Barrier of Light

Chapter 616 Xiangchen (Third update)

Underground Research Institute.

As the name suggests, it is a "research institute" hiding underground... except that Central City is a suspended city with a large number of buildings suspended in the sky. If you want to go directly to the "underground", you need to take the exclusive "Earth Secret" ladder".

The airship stopped at a suspended building.

After Gu Shen and Fisher verified their identities, they entered the secret staircase on the top floor... Although they couldn't feel the slightest shock inside, Gu Shen released his "spirit" and watched the rapid fall of the secret staircase from the outside!

"Is this your first time seeing this thing?" Fisher said with a smile.

"Yes, Beizhou's technology... always surprises people." Gu Shen said seriously: "The nearly one kilometer 'secret ladder' leads directly to the ground... This is not a simple project."

Fisher's response was quite interesting: "These are nothing compared to Her Majesty's 'melting pot'."


Gu Shen was helpless: "That is a real 'miracle'!"

Tonight's feast at the Underground Research Institute was quite elegantly arranged.

After all, all those present were prominent figures in Beizhou... and this invitation was nominally in the form of a "dinner".

After arriving at the venue, all the officials and generals took their seats one by one under the guidance of the waiters.

"Teacher, he is here."

Among the crowd, Li Bing saw the figure he had been waiting for for a long time at a glance. He quickly took the wine glass and came to the side of Grand Duke Xiangchen, leaned down and whispered.

The Four Dukes of Beizhou.

Cast snow, inlaid with dust, suppress the moon, forge the sun.

To be precise, there are only three grand dukes left now... The obituary issued by Guangming City not long ago was equivalent to announcing that the hereditary title of "Zhenyue" lineage in Beizhou was cut off.


Grand Duke Xiangchen responded softly.

He is old, and because of his pampering, he looks rosy. Unfortunately, time is not forgiving. No matter how well he takes care of himself, a touch of white hair has appeared on his temples.

"The invitation you sent three days ago?" Xiangchen asked softly.

"Yes. I wrote that letter very seriously, with more than a thousand words in total." Li Bing smiled bitterly and said frankly: "I just heard that Mr. Xiao Gu found a place to retreat and practice as soon as he returned to Central City. I don’t know if I’ve read it yet…”

Xiangchen shook his head and said, "Do you know how many people want to invite him to meet him?"

Li Bing sighed.

How could he not know?

"It's not that Mr. Gu is rude, but there are too many letters and invitations. Even if you see them, how can you reply to them?"

Xiangchen gently admonished: "Think about it, if I agree to you so easily, what will happen to others? What's the difficulty in writing a letter of more than a thousand words?"

Li Bing nodded quickly.

He said helplessly: "Actually, the student has no choice. He really wants to meet that Mr. Gu, so I... also mentioned your name a little bit in the letter."

Xiangchen smiled and said: "You are not know the backer behind moving out."

Li Bing touched his nose.

"It's just...this Mr. Gu is from Dongzhou."

Grand Duke Xiangchen said slowly: "My name is of little use outside of Beizhou. But if you want to see me, why is it so complicated? You...come with me."

Over dinner.

Fisher had a complicated expression. He raised his hands, carefully protecting his "fish tank" and squeezing through the crowded "crowd". Obviously, the crowd was not aimed at him.

But the one behind him.

Fisher sat down in his seat and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why is Xiao Gu so 'popular'?" He looked at the crowd behind him as if he had seen a ghost.

Zhong Yuan, who was next to Fisher, raised his glass slowly, shook it slowly, and looked at the good show over there, "It's very simple... he is an 'outsider' with great strength."

"I can understand outsiders. What does it mean to be powerful?"

Fisher had already guessed that when Gu Shen entered the venue, he would be stopped by many interested people.

But he didn't expect it.

Not to stop...but to surround.

"Fuzhi Group has close cooperation and contact with the four continents." Zhong Yuan said calmly: "Mrs. Lu in Dadu is now the absolute controller of the group. After the conflict of bill ideas two years ago, many families in Beizhou , the relationship with Hua Zhi has become delicate... At this time, a 'buffer' is needed."

Fisher suddenly realized that he knew that Gu Shen and Mrs. Lu had a very good relationship. Huazhi had publicly stated that he would fully support Gu Shen's growth... It was this support that made this S-class famous after entering Nagano, and Stand firm.

"This is just a 'card' behind Gu Shen."

Zhong Yuan looked at the young man surrounded by the crowd and said meaningfully: "The Gu family, the Bai family, the new Dou Zhan God Seat, the successor of divination, the array master of Qingzhong Cemetery... Every piece of paper this boy holds in his hand All the cards are worth it for the big families in Beizhou to have good relations with him. And saying hello and extending invitations are the cheapest means, aren't they?"

The nobles of Beizhou, the Survey Corps, and other regiments follow two sets of rules.

Their battlefield is not outside the Great Wall, but between the suspended buildings.

The Queen held up Central City, some fought bloody battles, some buried their heads underground, and some used common things to weave a web that covered the world... The world would no longer be perfect without any part of it.

The "mundane things" that the top extraordinary beings looked down upon the most happened to be held in Gu Shen's hands.

And it’s a lot to hold in your hands.

"Okay, I admit it's cheesy, but it's really useful."

Zhong Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "To be honest, I came here tonight not only to see the travelers, but also to watch this good show... Don't look at how Gu Shen is surrounded by people now. Those guys who are pretending to be enthusiastic will be gone soon." I just read Guangming City’s obituary, how many of them really want to be friends with Gu Shen?”

A very cold voice sounded faintly.

"Even if you want to, you don't deserve it."

Mu Wanqiu chewed the steak in small bites. She had an expressionless face and concentrated on doing her own thing, without even raising her head to look in the direction of the noisy crowd.

The people surrounding Gu Shen... were probably the group of people she hated the most in Beizhou.

"You are a cold-faced [Judge] who is untainted by the hustle and bustle of the world. You only have swords and fire in your eyes."

Zhong Yuan joked and said, "If Gu Shen is like you, then the old guys in Nagano probably won't be so happy."

After Mu Wanqiu finished eating, she wiped her lips with a tablecloth and silently looked in the direction of the corner of the dinner party. In that direction, she sensed an extremely dazzling scent, and her expression became uncertain.

Zhong Principle just held Fisher in his arms and continued to watch the fun.

"Eh... Grand Duke Xiangchen is also here?"

Most of the people who greeted Gu Shen were ordinary dignitaries in Beizhou. Most of them wanted to use Gu Shen to build a good relationship with Huazhi's Mrs. Lu.

Their purpose is pure and simple.

Those "famous generals" who had really high status in Beizhou didn't move much... because they had already met Gu Shen twice.

Gu Shen was rejecting these invitations one by one.

He was already quite familiar with these matters.

It's okay to be surrounded, just walk "slowly" for a while... He felt helpless and funny in his heart. Two years ago, he was a "little guy" who couldn't even receive invitations to free dances, but now he is very popular. Has it come to this?

Suddenly the crowd made a noise and gave way to the road.

Make way for only one reason.

That means the person who comes is more noble than them.

Gu Shen raised his head and saw this tall, middle-aged man with an outstanding appearance.

"Grand Duke Xiangchen?"

Gu Shen was quite surprised. Logically speaking... the Grand Duke shouldn't have appeared on this occasion.

Chu Ling's voice sounded in the spiritual sea.

"He's here for that student."

Gu Shen was startled for a moment, and then he noticed the young man next to Xiangchen who was tugging at his sleeves and was obviously a little cautious.

"Li Bing."

Chu Ling retrieved the file and the original letter.

"Although this young man is a garrison in Dongning City, the files show that he was born in Dongzhou, and he is from the 'Qinghe District' like you. Li Bing was sent to Beizhou to study since he was a child, and was treated by Grand Duke Xiangchen After taking a fancy to it, he was sent to the 'Dongning City' bordering the tundra in the east of the fortress. This time, the term of appointment was fulfilled and he returned to the Central City to resume his life."

Gu Shen knew that among the four princes, except Zhenyue, who fought in the fortress and was famous for his force, the other three stayed in the central city.

Hereditary titles are like that.

Zhuxue now holds the power of Beizhou and can be regarded as the "arm" of the Queen.

The other two are idlers. Grand Duke Duoyang made great contributions in his early years, but now he is idle in Central City, and the same is true for Grand Duke Xiangchen... It's just that it is said that he basically doesn't leave the house on weekdays. His only pleasure is, Just reading books and practicing calligraphy is a very ancient and traditional habit that basically only the royal family retains.

Grand Duke Xiangchen's students are also all over Beizhou. If he goes out, he teaches everywhere.

When the Queen was young, the Grand Duke accompanied her to study and taught her young Majesty how to read, read, and understand the truth.

Therefore, Grand Duke Xiangchen is also the one with "the best reputation" and "the least troublesome" among the four princes.

Zhenyue was stationed at the border, and his aura of killing was too strong, while Zhuxue held the power. Due to their powers, these two people had directly or indirectly offended many powerful people.

Duanyang, on the other hand, is dedicated to maintaining his career. He has stopped making any contributions to Beizhou over the years, and just sitting on the title... seems to be somewhat "morally unworthy".

That's what it means to be in a high position.

"This Grand Duke Xiangchen... has so many peaches and plums all over the world, he can almost be regarded as a 'saint'."

If he hadn't seen "Li Bing", Gu Shen really couldn't figure out why the Grand Duke came to him deliberately.

Now, it's obvious.

This is to make an appointment with myself on behalf of the students.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, Master Qianye and I are half old acquaintances... I also have some 'ancient texts' hidden at home, which may be helpful for you to understand the formation pattern of Qingzhong Cemetery."

Xiangchen bowed slightly, performed Nagano's salute, and said sincerely: "If Mr. Xiao Gu is free, why not take some time to come to the courtyard to talk?"


When it comes to "ancient prose", Gu Shenke understands it.

He quickly returned the greeting and said respectfully: "Even if Mr. Xiangchen is not an old friend of Mr. Qianye, Gu must still meet him."

This time, everyone spoke very decently.

Although Xiangchen didn't mention a word about his students.

In fact, they know each other well.

If you go to an appointment, there must be a third person present.

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