Barrier of Light

Chapter 731 Jingshan’s crime (Third update!)

"Old man, can you tell me in detail... what is the Star Project?"

On the Kulong Snow Mountain, an old man and a young man were sitting on the ground.

The snowy night is very cold.

But the [Lantern] in Mr. Gu's hand stirred up the flying cold shavings several meters away. The two of them sat on a piece of clean snow, surrounded by only the weak breeze.

"You...really want to know?"

Gu Qilin put down the lantern, his eyes a little dazed.

Regarding the name Jingshanyan.

Nowadays, not many people in the Snow Forbidden City still remember it.

But twenty years ago.

During the years when Gu Changzhi achieved the status of fighting god and Nagano reached the top of the Five Continents, this name... was once a bright star on the top of the Nagano mountains. At that time, the three institutes had just been established.

Zhou Jiren, Gu Qilin, and Jingshanyan became the "supreme leaders" of the three institutes.

These three people are in charge of the "Judgment Office", "Command Office" and "Prison Office" respectively.

Twenty years later, the three people are in different situations.

Amid the fierce internal fighting in the adjudication office, Zhou Jiren's character made him choose to go to Nagano to avoid intensification of conflicts. While performing tasks in Dongzhou, he carefully cultivated his disciples, staying away from disputes and away from the control of the Grand Adjudicator. Some "power".

Gu Qilin sticks to Nagano, supporting the last breath of the old school of the Gu family. It seems that he is still in a high position, but in fact he is surrounded by enemies on all sides and is walking on thin ice.

Twenty years later.

Although the two of them were not very happy under the torrent of the general trend, at least they still retained their status as the top leaders of the three institutes.

But Jingshanyan is different.

His situation has changed drastically from what it was twenty years ago.

“Human beings have always been making different efforts on how to retain the ‘fire of civilization’.”

Gu Qilin's voice was very soft.

Gu Shen listened attentively.

"Some people want to find an 'oasis', a paradise of eternal peace."

representatives of these people.

It's Beizhou's Survey Corps.

Many extraordinary people come from all over the world. After learning the "truth of the world", they will choose to go to Beizhou... The Survey Corps will accept all explorers. They put on the Source Armor and go to the [Old World]. Every time they go on an expedition, they have With hope.


After so many years, the map of the [Old World] has only been explored.

In fact, most extraordinary people have given up hope in the "oasis", but under the torrent, if you really want to have illusions, nothing is more tempting than the "oasis".

"There are also some people who want to flee south and continue the plans of their predecessors."

Gu Qilin paused slightly and asked, "You should know that we were also wanderers six hundred years ago...right?"

"Yeah." Gu Shen nodded.

Six hundred years ago.

Chased by the storm that collapsed the order, humans fled to the five continents, and if it happened again...

Humanity can only continue to move south.

Further south in Nanzhou is the Sea of ​​Chaotic Origin. The environment there is very unsuitable for "travel". There are almost no navigation tools that can drive stably on that sea.

"There are still some people who want to strengthen the giant wall. What's more, they want to break the storm of the [Old World]."

Gu Qilin smiled and said: "In the face of crisis, our tribe has given birth to countless 'ideas', and the Star Project proposed by Jing Shanyan... is different from the previous ones."

"all different?"

"Yes... Jingshan Yan does not advocate confrontation. He believes that the storms in the [Old World] are not something we can resist. He does not advocate escape because the weather in the Nanzhou Sea is too bad. Once we set sail, we will all be lost. .”

Following this train of thought, Gu Shen frowned and said, "So, we have no retreat?"

"As hard as it sounds, it's the truth."

Gu Qilin said calmly: "Judging from the current situation, we have no retreat."

The old man smiled in a low voice and said in a joking tone: "So, Jing Shanyan thinks that we can dig a hole... and hide."

Gu Shen was stunned for two seconds.

Dig a hole and hide?

In the face of a major decision involving the fate of mankind, this decision sounds really funny.

But he soon realized that Jing Shanyan's proposal was not just a casual comment.

"According to the current investigation by the Beizhou Survey Corps, the 'hardest hit areas' swept by the source of energy storms remain about one thousand meters underground. And the 'relics' discovered over the years also confirm this statement. Among those relics Therefore, it was destroyed because it was not deep enough. If the results of this investigation are reliable, then one thousand meters underground is a relatively safe depth when facing the source of the storm."

Gu Qilin said slowly: "For the sake of safety, we can continue to dig deeper. Jingshanyan proposed to build a new home for mankind two thousand meters underground."


Hearing this, Gu Shen only had these two words in his mind.

That's ridiculous.

On the surface, humans can use strong logic materials to build giant walls to fight storms.

But to start work?

"How can we build a home two thousand meters underground?" Gu Shen asked in confusion: "Do we need to open an underground city?"

"The underground city proposal has been proposed before, but it was rejected."

Gu Qilin smiled and shook his head, "It is too difficult to open up a 'dungeon' to accommodate civilization two thousand meters underground. The difficulty of this project is not at the same level as the Beizhou Giant Wall. The underground city needs to be counted." There are endless 'strong logical materials' and no ability to resist risks. Putting aside these factors, there is no sunlight and no resources underground. Once the storm arrives, no one knows what will happen."

"Escape into the underground means that... human civilization needs to go through an extremely long period of 'hibernation', which is difficult to achieve in a fragile underground city."

Mr. Gu said in a complicated voice: "The five continents are independent and self-governing. I don't know how other continents considered this proposal, but in short, the Dongzhou high-level officials rejected the underground city proposal."

He returned to the subject.

"The 'Stars Project' proposed by Jing Shanyan is far less ambitious."

"What he wants to do... is a simplified version of the underground city, and it is also a sublimated version. It is for this reason that the federal government will allocate funds to him."

Gu Qilin said: "Jingshanyan does not want to build an underground city. He only needs to place nutrition cabins at a safe enough depth underground. These nutrition cabins occupy a small area and do not require movement. The strong logic materials used for protection are consumed. Very small too.”

"Each nutrition cabin needs to be equipped with a sufficient amount of nutrient solution to meet a person's 'hibernation' needs. With the advancement of Dongzhou's technology... the number of years a person can 'hibernate' will become longer and longer. This proposal has just been put forward At that time, the hibernation time that the nutrition cabin could provide was approximately twenty years."

Gu Shen was a little shocked: "Hibernation?"

"Yes...this is the most important part of Jingshanyan's proposal."

"That's why...this plan is called 'Stars'."

Gu Qilin's eyes were a little dazed. He recalled the scene back then and laughed softly: "At that time, we were all confused. What should we do after we put the extraordinary person into the nutrition cabin and sink two thousand meters underground? Jingshan Yan told us that the mortal bodies in the nutrition cabin will be replenished with nutrient solution. As long as their bodies are guaranteed not to decay, then the plan will be considered a success."

"Because their spirits will be uploaded through the [deep sea]."

"The real 'oasis' is never in the real world, but in the virtual world."

"[Deep Sea]... is an oasis!"

This sentence came from twenty years ago.

But twenty years later, it still deeply shocked Gu Shen.

"The stars...are underground."

"The shackles of the flesh, trapped underground."

"The human spirit will turn into stars and rise into the sky."

"If a few years later, the seismic storm destroys the giant wall and destroys the homes built by mankind on the five continents...then this plan can preserve part of the fire of human civilization. Even if the ground is fragmented and collapses and no longer exists, the spirit buried deep underground can The fire is always there.”

Gu Shen looked at Mr. Gu.

There was a smile in the latter's eyes, as if responding to Gu Shen's shock.

"Yes, at that time, my thoughts were the same as yours."

Gu Qilin said calmly: "We all think this guy is a genius and this plan is very constructive."

"It wasn't until later, when the plan started to unfold, that I felt something was wrong..."

Mr. Gu looked a bit self-deprecating.

"After the proposal of the Stars Project was passed, the Dongzhou Council gave Jingshanyan a lot of power."

"Since this plan requires the cooperation of [Deep Sea], the highest seat also made an exception for Jing Shanyan and gave up the highest authority——"

He suddenly looked at Gu Shen and asked.

"More than 20 years ago, the federal government launched a large-scale campaign against ancient literary societies. Do you know about this?"

Gu Shen's heart thumped slightly.

He nodded slowly.

So far... the Guwen Society is still a criminal organization that needs to be eradicated in the recognition of the federations in all continents.

Even if he is very close to Mr. Gu, he cannot reveal his identity as a member of the Ancient Literature Society.

"If you do the math, it seems to be the year you were born."

Mr. Gu said: "That year, [Deep Sea] issued the highest wanted order against members of the Ancient Literature Society. Zhou Jiren led the adjudication office and arrested nearly a hundred suspects from the Ancient Literature Society... Jingshanyan's prison was responsible for the detention."

"This should all go very smoothly."

"But before the Dongzhou Council could transfer, contain, torture, and identify the real 'Guwen Society suspects'... all of these people were dead."

Are all the suspects dead? !

Gu Shen's expression was extremely exciting.

"Jingshanyan, who has the highest authority of [Deep Sea], did not imprison those people directly, but took them to the experimental site of the Star Project, locked them in the 'nutrition cabin', and ordered [Deep Sea] to undergo a mental sea Simulation experiment.”

"This is Jing Shanyan's own statement. The result of this experiment is naturally an incomparable failure."

Gu Qilin stretched out his hand, pointed at the sky, and said lightly, "When I arrived at the scene, the spirits of those in the nutrition cabin were all expelled... They became the real 'stars'. The federal government's torture plan was scuppered."

"Due to serious dereliction of duty, Jing Shanyan's highest authority has been denied."

"To this day, we have doubts about his motives for this operation ... and his true identity."

"This is the entire story of the Star Project."

Gu Qilin stood up and said: "Since that day, Jing Shanyan has been imprisoned in the [Snow Cage]. For twenty years, he has refused to answer any questions about this incident. No one can make him speak."


(PS: 1. That’s all for today. Under the premise of ensuring quality, updating 10,000 words per day has reached my limit. 2. I still owe Jingjing four chapters...)

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