Barrier of Light

Chapter 681 Dying the Black Flower White (7K words)

Are the peaceful days coming to an end?

What does it mean?

Gu Shen was startled for a moment and looked towards the direction where the inner tomb was shrouded in golden light. Mr. Bai Shu closed the entrance to the inner tomb... and closed the golden divine realm, and the layers of divine light gradually shrank.

"These days, there have been some changes in the Supreme Seat. I will be in seclusion for a while."

Bai Shu said softly: "Perhaps because of the appearance of the 'Traveler', the growth rate of source matter outside the Five Continents world is skyrocketing. After a while, a meeting will be held at the highest table... There may be a god's throne, leaving the Five Continents, Look what’s really going on outside the old world.”

Gu Shen immediately became nervous.

If a meeting is to be held at the highest level, wouldn't it be possible that his identity as "Pluto" would be exposed?

Pluto is dead, and no matter what happens, he is destined not to show up.

If Pluto doesn't show up on such an important occasion...the gods from other continents will definitely be suspicious.

"There are some things you don't have to worry about."

Bai Shu said gently: "If the sky falls, tall people will hold it up. The Beizhou guy and I have already laid out the plan and prepared some means... You just need to practice in seclusion. Whatever you encounter, do whatever you want. No need to Overthinking.”

Nothing in this world is more reassuring than these words.

Gu Shen looked at the shimmering inner mausoleum with complicated eyes. He felt that the burden on his shoulders was much lighter, and he felt lucky at this moment.

He was born in the worst of times.

The God of War in Dongzhou fell and was besieged on all sides.

But this is also the best era.

Mr. Bai Shu, who smelted the fire, held the last crumbling sky for him... If there was no new Dou Zhan, how long could he mediate and survive under the covetousness of the Outer Sea God?

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

The days of peace are coming to an end... No matter how strong Mr. Bai Shu is, he is still just one person.

He must grow up soon.

Gu Shen left the cemetery and returned to Shenci Mountain.

In the days that followed, Gu Shen concentrated on his cultivation.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

For these seven days, Gu Shen and Chu Ling stayed together on the top of the temple, watching flowers bloom and fade, and black and white intertwined.

During this period, Gu Shen concentrated on tempering the "fire of vitality".

As Bai Zhu said, if you want to go further to the eighth level of the deep sea, there is no shortcut -

Accumulating "field embryos" is an inevitable chore!

Fortunately, he has the blessing of the spectator's state of mind, and when his mind is as still as water, he can practice with twice the result with half the effort. Although these small flames grow slowly, he can still see them getting stronger every day.

Chu Ling, on the other hand, is practicing "ancient prose".

After she was born, she was not interested in extraordinary cultivation. Instead, she had a desire to explore the lost "forbidden ancient texts"... However, this is also in line with common sense. The time she was born was limited, and extraordinary cultivation is destined to be a long process. If she concentrates on practicing, You may not be able to achieve great results, it will only be a waste of time.

And if you study ancient texts, as a super AI, her thinking ability, memory depth, and deduction speed will all provide unprecedented blessings. In this field, she is an unprecedented "bug-level" existence.

There is no fixed direction in human life.

Everyone has the right to choose to pursue their "passion".

Fortunately, not long after Chu Ling was born, he found his life direction.

During these seven days, she stayed with Gu Shen. She taught Li Qingci the divination technique, and began to learn the forbidden wishing technique that Li had inherited for six hundred years... Learning ancient literature is a long process, and Li Qingci is not Qian Ye. , her learning speed is very slow, and her teaching speed is also very slow. According to this progress, one birth is far from enough for learning.

Chu Ling was not in a hurry.

She came to the world not to "study".

She enjoyed every breath of air she breathed in this world and every ray of sunshine she saw... Just like that, on the evening of the seventh day, as the sun set, the time for Chu Ling's "birth" came to an end.

Gu Shen and her stood on the top of Shenci Mountain. Most of the haze that had shrouded the place all year round had dissipated, revealing the dome of clouds over Wonderland and a ray of bright and pale moonlight.

The sun sets into the earth, and the long night begins.

day to day.

Every creature on the earth will welcome this change.

It's just... tonight is the last night of Chu Ling's "life". She is sitting on the top of the mountain, with her bare feet, imitating Li Qingsui and swaying her feet. The mountain spring water is gurgling by, washing the white of her red dress. At the end of her shirt, she pressed her hands between the rugged rocks. Her snow-white fingers were vaguely illusory, as if they were floating and dispersing into light.

"This is the first time I have seen such a bright moonlight in Shenci Mountain."

Chu Ling raised his head with a smile in his voice.

Gu Shen followed her example and sat down, the hem of his black windbreaker flying in the air.

"The moonlight tonight is indeed beautiful..."

The black flowers on the top of the mountain have almost been plucked out.

Although these quantities are only a drop in the bucket compared to the "pollution" of the entire Temple Mountain... But this is a good start. Everything in the world needs a sign before it gets better.

Even if it's just a little bit.

The waterfall gurgled, and the wind blew through it, carrying petals as pink as white as snow.

Chu Ling stretched out her hand, grabbed the petals with two slender fingers, and placed them between her temples with ease. She liked white flowers very much, not only because they were beautiful... but also because they foreshadowed "life" and "hope." , most people are always full of expectations and love for things they have never really owned.

Chu Ling hummed a ditty softly.

She couldn't remember the specific track... It seemed to emerge from her memory. This was not the ability of [Source Code], but the talent and instinct she had after transforming into an adult.

When encountering sad things, you will feel sad and cry.

When you encounter something happy, you will be happy and excited.

But at this moment, when she was about to leave, her emotions were somewhere between the two... The four bronze lamps that gave [Source Code] life seemed to encompass all the emotions of the world in every possible way.

But the "emotions" a living person has are not just as simple as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy?

How can four words describe everything a person has experienced in his life?

She lived again.

This time, she saw the forest of Linz and the sea of ​​the Rhine. She traveled far away with her beloved, watching the sunrise and sunset, the ebb and flow of the tide... But now, it was time to say goodbye again.

This little song sounds like the wind on a new night, melodious and relaxed, but in fact it will dissipate after a while and will never stay until the next day, and the exact same tune will never appear again in the future.

She hummed softly.

Gu Shen also listened quietly.

"It's really strange..."

After the song ended, Chu Ling asked with a smile: "Obviously after the physical body dissipated, my spirit was still in the deep water. I knew clearly that we would meet again in the future... Why do I still feel sad in my heart at this moment?"

Gu Shen was silent for a long time.

He said softly: "Maybe it's because you are not really sure that we will meet again."

This is not a gentle word of love.

But it woke Chu Ling up.

Yes... After all, she is just an ethereal spirit, without a real physical body. If she wants to "live", she needs to rely on the "sacred well" in the Shenci Mountain to accumulate source matter and store energy.

But "Sacred Well" is not stable.

Even she herself didn't know when she would be born next. there really another birth?

"So this is ah……"

Chu Ling's eyes were a little enlightened, but she was still smiling: "It turns out that my sadness is because every time we part, it may be forever."

"I don't know about the others, but I know... at least this separation won't be forever."

Gu Shen said seriously: "I will do my best to maintain the order of the Temple Mountain. When I smelt fire and control life and death, I will find you a 'flesh body' that will last forever in the world, and I will make you truly... Stay alive."

Chu Ling looked at Gu Shen blankly.

She would have found these words funny no matter if they were said by anyone else in the world.

Even the highest seats of gods are the same...

They can't do this!

But if it was Gu Shen, maybe he could really do it...

"Oh...I suddenly became happy."

There was a smile on Chu Ling's face, and she asked with emotion: "I just discovered that I am the same as other women. I like to listen to the oaths of mountains and seas, and like those illusory things. Gu Shen, what you just said, Is this... a love story?"

"Of course not."

Gu Shen shook his head and said with a toothy smile: "This is not something illusory. This is something I will definitely do no matter what in the future."

"Okay. I remember. I have a good memory."

The moonlight and the waterfall flow together, gurgling together.

"Pull the hook and hang yourself."

Chu Ling stared at Gu Shen seriously, and she stretched out her little finger.

It's a pity that from this moment on, her body began to feather. The feathering process started from her fingertips. Her whole body became ethereal and void under the illumination of the moonlight... She actually turned into pieces of feathers of light, and finally only All that was left was a fluttering, thin red and white sacrificial garment.

Gu Shen stretched out his finger before he could touch it.

Chu Ling beside him disappeared into the evening breeze.

He jumped forward lightly, stretched out his palms in the waterfall, grabbed the ancient sacrificial clothes floating in the wind, and finally fell into the pool at the bottom of the temple... Countless broken spirits fell into the water. The moment it fell, it sank into the deep water.

Chu Ling's consciousness returned to nothingness. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Shen "falling" with her.

Gu Shen stretched out his finger to the illusory woman in front of him, and added with a smile the last half of the unfinished sentence: "Here... pull the hook, hang yourself, it won't change in a hundred years."

"Crash la la la..."

In the pool, Gu Shen emerged from the water. Not far from him, a figure in white stood awkwardly.

Tonight is the time when the goddess returns to the well.

Li Qingci wisely went down the mountain early and cleaned at the foot of the temple alone, leaving Gu Shen and Chu Ling alone time... But she never expected that she would still bump into them.

Gu Shen picked up Chu Ling's clothes, climbed out of the pool, and said with a helpless smile: "Celadon girl."

"Mr. Xiao Gu...Miss Chu has gone back?"

Li Qingci looked at the clothes with regret in her eyes.

In the past few days, she has followed Chu Ling to learn forbidden ancient texts and gained a lot. Unfortunately, she is not talented enough and her progress is very slow. She cannot compare with Chu Ling.

Chu Ling taught her to learn slowly.

She taught Chu Ling to learn, and he made rapid progress.

Fortunately, Miss Chu has a gentle temper and is not in a hurry, otherwise she would be filled with guilt...

"Yeah. I'm afraid it will take a while until we see you next time."

Gu Shen turned the blazing fire, and a burst of steaming water mist emitted from his body.

The water from the cold pool on his body was evaporated in just a few seconds.

After all, his ability was "fire". After practicing to the eighth level of the deep sea, baking clothes was a matter of a thought. After a thought, Gu Shen's windbreaker became dry again, and he no longer looked as embarrassed as before.

"It's such a pity that I haven't had time to say thank you to Miss Chu yet." Li Qingci looked regretful.

"Have you forgotten, she is the goddess of Shenci Mountain...she is everywhere."

Gu Shen smiled and stretched out his hand, pointing to the clouds hovering high in the sky, "She will definitely hear what you really want to say."

The Shenci Mountain is now covered by Chu Ling's "consciousness".

"Mr. Xiao Gu..."

Li Qingci and Gu Shen climbed the mountain together. She hesitated for a moment before speaking: "I want to ask something about 'divination'..."

Gu Shen paused and looked strange.

On the surface, he is a disciple of Master Qianye.

But in fact, the only person who mastered divination was Chu Ling.

It's not that I'm afraid of paying the "price", but that the art of divination is really not suitable for me. My comprehension speed is very slow, and the divination effect is very poor.

What's more, he now has two destiny suits, the "Bracelet" and the "Pendant". All trivial matters can be predicted through these two sealed items... Divination seems a bit useless.

"Ask." Gu Shen adjusted his tone and said, "I will tell you everything I know."

"Actually, it's not a problem in practicing 'divination'..." Li Qingci smiled bitterly.

Hearing this, Gu Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because now I am not qualified to say that I have encountered a 'difficulty'." Li Qingci said with shame: "When I was practicing divination, my progress was too slow. It often takes a whole day to comprehend an ancient text... If we continue at this pace, even if Miss Chu is really patient, I will be embarrassed to keep troublesome."

The study of divination is destined to be a long process.

This is the reason why, looking across the Five Continents, only Qianye and "Mr. Yan" from the Tower of Origin have mastered the forbidden technique for so many years!

It’s not that they don’t want to teach, or that others don’t want to learn.

But if they can’t teach it, others can’t learn it either!

A person like Chu Ling who came out of nowhere and quickly mastered the "forbidden magic" is actually the only special being in the past six hundred years.

Li Qingci looked at Gu Shen and said sincerely: "Mr. Gu, if you want to retreat in the Shenci Mountain in the future, can you spend some of your free time on weekdays to teach me the 'divination technique'?"

Li Qingci's meaning was very clear...she wanted to work secretly and practice hard.

Seeing that Gu Shen was silent, she quickly added: "If you are always busy, then you don't need to pay attention to me and just pretend that I don't exist. I often need to study an ancient text for a long, long time."

This request gave Gu Shen a headache.

It's not that he doesn't want to's just that he really doesn't have the ability.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Shen asked, "Miss Celadon, do you know... the price that divination requires?"

"I know."

Li Qingci's voice was very low: "To use divination, you need to dedicate your 'physical body'. Depending on the goal of 'foreseeing' the future, the amount of physical body required is also different... The caster will gradually disintegrate, and the whole process starts from the hands. , and irreversible.”

Pause slightly.

Li Qingci murmured: "Miss Chu has told me about this price before."

"Since you know..." Gu Shen said in a deep voice: "As a spellcaster who uses a lot of 'wishes', don't you know how heavy the price of this forbidden spell is?"

She and Chu Ling are different!

Chu Ling can avoid the punishment of forbidden arts to a certain extent!

But she can't do it. As an ordinary person, all costs must be resisted by herself!

"Celadon is just a broken body, how can it be worthy of pity?"

Li Qingci shook her head and laughed at herself: "You know, I won't live long. If death is coming, will it be at the end of my lifespan or at the end of my physical body... Does it matter? If I can practice successfully, Divination', then I can also be of some help when Mr. Gu and Miss Chu are not at the shrine. Maybe one day, I can see the sunshine outside. Qingsui is still young, and she always needs someone she can trust. , standing silently behind."

After hearing this, Gu Shen fell silent sincerely.

"Mr. Xiao Gu..."

Li Qingci spoke again, but her voice was interrupted by Gu Shen.

"If you really want to practice ancient prose, you should take these things first."

Gu Shen took out a stack of blueprints from his pure land realm. These were the remaining ancient texts on the "Longevity Technique" in the small town of Linz. Chu Ling was still processing the detailed decipherment of the ancient texts in the background of Deep Sea. This is a The learning process is longer than divination... But once you master the "immortality technique", Li Qingci's biggest problem will be solved.

There was nothing more important than her broken life being delayed.

With the huge resources of the Li family and the power Li Qingsui now holds, it is not difficult to pull out a few "death-row inmates" from the prison from time to time to extend the life of her sister.

The art of immortality has been spread throughout the world, and the biggest problem encountered by those in charge is often the "fear" caused by "greed".

Ian obtained the "immortality technique" and deceived the world, stealing his name and deceiving the world. He was afraid that others would know that he was studying such a taboo technique of "resurrecting the dead" in the ancient literature laboratory.

So he can only live in the darkness and alone!

"This is?"

Li Qingci was startled.

"This is the incomplete blueprint of the 'immortality technique'."

Gu Shen looked directly into Li Qingci's eyes and said slowly: "The reason why you want to practice 'divination' desperately is because you deeply feel that you don't have much time... Now, you might as well think about it, what is the choice? Burn desperately in the limited time, or choose to let yourself burn for a longer time. These two future powers are in your hands at this moment, and you can choose for yourself."

"The burning longer?"

Li Qingci never expected that there would be such a terrifying taboo magic in this world. Is immortality the immortality that she understands?

"This technique is a real evil technique." Gu Shen said calmly: "As long as you live, someone will die... But there are many people in this world who are meant to die. Someone dies every minute. So. Li's power can help you solve your 'worries'. The only problem you have to face is the cost of fighting the 'immortality spell'."

"Wait, what's the price of immortality?"

Li Qingci suddenly woke up.

Every forbidden spell requires a price!

Divination is the dissociation of the physical body, and praying is the burning of life... So what is the price of immortality?

What else could make the "immortals" regard it as a price?

"Currently I only know... you will absorb the spirit of the 'dead', and your spiritual sea will be filled with the memories of the scapegoat. If you live for too long, then you may forget your true identity..." Gu Shen said seriously "But I'm not sure if that's the only side effect," he said.

Cold sweat broke out behind Li Qingci.

"Sorry, it's the only thing I can do."

Gu Shen said regretfully: "Actually, I have not learned 'divination', so I can't help you with the practice of divination... If you want to learn divination as soon as possible, you are looking for the wrong person. But I know , this incomplete blueprint of the 'immortality spell' may allow you to live for a while longer."

He didn't want Li Qingci to die like this.

She is a good girl.

She should see what the outside world is like.


Li Qingci was a little confused. She was holding the drawing in her hand, feeling a little confused.

Gu Shen asked: "Does Mr. Li really need you to be so burning now?"

The chaos in Nagano has been settled.

With the assistance of Uncle Gao, Li Qingsui revitalizes the discipline of the Presbyterian Church, continuously eliminates disloyal parties, and at the same time regains the confidants left by the previous head of the family. Step by step, the Li family may show a "brilliant appearance" unprecedented in the past century.

At this time, Li Qingci's efforts, no matter how hard she worked, were just the "icing on the cake."

Gu Shen's soul asked, causing her to fall into thinking.


Does Li Shi really need his protector to burn so much now?

She has always believed in her ancestor's will, and she has worked conscientiously, not daring to relax for a moment, just because there is still a haze hanging over the shrine, and just because the Li family is the weakest among the five families...

However, now, the gloom has broken, and the shrine has gradually returned to light.

"There is nothing wrong with living longer."

Gu Shen patted Li Qingci on the shoulder, took out the pile of drawings from her hand, and said softly: "Maybe you have a third choice... do nothing, don't care about anything, from today on , whether it’s divination, prayer, or immortality, forget it all.”

"So...what do I do?"

Li Qingci looked confused.


Gu Shen said word for word: "What you have to do is live. Then do what you want to do, do what you like to do."

In the end, Gu Shen left a few ancient drawings and placed them in the ancient house of the temple.

There is only so much he can do.

Giving "immortality skills" as a gift may not be the best policy.

But as Li Qingci said, she is already a broken body. In this situation, what is more important than being alive?

Everyone has the right to choose their own life...

If Li Qingci really chooses the "immortality technique", Gu Shen will not object. He will try every means to help Li Qingci avoid the price of the "immortality technique".

It's just that this technique is more difficult to practice than divination. If Li Qingci wants to practice it, she needs to spend a lot of time. These few drawings are enough for her to comprehend for a while. During this time, she can also study it carefully. calm down.

Whether it is to practice divination or live forever, she has the last choice.

That means just learning, not using.

The following days passed quickly.

Gu Shen no longer retreats, but walks in the mountains of Shenci Mountain, picking black flowers along the way, tempering and transforming them with the "fire of vitality", turning the picked black flowers into small white flowers full of vitality.

This is exactly what he has discovered, the practice method that makes his embryonic domain expand and become more powerful!

If we don't leave the fortress, then the wonderful land of Shenci Mountain can be said to be a holy land for spiritual practice!

There are countless "disordered sources" here, which can allow the blazing fire to continuously devour and grow... It can also supplement the needs for the growth of the "Pure Land World", and it is only a matter of time before the last wish of the ancestors of the Li family is fulfilled.

Gu Shen felt that the number of black flowers in the temple mountain seemed huge in the early years, but as his realm increased and he started to truly practice... I am afraid that these black flowers are not enough for him to swallow.

The evolution of "Fire" alone may exhaust the source of this entire wonderful realm!

If you want to build a "pure land" to accommodate an army of the undead, then the source of the sacred temple mountain is far from enough.

He needs to prepare in advance.

These days, Gu Shen has established a spiritual link with the "Golden Spike Flower" far away in Beizhou, and issued a new order... to explore a new "nest" in the old world in the north, and try to find a gentle "source" A land of quality”.

If I successfully smelt Pluto's fire in the future, then the matter of absorbing the source of essence must still be done in the [Old World].

Golden fringe flowers wander around the old world in the north with great joy.

Since leaving the [Maze], it has tasted the taste of freedom... There is no creature in this world who does not yearn for freedom. Gu Shen didn't have too much control over this big guy. After washing away the "spiritual imprint" left by his predecessor Pluto, he completely released Golden Spike Flower's authority, even though he saw the teacher and senior sister in the "traveler"'s field of vision Even in the snowstorm, he still believed that there was still hope for the three of them to survive and return.

Among the five continents, what is a more useful exploration tool than the "Golden Spike Flower"?

Even the apostle who has obtained the "token" may not be able to walk faster or further than it!

The big guy doesn't need to be fed, it will find food by itself. Every once in a while, it will mentally convey back the route it is traveling and the scenery it sees... This is a priceless map beyond the Great Wall!

Even the [Source Code] cannot invade the internal network of the Beizhou Survey Corps.

It can be seen how important the Beizhou military attaches great importance to the information resources of the old world——

If this exploration continues, the "Old World Map" continuously expanded by Golden Spike will be no less valuable than the secret collections of the Survey Corps over the years.

Gu Shen's practice on the Shenci Mountain was peaceful and fulfilling, and more than half a year passed like this.

A lot of things have happened in the past half year——

Chu Ling gathered his physical body for the third time, reunited with Gu Shen for the third time, and then parted for the third time.

Li Qingci once gave up researching the longevity drawings and picked it up again.

The sun sets, the moon rises, and the stars move.

For more than half a year, it seems like nothing happened.

Nagano is peaceful, Dongzhou is peaceful, and Gu Shen, who is walking and walking among the shrine mountains, feels unprecedentedly peaceful. He dyes half of the black flowers on the cliff white.

If possible, he hoped that this tranquility would last forever...


In the early autumn of Shenci Mountain, this peace was broken.

(PS: This chapter has 7K words. It will double starting on the 29th. I will post more and more. Please give me a monthly ticket~)

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