Barrier of Light

Chapter 713 Rule [Must hit]

"And...the thirty-second person?"

Mu Qingyang's palm that was lightly holding the big gun suddenly clenched and became nervous.

There are hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at the Kulong Snow Mountain.

With so many psychic extraordinary beings, the results of their investigations are all the same... Thirty-one targets!

"Is it the result of divination?" Mu Qingyang didn't have time to ask more questions, but a thundering roar suddenly sounded on the snow mountain.


The massacre officially broke out.

The law enforcement team's control line emitted dozens of crystal blazing lights!

The "Logistics Department" led by Li Qingsui activated the realm-type barrier seal that changed the geographical environment of the entire Kulong Snow Mountain. The majestic source matter rushed out of the formation and formed an formation instantly, and the darkness was dispelled in an instant.

The gloom shrouding the Kulong Snow Mountain was torn apart by the barrier in an instant.

A-level enchantment-type sealed object [shrine].

At the moment when Li's barrier condensed, an ethereal god appeared directly above the control line unit. Under the urging of Li Qingsui's mental power, this ethereal god with condensed spirit slowly stretched out its "palm" and cast a hand. Thousands of bright lights came out.

Thousands of bright lights fall like waterfalls.

The dry snow-capped mountains are as bright as day.

At the same time, Luo Yu completed the diversion of dozens of spiritual links, and with the assistance of [Deep Sea], bound the scout team and the law enforcement team... Nagano's law enforcement team officially entered combat mode at this moment.

This massacre had been rehearsed many times in the spiritual network.

[Shrine] In the rear of the Mingguang Realm, the several commanders of the command post were linked mentally. Each of them dispersed their minds and multitasked. In the end, they controlled hundreds of micro-drone in total, locked and aimed at the specified area... Dense firepower poured out, and the vegetation covering the surface of the Kulong Snow Mountain was quickly ignited.

Only ten seconds.

The entire Kulong Snow Mountain burned solemnly and withered in the night.


Dozens of law enforcement teams started taking action at the same time, and their current mission goals have changed.

A week ago, the order from Supreme Commander Gu Qilin was that it was best to "arrest and recapture" him.

But now, it has become "direct killing"!

These criminals all carry fragments of the Sky Sheath on their bodies and are stained with curses... Once they fight with them, they must be extremely energetic and cannot slack off at all. These desperadoes broke out with the idea of ​​​​perish together.

"Fire suppression——"

"Don't give them a chance to rush forward!"

In large-scale battles between extraordinary beings, except for extremely high-level experts with large-scale group attack areas, everyone else uses "source plasma weapons" as their main means of attack. They have no choice but to fight at close quarters.

Not to mention spiritual extraordinary people.

Countless spiritual tides surged away like a tsunami.

Those figures who jumped out of the night, those criminals who desperately escaped from the [Snow Cage]... were illuminated by the [Shrine], and the drones from the command post set the snowy mountains on fire. They struggled in the night Dodge the bullets of strong logic.

This is a one-sided "cleanup".


Gu Shen stood up from his trance, and hurriedly flew towards the snow-capped mountains. The battle had broken out, and the scout team and law enforcement team were all involved in the killing.

He didn't choose to leave.

Instead go straight up the mountain!

Since the picture of the disaster bracelet is bound to appear, there is no point in escaping no matter how hard he tries. He might as well find another way to meet the "bad luck"——

"Baixiu, Gong Zi, there is a thirty-second target hidden on this mountain..."

Gu Shen asked in the internal spiritual link channel: "Do you feel anything?"

"Thirty-two?" Gong Zi looked shocked, "I have no premonition of danger at all!"

"No." Baixiu also frowned.

Then there is only one possibility.

"The target's mental power is stronger than mine..." Gu Shen lowered his voice and said, "Qingsui, don't leave the [Shrine] formation. I need Uncle Gao to come and support me. I suspect there are title-level people dormant on the Kulong Snow Mountain. Extraordinary one!"

"Received." Li Qingsui's voice was solemn.

"Luo Yu, ask the members of the law enforcement team not to advance rashly and maintain fire suppression. Those extraordinary people with strong attack skills also hold their temper and guard the defense line." Gu Shen quickly transmitted the message and said: "Baixiu, Gong Zi, you guys come and join us quickly. I'll join-"

How to find the hidden thirty-second person?

Gu Shen didn't know.

But he long as he shows up and reaches the designated scene in the disaster divination, the hidden "source of danger" will naturally emerge, and disaster will definitely come.

That scene will definitely happen.

Gu Shen couldn't hide.

You can't hide from the other side...

Gu Shen's brows lit up with fire.

He crashed into the dry mountain, dispersed his mental power, and started running wildly from the foot of the mountain. The criminals who were suppressed on this dry mountain seemed like moths finding the "candle" at this moment.

They desperately wanted to share the curse...

It's just that the Nagano Law Enforcer's opening offensive was too fierce, but since there was a man who was not afraid of death, he entered alone.

They, the sinners who bear the curse, have nothing to hesitate!

"Brother Gu!"

Mu Qingyang dragged his gun and walked, he shouted in a low voice, accelerated suddenly, and said: "I will clear the way for you!"

[Li Yang] Shake the big cloth away!

The red tassel gun swung out, shaking out the long snake, and rolled away the two third-order people who were rushing towards him. After taking out the gun, Mu Qingyang's momentum suddenly surged, and the whole person was like a god of war... It's just that these on the Kulong Snow Mountain Criminals are not only powerful, but also murderous.

Extraordinary beings with natural attributes have already begun to use their abilities.

Hidden in the dark is a fourth-level domain hood!


A towering square mountain of water condensed without warning and was aimed at Mu Qingyang. Although [Green Fire] is a melee attack type, it also has natural enemies with elemental restraints. Water and fire have been incompatible since ancient times.

Although the big gun is powerful, the water is not strong!

Mu Qingyang raised a spear, and the tip of the red-dyed spear penetrated into the water. The green fire spread instantly, and the two contradictory forces collided and exploded in an instant. The next moment, an extremely shocking scene appeared——

The big gun fired from bottom to top, suddenly bursting open the water!

"Crash la la la..."

The overwhelming source water was blown away by the domineering power of Qinghuo. However, this was not the end. This fourth-level water took the opportunity to spread and turned into a prison. Countless water droplets scattered continuously, and finally fell to the ground like eaves. The ice pick fits perfectly with the snow-capped mountain ground!


The hair on Mu Qingyang's back stood up, and he instinctively felt a crisis.


The next moment, a narrow black shadow suddenly passed by. This was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it. Even if you use your mental power to sense it, you can only see a faint shadow passing by!

A "pop" sound, the sound of flesh, flesh and clothes exploding, reached Mu Qingyang's ears.

He looked palely at the mass of blood mist that suddenly exploded over his shoulder.

Something shot through.

too fast--

Like a strong logic bullet... no, faster than a strong logic bullet!

Before Mu Qingyang could react, the second narrow black shadow that flew at extremely high speed penetrated the water and shot directly. However, this time, the speed of the "thin and narrow black shadow" slowed down slightly.

Because it penetrated the head of a "criminal" blocking the path.

There was a pause.

Mu Qingyang pulled the gun back and stepped on the ground with both feet, resisting the severe pain from his shoulders. He stretched out the gun barrel, and the red-dyed gun tip instantly moved back.


This time, the tip of the gun made a bright and crisp crackle.

Mu Qingyang groaned, unable to believe what he saw before his eyes... [Hongran], who had been with him for many years, was actually dented by the bullet tip with just one blow.

As for the "green fire", it was all extinguished!

The culprit that caused all this, the long and thin shadow... turned out to be just an ice pick. At the moment of collision, the ice pick suddenly burst and turned into a crystal clear mist.

This is not a sealed item.

It's just an ordinary ice cube endowed with properties by "super powers"!

"What power is this?"

Mu Qingyang looked pale. He couldn't understand why the blow just now was so powerful when it was just an ordinary ice pick!

Does this ice cone contain the power of the laws of a certain extraordinary realm?

He was not allowed to think.

The third sharp ice pick burst out of the chamber like a sniper bullet locked on the head.

But this time, Mu Qingyang wanted to shake his stick to fight, but it was too late.


Within the narrow range of this water cage, countless fires suddenly exploded. The blazing fire released by Gu Shen directly burned the water and exploded... At the critical moment, he grabbed Mu Qingyang's collar, Drag it away from the trajectory of the ice pick.

However, the strange thing is...the ice pick seems to be locked on Mu Qingyang.

Gu Shen grasped the red-dyed gun shaft with one hand, used the [Iron Throne] to control the nameless iron piece, covered the wooden spear with a layer of iron scales, and then charged forward, and a second crisp explosion sounded in the waters of Fengan. Swinging out.

In this collision, Hong Ran, wrapped in iron scales, had the upper hand!

The ice pick was poked and exploded!

It's just... there's nothing exciting about this at all, because it's really just an ice pick.

Gu Shen recognized at a glance that these were the "objects" he saw in the disaster scene. It was these "ice picks" that caused a large number of casualties and put him in a desperate situation. They could only be found in the disaster bracelet. Seeing the picture, he also guessed at that time that it was a sealed object belonging to someone, or some powerful special object.

But now it seems that this thing is just something picked up casually... In Kulong Snow Mountain and in the tundra, there are too many such ice picks, countless, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

This behavior is like a child throwing stones.

And the one who took action this time was a bit scary.

It was just that a wisp of the power of the domain law was embedded in the stone, which made Mu Qingyang a little unable to resist.

"I don't need you to clear the way, stay away from me!"

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. Although Gu Shen knew that Mu Qingyang was not in the disaster scene, he was not sure... Mu Qingyang would not be implicated, so after smashing the third ice pick, , he kicked this desperate Saburo hard on the butt, and kicked him out with both his body and his gun.

This sentence sounded like a scolding.

But Mu Qingyang knew that Gu Shen had no ill intentions.

He rolled out quite embarrassedly, and struggled to stand firm on the snow-capped mountains. If Gu Shen hadn't been there just now, that extremely weird third shooting might have seriously injured him!

The most important thing is... after staying away from Gu Shen, the ominous feeling in his heart suddenly disappeared.

He had been targeted before.

It's not that the person who shot him was interested in him... it was just because he wanted to clear the way for Gu Shen, so if he wanted to kill Gu Shen, he had to kill him first, that's all.

"Go find Bai Xiu and Gong Zi!"

Gu Shen had no time to look in the direction of Mu Qingyang. The strong sense of crisis shifted to him after he kicked Mu Qingyang away. He knew that he was being targeted.

Gu Shen's face was expressionless. After burning the water, he instantly crashed into a dense forest in the Kulong Snow Mountain.

His mental power controls the entire snow cage.

Everything here is under control——

The killing just now almost killed Mu Qingyang. The reason is very simple. It was all a fatal coincidence. The fourth-level transcendent who broke out of the "water area" for a sneak attack and the really dangerous person who shot and killed each other. Take action at the same time.

"Snow Cage List No. 47, [Drowned Cage] Wang Xiu."

In just a split second, Gu Shen arrived in front of the attacker in the waters almost at the speed of teleportation. The moment he read out the opponent's name, the latter's face was illuminated by the blazing fire, and he could clearly see , the look on his face was confused, confused and frightened.


Gu Shen didn't hesitate at all, and put a hand on Wang Xiu's cheek. The blazing fire instantly immersed in the latter's spiritual sea, and the boiling flames sparkled in the snowy night.

He turned around.

The shooter hiding in the long night shot the fourth "arrow".

It's still an unpretentious ice pick.

In Mu Qingyang's eyes, it was a shadow that was extremely fast and could not catch any trace... However, in Gu Shen's eyes, although the speed of this "arrow" was fast, it was not impossible to dodge.

Golden flames were burning quietly in his pupils.

At this moment, time seems to slow down——

Facing the rapidly shooting ice cones.

Gu Shen took a deep breath. In the face of extreme danger, his energy was more concentrated than ever.

He first tried to dodge using physical skills such as [Full Dodge].

But as his body trembled at high speed, the speed of the ice pick did not slow down at all, and it actually locked every "amplitude" of his movements steadily.

Physical dodge has no effect.

Just when there were still ten meters between the two, Gu Shen raised his hand and threw Wang Xiu, who was holding the [Drowned Cage] in his palm. The latter, who was in a state of mental confusion, suddenly woke up in the danger. Within a short distance, he used his spirit to summon a body of water out of thin air, but the next moment his head still exploded like a watermelon.

The ice pick stung the water and penetrated Wang Xiu's head.

Obstacles are ineffective.

Gu Shen continued to sweep back, and he used his "Big Chill" to freeze the ice cone in the air.

This time.

Still doesn't work.


Gu Shen groaned, his shoulder was pierced by an ice pick and nailed to the tree. The divination scene of the disaster bracelet reappeared at this moment!

This series of temptations is not ineffective.

He already knows... what the power of law attached to the ice cone is.

It’s a [must hit].

As long as you aim at the target and shoot, you will definitely hit.

(Dear readers, as the new year is approaching, I am busy with trivial matters. I want to stabilize the quality, save some manuscripts first, and then plan to update more. In recent days, I have only updated once. I hope you can understand.)

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