Barrier of Light

Chapter 765 The Land of Waters (First update! Please vote for me!)


Tower of Source.

The Tower of the Two Gods almost reaches the sky. Covered by the divine realm of the Sky God's Throne, each floor is an independent "dream space".

Every time you go up a level, you will see a new world.

On a certain floor at an unknown height, the stars were shining brightly throughout the night.

Four stars ignited in all directions, and endless water ripples shook.

A thin figure who looked very thin sat cross-legged at the beginning of countless water ripples. His face was covered with a white-striped mask, and his whole body was covered with snow-white robes, as if he had become a star among the stars in the sky. One, integrated with the boundless fantasy night...

This level is called the "Land of Waters".

The man in the white-striped mask is the number one [Apostle] under Sky of Shangchengyuan Tower.

Title: Tianshui.

Tian Shui sat in the center of thousands of ripples, with his hands folded and placed gently in front of his knees, sitting quietly as if sleeping.

Over the years, Shangcheng has been extremely stable. One reason is that the Sky God's Throne is powerful enough and has established a system of orderly rewards and punishments for priests. Among the highest gods, in terms of age at becoming a god, no one can compete with "Sky" except Guangming. "compared to.

The sky watched the birth of a new batch of divine thrones such as Dionysus, Pluto, the Queen, and Gu Changzhi.

He lived through the previous era.

Then he became the tallest and most powerful god in this era.


There is another important reason that cannot be ignored.

There is a good "champion" in the city.

That is the Tianshui in front of you.

As the "Crown Champion" of the sky, he followed the throne of God before the revolution in the upper city and before the Tower of Source reached the sky... A long time ago, the gods had only one apostle, and after Tianshui, the subordinates of the gods began Become "lively".


Tianshui cultivated the "Dionysian Seat" in place of the Sky God Seat.

It can be said that this winner in the city has decorated nearly half of the bright stars in today's gorgeous night.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz..."

There was a slight vibration in the dream.

The "four stars" around him gradually turned from dim to bright and dazzling.

A total of four young people came to the "Land of Waters" one after another.

Tianshui prepared four seats for them, corresponding to the four stars.

"Mr. Tianshui."

"Mr. Tianshui..."

Four respectful voices slowly echoed in this dream, following the ripples.

Tian Shui nodded.

"Four divine envoys, please take your seats."

There was no trace of age or decay in his voice, but instead it was as clear as a young man.

It's hard to believe that this is the champion who has grown up with the "Sky God Throne" for decades... Perhaps the power of God has been instilled into every corner of his body, or maybe the Sky God Throne remembers old feelings and bestows His miracle of immortality.

But no one knows what the truth is.

Because no one has seen the face under Tian Shui’s mask——

His voice and body are young, but that doesn't mean he is really young.

Perhaps when the mask is taken off and the Taoist robe is taken off, an aging body will be revealed. Even the divine throne cannot resist the passage of time, let alone the mortal world.

Red Dragon, Suzaku, Black Turtle, Cloud Tiger.

"You must already know about the Sangzhou Cave."

Mr. Tianshui said warmly: "Shangcheng cannot bear that Nanzhou is in dire straits. We must not ignore this tragic situation... In addition, the apostles of the Holy City just came to me, hoping that the Tower of Source can help."

Four stars, all burning in the land of waters.

"Mr. Tianshui, I am willing to go south."

The first person to speak was the Suzaku Divine Envoy. He stood up, and the stars behind him swirled into a blazing wave of fire. The majesty of the holy image could be vaguely seen, and the south of the Land of Waters turned into a blazing color.

But the next moment.

The star in the west reflected a pale and bright light, and it was Yun Hu who stood up.

"Mr. Tianshui, this is a serious matter, please let me go."

His voice was deep and strong, like a loud bell, shaking up countless water droplets on the mirror surface of the water town.

This scene made Suzaku frown.

The two looked at each other across the dream, and neither of them gave in... In fact, the relationship between the four divine envoys has never been harmonious. They are the most talented and powerful ones cultivated in the Priest System of the Tower of Source. Extraordinary one.

And after reaching this point, there is only one goal left.


The God of Wine has fallen, and the fire has now been retrieved... on the top floor of the Tower of Source.

With the emergence of "Traveler", the "peace" that has been maintained for twenty years has begun to show signs of rupture in recent years.

In the first two years, the Tower of Source was not in a hurry to choose the Lord of Fire and could wait slowly.

But Central City and Nagano are “merging”.

In this case, can we wait, and how long can we wait?


Shangcheng is already preparing to re-select the new master of the "Wine Fire", and the best candidate is from among the four divine envoys... They fought their way out of the priest system and gave up the wonderful opportunity to become the apostles of the sky.

What you've been waiting today!

Dionysus fell.

One of them will reach the top!

Mr. Tianshui is the one who holds the crown, and Lord God has great trust in him... Obviously, he is the one to choose the master of the "Wine Fire" this time, so this Sangzhou Cave mission is particularly important.

Whoever misses the task may miss the fire!

The two stars of Suzaku Yunhu lit up in the Land of Waters, as the eyes of the two divine envoys collided.


There was a sudden explosion on the mirror of the Land of Waters.

The mental power of the two divine envoys collided directly——

A bright light bloomed in this dim dream. Suzaku and Yunhu had become fiercely opposed in the past few years. At this moment, the two spirits collided fiercely, but in the end neither one gained the upper hand.

After all, this place is Mr. Tianshui's residence.

If a fight breaks out, how will it end?

If you keep them all away, you can only make it a "50-50 split".

"Crash la la la..."

Fireworks flew down one after another and fell into the mirror.

After this blow, the expressions on the faces of Zhuque and Yunhu were not very good, but the two calm-tempered envoys, Red Dragon and Xuangui, were at both ends of the water town, watching the useless fireworks and bustle. .

"Fight, fight..."

Xuangui whispered softly, with a smile in his voice.

He looked towards Tianshui.

It's a pity that the face of the person holding the crown in the sky will always wear that corrugated mask, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

But judging from its sitting posture.

Tian Shui didn't feel angry at all.

Thinking about it carefully, from the moment I saw Mr. Tianshui, he seemed to be like a stone Buddha, standing tall and motionless, never getting angry, as if nothing that happened had anything to do with him.

Xuangui is the calmest character among the four divine envoys, but he feels that he is still far behind Mr. Tianshui when it comes to cultivating the mind.

At this moment, even if Suzaku and Yunhu fight in the Land of Waters...

Mr. Tianshui, I'm afraid, is sitting quietly and not getting angry at all.

"The southern wilderness needs to be civilized."

Tian Shui said softly: "It would be better if the four of you go south together."

As soon as this statement came out.

The four divine envoys were all stunned. Suzaku and Yunhu, who had just punched each other before, were even more surprised... There were no quotas for going south to Sangzhou Cave. Isn't this a task that needs to be fought for?

"I have blocked Mr. Yan's 'floor'."

Tian Shui said calmly: "Don't go looking for him before leaving. Let him rest. Too much divination is used, which is very harmful to the spirit... But I can tell you that this time in the Sangzhou Cave mission, the Source of The tower will lock the future owner of the 'Wine Fire'."


The light patterns emitted by several stars in the Land of Waters began to sway violently.


Mr. Tianshui's news shocked them greatly.

Directly target the owner of "Wine Fire"?

There was silence for dozens of seconds.

"Everyone," Tian Shui said softly, "What I just you understand?"

"I understand." Several people said.

Tian Shui asked with a smile: "If you understand, why don't you get started?"

The four stars dimmed quickly.

This shows that the four divine envoys have already withdrawn and left.

The land of waters returns to silence.

Mr. Tianshui is still sitting cross-legged in the middle of the water.

After a while.

The star in the east of the water town has rekindled.

The red dragon goes and comes back.

In the previous meetings, he was the only one with the calmest expression. Whether it was Suzaku Yunhu fighting, or Tianshui announcing the news of the new owner of the Wine Fire... his expression did not change much.

The only thing that changes is the spiritual ripples of the star's light.

Four divine messengers, three shocked.

If he remains calm...this is so unsociable.

"Bad acting, you can use more care."

Tian Shui said: "If Suzaku's eyes were sharper, you wouldn't be able to deceive him."

"I didn't even think about cheating."

Red Dragon said calmly: "I am not interested in the 'Wine Fire'. If they find out, they will find out..."

“No one can resist the temptation of ‘Tinder’.”

Mr. Tianshui smiled and said, "Maybe you should try to compete with them?"

The Land of Waters was silent for a moment.

The red dragon took off the long knife from his waist and inserted it into the water mirror.


He said softly: "I just want to be the 'winner', I just want to be... the next you."

This "teacher" has never been shouted out in front of anyone.

All the divine envoys of the Tower of Source will only address Tianshui as "Mr."

neither knows.

Mr. Tianshui accepted such a disciple.

"Thousands of people want to climb to the top of the throne."

Tian Shui coughed dullly, and then asked with a smile: "Since you have the ability to reach the top, why do you need to be the 'winner' who is obscured by the light... No one will remember the winner..."

"I'll remember that and that's enough."

The red dragon slowly came to the teacher.

He also sat down, holding his long knife across his knees. The red dragon lowered his head, unable to bear to look at the young figure who no longer stood upright after everyone left.

He said in a low voice: "You should know why I want to be the winner."

I lowered my head and didn't want to look, but I still saw it after all... The mirror completely reflected the "old" Mr. Tianshui. No one can resist aging, not even the throne of God. How can ordinary people do it?

Tian Shui has been accompanying the Sky God Throne for long enough.

The remaining half of the journey.

Next to the throne, a new "champion" is needed.

"...cough cough cough."

Mr. Tianshui squeezed out a smile while coughing violently: "If after my death, you really take over the mantle sincerely and take over the position of the crown bearer, I will have no regrets in this life. ”


The red dragon was just silent.

"The 'Supernatural Awakening' in Sangzhou Cave has been 90% completed..."

Tian Shui stretched out a palm and pressed hard on the disciple's shoulder.

"You need to cover the last link of [Deep Sea] to ensure that the entire area and all living creatures complete the 'awakening'..." He said in a deep voice: "This is the most important step in the plan."


The red dragon nodded in agreement.

Then, he murmured in confusion: "But what does the 'paranormal awakening' of Sangzhou Cave... have to do with the selection of the owner of the 'Wine Fire'?"

"Over the years... Lord God's biggest regret is that he did not make good use of the 'fire of wine'."

Tian Shui lowered his voice and sighed softly: "If the power of this fire is used properly, it can create a behemoth no less than the 'Light Church'."

The fire of wine is the fire with the strongest power of spiritual inspiration!

It's a pity that the previous master didn't make good use of the power of fire after "becoming a god", and because he spied on "Gu Changzhi", he was frightened out of his heart. He didn't do much until he died... But even if In this way, during the years he was in charge of Fire, Di Jiu still accomplished a big achievement: he had many apostles under his command, who not only helped Shangcheng complete a lot of dirty work, but also brought the entire "Light Church" in Central Continent, as well as " "Church of Storms" was completely wiped out!

These two major churches have taken root in Beizhou and Dongzhou.

But only in Central Continent, there is almost no shadow.

"The throne of God has always needed to choose from the 'ready-made ones'..."

"The dream of fire, the trial of the deep sea. When you walk in front of the 'fire' and are qualified to try to hold it, the extraordinary person is no longer so pure." Tian Shui's voice was hoarse, "But if there is a 'chosen person' ’, when he was just born, he awakened to the ‘extraordinary’, and obtained the recognition of the ‘fire’ in advance...”

The red dragon's pupils suddenly contracted.

He realized what the teacher meant...

This may be the reason why Shangcheng desperately pushed for the "Awakening Act". In the face of absolute numbers, no matter how small the probability, there is still a chance to appear, and once such a "chosen person" appears.

"If there are enough awakenings, it will be the 'fire' that chooses the extraordinary, rather than the extraordinary choosing the 'fire'. Once the fusion is completed, the power that can be unleashed..."

Mr. Tianshui's voice stopped suddenly.

After a long time, he asked: " you understand?"

The red dragon took a deep breath.

This is the true meaning of what the teacher said before, that there will be a new owner of the "Wine Fire" in Sangzhou Cave... The reason why Shangcheng did not send an oracle to the four gods in these years to let them try to communicate with the "Fire Dream" Rong, it is because Tianshui has long been eyeing the "Sangzhou Cave".

But this time, what the Tower of Source is pursuing is the ultimate in "wine fire".

"They... are the last alternatives. If we don't find a 'suitable candidate', we can only find the next 'Di Jiu' among them."

Tian Shui smiled.

He didn't say the second part, but the red dragon knew.

If found.

Then the divine messenger...either becomes an apostle or an outcast.

All in all, in the plan of "Wine Fire", they are not important and have never been important.

"You are different from them. You are more talented than them, but you are determined to become a 'champion winner'..."

"As long as you don't want to be a chess player, you will always be the most useful chess piece."

Mr. Tianshui patted his disciple on the shoulder.

His eyes were full of love and he said softly: "This time in Sangzhou Cave... there is another task for you. Remember this person's file."

A mental image was transmitted into the red dragon's mind.

It was a thin young man in white clothes.

An explanation.

Tian Shui smiled and said: "Be careful...this is Dongzhou's S-class."

Red Dragon silently memorized this face.

He stood up and left without looking back.

This time.

The Land of Waters has truly regained its tranquility, the stars are dim and the waves are dull.

Tian Shui no longer sat cross-legged, but slowly lay back.

He looked up through his mask.

The top of the Tower of Source.

The clouds and mist are lingering, and the red-robed god is knocking chess pieces and lighting up the lanterns. Opposite him is a disembodied chess player made of clouds and mist. Although it is insubstantial, every move is extremely accurate.

When bored.

The red-robed divine throne glanced at the fog-covered mirror beside him... Countless mirrors were suspended in the mist at the top of the Tower of Source.

And what is reflected in one of the mirrors is the "Land of Waters".

The person holding the crown and the throne of God looked at each other through countless dreams.

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