Barrier of Light

Chapter 737 Detonating the Frozen Lake (Added update 2/6 for Jing)

Chapter 737 Detonating the Frozen Lake (Additional update 26 for Jing)

Gu Shen came back the next night.

The propellers roared, the wind and snow receded, and many law enforcers at the tundra base were waiting for his return.

Gu Nanfeng and Zhuxue completed the negotiation.

Beizhou's main boat is hovering over the tundra base, and the Sky Sheath weapon "Children" is being loaded. Everything is ready and all it takes is the east wind. The final action will be taken in these two days.

Just waiting for Gu Shen to arrive in the tundra.

"Brother Gu, this is a gift from His Majesty. You can wear it for this mission."

It was a long moonless night, and snow flakes were flying.

At the tundra base, the hunting wind sounds.

Zhuxue led people to greet him in person, and he prepared a black-patterned lacquer-edged source armor for Gu Shen.

"This is...sixth level source armor?"

Gu Shen was surprised.

In Beizhou, Yuan Jia's gifts are extremely strict.

What level of transcendent, what level of Origin Armor is worn... If you want to obtain better weapons, protective gear, breathing methods, and sealed objects, you need to rely on your own strength and contribution to speak for yourself.

He did make some "contributions" to Beizhou.

But those contributions are not enough to exchange for this sixth-level source armor.


Zhuxue smiled and said: "Beizhou's armament inventory is tight. The highest level of source armor that is currently idle and ownerless is level six. Otherwise, your majesty should give away a 'seventh level source armor' as a gift."

Fisher's source armor is the seventh level.

That is the top protective gear worn by the top titles... It is said that Osmond asked the Queen to donate his "share" to live fish to ensure that he could survive safely on land, thus making it easier for him to survive. Good guarding of Deep Scale City.

Gu Shen took over this sixth-order source armor and found it very hot to his hands.

This source armor is a precious item that only those with titles are eligible to wear.

"Your Majesty the Queen...why do you want to reward me?"

Gu Shen was a little confused.

"Your Majesty, why do you need to explain to me... just hold this Source Armor?"

Zhuxue looked a little helpless, and he said in a broad voice: "This mission to the frozen lake is quite dangerous. Although I don't know how you escaped the 'Curse of the Sky Sheath'... but the strength of that guy's blow is real."

Zhuxue looked at the main boat in the sky.

Gu Shen also raised his head.


He immediately learned about the successful development of the Sky Sheath weapon.

In three days, everyone was shocked and delighted to be able to figure out the storm equation and produce a skysheath warhead.

But Gu Shen's expression was a little dull.

Because he was the driving force behind the success of this project, he recommended the amnesiac Tsukauki...

Why is there this recommendation?

Gu Nanfeng stood not far from the Tundra Base. He was also in the welcoming team, but he was standing at the back.

At this moment, Gu Nanfeng looked at Gu Shen with a complicated expression. He did not choose to ask at this time, because he knew that since the result was good, he should not ask the reason anymore.

This is better for everyone.

Gu Shen said before that this was the result of divination, so this is the result of divination.

"After you entered the [Blue King's Power Realm]—"

"We will conduct landmark locking one thousand meters above the frozen lake."

Mr. Gu slowly said: "Jingshan Yan and Zhu Wang should both release their domains. In the domains where the two have been banned, there is no spiritual network that can maintain the connection. So we will not try to contact you at that time. When the signal is cut off, In this case, you need to recite silently for one hundred seconds, and after one hundred seconds, the 'child's' blow will arrive accurately."

Gu Shen listened silently.

One hundred seconds is a relatively safe time.

Entering the [Bi King Power Realm], you have time to observe the environment and adapt. This time will not be too long.

"We don't expect Han Dang to take the initiative to release the hostages, so you need to find Mu Wanqiu, Mu Qingyang and other law enforcement officers before the 'child' arrives." The legion commander said solemnly: "Then open the area before the attack arrives, like Protect them like the Beluga Mountains... The strike of the Sky Sheath weapon is multi-stage. The strike on the material level has been 'weakened' many times after penetrating 500 meters underground. Relatively speaking, the lethality will not be that much. Huge. What is truly terrifying is the fragments of the Sky Sheath at the moment of 'Storm Release'. Due to the fission detonation of the equation, the originally relatively mild and long Curse of the Sky Sheath will turn into a multi-stage and instant attack."

Gu Shen said that he was the chosen one and could ignore the curse.

But they didn't know... what Gu Shen's method was to fight the curse.

Is it ability, or a certain sealed artifact?

Under the frozen lake, does this "method" still work?

"Xiao Gu... don't be brave. If you have any difficulties, it's too late to tell now." Gu Qilin lowered his voice and asked: "Can you really withstand the 'curse' of fission?"

"no problem."

Gu Shen nodded calmly.

No matter what kind of curse, how to fission...

As long as the contract between "Pluto" and "Traveler" remains unchanged, then he will be fine!

That withered figure on the Black Snow Mountain wants to die from the curse of the Sky Sheath more than everyone else combined...

"So what I have to do is to rescue the trapped people after the 'strike' comes... But, can the impact of the Sky Sheath weapon kill those prison escapees under the frozen lake?"

There was a brief silence.

Several big shots looked at each other, looking at each other.

No one can give an answer.

"This is the first detonation of the Sky Sheath weapon..."

The old man, who had seen countless big events, sounded a little nervous at the moment.

He took a deep breath and then said: "According to previous simulation experiments, even at a depth of five hundred meters underground, the storm released by [Children] is enough to wipe out the extraordinary beings in [Jade King Realm] in an instant. , erase them all.”

The blow on the material level is the first one.

The really scary thing is.

It’s the “sky sheath fission” caused by the release of the storm——

Upon hearing this, Gu Shen quickly put on the source armor honestly.

Regarding the fission curse, he really wasn't too worried.

But after taking a few more glances at the warhead being loaded on the main boat, he began to feel a little frightened.

He was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the first material blow.

"[Zhi Tong]'s attack will be consumed several times... No matter what, Jing Shanyan and Zhu Wang's fields will definitely be severely damaged."

The legion commander said: "You wear the sixth level source armor and have the power to 'ignore the curse'. Among the law enforcement teams in the two continents, there is no one more resistant than you. The most important thing is that they are unprepared, and what do you know?" The time will come when the blow comes.”

That's right.

The specific strike time is the most important.

No matter how powerful Zhu Wang is, he has been "banned" long ago. In the face of a sudden and devastating blow, there is a high probability that he will not be able to take "self-protective" actions... No matter how powerful the extraordinary person is, he is still an ordinary person.

Even if Zhu Wang is replaced by an "apostle" and there is no time to activate the token, he will still be robbed!


Gu Shen took a deep breath.

He looked towards the back of the tundra base, and the law enforcers were also looking at him.

"Now that everything is ready..."

Gu Shen said softly: "Then, let's get started."

The "transaction" proposed by Han Dang was carried out alone in the tundra frozen lake.

Because that old-fashioned single-camera camera could only convey limited information... He didn't say at all how the "hostages" would repay Gu Shen after he went to the appointment.

Of course, this doesn't really matter.

Because no one believes that Han Dang will keep his promise.

The entire huge frozen lake has been isolated by the law enforcement team. There is no life here and there is deathly silence.

The howling cold wind could not reach the lakeside.

All that's left here is the cold, lonely fog, which is suffocating.

"The main boat has arrived at the frozen lake. It is currently at an altitude of 3,500 meters and is gradually descending. It is expected to be as fast as 120 seconds."

“Slow the decline, the ‘deal’ hasn’t been triggered yet.”

Above the snow clouds, at a height of 3,500 meters, a steel monster is hanging. The Central City main ship is like a cheetah hidden in the world of ice and snow, lurking quietly and not in a hurry to show its fangs.

The main ship is now outside the maximum psychic range of the seal.

The reason for the agreement is one hundred seconds.

This is because once Gu Shen starts the "transaction" and the mental link with the main control room disappears on the ice of the frozen lake, the main boat can prepare to officially land and carry out a countdown strike.

Gu Shen arrived on the ice of the frozen lake.

"I have arrived."

He silently sent out a mental signal, but the link began to become intermittent, and there was no response from the main control room.

Looking up, front, back, left and right, there was heavy fog and ice.

He has been wrapped in pale snow mist.

As Han Dang said, as long as he sets foot on the frozen lake, he has his own means to pull himself into the realm.

In the mist in the distance, a slender figure gradually emerged.

this moment.

Beyond the frozen lake.

"Gu Shen's signal disappeared——"

"Connection failed on second link attempt!"

"The 100-second countdown officially begins, 100, 99..."

The main boat began to submerge, still wrapped in snow clouds, not showing the slightest shadow. The big moon over the tundra was covered by this haze. At this moment, as the main boat "moved", this huge haze gradually moved towards the center of the frozen lake. "Coordinate location" to move.

"Radar update, frozen lake coordinates A304, B102, extraordinary aura appears."

"Quantity: fourteen!"

"It's Captain Mu! I saw Captain Mu emerging from the frozen lake!!"

"Quick, rescue!!!"

An exciting roar came from the central channel.

The extraordinary people who were close to the coordinates immediately rushed towards the frozen lake... In the main boat, Mr. Gu and Zhu Xue, who were responsible for launching the [Children] strike, looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with excitement. Very surprised.

They never expected that Han Dang would actually let him go?

Is this guy really crazy? He released all fourteen hostages from the law enforcement team right after the transaction started?

"You're still breathing, and your vital signs are normal!"

"I'm mentally in a coma, it's too late to wake up——"

"Countdown, 64, 63... Evacuate quickly, quickly, quickly, team members quickly evacuate the target area and stay away from the frozen lake!!"

The fourteen missing law enforcement officers were all salvaged and rescued at this moment. It was less than a minute before the Sky Sheath weapon landed. The members of the law enforcement team near the lake were frantically evacuating. The deep sea was attacking [Children] The attack was simulated using data, and each law enforcer got a relatively safe boundary line in his mental sea.

"The rescue was successful?"

The legion commander frowned. This was obviously good news, but she couldn't feel the slightest joy. If Han Dang held hostages, she would be more relaxed than now...

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

In the central control channel, emergency notifications continued.

"Countdown, 30, 29, Investigation Corps Team 4, all law enforcement officers have completed their evacuation and have now arrived outside the safety line."

The legion commander immediately sent a message: "How are their conditions? Can they be spiritually awakened?"

"Visually it's just a superficial injury."

"A 'spiritual awakening' is underway..."

"Spiritual awakening failed."

"Countdown, 10, 9..."

"Spiritual awakening failed."

"Countdown, 3, 2,..."

A strong wind blew across the frozen lake, and the snow mist was blown away. To be precise, this was not a strong wind, but the cool light flashing in the energy zone on the belly of the central city's main ship. This huge ship suspended above the clouds, It descended 2,500 meters within the stipulated time, and finally hovered accurately one thousand meters above the frozen lake.

It doesn't look like a giant beast in the clouds.

It is like a "sea eye" brewing in the deep sea eddy.

The belly of the main boat opened, revealing the [Child], the source energy core burned crazily, and the [Deep Sea] began to operate Tsukauki's modified storm equation. One hundred and eight blue flames erupted in the sky, and tens of thousands of tons of wind blew in an instant. Convection is formed, sweeping away the fog over the entire frozen lake.

The whole world went from noisy to silent.

It only took a second.

Maybe shorter.



The countdown sounds of the law enforcers outside the frozen lake were drowned at this moment. The flying snow mist, ice chips, and tough ice fragments in the frozen lake were all transformed in this zero-point and one-second blow. For "nothingness".

It's like the power of God.

In an instant, all obstacles were torn apart. [Child Child] was not a warhead at all, but a beam of light. The faint blue flame used by the main boat to stabilize the fuselage was extinguished at this moment, and all the energy was poured into [Child Child]. 】The ejection cabin looked like a glutton with its bloody mouth open.

A moment.

Thousands of meters high in the sky, there was only a thin and eerie pillar of dark light.

This is the remnant of the [Children]'s breath.

At this moment, the law enforcers from both continents stationed around the frozen lake witnessed this unprecedented and historic scene with their own eyes.

This is like a magic sword descending from the sky and cutting straight for thousands of miles.

Everyone who stares at [Children] is looking forward to seeing a "miracle" as the seconds count down.

At this moment, they saw a miracle.

But this "miracle" looks more like an endless abyss.

The picture of the frozen lake was truly "frozen" at this moment, turning into nothingness symbols, broken hieroglyphics, and all the picture information remaining on the retina was destroyed by [Children].

The whole world is dark.

What followed was boundless air waves.

The solid ice of the Thousand Miles Frozen Lake was chopped into pieces by the "Excalibur" falling from the sky at this moment... [Children's] strike landed with incomparable precision, and the tip of this "Excalibur" cut into [ The underground coordinates of the Biwang Realm.

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