Barrier of Light

Chapter 722 Priceless Treasure

"The Chosen One..."

Outside the realm of infinite scales, everyone looked at each other.

Gu Shen spread his arms, blazing fire lingered, the morning came, his eyes sparkled, and his windbreaker rustled. Just looking at this scene, it really looked like a chosen god descending into the world.

"The curse of the Sky Sheath has actually been eliminated."

Baixiu muttered to himself.

As powerful as he was, he couldn't figure out how Gu Shen could do such a thing.

"This kid... he really fooled me."

Although Gong Zi said this, a smile appeared on her face.

On the other side, Li Qingsui, Gu Nanfeng, Luo Yu and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

They waited outside, always worried about Gu Shen's safety.

The future leader of Nagano, if his essence is exhausted and reduced to a mortal...

This kind of ending is unacceptable to the three institutes and five big families no matter what.

"As expected of Brother Gu, I knew he would be fine."

There was only one person on the field, and his expression was different from the others.

Mu Qingyang's eyes were firm.

In fact, at the beginning of this joint killing mission, Mu Qingyang was not very convinced by Gu Shen.

But ever since the night of the camp raid, when Gu Shen killed four fourth-level people and rescued the Mu Clan enforcer, his view of Gu Shen has completely changed...

After spending the past few days together, he now admired Gu Shen.

Fortunately, the little iron man Shen Li was not part of this joint law enforcement mission. Otherwise, if the two of them bumped into each other, they might have fought over the positions beside Gu Shen.

The day is gone.

Mr. Gu took great strides forward, and he lifted the "Infinite Scale" field.

At this moment, the sky above the camp can no longer be considered dark.

The night is almost coming to an end, and the dawn is advancing in the distance...

The old man stretched out his hands, held down Gu Shen's arms, and then carefully turned, lifted, and inspected it like shaking a sieve.

Gu Shen had no choice but to cooperate.

"Is everything okay?"

Gu Qilin checked it over, but he was still not at ease and asked doubtfully.

"It's really fine." Gu Shen said with a wry smile: "You have checked it yourself, don't you feel reassured?"

Title-level mental power is certainly unmistakable.

But if the target is Gu Shen... Gu Qilin is not sure. He doesn't know what tricks this kid has hidden in him. He might have some trick to deceive everyone.

However, he prefers to believe that Gu Shen has some great "good fortune" that can eliminate the curse of the sky sheath.

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay."

Gu Qilin stared at Gu Shen for a long time, and a smile finally appeared on his old face.


After confirming that Gu Shen was fine, he quickly returned to seriousness!

He is still in the middle of the killing mission, and he is the supreme commander of the entire northern campaign.

"Gu Shen."

Gu Qilin whispered: "This time in Kulong Snow Mountain, a total of thirty-one tundra criminals were killed. All their bodies were carried and sent to the north of the temporary base. You should know what to do next. ?”

Gu Shen said seriously: "Yes."

The next thing to do is naturally to extract the "celestial sheath fragments" from these criminals!

And, while their essence did not return to the void... they completed a wave of harvesting.

"I have no doubts about your 'extraction ability'." Mr. Gu lowered his voice again and asked: "But are you really ready for the 'storage container' that holds the fragments of the sheath?"


When Gu Shen heard this, he just looked up at the horizon, and then said with a smile, "Calculating the time, it should be today."

This Kulong Snow Mountain siege can be said to have yielded fruitful results!

A total of thirty-one high-risk criminals in the tundra were killed... seven of them were fourth-level extraordinary beings, and the remaining twenty-four were all very dangerous extraordinary beings. Without exception, they were all stabbed by fragments of the sky sheath. .

However, it is worth noting that among these people, about twenty-two were "detonated" to death.

These people are the gifts sent by Han Dang.

Gu Shen stood at the "burial ground" of the base. He silently looked at the thirty-one bloody "corpses"... A sharp line divided twenty-two and nine.

On the left is a fugitive who was "killed normally."

On the right, he died from Han Dang's detonation.

"There seems to be some 'spiritual seeds' hidden in the bodies of these people."

Gu Shen knelt down and looked at the twenty-two corpses one by one.

The task of dealing with the fragments of the sky sheath is a top secret. Except for Mr. Gu, no other extraordinary person is allowed to enter. Even a very high-level leader like Gu Nanfeng Baichen is not allowed to interfere.

So at this moment, this place where corpses are collected is very quiet.

The law enforcement team was very conscientious and cleaned the battlefield of Kulong Snow Mountain extremely cleanly... In order to ensure that Gu Shen's "extraction mission" could go smoothly, they even collected the severed limbs and draped them together to make them as blurry as possible. human form.

Of course, due to the violent "explosion".

Some parts of some people have completely evaporated.

Therefore, we can only piece together a rough outline, which does not prevent Gu Shen from identifying and deducing certain laws that may be hidden in it.

"Han Dang conducted 'mental hypnosis' on these people."

There is no useful information about these corpses.

But Gu Shen did not find nothing. At least he could confirm that these self-destructors had all had close contact with Han Dang... This is very interesting. The massacre on the Dry Cage Snow Mountain that the law enforcers were waiting for was actually a carefully planned massacre. "Self-destructive collision"?

"Han Dang must have an extremely hidden 'lair' in the hinterland of the tundra."

Gu Shen thought again of Uncle Gao who failed to chase the murderer last night.

If all of this was directed by Han Dang, then Taotie's appearance was probably not an "accident". This guy's mental power has been hidden from everyone, and perhaps there is a reason why Han Dang helped.

"Zhu Wang is waiting for Uncle Gao at the end of Kulong Snow Mountain, just to ensure that the 'self-destruction plan' goes smoothly..."

Gu Shen followed his train of thought.

Han Dang wanted to negotiate with the Nagano government and asked Gu Qilin to show him the amnesty order.

And with his "self-destruction gift" this time, Nagano was under great offensive pressure... If he didn't have the means to resolve it, then Nagano's offensive pressure would be greatly reduced.


Han Dang is not a fool.

He should have known that from beginning to end, there was no possibility of negotiation between the two parties.

And after this self-destruction, there is no such thing as... Gu Qilin, to be precise, the three and five families who control Jiangbei will never allow such a crazy person to survive in this world.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and murmured: "So, why are you doing this?"

If Han Dang is sober enough, he knows that he is "unpardonable."

Then the purpose of self-destruction is very simple.

He just wants to release smoke and shake things up inside Nagano. After the law enforcement team is injured, the attack speed will slow down.

"What does he want...?"

Gu Shen stood up, looked at the bloody corpses in the snow, and fell into thought.

this moment.

The spiritual sea is extremely peaceful.

Chu Ling did not interrupt Gu Shen's thinking.

He stood quietly like this for half a quarter of an hour.


Gu Shen looked at these dead people and suddenly uttered these two words.

At this moment, all the confusing information became clear... If Han Dang had become a madman, then what he wanted to do might not be that complicated at all.

Han Dang just wants "time".

The biggest impact that a chaotic situation will have is "time"!

Han Dang needs time. If he wants to survive, he does not rely on the "amnesty order" at all. From the very beginning of the negotiations, he has no hope... All of this is a cover-up. What he has to do is to use all his strength to to delay the advance of law enforcers.

So he's hiding in the heart of the tundra, somewhere hard to find?

The longer the time, the less sensitive it becomes?

Gu Shen vaguely felt that if the purpose was to "slow down time", then Han Dang's actions might be more than just a place on the Kulong Snow Mountain... Before he had time to think about it, a faint vibration came from the dome. sound.

A familiar voice also sounded in the spiritual sea.

"I'm here, ready to receive the goods."

Collect the corpse outside.

Gu Qilin, Gu Nanfeng, Bai Chen, and Luo Yu stood in the wind and snow.

"Can the fragments of the sky scabbard really be extracted?"

Luo Yu asked cautiously: "Old man, will Mr. Gu be okay?"

"Don't worry." Gu Nanfeng said, "I know Gu Shen, he won't do anything he's not sure about."

Even so, Gu Nanfeng was still a little worried.

"But, even if he can extract the 'Heaven Sheath', what will he use to store it?"

"Black and silver."

Gu Qilin said calmly: "Some time ago, Gu Shen has been using black silver to store."

"Black and silver?"

Bai Chen, who had been silent for many years, was also attracted by this thing. He frowned and said: "As far as I know, black silver is the most precious mithril material on the market. It is indeed very airtight, but the quantity is extremely rare... Dongzhou There are only a few people who collect black silver, and the Grand Inquisitor is one of them. But this kind of thing is really too precious, and even Mr. Shan doesn’t have much in his hands.”

Bai Chen didn't know.

The black silver in Gu Shen's hands at this moment was made by Mr. Shan.

All the black silver that the Grand Inquisitor had worked so hard to collect had been transferred a year ago.

"When we calculate, the black silver container should also be filled." Mr. Gu murmured: "Gu Shen guaranteed that he can find a substitute, but I am curious... What substitutes are there that can replace the black silver? "

"A substitute for black silver..."

Several people were deep in thought.

Luo Yu suddenly thought of something, and his expression became strange: "Old man, is it possible that it is not a substitute?"

Gu Qilin was slightly startled.

Immediately he raised his head and looked up at the sky. There was a rumbling vibration and excitement from the clouds in the distance. A source energy boat rushed from the cold snow in the north, gradually slowing down its speed, and finally landed smoothly above the base of the station.

As soon as this energy boat appeared, it attracted the attention of many Nagano law enforcers.

In this encirclement and suppression, the north and the south are working together... Logically speaking, there will be no intersection between the two sides until they converge.

The energy boat landed.

The hatch opens.

A young man wearing the rank of Beizhou Major General, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, stood in the cold wind. His appearance confused many people, but the young major general looked past everyone, and did not even look at him. Gu Qilin, the supreme commander of the suppression mission.

"Beizhou, the garrison of Gubao Fortress, Lin Lin."

He used his spiritual message to briefly inform Mr. Gu and his entourage of his identity.

This is the most basic respect.

On the other side, the array of corpses opened, and Gu Shen walked out. He quickly stepped forward, shook hands with Lin Lin, then briefly hugged, patted each other on the back, and greeted each other.

"Is it going well these days in Gubao Fortress?"

"Everything is going well. We haven't seen each other for a year, and you are getting stronger again."

Unknowingly, time flies by.

Gu Shen and Lin Lin have not seen each other for a year.

The last time they contacted each other was in the "letter" in Central City. Lin Lin revealed Gu Shen's "key" identity and at the same time gave him his signature of "Zero Paint San".

"I was wondering a while ago when you would contact me."

Lin Lin smiled and said: "If you don't come to me again, I will invite you to Gubao as a guest."

Gu Shen also smiled.

Yes...that was the replacement he had in mind.

If black silver can store the sky sheath.

Then Miracle Silver must be able to do it!

However, the biggest problem is that Miracle Silver is more precious than black silver... Where can I get it?

He immediately thought of Lin Lin, the guy who had a god-like sister, so he picked up miraculous silver like stones and played with it on the second floor of the attic.

Gu Shen used the spirit of "key" to connect with Lin Lin.

Gubao Fortress was busy with affairs, and Lin Lin needed some time to prepare, and then agreed to meet today... This man was very punctual and delivered the materials Gu Shen needed at the break of dawn.

A "storage box" made of miraculous silver.

"There are a total of ten storage boxes in here."

Lin Lin was carrying an alloy box. He handed it to Gu Shen and asked seriously: "Are these enough? If not, I will go to the attic to get it."

Gu Shen took the heavy box and opened it for inspection.

Every miraculous silver box here is twice as big as the black silver box I have.

He nodded quickly, "That's enough, that's enough."

He didn't shy away from anyone in this scene.

Therefore, the extraordinary people outside the base all saw the scene of the two people's "deal"... including Mr. Gu, Luo Yu, Gu Nanfeng, and Bai Chen.

Things in the world are always such coincidences.

Whatever is talked about, happens -

Bai Chen couldn't believe his eyes anymore, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Old man, did I see it wrong... The box that Gu Shen opened contained miraculous silver?"

The only thing more precious than black silver is miraculous silver.

But can this thing still be mass-produced?

"You... must have read that correctly."

Gu Nanfeng's voice was complicated.

So much miraculous silver...

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "priceless".

What shocked everyone was not only the miraculous silver, but also the young man carrying the box of miraculous silver.

Lin Lin!

"Who the hell is this guy?"

Luo Yu rubbed his cheeks hard and murmured: "Gubao Fortress doesn't seem to be a large fortress. Wait, his surname is Lin, he can't be a relative of the Queen..."

Over there with the energy boat.

Gu Shen closed the box and said seriously: "Thank you for making the trip in person... These miraculous silvers are really helpful. Please give me a price."

At this moment, Mr. Gu's expression was quite subtle.

He remembered the boast he had made to Gu Shen before. He said that if Gu Shen just go ahead and do it, he would pay for all the "expenses" incurred.

Lin Lin glanced at Gu Qilin.

He smiled and shook his head.

"The Miracle Silver is a priceless treasure."

After a brief pause.

"The relationship between you and me is also priceless."

Lin Lin said sincerely, "So, you don't need to pay anything, don't be polite, and don't refuse."

"As long as these things can really help you, that's enough."

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