Barrier of Light

Chapter 595 Head cutting

The giant wall collapsed and the smoke settled.

Gu Shen restrained himself, dusted off his shoulders, looked back and said softly: "The door is open."


The door opened.

The door cracked.

Mu Wanqiu silently cursed in her heart, who is the violent maniac? Judging from his performance just now, Gu Shen seems to be more violent than himself.

However, the interior of the corridor was not damaged, and the ancient texts and translated spiritual texts were well preserved.

This last corridor is about tens of meters long.

Gu Shen said with some regret: "It's a pity that these black rocks can't be taken away."

These are precious historical relics.

The identity of the mysterious "translator" is also a big mystery.

If these rocks are taken out of the disaster situation, some clues may be found.

"I have memorized all the words left by this 'translator'..." Mu Wanqiu whispered: "Even if this black rock cannot be taken away, it can still be regarded as something gained."

The two reached the end of the corridor.

I was so immersed in the text that I forgot to check this place thoroughly.

The final stone wall can be broken.

In the Temple of Hades, this is the symbol of the "door".

"Get ready, I'm opening the door."

Gu Shen warned aloud, then stretched out a palm and pressed it on the door. Theoretically, this was the exit of the Hades Palace, but no one knew... what would happen after the door was opened.

Mu Wanqiu held her breath.

A majestic impact burst out from Gu Shen's palm. In an instant, the door opened, and the raging river water poured in!

It is indeed the exit!

On the other side of the door, it leads directly to the River Styx!

"you go first."

After opening the door, Gu Shen gave way and gently pushed Mu Wanqiu.

The latter did not hesitate and jumped directly behind the door... And after she jumped, she subconsciously looked back and her expression became a little stunned.

Because Gu Shen did not move forward, but just stood there.

Mu Wanqiu left.

Gu Shen did not leave.

Gu Shen stood in front of the door, turned around, and stared expressionlessly at the collapsing hall outside the corridor. The first thing the Traveler statue did when he revived was to collapse the hall built by his tribe and destroy the hard work of Pluto. .

The souls of the Holy Judges who were floating in the hall were shot to death by the statue of the resurrection god.

He knew that the wisest thing to do at this moment was to leave here as soon as possible.

Travelers from the old world are attacking the Dolu River, and may come soon... That is the real catastrophe.

But Gu Shen did not choose to leave directly.

All the doors in the hall were destroyed.

He knew that among the destroyed doors, one... belonged to Meng Xiao.

"How long will you continue to hide?"

Standing in the darkness, Gu Shen spoke softly.


These words echoed faintly in the hall.

The sound of collapse accompanied by the falling gravel seemed a bit lonely.

Not a single sound responded.

There was no trace of life in those broken portals that had been shot to pieces by the idols.

But...this doesn't mean that there are no living people.

Gu Shen has always been a "cruel" character. His creed is that if you want to do bad things, you must do them all.

When cutting weeds, be sure to remove the roots!

Although he personally imprisoned dozens of Holy Judges in Meng Xiao's portal, he would not believe that Meng Xiao was really dead until he saw the body of this "blessed son".

"I know you are still alive and can't get out. It doesn't matter. I will wait until the hall collapses completely, make sure everything here is buried, and make sure every door is completely broken." Gu Shen continued to speak to the collapsed Hades Palace. His voice was emotionless, "I won't leave until the last moment."

"So there are only two choices before you, either stand up now or be buried in the River Styx."

Once again, there was a long silence.

Gu Shen smiled and looked at the falling stones at the end of the corridor.

next moment.

A wisp of wind came from far away.

From behind a broken [door], an extremely fast beam of light shot out!

This light once shot through the long night of the black snow mountain.

At this moment, it penetrated the hall, shattered the smoke, and reached Gu Shen's chest in an instant.

Then Gu Shen caught it with one hand.

The splendid blessing holy light hit Gu Shen's palm, as if it shot into an endless sea. After lasting for a few seconds, it gradually became fainter and then extinguished... Behind the [door], a ragged man walked out staggeringly. The skinny figure.

Meng Xiao's expression was extremely gloomy.

There was no intact skin on his body.

Nearly a hundred Holy Judges engulfed him with resentment. In the spiritual world, he endured an inhuman curse. In the real world, he was submerged in darkness and decay... These skeletons gnawed at his flesh and blood. Trying to drag him into hell.

Just a little bit away from success!

The final moment.

The aurora of "The Traveler" shot through the darkness and shattered the soul of a Holy Inquisitor.

Seizing this opportunity, Meng Xiao escaped from the nightmare and survived narrowly. The moment he escaped from the dream, he mercilessly massacred the "Holy Judges" of Guangming City. Because of the chaos that broke out in the Hades Palace, the thoughts of the skeletons seemed to be attracted by the idols, and the massacre in the portal went extremely smoothly. In fact, Meng Xiao also knew that he could not kill these "Holy Judges" who had only their skeletons left. .

Compared with themselves, they are the real "immortals"!

So what he did was very simple. He directly smashed the skeletons that were eating his own flesh and blood, then broke through the stone wall and threw these Holy Judges into other portals!

The aurora of the idol will penetrate all doors. Just banish these Holy Judges and let them be shot by the idol!

Although they are immortal, if they are hit by the aurora of the idol, they will explode directly, and even their souls will explode.

After doing all this, Meng Xiao hid in the darkness and quietly watched all this...

He is immortal!

With the blessing of light, any injuries he suffers can be healed quickly. As long as he does not die, every subsequent "rebirth" will only make him stronger...

He decided to wait and see what happened. The resurrected statue was too terrifying.

What Meng Xiao didn't expect was that what was more terrifying than the statue was Gu Shen who narrowly escaped from his hands.

The reason why the undead are immortal is because they are favored by gods.


Every time they are "reborn", they have to pay a price.

They burn their lives to repair their lives.

It's just that no matter how powerful the "immortal" is, there are limits. Meng Xiao, who slowly walked out of the portal at this moment, has obviously reached his limit... His spirit was gnawed by the dead soul of the Holy Judge, withered, and his whole body was shrouded. The black mist is the resentment and curse of Hades. Even with the protection of the moon-suppressing robe, it is still unable to avoid the erosion of the power of the curse.

Every time his body cells recover, the black mist eats away at them.

Back and forth.

One is correct and the other is correct.

He had been tortured to the point of being deformed, and now he showed a terrifying appearance of skin and bones, which looked even more gloomy and terrifying than those of the Holy Inquisitors who only had skeletons left.

" you have to kill them all like this?"

Meng Xiao's voice was hoarse. He stared at Gu Shen full of resentment and said this.


Gu Shen couldn't help but laugh and repeated softly: "Kill them all?"

This sentence sounds a bit like a joke.

"You are so shameless..." Gu Shen looked at the monster supporting the hall and said calmly: "Aren't you the one who really drove them all to death?"

Chase from the Black Snow Mountain to the River Styx.

Here again.

Until he jumped into the portal of Hades Palace, Gu Shen was the one being hunted.

Meng Xiao was silent for a while.

After a moment, he stared at Gu Shen and said in a hoarse voice: "Can't you see? The powerful existence of the old world is attacking here... Once it enters the disaster situation, I won't be able to survive, and you won't be able to survive either! At this time, , if you don’t run for your life, do you have to drag me to die with you?”

A cold wind blew through the hall.

A few pieces of the withered sleeves of the Holy Judge floated between the two and landed on Meng Xiao's blood-stained face.

"I'm sorry... At this time, it's easiest for something to slip through the net."

Gu Shen said calmly: "Whoever wants to kill me, I will kill him. If I don't see you die with my own eyes, I will feel uneasy."


Meng Xiao covered his forehead and chuckled.

After being dragged into purgatory by the Holy Judge, his mental state was already a little crazy.

With a long laugh.

He suddenly stepped on the ground and leaned down, charging straight at Gu Shen!

Those who are extraordinary in the three realms, so what?

I am a real fourth-level person, the proud son of heaven, and the one favored by God who will carry the banner of Guangming City in the future!

Gu Shen's face was expressionless.

With a thought, the arc of the Ruler of Truth slowly flowed out of his sleeves.

The next moment, a long bow appeared in his hand!

Because the devil in the ruler had completely lost his voice, Gu Shen was unable to summon [Extinguish the Candle]. Unfortunately, his unprecedentedly abundant mental power had nowhere to waste, and he could only condense a large bow of ordinary texture.

Fortunately, he has the sharpest iron arrows in the world!

The moment this big bow appeared, Meng Xiao tensed up reflexively... But the next moment he discovered that the big bow at this moment was not the same one that almost shot him before!

Gu Shen drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

There was a "whoosh" sound.

The iron arrow shot directly through Meng Xiao's chest, bringing out a shower of hot blood.

But at this moment, the speed of the blessed son of light did not slow down at all. He seemed not to feel the pain, and he passed the hundred meters distance in an instant and ran directly in front of Gu Shen.


The second arrow hit the string and burst out as soon as the first arrow was shot.

Gu Shen didn't pause at all, and shot two arrows in succession. He didn't care whether he could hit or not, and just abandoned the big bow, because what he was waiting for was the moment when Meng Xiao rushed towards him in close combat!

The two shot iron arrows collided in the distance, and following the orders of the [Iron Throne], they were broken and reorganized. At this moment, they turned into an iron knife whirling around, stirring up a ray of dazzling silver light.

Meng Xiao stretched out his hands, grabbed Gu Shen's shoulders, and rushed towards the final door!

Gu Shen didn't resist at all.

A flash of silver arc light sliced ​​through in a semicircle.

At this moment, Meng Xiao's body suddenly moved an inch. His robe pulled his body to avoid the silent decapitation blow, and the bright sword fell down!

This knife only spattered a little spark!

Even the defense of the robe and [Hazy Moon] was not broken!

At the last moment when the hall collapsed, the two fell into the portal.

The boundless river water poured in, and Meng Xiao's roar and laughter echoed heavily in the river water.

"I am an 'immortal', blessed and blessed by light. Even Pluto's curse cannot kill me. Do you want to kill me?"

"Why can you kill me?!!"

Gu Shen stretched out his palm and held the long revolving knife.

The pure land world suddenly descended at this moment, the image of the giant tree was superimposed, and the realm of the fourth-level transcendent completely suppressed Meng Xiao's remains.

He looked coldly into the eyes of the blessed son of light.

Iron Throne, Blazing Fire, Pure Land.

Plus a sword in the fourth level realm.

Meng Xiao's head was cut off like this.

(There is another chapter tonight, if you can’t wait, you can go to bed first)

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