Barrier of Light

Chapter 684 Joint Arrest (please vote, more updates)

After the sky sheath exploded.

The iron walls were surrounded by debris from the "Sword in the Stone", and the spirit that could originally cover the entire prison was greatly hindered.

But a disembodied voice came from the tower.

"Are you looking for him?"

Mr. Xue used his powerful spiritual power to guide Gu Nanfeng to the location of the Tomb Ghost at this moment.

He said in a complex voice: "This young man was lucky... he barely managed to survive the explosion."

Gu Nanfeng set off immediately, and Lan Qie wrapped Guangfeng, and he came to the place where the ghost of the tomb fell.

Xing Yun has lost consciousness.

Soon, Luo Yu, who was running with all his strength, also rushed to the scene... After seeing the tragic scene here, he fell into a long silence. Only then did he understand what Mr. Xue meant by "good luck".

A stone pillar penetrated the missing night watchman of the Gu family.

In the big explosion just now——

This night watchman took the fatal blow for the Tomb Demon.

"If I remember correctly, his name is Gu Qiang...right?"

Gu Nanfeng's voice was very soft and sad.

"Yes Yes."

Luo Yu was stunned, and his whole mood was very low.

This young night watchman is a "relative" of the Gu family in a remote area of ​​Jiangbei. Although his surname is Gu, he does not work in Nagano... The Gu family is a big clan with influence all over Dongzhou Jiangbei. To build something like this in the tundra, it is not a good idea for the Nagano children. It is a hardship and hardship, but for young people from other regions, it is an opportunity and experience.

Many people from Jiangbei came here in admiration.

They admired their young master Gu Nanfeng, and they willingly came to the tundra, a land of frozen snow, to build a snow cage with their young master.

But there were hundreds of people who came to the tundra.

And every once in a while, there will be a rotation...

They didn't know that to Gu Nanfeng, these people, these people who came to the tundra willingly, were not just nameless people "borrowing their name".

The young master of the Gu family memorized the names of every follower.

"Pass my order - a generous burial and a generous reward."

Gu Nanfeng stretched out his hands and held the bloody man pierced by the stone pillar on the snow.

"Bring all his parents, family, relatives and friends to Nagano."

His hoarse voice echoed in the cold wind: "If there are people who don't want to come to Nagano and want to live in their hometown, send someone to take care of them. All the things that can be solved with ordinary things for the rest of their lives will be arranged."

Luo Yu took a deep breath. Somehow, there seemed to be a lot of knives stuck in the cold wind today.

He wiped his cheek hard, his voice trembling.

"...Yes, Young Master."

After the second explosion, the Tundra Prison was filled with smoke and silence gradually returned.

The inventory of the Gu family's temporary base is over.

The maintenance of the Beizhou Yuan energy boat has also been initially completed.

No one knows...whether there will be a third explosion.

Lin Silu and Gu Nanfeng completed their meeting in the north of the base. Mr. Xue, the ghost teacher responsible for monitoring the entire tundra prison, also left the tower. After this explosion, Gui Xue and Gui Xue ordered to gather the "guarding force" inside the tundra. .

No one knows what these four people talked about.

But soon, the deep sea released the explosion of the tundra prison into the deep waters of two continents... The sudden explosion of the sky sheath attracted everyone's attention, and there was a heated discussion in the deep water forum.

No one knows why this "sword in the stone" exploded——

In the past hundreds of years, the sky sheath has been stable!

Dongzhou even built a complete and strong prison around it!

But this "explosion" makes people deeply uneasy. Is it because of the accident caused by the "traveler" drawing his sword, or is there some other reason? People tend to be afraid of the unknown and fear of loss, but corresponding to the extraordinary, in addition to being afraid of "death", they are also afraid of "being deprived of their abilities". The fragments of the sky sheath have this weird and terrifying power!

Beizhou has adopted measures to block information from the outside world.

But perhaps because of the same unknown origin, some people still mistakenly connected "Sky Sheath" and "Traveler" together. Posts have appeared on the forum, saying that the "Traveler" is not actually dead. Its consciousness is actually placed on the sky sheath. The Sword in the Stone is gradually awakening. This explosion is a sign. Wait until the shell of the Sword in the Stone falls off. , the entire tundra will be enveloped by the "forbidden power", and all extraordinary beings who are close to the [Snow Cage] at that time will be deprived of their power.

Of course... more people will express disdain for such absurd remarks.

Especially the people from Beizhou, especially the extraordinary people living in Central City.

the reason is simple.

The "traveler" mentioned in the post is now burning in the furnace under Central City... The entire Ascension City is enjoying the heat brought by the burning of the traveler's fire. This is a divine gift from Her Majesty the Queen!

What a sword in the stone, what a will of the old world, it’s simply ridiculous!

In front of the invincible "my emperor", they are all vulnerable to a single blow!

In addition to the rupture of the sky sheath, this incident also contained a very important message... which attracted the attention of the extraordinary beings from both continents!

The Sky Sheath shattered the iron wall of the Tundra Prison, causing the [Snow Cage] to burst, and a large number of extraordinary criminals escaped. These criminals are the most dangerous existences in Eastern Continent. They are at least powerful third-level extraordinary beings, and some of them are , is a "out-of-control person" who has lost his mind!

Fortunately among misfortunes, this prison was built in the most desolate "tundra" in Eastern Continent!

The tundra area is extremely vast and difficult to cross.

However, due to the severe cold weather, the control of [Deep Sea] is also quite loose. It is very difficult and takes a long time to rely on [Deep Sea] to catch prisoners... and it is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net.

Nagano and Central City have already held discussions. This time, under special circumstances, the two continents will jointly carry out the task of capturing criminals in the Tundra Prison.

The Beizhou military has mobilized the elite forces in the army to first station themselves in the north, and then slowly move south to gradually reduce the scope of activities for the escaped prisoners.

Similarly in Nagano, the five major families and the three major institutes acted together and dispatched a sufficient number of extraordinary people, and then Mr. Gu Qilin personally came forward to lead this arrest operation... From south to north, the two continents acted at the same time. , wrapping the tundra.

The message dropped in the deep sea is equivalent to a warning to all extraordinary beings——

Central City and Nagano conducted an unprecedented joint operation!

During this period, the tundra area will usher in a large number of high-level powerful people. People who have nothing to do with this capture mission must not step into it... When encountering law enforcers from both continents, they may be accidentally injured, but this may still be the case. The good ending is that if someone really steps into the tundra and encounters a high-risk supernatural criminal, his fate may not be as simple as being accidentally shot.

Such a huge change shocked the entire Nagano overnight.

The three major offices of the five families conducted the selection overnight... This joint capture operation is very important, because the high-risk criminals who have the ability to be imprisoned and entered the tundra prison are at least the ones with the strength of the eighth layer of the deep sea, extraordinary people in this realm. , most of them have already understood the "field embryo", and if they want to arrest them, they must be cautious.

Although this mission is dangerous, it has attracted the attention of many extraordinary people!

Danger is often accompanied by a breakthrough in strength!

Many young extraordinary beings are eager to participate in this mission and fight together...

Nagano is a famous warlike city. Although it does not have the brutal fighting environment of Hokkaido, every extraordinary person in the three houses and five families is warlike and good at fighting. The criminals who were actually sent to the [Snow Cage] , many of which are from their handiwork.

The senior leaders of the three institutes and five major universities actually knew it very well.

This "joint arrest" is indeed high-risk, but as long as it is organized properly, it is a rare opportunity to "sharpen the knife"!

The young people in Nagano just need to sharpen their skills!

There may not be such a good "mission environment" for many years to come. This mission is different from the past. For those extraordinary criminals who have escaped from the [Snow Cage], if the situation is critical, they can be killed directly!

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The five major agencies and the three major offices are busy drawing up lists and selecting the best candidates to perform tasks.

The whole of Nagano was noisy.

But there are exceptions——

In the wonderful scenery of Shenci Mountain, it is as quiet as ever.

There is a faint fragrance of flowers lingering here, and the white petals pass across the sky. The clouds and mist are lingering, and most of the shadows are gone. The top of the mountain is like a snow-capped mountain with the first snow melting, giving people a very sacred feeling.

If you just look at the top of the temple, you will feel that in addition to being holy, this place is dignified and peaceful.

But if you look from a distance, you will find that the lower half of this mountain, the mountainside and the bottom of the mountain are still dark, entangled with a lot of death and ominousness. This is the foundation where the "black flower" begins to spread. It is also the truly huge and thorny "disaster" itself.

Perhaps six hundred years ago, Shenci Mountain had this pure white appearance on the top of the mountain, but after a long period of time, black flowers gradually covered the mountain.

Gu Shen was walking on the mountain path.

He picked flowers along the way, walking and stopping, completely forgetting himself. "Blazing Fire" feeds on black flowers, and he feeds on cultivation. After possessing the "Pure Land Domain", Suxuanmu silently transformed the source of matter into energy, allowing his physical body to survive for a long time. There is no need to eat for a period of time, and the most basic life characteristics can still be maintained.

This is actually not difficult, most level four can do it——

Extraordinary practice is essentially a leap in "life levels". Like the divine throne after smelting fire, it is a completely different level of life. They don't need to eat, breathe, or sleep, even during the storm of the old world's essence. , you can still survive safely.

The most difficult thing about continuous practice is actually the spirit.

But this was nothing to Gu Shen.

His spirit, after three transcendences, has reached the average level of "fourth level", and his state of mind can make him immersed in a certain thing extremely purely.

If there are no external interruptions.

He can continue to "pick black flowers" and carry out the accumulated practice of swallowing and transformation.

As [Source Code], Chu Ling had long known what happened in the tundra, but had not informed her because he did not want to disrupt Gu Shen's state of retreat.

She knows very well that this state of cultivation is very valuable.

Once you exit, it takes a lot of time to re-immerse.

So, she doesn't care what happens outside.

If the tundra prison is damaged, someone will naturally be responsible for repairing it.

If a criminal escapes, someone will be responsible for catching him.

Today's Gu Shen is not "Pluto" yet. Even if a hole falls in the sky, it will not be Gu Shen's turn to fill it... She is fulfilling the duties of [Deep Sea] and compiling the list.

It's a pity that Gu Shen has other identities besides "Pluto".

He is a disciple of the Grand Adjudicator, a descendant of Qianye, a junior of the Gu family, and a young leader who has the right to speak in the capital...

When peace is broken, Gu Shen must be the first to be disturbed.

As Mr. Bai Shu said...the days of peace are coming to an end.

Temple Mountain is always peaceful.

But when the outside world became alarmed, this tranquility no longer belonged to Gu Shen.

An email from Zhou Wei, Chairman of the Federal Security Council, was delivered directly to Gu Shen's mailbox... Chu Ling read it in advance as usual. After reading it, she knew that she could no longer remain silent.

This email invited Gu Shen to come forward on behalf of the ruling office and participate in the joint arrest plan and the final drafting of the list of all personnel.

This is an important message.

The arrest this time was so huge that all three institutes and five people needed to provide extraordinary people...

The person responsible for drawing up the list must be the "leader" with the highest authority.

The command post is owned by Mr. Gu Qilin, and the prison is by Mr. Shan. After losing Zhou Jiren, Tian Tong, and Zhu Wang, the adjudication office no longer has a title to sit in charge, and it seems that the "high-level officials are deserted", but there are still other powerful fourth-order people. , and even the existence of quasi-banned names, but this time when the final list was drawn up, they all took the initiative to withdraw.

the reason is simple.

They want to give the opportunity... to the young man who is most likely to become the "Grand Adjudicator" in the future.

Gu Shen.

In the eyes of outsiders, Gu Shen is just an extraordinary person on the seventh level of the deep sea. No one knows yet that he broke through the realm to condense the "fire of life". Logically speaking, a seventh level of the deep sea is not enough to let these The fourth level people all took the initiative to give way.

But now the "Judgment Office" has become very united after the Zhu Wang faction was cleared.

Those fourth-level adjudicators who have practiced for many years know very well... with Gu Shen's potential and demonstrated strength, it won't be long before he can break through, and it is not appropriate to fight for it at this time.

Mr. Zhou Jiren is still fighting for the hope of mankind in the [Old World].

They know that their power is limited.

If the Grand Adjudicator is really unfortunate enough to die on duty, then the future Adjudication Office will urgently need a person with enough ability to step forward and carry this banner... This time the attendance of the list is drawn up, it is these rulings The result after the officials discussed it.

They regarded this as a gift to the youngest and most talented young man in the tribunal.

This is a gift full of hope.

It’s also a heart-warming act of kindness.

(PS: It’s a bit late to write this, everyone has been waiting for a long time. Thank you to the leader "Fate is Rain" for the reward. This chapter is an additional update after the 2,000 votes are requested at the end of the month. The additional reward from the leader will be posted tomorrow.)

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