Barrier of Light

Chapter 619 Watching the

The conversation between Meng Xizhou and Gu Shen attracted the attention of many people.

It's just a pity.

The conversation took place in a completely enclosed private room.

Theoretically speaking... no one knows what they talked about except Her Majesty the Queen, who can see all things.

"Tsk, the big red man is finally done again?"

This sentence seemed a bit familiar... After Gu Shen sat down, he looked at Zhong Yuan with a complicated expression. Why didn't he find out before that this second captain of the Survey Corps had the blood of gossip flowing in his bones.

Fisher, holding the big fish tank on his head, also came over and whispered: "What have you been chatting about? Why don't you let it out?"

"what are you thinking about?"

Gu Shen knocked the fish tank on Fisher's head hard and refused sternly: "The secret must not be leaked!"

Fisher and Zhongyuan looked disappointed.

This is where the dinner begins.

Of course, what everyone cares about most is not this dinner party.

It’s the “presentation session” after the dinner.

After the meal, the commissioners of the Underground Research Institute took the invitees to a hundred-meter-wide "steel cliff". This is where the [furnace] is located. The earth was hollowed out, revealing a scarlet cliff. , and countless steels were spread and built on the cliff, protruding such a "viewing platform".


Standing on the steel platform, you can feel the heat waves hitting your face.

This is the roar of the [furnace] in operation!

"Everyone, this is the result that the 'Underground Research Institute' will show today -"

The person in charge of reception today is the deputy director of the institute. He is standing on a steel platform with a raging heat wave behind him. The hot air lifts his white coat, as if it might burn at any time... But this The deputy director was not afraid at all. He looked at the furnace below him, his eyes hotter than the heat wave.

"Because of this exploration... His Majesty's [Forge] has obtained 'never-ending' energy. As you can see, 'Traveler' is imprisoned in the [Forge], and his fire will continue to burn until The physical body dies naturally. In order to consume this huge amount of heat, the institute has begun planning to lay out a larger 'thawing area'. If the project goes well, within a year, thirteen surrounding cities, large and small, can all become 'suspended cities'. .”

The deputy director looked at the furnace.

What he saw was not only the heat wave bursting from the furnace, but also the good luck of Beizhou's continuous recovery in the future!

"Is the rumored 'Eighth God's Seat'... down here?"

A young dignitary stood on the steel cliff, frowning and looking down.

Although he is a member of the extraordinary world, as the controller of the Beizhou Consortium, he does not know much about fighting and killing, but he knows... the name "Eighth God's Throne" means What.

This is a supreme god with fire!

Her Majesty the Queen, defeated it and imprisoned it in the [Forge] to serve the people of Beizhou!

This news is enough to ignite the blood in the chest of every extraordinary person in Beizhou.

Of course the same is true for this young powerful man.

He squatted down, trying to get closer to the [furnace] so that he could see more clearly... But unfortunately, through the gaps between the steel and steel, he could only see the continuously surging magma under the cliff. spray.

There was no sign of the "traveler" at all.

It was like a huge rock falling into the deep sea, hidden in the scorching waves.

"I heard that the 'Traveler' is very big, as high as a mountain..."

The powerful man's tone was full of regret, and he sighed: "I'm just standing here, but I can't see anything... Mr. Deputy Director, can we go further down?"

The headquarters of the Underground Research Institute is built around the [Forge], with dozens of floors underground.

And this is just the top level.

"Feel sorry……"

The deputy director shook his head and refused: "Because the 'Traveler' is currently unstable, the core area of ​​[The Furnace] is undergoing fierce reactions every moment, and no one knows what will happen in the next second. ...Please also watch from the top of the steel cliff to avoid any accidents."

What he said was very tactful.

"With Her Majesty the Queen here, can there be any accidents?"

The powerful man still had a look of regret on his face. He stretched out his hand and felt the heat waves rolling on the cliff.

This is the "viewing position" carefully selected by the Underground Research Institute. It is close to the exit of the furnace. The wind blowing out at this moment is only slightly hot and will not really burn people.

The deputy director just smiled.

He did not continue talking, but indicated that everyone could freely watch here. The next step was to display some research results on "Old World Creatures". The dignitaries could choose to leave at any time and go to the next viewing place.

"That 'big guy'... was hidden deep enough that he didn't even show his head at all."

Zhong Yuan also stared in the direction of the furnace for a long time.

Even the spirit of his fourth-level peak powerhouse cannot penetrate the [Furnace]...

Although this is the Queen's divine domain, Your Majesty has not set any restrictions on the people of Beizhou. Logically speaking, you should see something.

"I can't see clearly either."

Fisher also lamented: "That traveler has hidden himself too deeply."

Gu Shen stood at the end of the bulge of the steel cliff. He slowly looked down, and for some reason...he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

It's a very weird feeling.

It seems to be because of the stone wall I saw in the Hades Palace.

The history of the travelers' journey across mountains and rivers was replayed in Gu Shen's mind at this moment.

He is a human from the new world and should not resonate with these "ancient humans".

But at this moment, he felt sad in his heart.

The "God Seat" of the Traveler clan carried fire and came to the Five Continents, but was imprisoned in the "melting pot" and became a "monkey" in the zoo for everyone to watch.

On the other side, Mu Wanqiu, who like Gu Shen had read the ancient traveler's essays, became trance-like after staring at the bottom of the furnace.

The spectators around stopped on the steel cliff. They did not leave easily, but stood here and started chatting.

"I thought... I could see the 'Traveler'..."

"Unexpectedly, I just visited the furnace. Who has never seen a furnace?"

"Be patient and wait a little longer. Maybe it will come out later."

"I heard that the 'Traveler' is very big, as big as a mountain..."

"Tsk, Your Majesty is so great. He can defeat even such an opponent easily... By the way, doesn't this guy 'Traveler' know that we are coming, so he hid it on purpose?"

The voices of the consortium's powerful men echoed above the steel cliffs along with the heat wave.

The extraordinary beings who had participated in the restart mission looked at each other with complicated expressions after hearing these words.

The powerful people in the financial group spoke of "travelers" with contempt.

These guys don't know.

The most powerful elites in Beizhou had a narrow escape from death during this disaster mission. They didn't even see the traveler, and were almost overwhelmed and killed by the traveler's subordinates - the bone-winged creatures.

Every "survivor" standing here has been deeply immersed in the fear of death brought by "travelers".

The shock wave caused by the traveler's smashing of the portal to the old world alone knocked down the main ship and fourteen airships hundreds of miles away!

How desperate is this?

People who have not experienced war will never understand the cruelty of war!

And these people have never been to the Doulu River.

So they don't have much respect for the defeated "travelers". It's really like "watching" monkeys in the zoo. They also hope that the travelers can really show up and let them watch up close.


As they were talking.

The magma under the furnace, which was originally calm, suddenly bubbled up.

Large chunks of magma rolled and cracked in the core of the furnace, and then a huge "head" emerged. The "giant" who was burned to a shapeless shape by the Queen's Domain seemed to hear the sound thousands of meters above. Echoing the human voice, it slowly stood up from its huddled state.

That head was emitting bursts of hot smoke!

Between the traveler's eyebrows, there seems to be a groove for inlaying. At this moment, the blazing "divine fire" is flowing and rolling. The Underground Research Institute believes that these are the "gospel box fragments" scattered in the old world, the unrefined "travel box fragments" "The fire", the power contained in this fire can be used to activate the entire furnace. In the next five years, most of the ice and snow in Beizhou can be melted, and the four seasons will be like spring.

The giant raised his head.

The divine fire rolled down like blood and flowed down the entire cheek, making it look extremely ghastly and terrifying.

And its gaze was directly fixed on the "Steel Cliff Observation Deck" thousands of meters above!


next moment--

This giant that was still crouching just a second ago suddenly jumped up. It burst out with unprecedented athletic ability. Under the tug of countless magma, it jumped nearly a thousand meters!

In just an instant, its head reached the "steel cliff"——

That gloomy and bloody face faced the tiny human on the cliff.

The scene in front of the young dignitaries who were still "talking and laughing" on the observation deck instantly changed and was replaced by this huge face of a traveler——

The young masters of the consortium turned pale at this moment.

The sudden change made their minds go blank.

Ordinary people cannot look directly at gods.

This "direct gaze" at close range almost detonated their spiritual sea without releasing even a little bit of energy.


To the "traveler", everyone here is just a tiny ant.


The dignitary who had previously proposed to go down and have close contact with the travelers got his wish and saw the real "traveler", but he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his legs shaking like a sieve.

Most powerful people are like this.

At this moment, the only ones who can still stand... are the returnees from the mission.

Lu Zhe, Zhong Yuan, and Fisher were the first to react. Although their expressions were pale, they still stepped forward immediately and stood in front of everyone...

The traveler raised his hand.

It attempts to photograph these "viewers" of the steel cliffs.

It's a pity that this is the [Forge], the Queen's divine domain.

"Swish swish swish!"

The moment he jumped up, thousands of small swords shot out from the furnace, as many as cow hairs, and inserted into its body.

These small swords seemed light, but they were densely inserted all over their backs in just a moment.

The traveler's palm did not touch the iron cliff.

He was just a little short.

But this point is actually an insurmountable "natural chasm".

Thousands of small swords worked together to drag him down into the abyss... The rolling magma hit the furnace vigorously, splashing out mighty waves of fire.

Standing on the steel cliff, the captains who finally had the courage to look directly at the "Traveler" saw an incomprehensible scene.

At the time of the fall.

Its face, covered with divine fire, showed a hint of sadness in its eyes.

This is the sorrow of defeat, the sorrow of being imprisoned, or the sorrow of being watched by the world...

But the corners of the traveler's lips were slightly raised.

This seems to be...laughing?

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