leave here.

But for Gu Shen, who had an "absolutely correct hunch", it was only a matter of time before he found the right [door]... After roughly confirming the "rules" of this maze, he didn't even need to move. , just stand in a fixed position and keep breaking the same stone wall in front of you.

What happened next... all he could do was wait for a long time.


"Broken again."

Gu Shen spoke again and again.

Mu Wanqiu struck out again and again.

In the underground maze, the sound of swords and the clanking of broken walls kept ringing out.

In view of the fact that [The Protection of the Goddess of Destiny] is too special to explain at all, and it is inconvenient to expose... Every time Mu Wanqiu breaks the stone wall with his sword, Gu Shen needs to "carefully" look at it for a moment, so that he can pretend He looked like he was seriously doing divination.

Mu Wanqiu was unaware of this.

But there was one thing that went beyond Gu Shen's expectations.

At this moment, Mu Wanqiu's patience was surprisingly good. She had hacked the same stone wall hundreds of times for several hours in a row, but the result every time was "failure"... She didn't even get angry, and she didn't even get angry. Not even the slightest hint of impatience appeared.

After careful observation.

Gu Shen discovered that every time this crazy woman used her sword, it hit the same spot. The force became lighter and lighter, and the crushing effect became better and better. Was she taking this opportunity to practice sword skills and study the characteristics of the stone wall?

In the past few hours, Mu Wanqiu became more precise and powerful every time he used the knife.

[Judge] The speed of repairing the portal is getting faster and faster...

As expected of a native of Beizhou, with "warlike" blood flowing in his body.


This time I broke through the wall again and again, but I didn't get the "safety induction" that existed in theory.

Every time a new [door] appears, the pendant will send back a weak spiritual signal, and each signal message is very unified.



【"Extremely dangerous."】

Every signal sent back is dangerous!

Gu Shen knows that being trapped in this underground maze is not necessarily a bad thing. During this period, his energy has recovered a little... But if he keeps chopping like this, how long will it take to find the correct one? Door】?

Could it be... my own guess, is there anything wrong with it?

Who designed these broken [doors]? There are so many of them and their intentions are so vicious...

Gu Shen had a strong contempt for the designer of this ancient ruins from the bottom of his heart.

There was a "boom"!

A sudden blasting sound suddenly brought Gu Shen's thoughts back to the real world. This time the movement was so violent that the weak fire between his eyebrows swayed in shock!

There are changes...

The feeling returned by the cross pendant is also different from before!

Two different "danger inductions" were superimposed.

Gu Shen's pupils contracted.

"Close the door quickly!"

Staring at the door, cold sweat flowed from his forehead, and the voice he subconsciously roared was vaguely hoarse.

Mu Wanqiu held a long knife and stood behind the dark and chaotic [door]. She narrowed her eyes and frowned as she looked at the door filled with "chaos" in all directions. For some reason... she also had an ominous feeling this time. premonition.

Before Gu Shen could finish his words, the judge had already taken action.

The huge snow-white ghost spread out its arms and shot out thousands of shadows in an instant, closing the stone wall back in an instant.

After the stone wall is closed.

Gu Shen let out a long breath.

Mu Wanqiu glanced at Gu Shen, who was still frightened, and asked in confusion, "What did you see?"

The previous few times I broke the [door], there was no such violent reaction. Could it be that there are still living creatures coming out from behind the [door] this time?

Thinking of this.

Mu Wanqiu was startled, as if there really was one.

"It's Meng Xiao..."

Gu Shen stared at the closing stone wall. The ominous premonition in his heart slowly subsided, and he felt relieved. He turned around and explained seriously: "Meng Xiao is behind the [door] just now!"

Two different danger sensations, superimposed together, were transmitted back to the spiritual sea by the cross pendant.

One comes from Meng Xiao!

The other one... comes from the unknown behind the [door].

What really frightens Gu Shen is not Meng Xiao, but the unknown induction... Breaking the [door] hundreds of times in a row, this is the most dangerous induction signal sent back by the pendant!

Take a deep breath.


Gu Shen twitched the corners of his mouth, and then couldn't help laughing.

Meng Xiao came here as expected.

Moreover... he was also transported to an extremely dangerous [door].

This is really good news that makes people feel happy.

Although he was in great pain from being tortured by countless broken [doors] here, Gu Shen felt relieved when he saw that Meng Xiao was in more pain than himself.

Mu Wanqiu thought for a moment and understood why Gu Shen was laughing.

Taking pleasure in misfortune is an innate trait of all human beings... Thinking of this, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, but they quickly returned to their original state.

For her, as long as Meng Xiao is still alive.

This is not good news.

Mu Wanqiu slowly put away the knife.

She did not continue to chop down the stone wall in front of her, but suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with breaking the wall: "Why are you being chased by Meng Xiao?"

Gu Shen thought hard to no avail and let out a long sigh: "Being hunted...does one need a reason?"


Mu Wanqiu said softly: "Everything in this world has a reason. If Meng Xiao came here just to summon the 'Throne of Light', then why should he be so persistent that he would not hesitate to jump into the 'River of Styx' to kill you... "

"If I say 'I don't know,' do you believe me?"

Gu Shen shrugged, looked directly into Mu Wanqiu's eyes, and said calmly: "But it is indeed the case. The first time I came to the land of Beizhou, after completing the mission of Gubao, I was targeted by Meng Xiao... a ghost I know why he is going crazy and chasing me."

After hearing this, Mu Wanqiu's expression remained unchanged.

She held the knife quietly and just stared at Gu Shen, with the words "You continue" written on her face.

"All right……"

Gu Shen smiled.

It seems that this problem cannot be easily solved.

Mu Wanqiu just looks simple-minded... But this woman is not a fool. Putting aside her S-level intuition, she still has a little bit of brain.

“Since you even know ‘River Styx’, what can’t you guess?”

Gu Shen said calmly: "Meng Xiao's pursuit of me is probably because light and darkness are incompatible... He thinks that I am 'dark', so he will naturally pursue me."


Mu Wanqiu's expression finally changed. She frowned slightly, confused: "Why does Meng Xiao think you are... dark?"

The reason why she concealed her disaster dream was because she realized that this dream was most likely related to "Pluto".

Twenty years ago, that Pluto left a lot of shadows on Wuzhou.

Mu Wanqiu's concealment was to protect herself.

In the nightmare, his [Judge] looked at the majestic figure sitting on the throne at the end of the River Styx, his eyes full of yearning and the high salute of worship.

But Gu Shen in front of him...

That ordinary "flame", no matter how you look at it, has nothing to do with Pluto.

“Those who claim to be light certainly believe that they have the right to condemn ‘darkness’.”

"And those who do not agree with one's opinions and are against the interests of the light can be darkness."

Gu Shen smiled nonchalantly and said: "If he thinks I am black, then I can only be black... and the reason why the word "hunt" is unreasonable is because it does not need to go through the other party's experience. Agreed, Meng Xiao came to kill me with a knife. If I couldn't fight him, I could only run away. He started chasing me from the Black Snow Mountain. I had no choice but to jump into the River Styx, but he continued to chase me without mercy. , I can only escape through this door."

Very simple logic.

It's also cruel.

Mu Wanqiu was speechless for a moment, but she felt a little lucky in her heart. If her "dream" was leaked, would she be the unlucky guy targeted by Guangming City?

"Try again...this time, let's switch places."

Gu Shen stretched out his finger and pointed at the end of his sight.

Mu Wanqiu was slightly startled, "Change the place?"

"If... the ancient texts here are replaced at will, then there may be a large area marked as 'dangerous'. In that area, no matter how many [doors] appear, there is only one path to death. Optional." Gu Shen said slowly: "In order to avoid this possibility, we should select the [door] in an area where 'living' has appeared."

Mu Wanqiu's eyes lit up with a strange light: "That's... the stone wall I chopped down at the beginning."

The two came to the first stone wall.

Look at each other.

Gu Shen pointed carefully at a specific point on the stone wall.

He took a breath and said, "Broken."

Mu Wanqiu drew his sword.

This knife shattered the stone wall with great force.


I have seen the signal returned by the cross pendant countless times.

Gu Shen was not depressed. He shook his head. When the judge took action and repaired the stone wall, he spoke again.

"Broken again."

Mu Wanqiu drew his sword again.

This time, after the stone wall exploded, a different kind of bright light bloomed.

Under the stream of light, a [Door] entangled by countless gray airflows emerged.

This time, it seems to be different...

Mu Wanqiu looked at Gu Shen nervously.

Gu Shen, who silently held the pendant, stared at the gray door for a long time, and smiled tiredly: "These broken doors are finally broken."

(One more chapter before 6pm!)

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