Barrier of Light

Chapter 706 Those who are not afraid of the Sky Sheath

"These dead people...the 'heaven sheaths' from their bodies have all been removed."

Mu Wanqiu asked confused: "Who would collect such things?"

The attitude of most extraordinary beings towards the Sky Sheath is to stay as far away as possible.

Even if it is a fragment, they don't want to touch it.

After all, once you touch it, you may be infected by the power of the Sky Sheath——

"There is a kind of person who collects this kind of stuff."

Baixiu said calmly: "Those who were stabbed by the sky sheath."


Mu Wanqiu's eyes lit up, "If you carry the 'Sky Sheath Curse' on you, naturally you won't care about the power of these fragments..."

"Most of the criminals who escaped from the snow cage are not afraid of the 'curse of the sky' because they carry the curse themselves." Gu Shen stood up and said slowly: "This is Han Dang's greatest confidence. He must also Only when you are stabbed by the Sky Sheath can you extract the fragments unscrupulously."

But there are no law enforcers in the two continents.

This is what gives people a headache——

"If a war breaks out, how should we deal with these 'sky sheath fragments'?"

Bai Xiu's expression became rare and solemn.

With his strength, he is enough to deal with most assaults and sneak attacks.

But for other law enforcers, it's hard to say.

Those who are in the Sky Sheath are destined to face the dissipation of the source matter. If they want to survive, they must share the curse... If the criminals led by Han Dang master the relevant technology of refining the "Sky Sheath".

So when a head-on war begins, the price paid by law enforcers may be much more tragic than originally expected.

Gu Shen stood in the linden forest.

He looked at the corpses on the ground, and a strange feeling slowly emerged in his heart.

This feeling……

It happened before in [Maze].

At that time, he looked at the piles of explorer corpses, and under the resonance of Golden Spike Flower's spirit, he had a strong idea.

Let these dead people stand up!

After being corroded by Pluto's "toxin", these dead extraordinary beings... can usher in another way of "rebirth" in the pure land world, but Gu Shen needs to pay a large amount of extraordinary source matter as a price.

He did not choose to do so at the time.

Because he had a premonition.

"Rebirth" in the Pure Land of Pluto is not a simple "resurrection". The iron law of life and death is difficult to reverse... If I really give the order with the fire between my eyebrows, then there is a high probability that these people will not have self-awareness after they stand up. of.

They...will become unconscious ghosts and worthless abandoned children.

This was what Pluto wanted back then.

He doesn't care what the creatures who "stand up" in the Pure Land look like. As long as these creatures can burst out with enough fighting power and obey him absolutely, then the Pure Land can become an invincible divine realm.

But Gu Shen cares.

These explorers who fell in the [Maze], no matter where they come from, are pioneers worthy of respect.

Their existence symbolizes that human beings still dare to march into the unknown and yearn for freedom——

Such people deserve to rest in peace.

So Gu Shen finally chose to let them sleep in the snow, and then collapsed the maze, burying this ancient incident in the snow dust of the old world.

This time.

A similar impulse arose in his heart again.

It’s just that today is very different from [Maze].

These "dead people" are not good people.

They deserved to die!

And using the power of hell fire to let them "live again" is to let them pay for the sins that have not been expiated during their lifetime.

Gu Shen didn't have much sympathy for these people.

So when this thought emerged——

He thought it was natural and didn't notice any problems.

In this case... then I will summon these corpses.

Let them stand up!

"Gu Shen."

At this moment, Baixiu's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

Gu Shen suddenly came to his senses.

"Leave this place to the law enforcers in Beizhou. It's time for us to go back. Your camp has just escaped the 'attack'. There are still corpses of criminals there."

The white sleeves fell on the ground of the linden forest. He looked at Gu Shen and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"


Gu Shen's mind suddenly cleared, and he immediately realized something was wrong.

What's wrong with you?

If it weren't for Bai Xiu's voice that restored his clarity of mind... would he really want to "summon" these dead people in public?

Just take action.

There is no way to hide the secret of "Underworld Fire".

This will undoubtedly cause huge trouble. If you step back ten thousand steps, these dead people are actually worthless. Their extraordinary essence has long been drained by the sky sheath——

Even if you stand up.

There is no fighting ability at all.

"How could I have such an idea?"

Gu Shen felt scared for a while.

The stronger his strength, the closer the interaction with the ghost fire in the cemetery will be.

In other words.

The power of "Pluto" is penetrating him.

On the way to the throne of God, what you need to inherit is not only power and authority... but also ideas.

"Am I being influenced by the spirit of 'Pluto'?"

Gu Shen immediately calmed down: "If you guessed correctly, this is probably one of the characteristics of 'Pluto Fire'. The power of Pluto is to 'control life and death'. On the way to smelting fire, the stronger you are, the more you desire to have a pure land. And his immortal subordinates.”

He let out a deep breath.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something and was lost in thought."

Gu Shen said seriously: "Xiaoqiu, I'll leave this place to you."

Bai Xiu looked at Gu Shen suspiciously, but did not ask any more questions, but followed Gu Shen in the air and flew towards the direction of the camp.

Although he and Gu Shen met rarely.

But the two of them... can be said to have an incomparable understanding, like some kind of tacit understanding chosen by fate.

The reason why Baixiu spoke before was because he keenly captured the fluctuations in Gu Shen's mental aura.

"Your mental aura before was a bit strange."

Flying through the air, Bai Xiu thought for a long time and decided to remind him: "With your level of breathing practice, this shouldn't be the case."

Gu Shen was slightly startled.

Little Sleeve... This is taking his performance just now as "mentally out of control".

Baixiu is indeed very keen.

Generally speaking, when the mind is out of control, it means that the "breathing method" of the extraordinary person is not strong enough to suppress the inner lake——

His reminder is actually quite reasonable.

Being eroded by the underworld fire is equivalent to losing control.

This thing is like a snowball, small at first, then getting bigger and bigger, and finally unable to stop the car. The extraordinary person is dominated by the out-of-control spirit, and then completely lost!


Gu Shen smiled bitterly. He couldn't say that it was because of the underworld fire eroding his consciousness, right?

"Concentrate your spirit, and you will have peace of mind." Baixiu didn't say much, he just said this seriously and stopped there.

Gu Shen nodded solemnly.

The two landed in front of the camp.

As soon as Gu Shen landed, a big gun came towards him.

Baixiu's reaction speed was extremely fast. The moment the spear tip was stabbed by the strong wind, he swayed lightly to one side.

There was a smile on Xiao Xiuxi's lips.

How come this situation seems to have been seen before?

Only this time, it was Gu Shen.


The big gun didn't really have murderous intent, but the red tassel was swaying, mixed with waves of awe-inspiring anger!

Gu Shen moved instantly to avoid the poke.

Mu Qingyang steadied his horse and drew his gun more than twenty times. Gu Shen replicated Bai Xiu's previous action of using his fingers to block the knife. He also stretched out two fingers, curled them into gold and iron, and clicked them more than twenty times.

Every blow hit exactly at the end of the big gun's strength.

There was a continuous crisp sound, which was very pleasant to hear.

It even brought out several sonic booms.

Gu Shen's hair and windbreaker flew together. This scene was very elegant. In the end, he was unscathed. He wiped two fingers and pressed down the big gun gently.

"Brother Qingyang, why is this happening?"

Gu Shen spoke helplessly. In fact, he knew better than anyone else the reason for Mu Qingyang's anger.

"Brother Gu, you hid it from me so badly..."

Although Mu Qingyang's gun intention was vaguely angry, after a series of moves were easily blocked by Gu Shen, there was no anger in his eyes. He pretended to grit his teeth and asked: "He obviously has fourth-level strength, and even participates in the field." I have realized it, but I have to pretend to be on the eighth level of the deep sea... I really used all my energy to fight the white-haired ghost!"

Gu Shen was happy to hear this.

With Mu Qingyang's stupid personality, who would he fight with all his might?

"Sorry...I didn't mean to."

Gu Shen felt Bai Xiu's playful gaze on the side. He had never done such a thing as hiding his strength.

I said I am not on the eighth level of the deep sea, who would believe me?

One person robbed and killed poisonous ghosts, silver-eyed ghosts, and white-haired ghosts...

Is this the third level?

Gu Shen simply confessed: "I am indeed the fourth level."

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiu, who knew the truth about the "Super Three Realm", couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

"That's pretty much it," Mu Qingyang put away his gun and stood up, and said seriously: "But I still can't forgive you for forcing me to sleep in the end...I am actually quite persuasive, you can persuade me to leave."

Everyone in the entire camp was awake.

Only he was still asleep.

As a leader, he should lead the way... When Mu Qingyang opened his eyes, he found that he was sleeping soundly in the tent, covered with a cotton blanket. This was the most unacceptable thing for him!

When fighting [Intercut], Gu Shen directly hypnotized him and took him away!

"You just listen to this nonsense..."

Gu Shen complained silently in his heart. If he didn't take action himself, this stubborn donkey could really fight [Jianqie] to death.

He said helplessly: "I will definitely do it next time, I will definitely do it next time..."

After showing his true strength——

Mu Qingyang's attitude towards himself has undergone a huge change.

Before, he was in the tent and ignored him, but now it was different.

This man from Jiangbei is straightforward. After experiencing the battle just now, his eyes looked at Gu Shen with gleaming eyes: "I heard that you went after Yuan Zhong. Did you kill him in the end?"

"Kill means kill."

Gu Shen quickly diverted Mu Qingyang's attention and pulled his sleeves over: "It was just this guy who did it."

"This is... Baixiu?"

Mu Qingyang was slightly startled. He had previously ignored that there was someone beside Mr. Gu!

He looked more excited.

Who in Nagano doesn’t know the name of White Sleeves?

All those who are militant do not want to fight against Bai Xiu to appreciate the true strength of [Thunder World Walker].

Mu Qingyang said sincerely: "I originally wanted to ask Mr. Xiao Gu for advice, but I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly... The legendary White Sleeves of the Bai family are also here, so I will ask you two--"


Gu Shen snapped his fingers.

The extremely close-range blazing fire swept out quickly and was still launched without any preparation by Mu Qingyang.

This time, it was still very easy to succeed.

In just a moment, Mu Qingyang was forced into sleep.

The word "ask for advice" that he hadn't finished yet stopped abruptly.

"Brother Qingyang wants to sleep for a while longer," Gu Shen waved to Jimo and called him over. He seriously warned: "Send someone to take good care of him."

Jimo looked strange.

Why are you still sleeping?

If I remember correctly... didn't Mu Qingyang just wake up?

After carrying Mu Qingyang away, Gu Shen opened the tent and found three frozen headless corpses lying inside.

It is the poisonous ghost, the silver-eyed ghost, and the white-haired ghost.

"Okay, Little Sleeve, let's go in and talk."

(PS: This chapter is not an additional update. The word count of the previous update was a bit short. This chapter is considered a supplement.)

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