Barrier of Light

Chapter 606 Beizhou has accumulated twenty years of great cold (second update)

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Leave the rest to me."

After the Queen's real body came to the Dolu River disaster area, the first thing she did was to use her mental power to shout to the entire disaster area!

There is no voice that sounds more reassuring than the Queen's voice at this moment——

The extraordinary beings from Beizhou who were fighting in the first half of the river were startled, and then showed excited expressions!

And those crazy bone wing creatures started to retreat after hearing this sound!

They are originally "deadpools" who are not afraid of death.

But now... they all turned around and rushed towards the [door].


Those high-level beings responsible for command know that once the throne of God appears, the outcome of the battle will not be decided by them...

The words fell to the ground.

The queen raised her hand and punched her!

The wind and snow in the Furnace God Realm instantly covered the entire Styx River!

The powerful force that suppressed Gu Shen and Mu Wanqiu melted away at this moment!


One punch produced a thousand-meter air wave and sonic blast!

This was the first time in Mu Wanqiu's life that he had seen a "war of gods" in the true sense.

She widened her eyes and looked at the extremely shocking and magnificent scene in front of her in disbelief.

Mu Wanqiu moved his head slightly and looked at Gu Shen, speechless.

At this moment, she finally knew that what Gu Shen said before was the truth——

If they are just running to "create turmoil", then the chaos caused by the travelers is nothing. Any Dacheng God who smelts fire has the ability to destroy a city in a short time.

In the blink of an eye, a radius of several miles was reduced to ashes!

And they were at the center of the "War of Gods" battlefield. Endless waves rolled over instantly. The two of them were sheltered by the furnace, and their spirits and bodies were well protected. However, the violent explosion sound still caused the spiritual sea to surge.

Mu Wanqiu's heart is in turmoil.

Watching "War of the Gods" is a huge blessing, but it is not all luck. To a certain extent, it is also a kind of "grinding."

Taboos exist and cannot be spied upon.

Unless he truly shows his power in front of you——

After experiencing a series of turbulence in the Styx River, Mu Wanqiu's spirit had been exhausted, but she endured the discomfort and watched this peak showdown, her spirit sea surged.

She knew this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If not.

She will regret it for the rest of her life.

But... her spirit was close to being exhausted.

"Relax and don't force the memory."

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded.

A hand slowly rested on Mu Wanqiu's shoulder without making direct contact.

Gu Shen said calmly: "You can't remember the battle between the gods now, so just treat it as an 'eye addiction'... During this period, I will use 'blazing fire' to stabilize you." Spirit."

Mu Wanqiu was stunned.


As a rebellious person like her, if she heard such words of instruction from her peers, she would be dissatisfied and too lazy to respond. But now, she subconsciously agreed.

Gu Shen gave her an unprecedented sense of trust.

In the Hades Palace, Gu Shen saved himself once.

Just now, again.

There was also the previous trance at the "End of the River Styx". Although he didn't know what happened, Mu Wanqiu vaguely felt that it was not his epiphany that time. It was most likely that Gu Shen secretly took action and used "Blazing Fire" to help him...

For some reason, she no longer had much expectations for the mysterious "Pluto".

On the contrary, she felt closer to Gu Shen.

What on earth is this...why?

Thinking of this, Mu Wanqiu suddenly shook her head. She quickly shook her head and scolded herself in her heart. She was such an idiot. This was a once-in-a-lifetime "war between gods". How could she be distracted from thinking about such useless things? thing? !

The traveler roared.

The palm he pressed down was blown away by the Queen's punch!

The "fire" embedded in his eyebrows burst out with brilliant light, almost filling the entire Styx sky at this moment, and the giant's roar shook the sky.

He raised his hands and clasped them together suddenly——

It's like swatting a mosquito!

The River Styx rolled violently and was torn to pieces by two majestic winds!

Under normal circumstances, no matter who is faced with this devastating "Gashou", they will choose to retreat...

But the queen didn't move at all.

The wind and snow around her just swirled and condensed into a divine realm of about ten meters.


The impact was as clear as chiseled iron, exploding in the palm of the traveler's hand, and a ray of silvery light burst out. This palm really hit the Queen, but it only splashed out silver light all over the sky, which was not enough at all. Didn't break the divine realm!

next moment.

The Queen suddenly moved forward.

Her fluttering skirt was like a blooming sword, emitting a bright cold light in the wind and snow. In just a moment, she directly pierced the shoulder of the "traveler", bringing out a blast of lightning. Bloodstains.

The giant felt no pain. He stretched out his palm and chased the silver light.

For the mundane.

The traveler's speed seemed "slow", but in fact it was extremely fast. It only took a second for the towering palm to slap down. It was simply impossible to escape... But in the Queen's view, he The speed is really "slow" to the extreme.

The sky is full of silver light, surrounding the traveler.

The Queen pointed her finger into a sword.

The "wind and snow" in the furnace spurted out a stream of cold current with her pointing, and in an instant, thousands of small swords were densely packed and hovering around the giant.


As the woman in the wind and snow waved her hands.

Three thousand sword energy burst out together, like a silver thread pulling out wisps of scarlet over the Styx.

The "Traveler" tried to reach out and grab the Queen, and roared in frustration. Halfway through the movement of turning around, he was bound by countless strands of silk. After his balance was broken, he fell down heavily!

But that's not the end of it.

The number of small swords in the air is still increasing, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions...

Ten million, maybe more.

The quantity is no longer important at this moment.

This is the "big cold" that has been accumulated in the Beizhou territory for twenty years. Every time the furnace bursts out heat and brings warmth to the people of Central City, a wisp of frost rushes into the attic and is silently absorbed by her. Over the past twenty years, All the accumulations are exploding at this moment!

Thousands of strands of silver light fell down like the Milky Way, hitting the traveler and drowning him.

The roaring sound shattered the gray sky.

The dazzling sword light dyed the entire Dolu River disaster area into daylight.

The Queen watched all this with a blank expression.

At the same time, she also raised her eyes and glanced at the sky above the Dolu River disaster area.

She knew that at this moment, the highest seats were watching the battle through the mirror of the "Sky Throne".

The conference room at this moment was indeed watching the battle, even Bai Shu was there.

It's just that the three people who really care about the battle between gods don't look relaxed at the moment, and their brows are furrowed.

"She hid her strength..."

Storm looked at the image of the traveler falling to the ground, thoughtfully.

"The furnace has been accumulating frost for twenty years, just waiting for it to explode. She doesn't leave the attic because she doesn't want to reveal the secret... She has been holding back for twenty years. Even I can't bear the pain of the Lin family's little girl's palace. Feeling scared."

Guangming sighed in a low voice, and said with a complicated expression: "It turns out that this is the fuel for the 'melting furnace' that she has been waiting for all these years."

"'Fuel' fuel..."

Feng Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Guangming meant.

"The fuel for the furnace is the Traveler."

Tian Tian narrowed his eyes and said slowly with a smile: "I see, it's interesting... So, she has already seen the outcome of this Dolu River disaster?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the gods fell silent.

They have different powers of fire, enjoy the worship of a huge number of believers, and each have miraculous powers such as "mirror view", "book building", "divine prayer", etc., but they have no foresight of the arrival of the eighth throne. .

The only thing that moves is the light.

Looking at it now, the failure of the divine seduction was a long-established outcome.

The Queen knew the power composition of the Dolu River, and also knew that it was impossible to let the true form of the throne enter just by relying on the passage built by the Blessed Son, so at that time... she didn't even leave the attic door, and also used the divine power of "Light" , and the impact weakened the seal of Black Snow Mountain.

This is a chess game.

But the only person who really planned it was the Queen.

She held everything tightly... and the picture reflected by the sky mirror at this moment also dispelled the idea of ​​the three gods stepping into the disaster. The power of the Queen of Beizhou was still at its peak. She had sealed the attic for the past two years just to Try to absorb the power of frost and cold in the Beizhou territory as much as possible. Fortunately, this divine war broke out completely. Now that you step into the disaster situation, you will undoubtedly become the second target.

"do not forget……"

"The fire this little girl inherited is 'war and wisdom'."

Guangming's voice was a little rough. He stood up and asked quietly: "Everyone, do you still need to watch?"

Bai Zhu sat in the corner.

He was the first to speak out, smiled rather gloatingly, immediately disconnected the link, and disappeared silently into the conference room.

"This one is over."

Storm said softly: "Just wait for the next one."

After that, he also disconnected the link.

There were only two people left in the entire conference room. Guangming shook his head and dissipated into thousands of wisps of blazing smoke, while Tiankong put away the magic mirror and silently called off the emergency meeting.

The feeling of being "peeped" slowly disappeared.

The Queen sneered.

She knew that the three guys in the conference room had probably given up at this moment.

very good.

Next, there is only one problem left.

She lowered her head and stared at the "big guy" who was completely grasped in her palm. Under the hammers of countless swords, the traveler still survived. In fact, he did not even suffer any real fatal wounds. His skin was broken. , reborn again, the necessary skill for a creature to survive in the [Old World] is to have "rough skin and thick flesh".


Sometimes, living is not a good thing.

The traveler's roaring voice was drowned by the sword energy. He tried to stand up, but he couldn't even move a finger.

No matter how much the flame between his brows boils and burns, it can't dissipate the ice and snow——

This is the Great Cold that has accumulated for twenty years in the entire Beizhou!

(There is another chapter tonight, so if you can’t wait, you can go to bed first.)

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