Barrier of Light

Chapter 691: Crush and Kill (Additional update for the alliance leader

Countless blades of steel grass were flying over the snowfield!

Gu Shen sat back, and a steel throne broke through the black tide and condensed with the center of the tornado.

He is sitting on the throne.

With a gentle tap of his fingertips, the realm of pure land emerged. The long, snow-white leaves falling from the towering trees covered a hundred-meter radius. The wisps of black air lingering over the ice sheet were also swept away at this moment. Freeze them all——


The crisp and sweet broken sound echoed in all directions.

Tang Ran stared at this scene blankly.

He couldn't believe that his own domain was suppressed by a third-level transcendent... Throughout the development history of the five continents' transcendent, has there ever been such an outrageous cross-level battle?

No, such a thing is absolutely impossible!


He aimed a heavy punch at Gu Shen. He was more than ten meters away, and countless black waves surged out of his body. This was supposed to be a tragic scene of swallowing the sky and the earth. However, under the absolute suppression of the Pure Land, These black tides only rushed forward ten meters before being suppressed again.

Tang Ran felt as if his spirit had hit an iron wall!

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Countless black tides were frozen to pieces!

Gu Shen also extended his five fingers.

He pressed forward gently.

A domain name called "Nirvana" is advancing in the opposite direction along the black tide.

The layers of tide are constantly breaking and condensing.

The two realms engaged in a head-on confrontation——

In a short period of time, the two were evenly matched, but in fact, the consumption of the black tide was increasing, and Tang Ran was already showing signs of being unable to sustain it.

Blood gradually oozed from his seven orifices.

Physical pain is nothing.

The mental shock is the most fatal.

Tang Ran stared in astonishment at the young man sitting on the throne not far away... Gu Shen's name was known to everyone in Dongzhou. Even the prisoners in the tundra prison had heard of it. .

He knew that this young man was a ruthless character. Not long ago, Han Dang, the former famous and talented adjudicator of the adjudication office, was miserably imprisoned... This "law enforcer" who had personally arrested many high-risk criminals ended up like this. Given by caution!

But he couldn't think of it.

How did Gu Shen reach this level of cultivation in such a short period of time!

Suppressing your own fourth-level domain, is this the eighth level of the deep sea?

Tang Ran raised his head, and his roar echoed in the snowy wind: "Gu Shen! You are hiding so deeply!"

Everyone was deceived by Gu Shen——

This young man must have reached the fourth level of cultivation, at least the tenth level of deep sea!


Gu Shen was indifferent to Tang Ran's roar.

Gu Shen looked at the man in front of him calmly, with only indifference in his eyes... The reason why the field confrontation lasted for so long was because he wanted to see what kind of power his current "Nirvana Field" could unleash. Killing power.

This criminal named Tang Ran is quite strong and is not a weakling among the fourth level.


Having just broken through the realm, coupled with Fu Yin who had transcended the realm three times before, Gu Shen's spiritual power is too rich. If he had still stayed at the previous realm, I am afraid that he would be slightly weaker in this confrontation.

"After arriving at the eighth level of the deep sea, with the support of three transcendent realms, my strength is not much worse than those of the captains in the restart mission."

Gu Shen thought to himself, "Although it can't compare with fourth-level geniuses like Fisher and Zhong Yuan, it's more than enough to deal with Tang Ran..."

A ray of blazing light erupted in his eyes.

"Same level of strength, fighting against the spiritual system, what do you use to fight me?!"

Gu Shen stood up, took a step forward, and stretched out his palm at the same time. Countless steel blades were blown up by the strong wind, and thousands of strands merged into his empty palm, turning into a long knife!


Gu Shen just slashed it with his sword.

This sword is simple and unpretentious, with no sword skills to speak of.

But in this sword, the pure land realm is full of "big cold" and "nirvana"!

The long blade's blade reflected pale silver light.

For a moment, Tang Ran's sad and desperate face was illuminated.

In this duel, he was completely at a disadvantage.

In the Black Grinding Realm, he was completely crushed by the Pure Land. All his strength was suppressed in his body. At this moment, he was extremely frustrated and felt like he had nowhere to use his strength...

He raised his head and looked at the ordinary sword light across the void. The sense of crisis that Gu Shen's casual sword brought to him was even more powerful than Mu Qingyang's full-force shot before!


Tang Ran had no choice, he ignited his most important spiritual sea.

The Black Grinding Realm once again erupted with terrifying momentum. He burned his soul at this moment and chose to fight Gu Shen head-on.

"Gu Shen! I will fight with you!"

Tang Ran didn't care about anything. He pulled out a jet-black spear from the ground. The criminals who were taken to the tundra prison would naturally not have any sealed objects... His only weapon was the "fourth-level spirit" that he had tempered for twenty years. ", he grasped the black spear, aimed at the silver-white sword slashing in the air, and stabbed it out fiercely!

Mu Qingyang's shot was like the dawn of the sun.

At this moment, Tang Ran's shot was like a tide bursting out in the darkness, a flash flood and a tsunami!

But his black gun revealed a deep sense of despair and life-threatening madness...

This is the reason why the five-person team had an encounter before and couldn't even escape. These high-risk criminals are all lunatics walking on the edge of life and death. In desperate situations, they will definitely be able to unleash more powerful attacks than usual. strength!

But it's a pity.

Tang Ran met Gu Shen.

Gu Shen only fights "life and death fights", and this fight is no exception.

There was a crisp sound of "clang", and the long knife slashed down. Wherever the sword light passed, the big black gun shattered inch by inch and flew away.

This knife is not just a mental crushing!

The sharpness of the nameless iron is unparalleled in the world!

Even if Tang Ran risked his life, he couldn't resist the sword... The next moment, the silver-white sword light poured into his body.

Gu Shen looked at the man in front of him expressionlessly.

His own "Great Cold Realm" and the "Nirvana" he possesses are definitely the first echelon of realm artistic conception. Even if he was stabbed like this, it would be impossible for him to be a god to save Tang Ran.

The coldness of the pure land penetrates into the inside from the shoulder position where the sword light penetrates!

In just a few seconds, icy cold flakes covered Tang Ran's entire body. His lips, hair, face, and fingertips were all covered in a layer of pale frost.

At this moment, Gu Shen frowned slightly, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, Tang Ran at this moment should turn into an ice sculpture within a few seconds.

But the frost only appeared on his body... and there was no sign of further condensation.


A hoarse, slightly tinged laughter sounded on the snowy field.

Tang Ran looked at the young man in front of him coldly.

The pain caused by this knife is more unforgettable than Mu Qingyang's shot...

"I will repay you a hundredfold for the suffering you have suffered today!"

His voice was hoarse and he spoke word by word.

The moment Tang Ran burned his spiritual sea, there was a shadow behind him that stretched out. In just a few seconds, it spread for several miles. This tortuous shadow was Tang Ran's biggest back-up plan.

he knows.

He could not be Gu Shen's opponent.

Then...his only way to survive is to escape!

"What kind of power is this?" Gu Shen frowned.

He scanned it with his spirit and found that his sword intention was gradually being "digested" in Tang Ran's body!

Even the spirit he sent out was much less when he came back!

In just a moment, Gu Shen understood.

"It's the Sky Scabbard! It's the fragment of the Stone Sword!"

The sky sheath collapsed, and the fragments of the Stone Sword exploded into pieces, shattering the [Snow Cage] and also shattering the prison where criminals were imprisoned... That massive explosion caused a large number of casualties in the core area.

The prisoners who were imprisoned within the iron wall had no way to avoid the surge, they could only resist!

There are many people who are weak and unlucky and are directly nailed to death by the fragments of the Sword in the Stone!

Strong ones, like Tang Ran, can still "harden" down and complete the jailbreak even if they are hit by some fragments!

Although he "survived".

But he was still stabbed by the stone sword. For six hundred years, no one can figure out what the sky sheath is... Even if these fragments of the stone sword are pulled out one by one, they will still cause damage to the body of the extraordinary. Weird and unpredictable influence!

And the power in Tang Ran that devoured the killing intent in his own domain and the spirit of temptation came from the fragments of the Stone Sword!

A moment of confusion.

Tang Ran fell backwards, his black robe flying. This skinny, almost frozen body fell towards a small pool of shadows. At the same time, his spirit had flown several miles away. This kind of Of course, there is a price to pay for long-distance "teleportation". If you use it once, you will have to rest for a long time. If you use it a second time, it will bring huge pain to the user.

But Tang Ran couldn't care about this anymore. This lunatic named Gu Shen gave him a stronger sense of oppression than Mu Qingyang, forcing him to even burn his spiritual sea!

At this moment, as long as he can escape, he can accept any price!


Tang Ran fell down and merged into the shadow cold pool.

This wisp of shadow followed an extremely slender black field that spread thousands of meters with only a thin line left. It flew past at an extremely fast speed and almost disappeared from the line of sight in just one second.

Gu Shen's expression instantly darkened.

"Want to escape?!"

He reacted very quickly. The moment he realized that the "Sword of Stone Fragments" could digest his murderous intention, he guessed that Tang Ran's true intention was to escape, so he waved his hand immediately!

[Iron Throne] Dismantle the long knife.

The moment Gu Shen waved his hand, the iron light in the sky was "transported" by the Pure Land Domain to the outermost edge of the domain, and turned into a square iron seal, heavily nailed to the extremely long black strand. Above the shadow line!


Gu Shen raised his hand too fast and actually pinned the black noodle. At this moment, the long black noodle line was still spreading, but one end was nailed, and the "speed" of the other end became slower and slower, and finally there was even The tendency to be pulled back!

At the same time, Gu Shen rushed out.

The shadow grew longer and longer, and Tang Ran reappeared. His "escape method" had huge advantages. It could escape to the ground quickly, but it also had shortcomings. Once it stopped, it would be aborted... At this moment, the end of the shadow was nailed, He couldn't allow him to continue running away. After he appeared, he hurriedly used his energy to cut off half of the long line and perform the feat of "cutting off the tail of a gecko"!


After a slow beat, the dust settled.

The moment Tang Ran cut off the long black line, his eyes flashed as a figure flashed past. Gu Shen held the iron sword and ran across the snowy field at extremely fast speeds. Within one second, he drew his sword and chopped off the head!

There was no time to spray the blood.

Gu Shen's mastery of the Pure Land realm was already "familiar". The moment he drew the sword, the coldness froze his blood... The fragments of the stone sword dissipated partially, and the meaning of annihilation surged in part.

With a thud, Tang Ran's head fell to the ground.


Gu Shen lowered his head and looked at the stunned and frightened head. Thousands of thoughts rushed through his heart. The "surprise" that this coincidental encounter brought to him was not just a simple A-class fugitive.

The fragments of the Stone Sword can actually have such a strange effect on the bodies of these criminals...

He carried the head and slowly walked towards the headless body that fell on the ice field. At the same time, blazing fire jumped out from the center of his eyebrows... The dead "fourth-order extraordinary person" had a lot of extraordinary origins in his body. , it is the breaking moment when a lot of resources are needed.

In this case, Gu Shen would not waste it.

When the fire is full and full.

Gu Shen knelt down and carefully examined Tang Ran's body with his mental strength. Just as he expected, the "stone sword fragments" in this guy's body had been removed by themselves, but there was still residual power stationed there.

Strange to say.

After Tang Ran's death, the remaining power of the "Stone Sword Fragments" was difficult to regenerate and gradually dissipated.

Does this kind of power also conform to the iron law of natural return in the supernatural world?

When the host dies, it also dies.

"Of those guys who escaped from the 'Snow Cage', how many were stabbed by the Sword in the Stone?" Gu Shen rubbed his chin. The number was probably not a small number. Judging from the scale of the explosion at that time, those who were able to escape completely should be very few. There are very few lucky people.

Most importantly, to escape, the prison must be destroyed.

He was not stabbed by the fragments of the Stone Sword, and the prison was destroyed... This could be called the "Chosen One".

After a while, the blazing fire gnawed away the source of Tang Ran's body.

Gu Shen reached out and touched Xiao Huo Miao's "head" and found that the emotional feedback from Blazing Fire was very ordinary... He smiled and didn't take it seriously. He originally thought it was because the little guy was used to the wealth that came with his mouth in Shenci Mountain. One day, this meal was not full.

But when Gu Shen mentally checked the "specific income" of this meal, he realized that the situation was a bit strange.

Tang Ran, a fourth-level transcendent—

He had just been killed by himself, and the extraordinary essence in his body had not had time to "return to nature"!

But the extraordinary source of essence left in his corpse was only half of the normal fourth level!

Gu Shen's expression became solemn, and he recalled the pain and fear that appeared on the latter's face when he saw this guy from a distance.

"A lot of source material has dissipated..."

He murmured: "Is it the 'Sword of Stone' that has eliminated his essence and is turning him into a mortal?"

(PS: 1. This is the chapter tonight. Thank you for the support of the alliance leader "World Hall". 2. I will adjust my work and rest during this period. In the new year, the update time cannot be so hellish. Future updates will be in the morning. .So everyone go to bed early tonight, there will be another chapter tomorrow morning, and the update time will be around 7:15.)

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