Barrier of Light

Chapter 750 Gospel (Second update, please vote for me)

[Qiasik, an iron-cutting town on the border of Beizhou, is rich in knives. 】

[Before the Queen came to the throne, this town was tortured by war. In addition to this town, countless people were trampled in this war. 】

"Get out of the way!"

A roaring sound rang in his ears.

Even more violent than this sound was the roar of artillery shells, and a generous figure blocked all sight before the wall collapsed.

Something hit me.

That's a big guy.

The whistling sound could be heard dozens of meters away.

Immediately afterwards——


Fireworks and heat waves shattered the wall, and the man with his arms spread wide was drowned by countless flames.

The boundless flames tore apart the night and stirred up countless storms.

Swallow the girl.


The dream was shattered, and a thin figure suddenly sat up.

The coarse linen shirt the girl put on was soaked with sweat.

There was silence all around, with only the wind and snow howling vaguely outside the window. There were no artillery shells and no war. This was Qasik no longer. She had escaped from that nightmarish town, but no matter how she escaped, she could not escape the storm sweeping Beizhou. war.

"Xiaoqiu...are you awake?"

The girl suddenly sat up, awakening the lady next to her who was sleeping lightly.

"Aunt Ai..."

The girl murmured: "I'm dreaming again..."

Aunt Ai also sat up and gently took the little girl's head into her arms. Her voice was gentle, like the warm sun: "Xiaoqiu, the war is about to end. The legion against the Red Emperor has already reached the Central City. Lin is here." There’s going to be victory.”

The girl's eyes were confused.

Feeling the warm embrace in her arms, she looked out the window, the cold wind was howling, and there was a faint light shining from the thick clouds in the sky, but the dawn had not yet arrived, and the entire land was still shrouded in darkness.

"Lin is about to win."

This sentence has been circulating in the Beizhou border for many years.

The war lasted six years.

From the first year, the people of Beizhou heard this "good news"... However, the Red Emperor's legions were retreating steadily in the interior of Beizhou, but they held on to the fortress. The Lin family had the upper hand but fought very hard.

"Aunt Ai..."

The girl's vision was a little blurry, and she said in a very soft voice: "I saw my dad... Is he still in Qasik..."

The two embraced each other.

But couldn't sleep.

After a long time, Aunt Ai hummed softly.

"Lin's three major legions have besieged the interior. The war is in the final stages... Chasik has been 'liberated'."

She patted the girl's back gently, her movements slow and gentle, "Aren't we going back now?"

The girl asked nervously: "Then when we go back... can we still see him?"

"I can't say for sure."

Aunt Ai smiled and said: "Remember, your father said that after liberation, he will be a 'traveler', so he may not be in Chasik anymore... Okay, we will be on our way at dawn, starting from Shenzhen It’s still half a month’s journey before we head south, so you should have a good rest.”

The girl lay down obediently.

Aunt Ai kept patting her back gently and humming a soft tune until she fell asleep again.

She got up, covered the girl with a thin quilt, then arranged her clothes and carefully opened the wooden door.

Their resting place is located outside an old church that has been in disrepair.

In the snowy trees not far away, there are crows hovering one after another. The long night is coming to an end. They hide in the deepest part of the darkness, staring at this "gospel" church with the Holy Cross standing on the top.

The war between the Lin family and the Red Emperor lasted for six years.

In the past six years, only a few places in the interior of Beizhou have been safe... One of them is the "Holy Church" that adheres to the doctrine of light. Neither the Red Emperor nor the Lin family is willing to offend Guangming City in Xizhou. .

Being able to live in a church is considered a great blessing.

"Sir Virgil."

Aunt Ai put on a black cloak and found the kind missionary who was reading in the attic. Virgil was a Middle-earth man, and his identity as a Middle-earth man was the second protection token in this war.

According to Virgil, he was born into a noble family in the upper city of Middle Continent. He listened to the Gospel of Light by chance, decided to join the church, and finally went to North Continent to preach... Unfortunately, he was caught up in the war not long after he arrived. He could have chosen Leaving, returning to Guangming City or going uptown were all good choices, but in the end he chose to stay and witness the historical changes of this continent with his own eyes.

The candlelight flickered, reflecting a solemn face that was pure and stoic.

Virgil closed the book and slowly raised his head.

"I'm here to say goodbye to you." Aunt Ai said sincerely: "Thank you for taking care of me these days and being willing to take Xiaoqiu and me in. I don't have anything valuable on me... I want to use 'this' as a reward. I hope Don’t dislike it.”

She took out something from her cloak.

A golden necklace of average quality that rich people would not wear.

Virgil just glanced at it and then looked away. He pushed the necklace out and asked gently: "You guys are leaving now? Why so suddenly?"

"It was a little sudden."

A smile appeared in the corners of Aunt Ai's eyes.

She shared her joy for this kind-hearted priest who was a gentleman, "I heard that General Rusty Bones defeated the 'Red Emperor's' southern defense and completely liberated the southern border... So I want to take Xiaoqiu back to Qiasik to see .”


Virgil remembered this small town. The knives produced in this small town were all the best of the best and were hard to find. For this reason, in this war against the Red Army, the town was plundered, and the Red Emperor After the legion under his command wiped out Qasik's reserves, they carried out a brutal massacre before the arrival of Lin's crusade.

"When the war ends and prices return to normal, this gold necklace should be able to be pawned for a lot of money."

Aunt Ai pushed the necklace back again and said seriously: "I know that with your noble character, you must regard money as dirt, but this is a little thought after all... Please accept it."

Virgil pushed up his glasses. He no longer pushed the necklace back out, neither agreed nor refused, but asked with a smile: "You guys have been here for two months, and I didn't turns out that Xiaoqiu is Chasik. People."

"Being born there is not something to show off."

Aunt Ai's expression was a little dazed, and she forced a smile: "At the beginning of the war, we have been on a bumpy road. It has been six years now, and we have been displaced everywhere. Now we have finally ushered in the liberation of the southern front... If you have the opportunity, you are welcome Come and visit Chasik in the future.”

"May the light be with you."

Virgil nodded and said softly: "It's a long journey from here to Chasik. Although the southern front is liberated, it is inevitable that we will still encounter the 'Fortress Army', and it will be winter soon... You choose Wouldn’t it be too anxious to go south at this time?”

Aunt Ai was slightly startled.

"I think that since the war is about to end, you might as well wait a little longer... When the spring comes, maybe your journey back will be much smoother."

Virgil asked, "What do you think?"

Aunt Ai hesitated to speak.

"Of course, this is just my suggestion."

Virgil took out a map from the drawer, spread it out, moved his fingers slowly, and said thoughtfully: "But tonight, a delegation will arrive, and they are all pastors who spread the gospel doctrine. , I heard... they also went all the way south. If you are in a hurry to set off, they may be willing to give you a ride, at least to take you to Deep Scale City. Once there, you can choose to turn to the waterway and leave on your own."


Aunt Ai was a little hesitant.

"I can't remember clearly. Maybe they will arrive early, maybe in the evening, maybe at noon." Virgil looked outside and asked with a smile, "Are you leaving now?"

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Aunt Ai said softly, "Then Xiaoqiu and I will wait."

"I will accept this necklace. I will give it to the pastor of the Evangelical Church..." Virgil stood up and said with sincerity in his eyes: "In wartime, without any benefit, who wants to be a good person?"

Aunt Ai smiled, put one hand on the chest of the cloak, and saluted slowly: "May the light be with you."

"May the light be with you."

The attic became quiet again, Virgil took out the communicator and looked out the window.

The solemnity and solemnity on his face turned into a sinister one at this moment.

"Whoa, whoa!"

The black crows living in the snowy trees represent darkness and ominousness, but they seem to feel the gaze of a darker and more ominous gaze... and flap their wings away amidst the howling wind.

"The goods are about to leave. Hurry and arrange manpower."

"Why is it so sudden?" A hoarse voice came from the other side of the communicator: "Isn't it expected that it will take a long time?"

"Who knew they would leave early... There are always idiots who think the war is over. Will the war really end?" Virgil said expressionlessly: "I have heard this sentence for six years. Stop talking nonsense and bring it with you. Enough manpower.”

"Two women, and a child...what manpower do we need?"

Laughter came from the communicator: "Virgil, it's not easy to come all the way here. If not, please help us. We will give you an extra 10% commission on this transaction."


Virgil was silent for a moment, and then said: "I am a missionary of the Church of Light. I came to Beizhou to spread the gospel...unless you increase the money."

The laughter on the communicator got even louder.

After a burst of laughter.

"We won't pay a penny more." A cold voice sounded: "We will be here before noon, you can find a way to delay it."

Hearing this voice, the greed in Virgil's eyes dissipated a lot.

He hummed.

"These days, the security force known as the 'Lin's Fourth Army' is patrolling nearby. You have to know that unplanned things must have more benefits than expected." The owner of the cold voice asked in a deep voice: "We don't want to waste time, you know what I mean?"

"I understand, of course I understand."

Virgil laughed in a low voice, "That woman is very good-looking, and besides... I know she carries a 'valuable' jade talisman with her. That should be something that you will be interested in."

"Oh?" The owner of the cold voice said calmly: "Are you sure?"

"We have cooperated so many times, and I have never made a mistake." Virgil said seriously: "Mr. Zuo, you have to believe in the 'vision' given to me by the God of Light."


Mr. Zuo asked quietly: "If I remember correctly, you said before that besides that woman, there is another girl who can be sold for a big price?"


Virgil was startled.

Thinking back to that childish, flower-like face, his breathing couldn't help but become rapid.

One hand holds the communicator.

The other hand crumpled the paper of Guangming Scripture.


The candlelight flickered, bathed in the light, and the thin man wearing a holy robe said softly and slowly: "Believe me, Mr. Zuo. This girl is worth a trip in person."

Just when Aunt Ai tiptoed, pushed open the wooden door, and prepared to rest for a while again.

She saw a shocking scene in the house——

"Chi chi chi..."

A sound like burning steam hovered on the roof.

The girl was curled up on the bed, with clouds of black mist lingering on the surface of her fair skin... The black mist was like a devil, condensing into a human form. Her childish and pitiful face was full of pain at the moment. , as if trapped in a nightmare.

The fog visible to the naked eye was flying above the bed.

In this bright church.

It seemed like some kind of "disaster" was spreading... The sound of crows screaming and taking off was heard in the distance.

This is not the first time.

these six years.

The two traveled to many places, not only to "escape from the war", but also to "escape from the disaster".

Xiaoqiu is a child who is both lucky and unfortunate at the same time.

She has beauty, kindness, and all the other wonderful talents given by God...

But unfortunately.

She carries "disaster" and "curse" in the true sense.

Wherever she comes, misfortune will befall her.

Fortunately, this church seems to be protected by blessings. I have lived here for two months and am currently safe and sound.

But disaster eventually came—


Seeing the black mist, Aunt Ai subconsciously shouted out. She realized that Sir Virgil might hear it, so she quickly silenced her voice and quickly locked the wooden door.

She brought a basin of hot water, soaked the towel, and dried it.

Then he took out the jade talisman from his arms...

Holding the talisman in her left hand and holding the towel tightly in her right hand, Aunt Ai sat in front of the bed.

Mu Wanqiu's petite body was frighteningly cold.

Aunt Ai took a deep breath, held the towel, and stretched her palms into the gloom shrouded in black mist.

With this jade talisman.

The black mist was dispersed within a small area.

She wiped Xiaoqiu's sweat over and over again, and kept doing it until dawn, and the mist that wrapped around Xiaoqiu's body... gradually dissipated.

Aunt Ai's eyes were filled with distress.

But apart from these small things, I, an "ordinary person", can't do much more.

Originally, she was still hesitating whether to wait any longer.

In the past two months, Mu Wanqiu's condition has been very good.

So she thought maybe the ominous illness was gone.

How about taking this opportunity to return home?

But now it seems that the disease is not cured, but only disappears temporarily...

Lord Virgil's previous proposal was not unreasonable.

Aunt Ai looked at the painful, tired and sleeping girl. She really couldn't bear it. Seeing Mu Wanqiu being tortured like this again, a helpless thought came to her mind.

"Living in this church, Xiaoqiu's 'illness' didn't occur for two whole months."

"Perhaps... Sir Virgil and the group of pastors who spread the gospel have some way to alleviate Xiaoqiu's 'illness'?"

(PS: Mu Wanqiu is a flesh-and-blood character. I don’t want to conquer the [Apostle] and turn it into a cutscene that ends hastily. So Panda spent a lot of time to conceive this [Apostle] dream. It is an independent story with a complete framework. This is something Panda has always wanted to try. It is a writing method that is different from the mainstream. Some readers may not be willing to watch content that has nothing to do with the main plot, so I will finish it in one go tonight to ensure a smooth reading experience.)

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