Barrier of Light

Chapter 632 Fanatical Light

As soon as this statement came out.

Xiangchen's expression changed slightly.

There seemed to be a glimmer of doubt in his eyes.

He looked at Gu Shen in confusion, and then at his disciple in confusion...

"After we have discussed this matter, shouldn't we go take a look at the 'ancient texts' collected by the Grand Duke?"

Gu Shen said calmly: "You should know that the real purpose of my trip is to learn more about 'ancient texts'."

After hearing this, the strangeness in Xiangchen's eyes quickly dissipated.

He smiled and stretched out his hand to guide Gu Shen: "No problem."

Leaving the main hall, there is a small path not far away.

As the fourth prince of Beizhou, Xiangchen owns a manor covering an area of ​​100 acres. Although this manor is simple, it also has a "precious place".

In addition to teaching students, Xiangchen's biggest hobbies in daily life are writing, painting, and collecting. These are the hobbies of a "literati", but in addition to collecting rare and precious calligraphy and paintings, he also likes to collect some uncommon "extraordinary objects" ".

Walking along the path, you can see the "forbidden areas" that servants are not allowed to enter during normal times.

Xiangchen took Gu Shen to a library.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, please come in——"

Xiangchen stretched out his hand to push open the library and said with a smile: "The 'ancient texts' and 'extraordinary objects' I collected are all in it."


The library is actually made of wooden doors. These days, it is not uncommon for "wooden doors" to be used.

Many ancient families in Nagano are like this.

But the person in front of him was Grand Duke Xiangchen of Beizhou... Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and looked at him slightly.

"Is this door a sealed object?"


Xiangchen smiled in surprise and said: "Mr. Xiao Gu has really good taste. In fact, this door is not a valuable just contains a few ancient talismans, which can block the 'spiritual induction' from the outside world. On weekdays, I am reading When reading papers and writing, I seek to be pure and at ease. As long as I close this door, no sound from outside will come in."

Gu Shen nodded. He was familiar with this kind of sealed artifact. He had personally arranged it in the Xuankong Mountain Courtyard before.

It seems that there is indeed a collection of lost "ancient texts" in Xiangchen's library.

Gu Shen entered first, followed by Xiang Chen, and the young student Li Bing followed obediently at the end, silently closing the wooden door of the library... With a soft knock on the door, the interior of this majestic library The scene slowly ignited and appeared in front of you.

This library is like a rolled-up paper book, with a hollow center and several red lanterns suspended inside. When it senses someone entering, these lanterns will all float up, emitting a soft light that illuminates the entire library. Every corner is illuminated and transparent.

Gu Shen felt unprecedented peace.

"Do you feel the extreme tranquility in the inner lake? There is no [deep sea] link in this library, not at all." Xiangchen spoke softly, pointed to the ceiling of the library, and said calmly: "In [ In the turbulent world that overlooks the deep sea, it is really difficult to find such a pure and unsullied place."

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Gu Shen tried to shout softly in his heart.

Sure enough, there was no response.

Chu Ling is not in his spiritual link.

Gu Shen looked directly at the blazing fires spreading light in the library. This should be because of those [lanterns]... Maybe there are more "spiritual shielding" sealed objects. In any case, Xiangchen Successfully turned this place into a "stainless place".

[Deep Sea] The deepest part of the manor cannot be seen at all.

"I heard that Guangming City also has such a library."

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows and asked, "I wonder how this library of yours compares to Guangming City...?"

"How does this compare?" Xiangchen shook his head and smiled.

Hearing this, the young man behind, Li Bing, couldn't help laughing.

Xiangchen pulled out a volume of ancient books from the gap in the library, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "This place of mine is just a personal collection. At most, it only contains some unconventional 'extraordinary objects'. The 'taboo' in Guangming City The library' has a history of six hundred years. It is said that it hides the fate and cause of the world. All the answers are only waiting for the destined person to step into it. It is incomparable, incomparable..."

Gu Shen looked at the ancient scrolls that filled the library.

He is worthy of being called the "sage" of Beizhou's famous people all over the world. This old man has built such a reading building away from the prying eyes of the [deep sea] on weekdays. There are probably tens of thousands of volumes hidden in it.

"Grand Duke Xiangchen, I have a question."

Gu Shen stood with his hands behind his hands in front of a vast wall of books. He murmured, "Have you read all these books?"

"I've seen...a part of it, a large part of it."

Xiangchen smiled and said: "It's just the human brain, it can't be compared with the [Deep Sea]. What I remember today may be completely forgotten tomorrow. So I always come to the library to stroll around, review the old and learn the new."

"All right."

"I hope you still remember what I just said..."

Gu Shen said softly: "The more fanatical you are, the easier it is to make mistakes."

Xiangchen frowned.

He was confused: "I don't understand... Mr. Xiao Gu, what are you talking about?"

"As the Grand Duke of Beizhou, you invited me to meet because you want to recruit extraordinary people for the military fortress... This is actually reasonable and reasonable, but in this case, with your status and status, in front of so many people at the dinner that day It seems unreasonable to invite him in person."

Gu Shen slowly turned around. He stood in front of the library and looked at Xiangchen.

"You know, as long as we move out 'Qianye' and 'Guwen', I can't refuse this invitation..."

"In front of everyone, it's nothing more than letting everyone see that I promised you."

The smile on Grand Duke Xiangchen's face slowly disappeared.

Gu Shen's gaze went beyond Xiangchen.

He calmly looked directly at the young man who was born in Dongzhou with him.

Li Bing.

The last two sentences were spoken by Gu Shen to Li Bing, not to Xiangchen.

"Brother Gu."

The young garrison of Dongning City sighed softly and asked: "Being smart is a good thing, but being too smart may not be a good thing... Since you have already seen through some things, why do you need to tell them clearly?"

The [Lantern] in the library, burning light, fell on his shoulders.

A ray of skylight shrouded down.

These lights fall down like waterfalls——

Li Bing and Xiang Chen are all in the light.

Gu Shen stood at the end of a huge wall in the library. In front of him was the weakest light in the library.

"Just pretend that nothing happened just now..."

Li Bing stretched out a hand and put it on Grand Duke Xiangchen's shoulder. He asked seriously: "Isn't it bad?"

"not good."

Gu Shen said calmly: "You have already failed in this scene, why should I continue to act with you?"

“The garrison of Dongning City, the talented poor student ‘Li Bing’ from Dongzhou.”

He said calmly: "Don't think that I really know nothing about you... You were born in Qinghe like me. When you were six years old, you left Dongzhou and studied in Beizhou. Not long after, you met Xiangchen. , was carefully cultivated by the Grand Duke of Beizhou, and then entered the legion and continued to be promoted. He was experienced in the fortress and made outstanding achievements repeatedly... In the eyes of many Central City dignitaries, your promotion process was simply unbelievable. .”

If there is no Chu Ling.

Gu Shen really doesn't know how to read "Li Bing"'s file.

But... there is no if.

Before leaving, Chu Ling sent a copy of Li Bing's file and pointed out a very strange point.

How could a poor kid from Qinghe have the opportunity to go to Beizhou?

He must have received some kind of assistance.

But in the query of [source code]... no relevant results could be found. In fact, Li Bing's file illustrates one thing. In his smooth life, this invisible "assistance" was actually There has been.

When he came to Beizhou, he encountered Xiangchen, joined the legion, and became a garrison in Dongning City.

Behind everything, there are faint traces to follow.

In fact, it is not difficult to find out these "aids". Li Bing has quite a lot of "support" in the legion, and most of these early "supports" come from... Xizhou.

"I think that Grand Duke Xiangchen's invitation on the spot on the day of the dinner was probably a necessary part of your plan."

Gu Shen said calmly: "After all, you know the news that the Holy Inquisitor has arrived in Central City. If you wait until I meet Jia Wei and you extend the invitation, I will most likely not agree..."


Li Bing laughed.

He said quietly: "If you are really smart enough, you should agree in the initial negotiation..."

"What do you promise? Become a legend, then be controlled by you, and finally push me into the abyss?"

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "I'm afraid it's difficult to control me with such low-level methods. Let me think about it... Do you have any better ways to deal with me? Maybe you want me to do it for you 'Yin Zhao' paid a price and made the big event of Dongzhou's extraordinary people entering the fortress obscene, but haven't you ever thought that I would pretend to agree and then immediately betray you?"

"...[The Temple] has its own methods."

Li Bing no longer responded to Gu Shen's words, but said coldly: "Those things that happened before are no longer important. What is important is that you have entered this library."

Here, deep-sea signals are isolated.

All mental detection methods are ineffective.

Everyone knew that Gu Shen was going to an appointment with Grand Duke Xiangchen today.

But no one knows what happened in this library.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Gu Shen said calmly: "Keep your mental control, let Xiangchen attack me, and then... let me become the murderer."

"Maybe... it's simpler."

Li Bing smiled mockingly.

He stretched out two fingers and wiped them in the void.

In the library, there seemed to be an invisible thread wiping across the teacher's neck.


The invisible thread in the void was as sharp as a blade. A flash of bright red suddenly spurted out from the front of Xianchen's neck, and he fell forward.

Then, he put two fingers on his neck.

"The more fanatical you are, the more mistakes you make..."

Li Bing stood there, tilted his head with a smile, and asked seriously: "Gu Shen, you are wrong. Have you really seen 'Fanatical'?"

"Let me show you...the fanatical light will only burn away all mistakes and darkness."

next moment.

The big red light building in the library trembled violently.


A touch of hot water splashed on the red lampshade.

The light falling at this moment became a little scarlet and dim.

(I have rhinitis today and am feeling dizzy. These three updates will be posted first and then revised.)

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