Barrier of Light

Chapter 709 Old Lion

"Little Sleeves...are you sure?"

Under the dim light, on both sides of the long table, the extraordinary and powerful people from Nagano gathered.

All the leaders are present at the table.

Bai Chen looked at the information with a rather gloomy expression. He frowned and said, "Maybe the sky sheath can be made into a weapon?"

Gu Nanfeng, Gong Zi, Li Qingsui, Luo Yu and others all looked solemn.

This is something they never envisioned.

"Young man, calm down."

Mr. Gu is the calmest among these people: "Thirty years ago, Nagano thought about making the [Sky Scabbard] into a weapon... It can greatly dissipate the taboo power of the source material, which is better than the strong logic material. It’s exciting.”

Strong logical materials, even if they are as precious as black silver, can only suppress the flow of source material.

After entering the body of the transcendent, it conflicts with the outward explosion of source matter.

But Tianshe is more thorough.

It directly curses the "source" and makes the "source" disappear out of thin air!

It doesn't kill.

But it is more terrible than killing.

The vast majority of extraordinary people would rather die than lose their abilities.

The secret thing Mr. Gu said shocked everyone.

Thirty years ago?

At that time... some of them weren't even born yet.

"and after?"

Li Qingsui asked: "This seems to be a good proposal..."

"It's a good proposal, but that proposal didn't pass." Mr. Gu lit his cigar and said faintly: "The reason is very simple. The only person who has the ability to destroy the sky sheath refuses to extract the fragments."

Thirty years ago, there were no cracks in the sky sheath.

At that time, the [Snow Cage] was stronger than ever.

"The only person capable of destroying the Sky Sheath..."

Gu Nanfeng murmured: "Mr. Gu Changzhi?"


The old man nodded, "Besides him, many strong men in Dongzhou have tried it... Destroying the sky sheath is nonsense, and the ability will be greatly reduced when it gets close to the core area. This proposal was rejected by him with one vote, and we have nothing to do. Method."

Several people were silent for a while.

"No wonder……"

Gu Nanfeng recalled the long-circulated past event in Tundra Prison. Today, the old man’s words confirmed his previous suspicion——

It’s not that Mr. Gu Changzhi can’t pull out the Stone Sword.

But he didn't want to pull it out.

"What is supposed to come will always come. The sky sheath is broken and the fragments can be extracted...perhaps it is good news."

Gu Qilin said calmly: "If those criminals think they can start a war with us by holding the 'Fragment of the Sky Sheath', then they are too naive."

Not long after the meeting was held, there was a polite knock on the door.

It was Gu Shen.

Gu Shen didn't delay long at the station. He just briefly tested his "Pluto Power". After the blazing fire finished devouring it, he set off directly, not forgetting to wake Mu Qingyang before leaving.

The two of them were standing together now, being watched by several eyes.

Mu Qingyang, who was "forced to turn on" his computer by Gu Shen, was a little depressed at the moment. This little war god of Jiuning District was originally looking forward to today's leadership meeting.

He has been full of energy and energy, waiting to meet the heroes of Nagano.

But at this moment, Mu Qingyang felt tired all over and even yawned slightly.

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Mu, thank you for your hard work."

The old man smiled and said, "You have gone through two fierce battles before, you must be tired, right?"

Mu Qingyang faced the dark circles under his eyes, suppressed a second yawn, and said firmly: "It's not bad."

In fact.

He had spent a lot of energy in the battle just now.

The wrestling match that the white-haired ghost dragged him into was a direct drain on his body and spirit.

The most important thing is that he tried to use his own strength to fight against the turbulence caused by Yuan Zhong [Jianqie]... This was overestimating his own capabilities and shaking the tree like a fly.

Gu Shen looked at Mu Qingyang with helpless eyes.

Although this person is stubborn, he can handle it.

If he encounters trouble, Mu Qingyang will really go for it and risk his life.

Mu Qingyang is a fool, everyone can see it.

Gu Shen stood up and spoke for Mu Qingyang: "After two games, I am indeed a little tired. Brother Qingyang and I may need more rest in the past few days."

"It's time to take a rest." The old man nodded.

"Basic exploration has been completed on the edge of the headquarters... In the next few days, the Nagano Southern Line will quickly advance to the north."

Luo Yu took over what the old man said and briefly introduced the previous content of the meeting: "Although Han Dang tried to summon the criminals who escaped from the tundra, for these people, trust does not exist. The vast majority of criminals will not choose to Destiny is left in other people’s hands.”


When Mu Qingyang, who was mentally exhausted, heard this, his eyes were blazing: "At least half of the criminals will try to break out on their own."

This is a really good time to get started.

"The estimated time is one month. If there are no accidents, we can complete the 'mark confirmation' of half of the targets if we join forces with the Beizhou Law Enforcement Team."

Li Qingsui said seriously: "It's a pity that Han Dang is in the process of 'calling', otherwise we could gain more."

The task of hunting in the tundra seems to span a long time.

But the really difficult thing is the beginning.

The law enforcement team is powerful and has a luxurious lineup. It is to use the fastest time to "quickly fight". The first wave of killings will directly kill 90% of the criminals and arrest the rest... Even if there are fish that slip through the net, they will be captured. It won't be a big waste.

At that time, law enforcers from both continents will also gradually reduce their manpower.

For the "sharpening" of young extraordinary people from both continents, the most important thing is actually the first wave of killing!

The most difficult and the most dangerous!

"Gu Shen, you and Mu Qingyang are responsible for the pioneer exploration... We will officially take action after we have rested."

Mr. Gu said: "Okay, today's meeting is almost over. You can go back first. [Deep Sea] will send you the detailed plan next."

The meeting was dissolved.

Gu Shen did not leave.

Although he was in a hurry...he didn't miss a single bit of what was discussed in the meeting.

Chu Ling synchronized the meeting images in real time and showed them in his own spiritual sea.

Of course, even if there is no real-time synchronization, this image data will be sent to your mailbox by [Deep Sea].

It can be seen that Han Dang showed methods and threats.

Mr. Gu didn't care.

The sky scabbard used as a weapon was basically what was left from the Nagano game thirty years ago... When someone in Nagano made a proposal, they must have planned a blueprint for development and a corresponding control plan.

Everyone had just left, and only Gu Shen and the old man were left in the conference room.


Before the sound of footsteps had dispersed, Gu Qilin couldn't help but speak.

He looked at the young man in front of him who was taking an excuse to take a rest, but actually showed no sign of being tired. He blew out a big puff of cigar smoke and asked quietly: "You kid, are you really humble?"

The previous battle report was sent back to the headquarters, and everyone was shocked!

Gu Shen, a third level!

Kill four fourth-level people in one night!

This kind of thing has never happened in the history of Nagano...

Everyone's reaction was that Gu Shen had been hiding his strength, but Mr. Gu had seen the "clues".

"Poison ghost, Tang Ran, silver-eyed ghost, white-haired ghost...these four people are not simple 'fourth level' people." The old man dusted off his cigarette ashes and asked, "Could you have achieved the legendary level?" 'Super Three Realms', right?"

"As expected of you."

Gu Shen smiled with emotion.

Now that he has been seen out, he has nothing to hide from the old man, "Mr. Bai Shu helped me, and I managed to break through. I am lucky."


Mr. Gu twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

Beyond the Third Realm, one cannot break through just by being lucky!

But... there's nothing wrong with this kid saying that. His luck is too good, right?

"Actually, the purpose of my trip is to show you this -"

Without saying anything, Gu Shen took out the black box he carried with him.


The black box is filled with fragments of the Sky Sheath.

The conference room suddenly became quiet and you could hear the needle drop.


Mr. Gu's eyes were very complicated. He looked at the black box and then at Gu Shen.

Gu Shen explained seriously: "These are fragments of the sheath."

"Of course I know……"

Gu Qilin lit a second cigar.

He coughed dullly and asked, "Did you extract these?"

Extracting the sheath fragments is quite a problem.

Nagano has always wanted to extract these fragments... but these "stone crystals" are too dangerous. Even if they occasionally fall, they are difficult to handle. Extraordinary people will lose their abilities if they are contaminated. How to make them into weapons and use them becomes a question. problem.

Sephiroth has no effect on the Sky Sheath.

The best solution given by San is to make it into a "bullet" wrapped in fragile materials.

This solution is feasible.

But... the "sky sheath fragments" that have fallen over the years are really rare, and will naturally weather and dissipate over time. Without their host, these fragments no longer seem to have "magic power" and will soon be extinct.

In thirty years, not a single decent bullet has been produced.

"So be it."

Gu Shen thought for a while...

Well, using the authority of Pluto and letting the three of them pull out the flesh thorns by themselves should be considered as extracting it themselves, right?

Gu Qilin looked at Gu Shen and resisted the urge to ask.

This guy has a big secret!

Logically speaking, only the person who is stabbed by the sky sheath can extract the sky sheath at any cost.

There was no sign of the essence dissipating on Gu Shen's body.

Judging from the way he was jumping around, it didn't look like he had suffered any "curse".

"Why do these fragments of the sheath still have 'vitality'..."

Mr. Gu asked in confusion: "Logically speaking, they should have dissipated."

"Extraordinary source of matter is an existence that destroys order."

Gu Shen slowly explained: "If the sefirot is a 'disordered object', then the fragment of the sky sheath... can be regarded as a 'lawful object'. Even if its characteristics are different from those of strong logic materials, it makes the sefirot The essence of dissipation is to return order to balance.”

Strong logic material is the source of suppression.

The fragments of the sky sheath were eliminated together with it.

"The enemy of the enemy is an ally. So for the Sky Sheath fragments, the mithril material is a very good container. The higher the level, the better the effect." Gu Shen closed the black box and sent it to the old man: "According to this The rule...then the black silver with the highest conventional grade must be a good container to match the fragments of the sky sheath."

"Is that so?"

The old man looked at the black box, stood up, and asked in a deep voice: "How many fragments of the sky sheath can you extract?"


Gu Shen was startled by the question.

He had never seen such a blazing light from Gu Qilin's eyes.

"Wait a minute!"

Gu Shen had a headache and asked: "Thirty years ago...could it be that the person who advocated refining the fragments of the sky sheath in Nagano was..."

"it is me."

Mr. Gu stopped pretending and realized that he had lost his composure before. He sat back again and said domineeringly: "If the proposal had been passed, I would have carried the rocket launcher and fired the Sky Sheath shells into the Tower of Source!"


Just tell me why the old man's tone was so regretful before.

Because it was his proposal that was rejected!


Mr. Gu sneered and said, "To be honest, I have made a lot of plans regarding the blueprint, production and application of the Sky Sheath weapon. If it can come out, then it will be a deterrent force enough to change the world structure. But the raw materials are too "Young Master, there are people who are unwilling to destroy the Sky Sheath, but I can't help it... Ever since I took a hit from a cannonball on the Beizhou battlefield, I've been thinking, is it really true that God is not afraid of the things that ordinary people are afraid of?"

Extraordinary practice, even if it reaches the extreme and achieves a title, is still ordinary.

Ordinary people will be afraid of heavy firepower.

Will be afraid of aimless attacks with wide coverage.

But...the God Seat is not afraid.

All the man-made weapons in Wuzhou, taken together, could not cause any harm to their bodies.

They transcended the "ordinary world" and crossed the "natural chasm".

But what if this cannonball is made of "sky sheath"?

Even Gu Shen had to admire the old man's "robustness". He had such a radical idea thirty years ago... The most shocking thing is that this idea is real and feasible.

The power emitted by the sky sheath that comes from nowhere has been proven to be "god-level".

It has its own rules and refuses to be unsheathed by the "traveler".

If something like this is made into a weapon and hit on the Tower of Source...

The picture was so beautiful that Gu Shen could not imagine it.

"Xiao Gu, I don't care how you extract the Sky Sheath... Now I just want to ask you, how much can you extract?"

Mr. Gu took a deep breath and spoke seriously.

This gray-haired old man really looked like a lion at this moment, and his eyes were filled with unwillingness to regret the past.

Extracting the Sky Sheath was a big problem that he had spent countless energy on but could not solve.

Back then, things were quiet in Tundra Prison.

Nagano spent thirty years desperately collecting, but could not collect even one-tenth of the fragments in this box.

Now, the opportunity he has been waiting for his whole life has reappeared.

The sheath collapsed.

A large number of fragments appeared... Gu Shen brought another "preservation method", which directly solved his biggest problem back then!

The rest is extraction.

Gu Shen looked at the high-spirited old lion and couldn't help but smile.

"Theoretically...I can extract all the fragments without any damage."

He said calmly: "So, as long as the container problem is solved and the raw materials are sufficient, I can extract as much as you need."

(PS: My head has been empty these past two days. I adjusted my status today and re-outlined the details, so there is only one chapter. I still owe four chapters.)

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