Barrier of Light

Chapter 654 [Reverse Time] Divine Realm

No one was notified of his return from Beizhou.

But... there is one exception.

Chu Ling.

Gu Shen couldn't help but smile as he looked at the guys waiting for him to return home in the north of Nagano City.

No wonder the journey back was peaceful, and there was not even the slightest disturbing sound in the spiritual sea. It turned out that the source of the Shenci Mountain had been fully prepared, and Chu Ling successfully completed his reincarnation and secretly prepared this "surprise" for himself.

Everyone in Nagano simply accepted the wind and washed away the dust for Gu Shen.

Because everyone is so busy, it is extremely difficult to find time to meet each other at the city gate.

After accompanying Gu Shen to Chunyu Temple, everyone took a short rest and chatted for a while before leaving in a hurry... They knew that Miss Chu rarely left the cemetery, and now that Gu Shen had just returned, it was best to leave time to the two of them.

The small courtyard of Chunyuguan returned to desertedness.

There was steaming tea on the stone table, less than one meter apart. The two people sitting opposite each other looked at each other... the atmosphere was slightly unfamiliar and solemn.

"After being apart for so long...I actually feel like you are a bit strange."

Chu Ling sipped the hot tea, her cheeks were slightly hot, and her voice was as light as a mosquito.

On weekdays, we always talk in the spiritual sea, and occasionally we meet in the spirit form in Ling Ling Yao and the Pure Land world... Although we are familiar with each other, every time we meet in the real world, there is a feeling of strangeness like a netizen appearing.

"Thanks a lot."

Gu Shen asked softly: "How long can this 'birth' last?"

"The 'source quality' of the Shenci Mountain... can only be kept for fifteen to twenty days."

Chu Ling was a little helpless. She stood up and walked around the courtyard. Her red and white skirt swayed in the wind. For a moment, it was like flowing fire and white cherry blossoms overlapping each other, and faint fluctuations of source essence overflowed...

Relying on the "miracle" built by four bronze lanterns, she was able to come into the world smoothly.

But from the moment she was born, there was an invisible hourglass on top of her head, counting down slowly.

When the extraordinary source of energy accumulated in the deep well is exhausted, the body born from the miracle will return to the dust of the world for a moment.

Chu Ling's life span is the life of the "origin".

This process can be slightly extended by transporting source matter... No matter how fast it can be replenished, how can it compare to leakage? Those "things" that are too perfect are destined not to last long.

Theoretically speaking, returning to Shenci Mountain could greatly extend her survival time.

But in the end, she will disappear.

"If you go back, how long can you stay?" Gu Shen asked seriously.

"Perhaps... it can be extended to thirty days?"

Chu Ling smiled and said: "Actually, it's all the same, with a snap of a finger. If I have to lock myself in the Black Mountain just to survive for a few days, I would rather welcome the dissolution under the fierce sunshine in the outside world."

She rolled up her big sleeves, revealing a stretch of snow-white and pink arms.

"This is……"

Gu Shen's eyes narrowed, "The 'sequelae' of divination has disappeared?"

Every birth means a "new life".

Similarly, every ablation means a "death".

Chu Ling has unparalleled computing power and can give full play to the power of divination... But the biggest function of this forbidden magic is to "destroy the body." Is it possible that for a soul without a body like her, divination is too powerful? Are the sequelae really zero?

The original Master Qianye was already cautious enough in using divination.

In the end, she still couldn't escape the ending of being dismantled into a golden thread of fate...

"That's what it looks like."

Chu Ling said warmly: "But in fact... the sequelae may still exist."

She placed two fingers on the palm of her hand, kneaded and pressed, and murmured: "For some reason, this time around, I feel a little more 'tired' than the last time. Especially here, something seems to be falling apart."

The price she paid for the last divination spell was that starting from her fingertips, a part of her flesh and blood disassembled itself into a golden thread of destiny.

But after this "rebirth", she just looked intact.

"'Forbidden spells' like divination may directly lock specific souls through the induction of 'fate'... Even if you can change the body, you can't escape the pursuit of the price."

Chu Ling tapped her forearm.

Although she had been born in the real world, she still thought of herself as the AI ​​girl without flesh and blood. This beating seemed to treat her limbs as tools.

While speculating, she whispered: "Yes, this is only reasonable... Otherwise, once a freak like 'Xiao' obtains the divination skill, he can avoid the birth of side effects by infinitely changing the host body."

"According to the calculations of the database, in about fifteen days, maybe... longer, my new arm will be overtaken by the price of 'divination'." Chu Ling said calmly: "By then, I should be able to Paying a certain 'price', just changing the body, it is really possible to avoid part of the 'price'... because the 'price' has already been fulfilled in the previous body, and if it is fulfilled again, it may be weakened."

She looked at her palms with regret.

"Sure enough, the principles left by the sages are correct. Whatever you gain, you must lose something."

"Although divination is good... it can't be used too often."

The two simply tidied up, then left the courtyard and stayed in Beizhou. The most important thing Gu Shen did was to meet the Queen... and when they returned to Dongzhou, the most important thing was of course to go to Qingzhong Cemetery. Meet Mr. Bai Shu.

Beizhou is Lin's territory.

Even though the divine throne has the power to reach heaven and holds the "Supreme Seat Authority", Mr. Bai Shu probably doesn't know the details of this trip to the Duolu River.

After a while, the two arrived at the cemetery.

Today's "Qing Tomb" is very different from the past——

The golden gate that once stood like a dream is now really rising from the ground under the reflection of the "Dou Zhan God Realm".

This is the divine land of Nagano!

It is also the place of penance for the new Dou Zhan God Throne!

On weekdays, the outer mausoleum is open, and extraordinary beings can come and go freely, worship the dead in Dongzhou, and feel the divine glory of battle at the same time... But only during major festivals or special moments, the fog in the inner mausoleum will disperse.

After Mr. Bai Shu took charge, Qingzhong's formation operation became easier!

The Bai family's [Backflow], combined with the Dou Zhan Fire's divine domain, caused the entire cemetery to be enveloped in a layer of golden light.

"Past", "present" and "future" are three vague inner tombs superimposed together...

The endless source of essence, under the guidance of "fire", restored order!

This is absolute order!

[Source Code] controls the formation pattern, and the throne suppresses the source of matter... Today's Qingzhong Cemetery is the most important place in Dongzhou, and it is also an absolutely unbreakable "fortress of innocence".

Theoretically speaking, the seven gods in charge of fire are invincible beings that cannot be defeated as long as they stay in their own "god domain".

Even the weakest Dionysian can resist Gu Changzhi's attack as long as he defends the Tower of Origin.

Of course... this is just theory.

After all, there are two divine thrones in the Tower of Source. In addition to the God of Wine, there is also an "unfathomable" sky divine throne.

Rather, it is the silent iron law left by the sages that binds the throne.

Rather, it is the fate of destruction that continues to collapse and shatter the [Old World], forcing the throne to explore and burn.

under such tremendous pressure.

A battle between gods will basically never happen.

Today's cemeteries no longer need to be specially guarded. There is no more loyal controller in the world than [Deep Sea], and there is no more powerful sensing ability than "God's Domain".

Gu Shen and Chu Ling were walking in the cemetery, and from time to time extraordinary people came to salute and say hello.

After the fall of the Dionysus, Gu Shen's reputation in Nagano suddenly increased a lot, and the number of people supporting him increased countless times. Many people began to cheer for Gu Shen in the deep water area. The shouts he received were even higher than those of "Little Sleeves" "Even higher.

It is worth mentioning that.

After the footage of Mr. Shu's snow disaster in the [Old World] was leaked, many extraordinary beings jointly proposed that Gu Shen should be the next "Grand Adjudicator"... Soon, this proposal received a lot of support .

But within the adjudication office, this can never be done.

Not only because Gu Shen was not strong enough, but also because after all, he had only joined the Judgment Office for two years.

This news played a certain role in promoting the decision-making of the three institutes.

Since Mr. Shu and Tiantong are indeed strong enough, the adjudication office cannot produce a "strong person" with enough reputation to take over the burden of the Grand Adjudicator... At least there was Zhu Wang before, who could shoulder the "temporary" responsibility. In the name of "temporary", now I can't even find a person who is qualified to resist the word "temporary".

In the end, the Council chose to consider the long term and retain the name of Grand Adjudicator.

As long as Kamiza-sama is here, Nagano will probably be safe and smooth over the past few years.

Since nothing major will happen... the position of Grand Adjudicator is temporarily vacant, so it doesn't matter.

If something big happens, let the Lord make the decision.

Today's inner mausoleum is also completely new.

The mountains are still there, but the frost and snow have melted away.

The ruins of the Colossus are shrouded in a thin mist, and its majestic outline can be vaguely seen.

Under the radiation of Mr. Bai Shu's fire, this "colossus" symbolizing the ancient authority of the five families was coated with a light golden light!

At the top of the vault of the Colossus.

A blurry figure sat cross-legged, his body shrouded in the gathering place of countless golden lights... Gu Shen and Chu Ling came to the edge of the ruins of the colossus and looked up at the figure. Both of their eyes showed wonder and shock.

There is no weak among the Seven Gods.

Every god is a genius that is unparalleled in the world...even the God of Wine is the same.

Now that the fire has just been integrated, within a few months, Mr. Bai Shu's [Reverse Time], with the blessing of the fire, has evolved into an unprecedented "divine realm"——

On his body, there are three vague figures, superimposed and changing.

The old, the young, the young.

Three layers of [Backflow] fields spread out the cemetery, and the center of these three layers of fields was himself!

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