Barrier of Light

Chapter 744 [Fountain of Yarn] (Second update! Please vote~!)

Jing Shanyan's life came to an end like this.

Gu Shen did not use "Pure Land" to revive his soul.

Deep in the frozen lake, blazing fire burned, burning everything here to ashes.

When the curse of [Children] dissipates, maybe someone will arrive here... Nothing will be left in the depths of the frozen lake.

A few years later, the "crimes" of the Ancient Literature Society were cleared, and Gu Shenhui erected a monument for Mr. Kageyama Yan at the high mausoleum of the three leaders of the Nagano Cemetery.

"Three hours have passed."

The inspections above the frozen lake have never stopped. The main boat replaced the backup energy source, opened the protective cover, slowly submerged, and carried out "cleaning work" at a height of about 300 meters on the lake.

"For three whole hours... there was no news from Gu Shen..."

The original plan was to restore communications within three hundred seconds.

But three hours have passed, and there is no news!

Everyone who could hold their temper at first and waited with bated breath now felt a lot colder in their hearts.

【Child】After the blow.

The frozen lake was completely dead.

Due to the fission of the sky sheath, this area of ​​dozens of miles has become a "transcendent forbidden area", and extraordinary people cannot enter at all, so no matter how anxious they are, it is useless.

"It shouldn't be. Logically speaking, there are sixth-level source armor, plus Brother Gu's methods..."

By the frozen lake, outside the safety line.

Gong Zi paced back and forth, looking anxious.

"We can't do anything, are we just going to wait?"

"Hold on."

Luo Yu was also anxious, but he knew that it was useless to be anxious, so he comforted him: "With Mr. Gu's ability, he should be fine. It's probably underground in the frozen lake... something happened, which delayed it for some time."

"what happened?"

Gong Zi said angrily: "You mean, after [Zhidong] is beaten, if there are still people who can survive, then it's just Jingshanyan and Zhu Wang? With them around, wouldn't Gu Shen be even more dangerous!" "

"If Zhu Wang and the others were still alive, they wouldn't have been silent for three hours."

Bai Xiu's voice came at this moment, which made Gong Zi calm down a little.

"Three hours is not a long time, so just wait patiently."

Among the crowd, only Baixiu was left, and there was no trace of anxiety on his face.

He sat on the ground and waited patiently without saying a word. It looked like he was practicing with his eyes closed, but in fact, his mental power was always focused on the [Children]'s fall point in the frozen lake.

"Uncle Gao...Gu Shen, is he really okay?"

Li Qingsui clutched her sleeves. She was the youngest and weakest, so she couldn't help.

In fact, it would be useless if she grew older.

Because he is as strong as Uncle Gao, he can't do anything. He can only wait with everyone outside the frozen lake——

"...With our preparations, he can leave the frozen lake."

Gao Tian hesitated to speak. After thinking for a long time, he could only say this.

Everyone just waited silently. The long night was coming to an end, the night was thin, and the white fish belly was already exposed in the distant sky. However, the fog in the distance of the frozen lake was still thick and there was still no movement.

Under this situation, not many people have hope anymore.


Suddenly, there was a slight tremor in the mist surrounding the frozen lake!

The vibrations in the air were very subtle, but they still couldn't be hidden from the minds of high-level transcendent beings.

Gao Tian, ​​who stood with an umbrella, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the tremor.

Baixiu opened his eyes.


I saw a column of water suddenly rushing out from the depths of the frozen lake, and countless slender iron scales swirled around Gu Shen, pushing away all the lake water that had been eroded and polluted by [Children].

"Gu Shen! Gu Shen is out!"

Those extraordinary beings waiting around the frozen lake saw this exciting ice-breaking scene at the end of the long night!

"This brat dares to keep me waiting for so long..."

The old man in the main boat, who had not slept a wink all night, breathed a long sigh of relief.

Gu Qilin cursed angrily: "Did you fucking sleep in the lake? It's almost dawn!"

Although the old man looked angry, when he saw the face reflected on the screen, he stretched out his palm and made a victory gesture to himself, and he couldn't help but smile.

"System testing, mental stability index, 94%, slightly fluctuating, current evaluation: safe. Physical condition, minor injuries, self-healing, current evaluation: safe."

The moment you emerge from the frozen lake.

Gu Shen's spiritual sea was reconnected with the [Deep Sea].

He knew that many people were worried about him.

So, he connected to the master control channel of all law enforcers and said softly: "I'm back."

These four words are not just for the law enforcers on the lake.

He also said it to the girl who has been waiting for him in Lingling Yaozhong.

"Congratulations, you have completed the 'Frozen Lake' mission."

Chu Ling sent congratulations as soon as the link was restored.

But there was no congratulation in her voice: "The maximum time limit for the mission is 400 seconds. You spent a total of 3 hours, 18 minutes and 31 seconds, exceeding the maximum time limit by 3000%. You are worthy of being an S-level member of the Judgment Office." '."


Gu Shen apologized: "Due to 'force majeure', I was late."

"This is not just being late..."

Obviously, Gu Shen's far delayed departure from the lake caused everyone to worry.

Chu Ling, who kept refreshing the close-up views of the frozen lake at high frequency, was the one who was most worried.

However, Chu Ling did not finish his sentence.

He stopped abruptly mid-sentence.

After the mental link was restored, the "memory" in Gu Shen's mental sea was no longer a secret, so Chu Ling completed the three-hour memory reading of Frozen Lake in one second.

She fell silent.


After a brief silence, Chu Ling spoke again.

For her, who lives with countless data all day long, there is no amount of information in the world that is so huge that it would take her a long time to process it.

But this time.

Regarding Jingshan Yan, the Star Project, the array disk, and the starting computing power of the Ancient Literature Society...

Her program was temporarily disrupted.

"I don't know these things..."

Chu Ling said in a very soft voice: "I want to be quiet."


Gu Shen's expression was a little complicated. He knew that Chu Ling must have seen the memory of Jingshan Yan in the frozen lake.


Dawn broke and the main boat landed.

By the frozen lake, everyone had completed their meeting.

Gu Qilin came up and tried to slap Gu Shen hard, but of course the slap in the end was missed.

The old man put his palm on Gu Shen's shoulder and asked in a deep voice: "Three hours, how dare we wait for you here for three hours! Do you know how I spent these three hours?"

"Feel sorry……"

Gu Shen looked at the old man, then at the comrades waiting for him by the lake, and apologized again: "I'm sorry, everyone, for making you worry."

He roughly recounted his experiences under the frozen lake.


The story under the frozen lake was processed by Gu Shen.

Zhu Wang and Jing Shanyan were both killed by [Children]'s blow...

Only Han Dang, who understood the [Truth], escaped. His domain caused Gu Shen to lose the true "concept of time." The reason why people outside were made to wait for three hours... was because the bottom of the frozen lake , there is still a battle.


Gu Shen completed the kill.

No one would doubt what he said.

Because the devastating blow of [Children] destroyed everything under the frozen lake. As for the "Star Project" and those nutrition cabins... the federal government already had an answer many years ago.

Whether they believe it or not.

Jingshanyan is already dead.

After listening to this, Mr. Gu and everyone fell into silence.


Gu Qilin murmured: "Jingshanyan... just died..."

"The power of [Children] is too powerful."

Gu Shen said: "This is simply not a weapon that mortal beings can fight against... I think this kind of weapon can deal a devastating blow to all extraordinary beings below the throne of God, provided it hits."


The premise is hit.

The reason why this "drop" was able to achieve such a stunning effect is that the coordinates of the [Blue King Power Realm] under the frozen lake have long been locked, and the person hiding underground had no idea about it.

In fact, if ground strikes are to be carried out, skysheath weapons may not be able to accurately release storms on "moving targets".

The account is banned very quickly.

Whether it's movement speed or reaction speed.

"So the last 'star cabin' was also destroyed..." Gu Qilin sighed quietly: "I always feel that Jing Shanyan still hides a big secret, but it's a pity that there is no chance."

"By the way, how is the situation with Mu Qingyang?"

The old man remembered something very important and suddenly asked: "Are they not awake yet?"

In these three hours, the law enforcement team was so worried and nervous.

There is another reason.

Mu Wanqiu, the law enforcement team led by Mu Qingyang, have been in a state of mental disconnection since they were returned by Han Dang. The Beizhou military is responsible for emergency awakening, but so far, there is no news.

"No." Luo Yu shook his head, "Gu Nanfeng and Bai Chen have already gone, and there is no news yet."

The group of people walked quickly towards the Central City garrison base.

The fourteen hostages taken away by Han Dang this time were placed in the field of a "spiritual healing holy object", which was an "S-class" sealed object brought out from the attic by the legion commander.

In the snow of the tundra, a pit was burned by [Dragon Annihilation].

The sealed object is a thin gauze that spreads on its own after being released, covering it into a small circle with a radius of about ten meters. This area is not large and can barely accommodate fourteen people lying in the pit. Snow-white "waves" surged.

These are the "springs" condensed by Qingsha's spiritual power.

"This is... Beizhou's spiritual sacred object [Fountain of Yarn]."

Gu Shen recognized this sealed artifact.

This is a top-level sealed item for treating mental injuries. Even if it is mentally exiled, there is a certain probability that it can be recalled, provided that it is "put in time"... Mu Wanqiu and the others were sent here as soon as they were rescued.

The three commanders of the legion, Gu Nanfeng and Bai Chen, are responsible for providing the source of [Fountain of Yarn].

For three hours of continuous use of S-level sealed objects, I am afraid that only a ban can pay the price.


The fourteen people soaked in the fountain of yarn did not get better at all.

Mr. Gu and Zhuxue completed their meeting here. Most of the senior officials and leaders of the two continents gathered in front of the Fountain of yarn.

"You are here."

The three legion commanders raised their eyes and saw Gu Shen.

These three hours were doubly painful for them. On the one hand, there was no news about Gu Shen, who had sneaked into the bottom of the lake to perform his mission. On the other hand, the fourteen law enforcers rescued from the frozen lake had not yet recovered...

Mu Qingyang is the new leader elected by the Mu family.

Mu Wanqiu, on the other hand, was an "S-class" who the Survey Corps had spent countless efforts cultivating.

The other twelve law enforcers are also excellent.

These people... are the mainstay of the future!

Neither Nagano nor Central City is willing to suffer such a loss.

"Their spirits are probably banished."

The legion commander's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of murderous intent: "Are all those guys under the frozen lake dead?"

Of course she knew the answer.

[Children] fell and Gu Shen came out of the lake.

This means that the tundra mission has completely ended, and those who escaped from prison will no longer survive.

It was just Mu Wanqiu's "sleep" that made her even more angry.

Han Dang "kept" his promise, but only half of it. He released the hostages but stripped them of their spirits.

Spiritual exile... is a very scary thing.

If the [Fountain of Yarn] is put in at the first time and cannot save them, then the longer the time goes, the slimmer the hope will be.

"Don't worry, those people are already dead."

In the crowd, a person slowly stood up and said calmly: "But these people can still live."

The legion commander spoke with anger. After looking at the figure, half of his anger dissipated.

"are you serious?"

Something that even three banned people can't do.

If the person who stood up at this moment was not Gu Shen, then the legion commander would not have looked at or said a word at all.


Gu Shen smiled and came to the [Fountain of Yarn]. He stretched out his hand and felt Mu Wanqiu's mental state with his fingertips.

There was silence all around.

Of course Gu Shen couldn't sense anything strange.

Mu Wanqiu and Mu Qingyang's spiritual seas were empty... because their souls had been exiled to the closed network of the "array box".

It briefly "explored" for tens of seconds.

Gu Shen said: "Thank you for your hard work, you three. Now we can remove the [Fountain of Veil]."

"Remove [Fountain of Yarn]? Are you sure?"

The legion commander was still worried and a little confused.

"We can trust Gu Shen."

Gu Nanfeng, who has always been a godly teammate, stood up very promptly at this moment: "He has successfully recovered his 'spiritual exile' in Dadu."

The legion commander was surprised.

"He can do this kind of thing? Is it because of the 'blazing fire'?"

People with "S-level" abilities can often do things that others cannot do at a low level.

"Removing [Fountain of Yarn] is not a trivial matter..."

Zhuxue was still not at ease. He sent a message and asked, "With all due respect, whose 'spiritual exile' did Gu Shen redeem at that time?"

"This is what happened when he was in the second level."

Gu Nanfeng calmly transmitted the message: "The exiled person he successfully rescued at that time... was Mrs. Huazhi, Lu Nanzhi, who is now famous in most cities."

(There is another chapter tonight! Please vote for me!)

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