Barrier of Light

Chapter 702 Call (Added update 2/8 for

Chapter 702 Call (Added update 28 for “World Hall”)

In the hanging abyss, giant trees support the sky.

The aftermath of [Intercut] gradually dissipated, and this collapsed land was replaced by a pure land realm that appeared out of thin air.


When the turbulence in the space gradually subsided, the violent impact around the Pure Land also dissipated.

"it's over."

Gu Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

His expression was slightly pale.

Yuan Zhong's [Intercut] is a powerful weapon for large-scale group attacks. He resisted this space turbulence and consumed almost 50% of the source of energy accumulated in his pure land... If he wanted to fight across the border, he had to pay. cost.

But this so-called price is not that tragic.

After all, Gu Shen's "Pure Land" did not accumulate too much source of essence during his practice in Shenci Mountain.

The practice for most of the past six months has revolved around the breakthrough of "blazing fire".

Most of the source material is used in the transformation of the fire of vitality——

The Pure Land only absorbs a part of the source essence that is enough for growth, and the rest is a backup reserve to deal with "critical situations".

After consuming 50%, Gu Shen felt a little distressed, but it was more than worth it!

The space becomes turbulent and disperses.

The vacuum barrier also melted away.

Gu Shen controlled the Pure Land Realm and led everyone towards the snowfield. The entire camp was completely preserved... but the snow-capped mountains and land within a radius of one kilometer were crushed by [Intercut].


Gu Shen chose a new position and put everyone down.

He took back the pure land and then released his dream——

One by one, the extraordinary ones woke up.

The first one to wake up was the fourth-level psychiatrist Jimo.

"It's over...the ground collapsed..."

Jimo was still in the state of nervousness before falling asleep. After he woke up, he subconsciously looked around.

Calm and calm.

The original scene of violent collapse has ended.

The whole world is extremely peaceful.

Even the snowy wind blowing by was very gentle.

"Well, it's over?"

Jimo couldn't believe it and looked at Gu Shen.

In the end... it was Gu Shen who saved him?

The cold wind blew, and the surrounding law enforcement officers gradually woke up. Everyone's reaction was similar to Jimo's. They were nervous at first, and then quickly saw the surrounding environment clearly and realized that there was no danger.

Just take a second look and you will find... there is a large snow cave not far away, with a dark arc cutting the earth.

The original "camp" location has all collapsed.

Only a sinkhole remains.

I don’t know how deep it is!

"Everyone, we are safe."

Gu Shen's voice rang in everyone's heart, and he said calmly: "This location should be relatively safe. Don't stay away for now, I'll be back soon!"

Yuan Zhong, the culprit, ran away after the fight, which was something Gu Shen couldn't tolerate.

His blazing fire can capture Yuan Zhong's aura!

Set off now, maybe you can catch up!

Gu Shen was about to leave.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, why hasn't Lord Qingyang woke up yet?" Jimo's voice transmission came hurriedly: "Is he going to be okay?"

All the extraordinary beings in the entire camp have woken up.

But there is only one exception.

Gu Shen's expression was a little subtle.

Has Mu Qingyang not woken up yet...

This guy had received a blow from his own hand and a hypnotic hypnosis from Blazing Fire. In order to prevent it from being enough, Gu Shen had to make up for it. Gu Shen showed no mercy to Mu Qingyang's "attacks".

After all, he is only the third level.

Brother Qingyang is at the fourth level.

At that moment, there was only one chance to suddenly take it back.

"Don't worry." Gu Shen coughed lightly and said, "He may be too tired after fighting hard at Level 4, so he needs to rest for a while... He will wake up soon."

Jimo said in a daze.

He wanted to ask something more, but the figure in front of him disappeared in a flash.

Mr. Gu has disappeared in front of the camp fire.

Yuan Zhong's breath, for some unknown reason, suddenly stopped moving.

Gu Shen, who was wandering through the barren mountains, vaguely guessed the answer——

But when he arrived at his destination, he was still slightly shocked by the sight in front of him.

At the end of the snow forest, the view is wide.

Broken snow was flying, and on a raised sheath stone sat a young man in a white shirt.

This pale snowfield is covered with blood spots in all directions.

Yuan Zhong's breath finally "stopped" here.

"You came."

Baixiu opened his eyes and woke up from meditation.

He seemed to have known that Gu Shen would come.

Xiaoxiu glanced at the black shirts scattered on the ground, smiled and said, "He is already dead."

He - of course refers to Yuan Zhong.

Gu Shen fell into silence as he looked at the plum blossom-like blood spilled on the ground. There was sympathy in his eyes. This guy's luck was too "good".

To avoid myself.

As a result... he bumped into Baixiu.

Even Gu Shen couldn't see clearly the true strength of Xiao Xiu.

The last time they met, he felt that Baixiu had already competed with some of the top level fours like Zhong Yuan and Fisher!

But now judging from the intensity of the scene.

Over the past six months, Baixiu's strength has improved a step further... Perhaps he is close to the level of fourth-order extreme transcender such as "Lu Zhe" and "Jia Wei"?

Gu Shen couldn't guess.

But what he could guess was... Yuan Zhong, who was ranked sixth in the [Snow Cage], could only be slaughtered in front of the [Thunder World Walker] with white sleeves, and could not even resist in the slightest.

Because the entire snowfield was covered with blood.

Only the thin shirt with white sleeves was spotless.

"It's a pity that I came a little late."

Gu Shen looked at Yuan Zhong's wreckage scattered around the snowfield and said with a smile: "If you come earlier, you won't miss this good show."

"What kind of show is this?"

Baixiu stood up, shook his head, and said gently: "Kill chickens and dogs... It's okay if you don't watch."

Having said that.

But Gu Shen still used Blazing Fire to try to profile.

On the snowy field... Yuan Zhong was torn into many parts. There should be some extremely violent force that "initiated" him, and Gu Shen was a little confused. As the eleventh layer of the deep sea with the special ability to control space [Intercut] As an extraordinary person, Yuan Zhong can't resist even a little bit, right?

The only explanation is.

The power of [Thunder World Walker] is too overbearing.

[Intercut] Try tissue transfer, cutting, dispersing...

But all methods failed and shattered under the absolute power.

So he died.

According to the results of my profiling this time...there is indeed nothing interesting about this battle.

One move and one second.

"By the way, I found this thing on him."

Bai Xiu threw out an ancient thing.

Gu Shen caught it.

It's a rusty, cracked iron box.

"Old communicator..."

He looked at it and quickly recognized what the iron box was, and asked: "Have these extraordinary criminals secretly built their own 'spiritual network'?"

"Killed too quickly, didn't have time to ask."

Bai Xiu said calmly: "But it should be just like what you said... They have built a 'spiritual private domain' for communication and transmitting intelligence. Using these old-fashioned communicators, many criminals can share information."

Is it like a poisonous man digging out a "snuff bottle"?

Gu Shen looked unhappy. Although the escape this time was an accident, the criminals in the snow cage had been waiting for this day. This accident made all the methods they prepared come in handy!

"After the tundra prison was broken, many extraordinary criminals were 'concentrated to migrate'. This is the data captured by the Sky Eye. They seemed to be scattered and disorderly, but in fact they were in order. Working from the outside inward, smashing the 'Sky Eye' over the tundra. , during this period, [Deep Sea]’s control over the tundra has been further weakened, and the already blurry vision of the snowfield has been completely lost.”

Bai Xiu looked at Gu Shen and said, "This news has not yet spread among the law enforcers..."

This is not good news.

Gu Shen clutched the iron box and said in a cold voice: "The ability to shoot down the 'Eye of the Sky' so efficiently shows that the people behind the scenes are well aware of the defense arrangements of the three institutes and the official prevention and control methods in the tundra area over the years... If it were just these escaped criminals, They can’t do it that clean.”

From the moment the joint encirclement and suppression teams from Central City and Nagano completed their garrison——

The outcome of this pursuit is already determined.

However, these criminals' actions of eradicating the deep sea view above the tundra slowed down the progress of the law enforcement team.

This is a good move.

There are very few people who can do such a thing... even in the snow cage.

Knowing Nagano's thinking and being able to complete the command of criminals, these points add up.

A person's name is ready to be called out.

"Han Dang."

Gu Shen whispered: "There is a high probability that he did this kind of thing... He and Zhu Wang once served as high-level officials in the tribunal, and they are very aware of the 'Eye of the Sky' deployment in the tundra area."

"I also guessed it was him."

Bai Xiu nodded, "But I really can't think of the use of gathering these criminals... Does he want to fight against the law enforcement team in Nagano Central City?"

Gu Shen also fell into thinking.

This is indeed a behavior that makes me unable to guess for a while.

The criminals in [Snow Cage] are indeed very powerful.

But no matter how powerful these criminals are, together they are no match for the law enforcers.

The lineup of law enforcers was too luxurious——

Gu Qilin, Gu Nanfeng, Bai Chen!

Three titles!

This is just Nagano's Southern Suppression Team. The lineup in Central City is not inferior at all!

Even if all the criminals are united, as long as they dare to show up and declare war, the five titles from Central City and Nagano will be able to suppress all these third and fourth levels together.

This is not a level showdown at all!

"If I remember correctly, there should be only two 'titled extraordinary' who have escaped from prison in [Snow Cage]."

Gu Shen said: "If Han Dang really summons criminals, it will only speed up his destruction..."

Just as he was thinking, the old communicator suddenly rang.

"Zilla, sizzle, sizzle."

After the hoarse turbulent sound.

A familiar voice sounded.

"Yuanzhong, are you still alive?"

(PS: 1. I completed the modification of the previous article today. My brain seems to have been squeezed dry. The replacement has been completed. 2. The update tomorrow morning may be slightly delayed.)

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