Barrier of Light

Chapter 735 Little White Flowers on the Mountain (Added 1/6 for Jing)

Chapter 735 Little White Flowers on the Mountain (Additional update 16 for Jing)

All the hustle and bustle disappeared at this moment——

The huge base was silent.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Under the impact of the moment, the green silver glass became densely covered with silver.

The "Eye of the Storm" installed at the top of the core laboratory shut down instantly, interrupting the simulation experiment.

One researcher couldn't believe his eyes.

The entire base is working around the clock, and the project is expected to take half a month to complete.

This guy is just...finished?

The night watchman holding the projector phone also stood there in a daze.

Gu Nanfeng in the projection also fell into silence.

If Gu Shen hadn't insisted, he wouldn't have let the ghost of the tomb come to this place. this the result of divination?

In the silent base, it took a long time before someone cautiously broke the calm.

"It' it finished?"

The researcher standing behind Tsukauki looked at the "Storm Equation" that was constantly being derived on the main screen. The codes of this equation began to be derived rapidly, and countless strings of spreading codes burst out on the screen.

Many researchers gathered around.

They found...these codes exceeded their knowledge.

They can't understand.

This is "logic" that only Tsukauki and [Deep Sea] can understand. The fundamental reason is that the operation of the "Sky Sheath Weapon" requires the interspersed use of "ancient characters" with extraordinary effects.

None of the researchers here can understand "ancient texts"... So if they want to find the final "evolutionary result", they can only rely on time to slowly calculate.

Tsukauki's "ancient prose" directly accelerated this process.

He skipped the simulation phase and gave Storm Release a very stable starting state.

"It's not finished yet."

Tsukauki said softly: "The activity of the Sky Sheath fragments is currently optimized at about 75%, which is enough to support the Gu family's first-stage needs. However, the effectiveness of 'Storm Release' can be improved, and the activity of the fragments has the opportunity to be optimized to 90%."

The group of researchers behind them fell silent again.


This is something they can't even imagine... It's simply a "miracle". If they can steadily optimize the fragment activity to 60% in the next three days, then the entire base will open champagne to celebrate and welcome The arrival of the first edition of Skysheath Weapons.

And now...

The fragment activity of 75% has announced the birth of the Sky Sheath weapon.

Different than expected.

They haven't even experienced the "arduous" struggle and "dangerous" debates. They still have time to take the wrong research direction and promptly reject it and then turn back. In the end, another village has made a comeback.

This research has just begun.

It has already ushered in the "end".

The victory came so suddenly that no one had time to put a smile on their face.

"90% fragmentation activity..."

One researcher murmured: "Is this real? How long will it take?"

"Due to the 'marginal diminishing effect', after the activity reaches a certain base, it will become increasingly difficult to improve. 75% is a very high base value. If you want to increase it by one percentage point in the future, it will take a lot of time to 'simulate' Steady state.”

Tsukauki looked at the main console and said slowly: "After the initial steady-state release experiment is successful, if you want to reach a near-perfect 90% activity, it is destined to be a long process, which may take a year? Or even longer. "

"How do you know this?"

Until Gu Nanfeng's voice came.

The ghost of the grave is like waking up from a dream.

The sharpness and brilliance in his eyes before disappeared at this moment, as if blown by a strong wind, and his whole expression became dazed and confused again.

He looked at himself reflected on the green silver screen and murmured to himself: " did I know..."


All the researchers in the base had complicated expressions.

In fact, they all heard about the accident that happened in [Snow Cage] before. When the sky sheath fragments collapsed, Tsuka Oni was at the scene. His luck was as unlucky as ever. He suffered heavy injuries in that incident and lost most of his memory. , but fortunately, he has some useful "knowledge" left, such as translation of ancient texts.

At this moment, it is obvious that the memories that Tsukauki retains are not just "ancient texts".

This kind of thing made the researchers sigh deeply.

It has to be said that there are differences between people from birth!

Take Tsukasa as an example.

Even if this guy has lost his memory... he still has a superb "feel" and stable "intuition". Manually modifying the initial stable value of the sky sheath fragment requires both computing power and some luck.

Over the past six hundred years, the fragment samples collected by Dongzhou are less than 100g. Under this situation, no one knows the approximate properties of the "celestial sheath fragments".

How could anyone know the exact value of the Sky Sheath fragments! ?

"The simulation experiment of fragment activity optimization, please continue here."

Gu Nanfeng quickly issued the order. He lowered his voice and asked: "According to the current 'Storm Equation', we will assemble and produce the Sky Sheath weapons... I need to see the results within three days. Can it be completed?"

Needless to say?

The biggest problem has been solved!

Most of the researchers realized at this time what a great miracle they had just witnessed. The "Heaven Sheath Weapon" that Nagano had been silently planning for decades was finally coming out!

The storm equation is done!

There are enough sheath fragments!

The blueprint framework is ready!

All the factors have been gathered together——

"Yes, of course!"

The head of the research team looked excited, slammed the table, and roared: "Everyone, take action now, quickly, quickly! We are making history now!!!"

The top of the Temple Mountain.

Li Qingci sat in front of the desk, unable to fall silent.

A few days ago, she could actually sit quietly at the table all day without any ripples in her heart. But now after seeing Gu Shen, her mind became very disturbed, and was disturbed by the messy things that had been calmed down before. Troubled.

Of course, part of the annoyance at the moment came from worry... She didn't know what Mr. Xiao Gu wanted to pray for? If it was an important matter, he should have to pay a lot of price, right? This is not a good thing.

There are others, which are deeper, the confusion and confusion these days.

Holding the pen and writing down the ink, it becomes a mess.

No matter how you write the dismantling of longevity on the ancient Chinese drawings, it’s never written correctly.

Above the dome, dark clouds shrouded the sky, and a ray of skylight fell on the wooden house.

The entire shrine mountain seemed silent, but in fact, besides Li Qingci, there was another person who was "watching" closely.

In the wooden house, candlelight flickered.

The young figure illuminated by four bronze lanterns is sitting on the ground, with his back straight as if there is a ruler holding it back.

The breeze blows into the cracks of the wooden house.

The flames flickered out, and the hem of the black windbreaker floated slowly.

Gu Shen felt that his life had finished "passing", which meant that the one-round transaction of the wishing technique had been completed, and the scales had taken away his two years, seven hundred and eighty-one days to be precise.

What was returned to him was an overlooking map of a frozen tundra lake, with a small scarlet dot on it.

at this point.

This is Han Dang's "place of residence".

Is it worth it to exchange Han Dang's position for two years?

Gu Shen thought it was worth it.

After he listened to the Qunxing Project, he realized that Jing Shanyan was not an ordinary criminal in a snow cage. The first-generation chief judge must have important secrets of the "Ancient Literature Society" hidden in his body.

Jingshanyan cannot die.

The picture in the Disaster Bracelet is very contradictory. If Jingshanyan is decapitated by Han Dang, then the [Blue King Realm] will not be able to maintain its existence... But the appearance of this picture is enough to show that Jingshanyan is under the frozen lake. The situation is very worrying.

His head has been taken away by others.

Life and death, couldn't it be decided by Han Dang in a single thought?

Han Dang wanted to force himself to show up, and the consideration period he gave was very short. If he couldn't find out where this guy was hiding... then the next situation would not be something that could be saved in "two years".

When cutting weeds, be sure to remove the roots.

Gu Shen spent nearly two and a half years without any hesitation. As long as he could directly find Han Dang, in his opinion, the exchange was worth it!

"Is the prayer over?"

Gu Shen got the specific coordinates, then looked around and found that he was still in the silver-white spiritual world.

In a primitive holy place like the Shenci Mountain Log Cabin, it is not difficult to immerse yourself in the dream of prayer, and it is naturally very simple to withdraw.

The transaction has ended, if you want to go back.

He could wake up at any time with just a thought.

"I'm still here...Does this mean that I and 'Libra of Destiny' can continue to trade?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes, raised his head, and looked at the silver-white world in front of him.

A somewhat crazy idea emerged in my mind.

Gu Shen held his breath.

In his mind, he began to re-concrete thoughts.

First, he embodied a ruler, and then his mental power rushed into the ruler and was directly immersed in the ruler. Layers of mist were pushed aside, revealing a deep spiritual space with mottled light and shadow.

In the spiritual realm of the "Ruler of Truth", large areas are shrouded in darkness.

Gu Shen used his mind to visualize the figure sitting in the deepest part of the darkness.


These are the preliminary messages he conveys to "The Scales of Destiny"!

Then, he made his second wish——

"I want to kill...'this guy' in the Ruler of Truth. Do you have any idea?"

He looked at the scales.

The huge scale received the message and began to shake... But this time, its shaking was far greater than before, like a ship being beaten by a river, tilting to the extreme.

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine days...twenty-three hours."

Gu Shen's pupils contracted!

Kill the devil...the Scales of Destiny can provide a solution!

But the price is... a life span of ten thousand days, twenty-seven years!

And the moment the scales of fate announced the price, the numbers were decreasing rapidly!

Gu Shen was in a daze, and the number on the scale became:

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine days...twenty-two hours!"

Hesitate for a second and pay the price of an hour!

"No exchange!"

Gu Shen stopped immediately.

The huge white scales disappeared after receiving Gu Shen's "rejection of transaction" signal... This was actually not a "loophole", even though the caster reacted quickly, after peeking at the transaction price of the "wishing spell" Stopping immediately after that, you still have to pay a part of the price.

And next time.

If he thought about completing it, he wanted to pray for the same thing...

Libra will "increase the price".

The price will be more expensive than the first time.

The caster always has the right to withdraw from the "transaction", but the scale will continue to "raise the price" accordingly. In the transaction of wishing magic, the more hesitant, the higher the price that needs to be paid.

"Either you cut through the mess quickly, make a decisive decision, and complete the deal..."

"Either, don't even look at it..."

Gu Shen stared at the snow-white scale with a gloomy expression. An idea he had just suddenly caused him to lose two hours of Yangshou in vain. These are lives... Two years of life, come and kill Han Dang, there is no current one There were other better ways, so he had no choice but to admit it!

But in two hours of Yangshou, let me ask another question.

This transaction should be considered a loss for him.

"It's not without gain... at least I'm sure of one thing."

Gu Shen murmured: "Devils can be killed."

He has been unable to deal with the devil in the ruler. The only way is to use "miraculous silver" to completely block it.

But judging from the response just given by "Libra of Destiny", although this guy is powerful, he is not immortal!

"If Libra can find a way, I can definitely do it too..."

Gu Shen comforted himself.

Two hours, not too bad, not too bad...

He quit praying and pushed away the cabin.

"Mr. Xiao Gu?"

Li Qingci raised her head nervously and asked, "Is the prayer going well?"


Gu Shen smiled and laughed at himself: "It took more than two years...well, plus two hours to ask an irrelevant question."

"It was Celadon's negligence."

Li Qingci was slightly startled and realized what Gu Shen meant by "two hours". She said apologetically: "The art of praying is not a child's play. Once you open your mouth, you will definitely pay the price... I thought Mr. You must act carefully and thoughtfully.”

Gu Shen smiled bitterly and said, "You don't need to apologize. I was reckless this time."

Before he stopped, Gu Shen looked back at the scattered drawings on the desk.

He suddenly stopped, looked at Celadon, and asked aloud: "Miss Celadon, since I climbed the mountain, you seem to have something to say to me?"


Li Qingci pinched Bai Yi and hesitated for a moment in her eyes.

She did have a lot to say, but Gu Shen was not just spending time on the mountain this time. He had to rush back to the tundra. The words she had been thinking about for many days were not suitable to be spoken at this moment.

Thought for a moment.

Li Qingci shook her head to cover up all the strangeness.


She smiled softly and said, "Mr. Gu, I wish you a smooth trip."

Gu Shen looked at Li Qingci with some suspicion.

He looked up at the dome again.

He knew that Chu Ling could see everything here, and naturally he could also see what happened when Li Qingci was retreating... But at this moment, there was peace in the spiritual sea.

Chu Ling seemed to have nothing to say to himself.

"I accept your good words."

Gu Shen came down the mountain and said seriously: "Thank you Celadon Girl for your help and prayers."

Frost and snow swept across the shrine mountain, and it didn't take long for silence to return.

Li Qingci sat alone on the mountain, looking at the scattered drawings on the table, and was lost in thought for a long time.

She looked up too.

The weather is not good today at the top of the temple.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, but fortunately there were several white flowers flying up and swaying in the wind.

The high mountains are covered with dark clouds and the city is gloomy, but there are only a few small white flowers rising in the wind.

It will become a beautiful sight.

Li Qingci was so forgetful that she couldn't help but cough. She covered it with silk, but some blood still oozed out.

"My Lady Goddess."

She spread out the silk fabric, looked at the blood stains on it, and asked with a soft smile: "You think... can I wait until the flowers bloom?"

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