Barrier of Light

Chapter 588 Discovery of [Gate]

Gu Shen couldn't see what happened on the other side of the portal, nor did he want to see it.

He could imagine the scene of Meng Xiao being swallowed up by the Holy Judge's soul.

The important thing is——

After "locking the door and letting the dogs out", the danger warning that always came from the pendant became significantly smaller.

Gu Shen stared at the closed door and clapped his hands expressionlessly: "I wish this 'just' blessed son of Guangming City to enjoy this reunion with old friends after so many years of separation."

It really is……

These irrational sages cannot be said to be old friends.

Twenty years have passed since they attacked the Hades Palace.

"Is this a joke from hell?" Mu Wanqiu asked in a low voice.


Gu Shen raised his eyebrows: "With our status, shouldn't we tell jokes like this?"

The blessed son of the God of Light, everything he does is righteous.

So no matter what they do, apostles of Pluto can only live in darkness.

Mu Wanqiu was silent.

"Why do I feel that twenty years ago, what this hall experienced... was more than just being attacked by the Holy Inquisitor." Gu Shen cast his gaze deeper into the main hall.

That was the light point that the devil guided him to. According to the content of the transaction, the deepest part of this hall was the source of the "spiritual poison".

The cross pendant does not convey any fluctuations.

Theoretically speaking.

After the soul of the Holy Judge was eliminated, the danger in this hall was also eliminated.

"You mean...has anyone else been to this hall?" Mu Wanqiu was a little surprised when he heard this.

Originally, she didn't quite believe Gu Shen's words.

Together this journey.

Now she has completely changed her mind.

Gu Shen was worthy of being the successor of divination. Almost everything he predicted happened and was staged.

Mu Wanqiu has a clear understanding of her position. When there is a "divineer" in the team, she only needs to be a thug.

"Don't you think this hall is too clean?"

Gu Shen spoke softly: "The Holy Inquisitor had a fight here, but it's not so clean... It's like someone emptied the Hades Palace..."


Mu Wanqiu nodded with deep understanding.

She had this feeling long before she stepped into the main hall... There was nothing in this ghost place except the bronze lantern!

Is it possible that someone "patronized" in advance and looted all the valuables?

"I don't believe anyone would dare to loot Hades."

Gu Shen murmured softly, "But this is too weird..."

The light spot floated at the end of Hades.

Out of caution, Gu Shen approached slowly, but did not encounter any danger until he arrived. At the end of the Hades Palace stood a huge smooth black rock wall. The touch of it was completely different from the previous rock walls...

"This is not [the door]."

Mu Wanqiu bent her knuckles, tapped lightly, and said, "This is an extremely hard stone wall, nothing more."

Although no sword was drawn.

But after she touched it, she already had a rough estimate of the intensity in her mind.

I definitely can't cut through this stone wall.

If she were in the outside world, she would be interested in what kind of materials she could not cut even at the third level of peak strength. If she brought them back to the Survey Corps laboratory, it might speed up the progress of certain research projects.

But this is the Palace of Hades, so nothing is surprising.

"But... there should be a [door] here."

Gu Shen, who was standing next to Mu Wanqiu, listened to the hard knocking sound and spoke slightly bewilderedly.

This palace of Hades has reached its end.

If the purpose of the existence of this main hall is just to connect the ancient portal, then... this is actually a meaningless thing. How could Pluto build the most important main hall just to do this kind of thing?


There is another reason why Gu Shen is extremely confident.

That is the "light point" right in front of you.

And he couldn't see it.

The devil in the ruler seemed to have taken dumb medicine and made up his mind without saying a word. No matter how much he conveyed his spirit, he received no response... Gu Shen was helpless, because according to the agreement of the deal, the devil was responsible for providing directions, and other things, Don't care at all.

This is probably the most frustrating thing in the world.

Close at hand, far away.

This face was as black as ink, with a tall rock wall nearly 100 meters wide. There was no ancient inscription carved on it. It looked like this was really not a [door]... Gu Shen stared at it for a long time, racking his brains but couldn't think of anything. So, how did the "source" of mental toxins get put here?

"If there must be a [door] here..."

Just when Gu Shen was deep in thought.

Mu Wanqiu slowly stretched out her palm and whispered with some uncertainty: "Perhaps, it can be opened in the simplest way?"

This time, she pressed five fingers on the smooth rock wall.

The judge also extended his huge palm.

The two palms are superimposed.

work hard.

"Rumble, rumble..."

The palace hidden deep under the Styx suddenly vibrated and made a violent shaking sound.

Gu Shen looked at the shocking and speechless scene in front of him in silence.

This seemingly "perfect" smooth rock wall actually doesn't have any extraordinary aura. It's just an ordinary secret door, but it's too big.

All it takes is enough force... to push it until it flips over.

Mu Wanqiu obviously meets the conditions for "opening the door".

The dark hundred-meter door was slowly pushed forward by her and the judge. An invisible realm surrounded the woman. It was not easy to push the door open with her strange strength... For this reason, Mu Wanqiu summoned her own In the Judge's Domain, the tall ghost stretched out his palms and pushed the "secret door" forward slowly!

A dazzling ray of light refracted from the corners of the rock wall.

Gu Shen took two steps back.

This time, he was truly silent.

On the back of the rock wall, there is actually a huge "god statue"!

Who would have thought that there would be a magnificent statue of a hundred meters high hidden in the Hades Palace? The forehead of the statue was inlaid with a dark and gorgeous gem. The glow just now was refracted from the gem... Gu Shen finally found the "light spot" he had been pursuing all the way. The entire Dolu River was Toxins are emitted from this black gem.

This black rock wall has been pushed forward.

Mu Wanqiu stood at the foot of the statue in a daze.

In the dream of the Holy Judge, she wanted to see the face of Hades, but ended in failure.

Those extraordinary people in the City of Light are only qualified to be tortured by the River Styx, and have no chance to see what Pluto looks like who controls the River Styx.

At this moment, there is still mist around the face of the statue.

It's just that this "mist" is carved from black rock, with a texture as light and thin as a gauze scarf.

The whole face is still mysterious.

But the "black gem" on the forehead is extremely dazzling.

Mu Wanqiu came back to her senses and asked: "So Pluto is carving the rock wall in this place... actually wants to hide something precious, such as this statue?"

Gu Shen shook his head.

"No...the really precious thing is the gem on the head of the statue."

His voice was a little hoarse, but his eyes were fixed on the gem.

Gu Shen had been holding the cross pendant tightly, feeling the mental fluctuations all the time... However, until the rock wall pushed forward and the statue of the god was revealed, there was peace.

This calmness made Gu Shen feel a little weird.

After all, it is the Palace of Hades...

With the sensitivity of the cross pendant, even if I take two random steps, there should be some fluctuations, right?

At this moment, a subtle "ominous feeling" has been born in my heart.

But the pendant still didn't respond.

If you want to remove the mental poison, you must take off this "black gem". Judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not difficult to take off the gem...

But Gu Shen's intuition told him.

This "light spot" should not be touched.

"Each team, please report on the progress of your exploration."

In the main control boat, Lin Lin tried to establish a spiritual link with the team leader who was out exploring.

Due to the last disconnection incident.

The main control boat will actively apply for a link every once in a while.

"Team Deepscale, everything is fine."

"Triumph team, the signal is stable."

This is the fourteenth time the link has been established. The team's exploration is coming to an end... More than ten branch lines have been explored to the end. The good news is that no team has been attacked.

The dead bones of extraordinary creatures that were excavated earlier seemed to be just a "coincidence"... No team detected the "living" extraordinary aura.

And bad news.

Even the [door] has not appeared yet.

Osmond stood on the airship observation deck, looking at the black snow-capped mountains shrouded in clouds in the distance with one eye, looking very worried.

Her Majesty the Queen sent Beizhou's elite troops to arrive at the Doru River disaster area for one thing only -

Find the [door] leading to the old world!

As long as you find the [Gate], you can find the extraordinary source of energy that supports the growth of Dolu River!

The furnace of Central City is in desperate need of fuel right now!

On the other side of the attic, there was no pressure on him, the main commander, from beginning to end... But he felt very oppressed in his heart. Judging from the current mission progress, if the [door] can no longer be found, the main command boat will need to go dark. Heading towards the snowy mountains.

No one would be willing to set foot on that disastrous snow mountain.

While Osmond was deep in thought.

A shout of surprise came from the spiritual link of a certain river branch.


There is only one word, but it is powerful!

Osmond's pupils shrank, and he quickly came to the main screen and looked at the team that sent back the good news.

They reached the end of the river's branch.

Where the river dries up, there stands a withered forest, a swaying square door bursting out with bursts of black mist, covered by layers of forest leaves... But the dark brilliance, set against the color of the snow, looks extremely Eye-catching.

The two team members, one on the left and one on the right, stood at both ends of the portal of swaying black mist, showing their "results" to the main control boat!

"The Triumph Team has successfully completed the mission and has recorded the coordinates of the [Gate]!"

This scene caught both commanders, one and one small, by surprise.

Lin Lin looked at Osmond in surprise and found that the "Eye of the Third Legion" had the same look on his face, full of astonishment.

He was even ready for a tough fight.

If all the teams get nothing next, then everyone needs to go to the ominous black snow mountain!

But I never expected that things would take a turn of events.

The surprise came so suddenly!

However, the surprise did not last long. After a few seconds, the entire main control boat's link channel almost exploded.



Under the simultaneous coordination of the commander, the captains arrived at their mission location almost at the same time.

One message after another exploded in the communication channel.

"Deep Scale Team, found [Gate]!"

"Team Tianchen reported that the [Gate] was found at the end of Branch No. 7 of the Dolu River!"

"This is Zhongyuan. Lu Zhe's team found the [Gate] at the end of the snow ridge!"

(Still available tonight.)

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