Barrier of Light

Chapter 728 Madman

This time the encirclement and suppression mission was divided into the north and the south.

When the Central City law enforcement team crosses the Beluga Mountains and the Nagano law enforcement team crosses the Kulong Snow Mountain, the encirclement of the entire tundra area will be greatly reduced... This middle area is called the "hinterland".

Gu Shen opened the spiritual link and projected the image directly in front of the conference room.

Mr. Gu's image was projected in front of the conference room in real time.

This is a crucial meeting before entering the hinterland.

Both parties did not exchange pleasantries or politeness, and went directly to the main point.

"As far as I know, the biggest targets in this killing mission, Zhu Wang and Jing Shanyan, are still submerged. The question now is, how to find them?"

Lin Silk pushed out the information on the table.

The former Grand Adjudicator, the first Grand Inquisitor...these two titles are tough bones to crack.

Before Gu Shen arrived, he and the legion commander had been discussing how to efficiently complete the final "removal".

"They most likely used the [Blue King Power Realm]."

Mr. Gu slowly said: "Jingshanyan is a long-established and titled strong man. In the Nagano files, his ability [Blue King Power Realm] has an unparalleled domain protection effect. When the domain is expanded, he can complete To protect hundreds of people, you only need to find a piece of land in no man's land to start the real 'submergence'."

"So...they are most likely hiding underground now?"

Zhuxue had a headache.

The exploration of psychic supernatural beings also has a range of perception.

The hinterland of the tundra is so vast. If these criminals dived underground, how would they find it?

"Nagano has a way to find it."

Mr. Gu said calmly: "This matter can be left to us."

"Is that so?"

The legion commander raised his eyebrows. Although he was surprised, he didn't say much.

She made a vague guess.

To find the hidden [Blue King Power Realm], we need to use some forbidden objects.

"There is still a problem. Judging from the results of the two campaigns, the number of criminals in the hinterland is about two hundred. This is not reasonable." Zhuxue tapped the table with his fingertips and said, "So many Are people willing to wait to be killed? Don’t they just give it a try?"

In the Kulong Snow Mountain and the Beluga Mountains, the number of tundra criminals who were finally wiped out was about thirty or forty. Taken together, including the results of this week's "killing", the number was only close to a hundred.

Could it be that the remaining people have all been banned and "summoned"?

"Actually, that makes sense."

Gu Shen spoke, and he said seriously: "Your Excellency may not be aware of the other core target in this killing mission, Han Dang."

"Han Dang?"

Regarding this name, Lin Ci and Zi Yu certainly knew about it. They knew something about every high-risk criminal involved in the mission.

But in this plan——

Han Dang is really not a noteworthy person.

On the list of [Snow Cage], he is only ranked fifth... With the strength and status of the regiment commander, at most he only needs to pay attention to the two titles of Zhu Wang and Jing Shanyan, and the others are really not worthy.

For example, Qi Zhou is ranked second. He is the top level four and has burned all his energy. What next?

The final outcome is just one blow.

What should you pay attention to when you kill someone with just one knife?

"He is the mastermind behind this [Snow Cage] criminal gathering."

Gu Shen said: "Although his strength is at the fourth level according to the records in the Nagano archives, he is cunning. The 'Heaven Sheath Explosion' in the Dry Cage Snow Mountain and the White Whale Mountains were all his masterpieces."

If you want to complete the attack on Kulong Snow Mountain, you don't need to have much strength.

What matters is.

Planting spiritual seeds for every cursed person who comes into contact with the Sky Sheath means that... Han Dang has most likely been in contact with these people.

"If we are not mistaken, we will see a lot of corpses after entering the hinterland."

"In our expectation, there will be many criminals who want to escape..."

"But this time in the two killing battles, the number of criminals was very small. There is only one possibility. They have been completely killed in the hinterland."

This conclusion made Lin Ci silent.

He thought too much and never thought of this possibility.

"The real massacre is not happening on the outside. It's happening on the inside."

Gu Shen continued: "If you think about it carefully, a person like Qi Zhou is dormant in the Beluga Mountains and wants to take the opportunity to break out... What does this mean? It means that he knows what will happen in the Beluga Mountains, and he also knows what Han Dang wants to do. To block the law enforcer's plan to move forward. Since 'Wisp' has already joined Han Dang's team before, his only value before the White Whale Mountains is to plunder and kill."

"You mean... Han Dang is cleaning up the criminals in the [Snow Cage] for the law enforcement team..."

Lin Ci asked: "I heard Mu Wanqiu say that this guy wants to ask for peace?"


Gu Shen shook his head and said: "On the contrary, these news are just smoke and mirrors. From what I know about him, he does these things not to seek peace."

"Han Dang is not cleaning up criminals for the law enforcement team, but for himself."

"Like us, he is also collecting 'Heavenly Scabbards'!"

The corpses found in the linden forest were enough to illustrate this point.

Those "pieces" of people have been pulled out.

A trace of confusion flashed in Zhuxue's eyes.

He doesn't understand.

Nagano collected the Sky Sheath fragments because the Gu family had been deploying "Heaven Sheath Weapons" for a long time. This concept had been proposed twenty years ago.

But Han Dang, he is just an ordinary extraordinary person.

Even if he once held a high position in the tribunal.

It is also impossible to have access to the secrets of the "Sky Sheath".

Even if he collects a bunch of fragments, what else can he do? Do you want to rely on these fragments to confront the law enforcement team head-on? This is nonsense.

No matter how powerful the weapon is, it depends on the user.

What he faced was the joint law enforcement of Central City and Nagano.

The conference room was silent for a few seconds.

Then came the question from the legion commander.

"Han Dang... what are you going to do to collect the fragments of the sky sheath?"


Dive again.

The huge "black field" has spherical mechanical cabins suspended one after another. These cabins emit a faint fluorescence in the cold lake water, and the pipes float like tentacles.

[Bi Wang Quan Jie] dived to 400 meters.

It is extremely dark here, as if you are at the bottom of the deep sea. In this suffocating darkness, [Jade King Realm] is like a big fish, and the mechanical cabins in its body are scales that symbolize that the fish is still alive.

The light flashed and the fish scales opened and closed.

There are nearly a hundred people sleeping in this nutrition cabin!

These nutrition cabins are powered by the spare "fuel" left over from the Stars Project. Since the Stars Project was scrapped, the remaining fuel is also waste and is destined to not be too much.

It won't be long.

These fish scales will extinguish the light.

Of course... what's more important is that this big fish may be cut off from "life" before its scales are extinguished.

Because the owner of [Bi Wangquan Realm], Jing Shanyan, is about to die.

The entire field was flashing.

Once they lose the protection of the [Bi King Power Realm], these nutrition cabins will collapse instantly.

These hundreds of people who are in a "sleep" state will also "wake up" in an instant.

Zhu Wang had already noticed something was wrong.

He stood in front of the dark cage, stretched out his palm, pressed it on the wall of the [Truth Word] domain, and spoke in a low voice.

"Han Dang, release the realm."

One after another, reverse-twirling lotuses flow on the surface above the field of [Mantra].

The torture against Jing Shanyan has gone on for too long.

This disciple of mine seemed to have been stimulated by something while serving his sentence in the tundra prison, and his spirit became abnormal...

This is obvious to all the criminals in the Tianshe core area.

Zhu Wang naturally felt it too.

Most of the time, Han Dang is as gentle and elegant as before, but occasionally he becomes extremely "crazy". This kind of madness makes people doubt that the "calm" in the normal state is also a disguise.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Ever since the spiritual seeds were planted in Qinghe District, Han Dang's cultivation level has stalled... He had long been the number one genius in the tribunal, and he and Luo Er entered Nagano to practice together.

He is the one who has the most hope of becoming banned!

It's just that... for so many years, he has been stuck in understanding the "Second Domain Law".

Luo Er achieved the pupil of heaven.

He is still stuck on the eleventh floor...

This time, the mental stimulation allowed him to directly break through the biggest difficulty.

The black cage that now surrounds Jingshanyan is the ultimate [mantra] that Han Dang comprehended and understood the two laws of.

The level of completion of this field is frighteningly high.

The two laws can be said to "complement each other", because Han Dang's "madness" made the second law perfectly coupled with the former, raising the entire field of [Mantra] to more than one level.


[Mantra] In the field, there is still the same response.

Zhu Wang said in a deep voice: "If you don't dismantle the domain within ten seconds, I will forcibly 'dismantle' it from the outside."


In a dark cage.

Han Dang held a bloody head in his hand.

He stood in front of Jing Shanyan, looking down at the old man who was almost "squeezed to death" by him.

In Jing Shanyan's body, he felt an inexplicable ray of depressed anger.

He needs the complete Star Plan to ensure the safety of the frozen lake location...

Runaways like Qi Zhou are stupid.

Because what they have to face is the entire Nagano, plus Central City, and the ubiquitous [Deep Sea]!

If you want to fight against the Wuzhou Government, you must use the power of the Wuzhou Government.

The Star Project was a secret that Zhu Wang only came into contact with after serving as the Grand Adjudicator.

The last piece of information Jingshanyan had was to build a "perfect barrier" underground. After humans dive deep, they need a safe enough "rest home". This is the most important reason why Han Dang chose to "submerge"!

Only when the barrier is established can he have the confidence to evade the searches of law enforcement officers on two continents!

But this torture.

So far, there is no result!

This scene... reminded him of the scene in Qinghe District a long time ago.

After taking charge of [Truth], his main responsibility in the tribunal was torture. There was nothing he couldn't ask. Over the years, he had only failed in one person's case.

Gu Shen.

If we want to investigate carefully...the root cause of his current "madness" stems from Gu Shen!

Now, the familiar feeling came back to me.


Han Dang looked at the old man thoughtfully...

Listen to the sounds outside.

Jing Shanyan smiled weakly.

There was also contempt in the laughter.

This young man underestimated the willpower of a "Grand Judge".

The only thing Han Dang could threaten him was death.

But in the long years of [Snow Cage], he has already tasted all despair.

Death is not the most terrifying thing.

"Five, four..."

The countdown just outside is about to end.

Han Dang lifted the [Mantra], the dark tide collapsed, and the cage spread out, revealing a scene of an old man and a young man "coexisting harmoniously". Han Dang held the old man's head and stood opposite the teacher.

Zhu Wang saw the "dying" Jing Shanyan and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally alive.

But the next moment.

Han Dang clasped his five fingers together.

"Bang" sound!

A head cracked like a watermelon.

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