Barrier of Light

Chapter 775: Cutting the Territory (Second update! Please vote for me!)

Chen Mei, the son of Councilor Chen San from the Dadu District.

He is the leader of the Chengxin Hall as famous as Song Ci, and is also the strongest transcendent below the title in the metropolitan area.

"That Mr. Gu from Nagano asked me to come by I came."

Chen Wei smiled warmly and said, "You left too fast, so I didn't say hello. I've already brought the main force of this Sangzhou Cave mission."

The four continents went south together.

Even if everyone has their own thoughts behind the scenes, the appearance on the surface still needs to be done.

In order to eliminate the extraordinary beings from Sangzhou Cave, each continent brought about two hundred extraordinary beings... This number is not many, and the remaining extraordinary power required will be made up by the Holy City Church.

Again, if the power of the Four Continents moving south is too large, then the Church of Storms will lose control of its home field.

There were a total of twelve people in the entire conference room.

There are three people in Dongzhou, Gu Shen, Bai Xiu, and Chen Mei. There are also three people in Beizhou, Lu Zhe, Wild Dog, and Mu Wanqiu.

Two from Guangming City and four from Shangcheng.

Of course... there are "spectator seats" outside the conference room, but [Deep Sea] only gave them permission to watch, and they were not qualified to enter the conference room. There was no exclusive seat for them at the long conference table here.

"Although I am a 'participant' in this meeting, I am clumsy."

Chen did not say seriously: "I will support all your statements..."

There are seventy-nine living areas, only Dongzhou has fewer than other continents.

Obviously this is a targeted "division".

The next meeting will definitely be a storm.

"Me too." Bai Xiu also expressed his position: "You are good at this kind of thing, so you go out to fight. If you need to take action, let me do it."

Does this mean that you are a good talker?

Is this a compliment, or...

Gu Shen was a little helpless, but more pleased.

"Okay. Leave it to me."

"Gu Shen!"

As the figures gathered together and sat in this spiritual space, the Suzaku Divine Envoy was the first to speak. He stared coldly at the Dongzhou seat opposite... his eyes seemed to have condensed into substance.

It's a pity that we can't do anything in this conference room.

Otherwise, Suzaku would have taken action long ago!

"Oh...someone called me?"

Gu Shen looked calm and looked around... Although this conference room was large, there were only so many participants. After looking around, Gu Shen's eyes fell on the Suzaku Divine Envoy.

He asked seriously: "Who are you?"

Suzaku: "???"

Gu Shen once went to Central Continent with Hua Zhi, and even met Suzaku... This information was not a secret, and everyone in high positions present had actually heard about it.

It's just that Gu Shen doesn't remember Suzaku.

That's funny.

The greatest contempt is to ignore!

"Ha ha……"

As soon as this was said, someone in the conference room laughed out loud, and he was one of the four divine envoys... tall and tall, wearing a white robe, and surrounded by a snow-white spiritual mist.


As we all know, the relationship between the four divine envoys of this generation is not good——

Although in group tasks, they are both priests of the Tower of Origin, and theoretically need to "help each other" and share the same hatred and hatred.

But the grudge between Yunhu and Suzaku has been put on the table... The Manxing Priest will not leave the upper city on weekdays. As for the four of them, they have already sat in the highest position of the Tower of Source. No matter how they are in When walking around Zhongzhou, everyone they meet is respectful to them.

Where can you see this kind of deflated situation?

So Yunhu didn't bother to pretend at all. He crossed his arms and looked at Suzaku with a smile, waiting for the next good show.

However, the situation did not worsen.

Suzaku was not angered by Gu Shen, but calmed down. He said coldly: "You kidnapped my people and violated the laws of the Five Continents..."

"Is it."

Gu Shen said calmly: "Is there any evidence?"

Suzaku was silent.

Gu Shen smashed the camera in the base... Chu Ling also erased the image before departure.

"My people can prove-"

Suzaku was interrupted just as he opened his mouth.

"Don't say such stupid things." Gu Shen said calmly: "If you think I have violated the law, you can apply to the Five Continents Council, or you can go to the Supreme Court... Remember to bring your evidence."

This time, the joint law enforcement operation in Sangzhou Cave was originally a "fight between dragons and tigers."

All four divine envoys are dispatched, the Sons of Blessing, the first team of the Beizhou Survey Corps, the Dongzhou S-class...

In this case, the Five Continents Council will default not to deal with the "disputes" between the top geniuses. If Suzaku can produce clear evidence, the Council will symbolically issue a "condemn" and ask Gu Shen to return the "hostages", but then This kind of condemnation has no real effect...the rules are drawn up by the strong, the top geniuses attending this meeting.

The forces they represent behind them are the people who drafted the rules of the Five Continents.

Behind them are the Seven Gods!

How could the Five Continents Council really get involved?

"Okay, let's stop this—"

The Red Dragon Divine Envoy, who was sitting in the middle of Zhongzhou's seat, spoke at this moment. He glanced at Suzaku and said, "Don't mention this matter again. After the meeting is over, you can solve it yourself."

This generation of Tower of Origin has four genius envoys, and they are in the default sequence of the Five Continents.

The Red Dragon comes first.


Even if Suzaku was unwilling, he could only shut up.

He knows it very well.

There is no point in talking about this kind of thing for a day and a night.

From the moment he "kidnapped" Gu Shen, he never thought about repaying... Apparently he still remembered the conflict in Rhine City in Central Continent.

Suzaku lowered his head silently, thinking about how to settle the matter when he stepped into Sangzhou Cave next.


The red dragon god's voice was mellow, and his eyes scanned the entire audience. In terms of strength... Lu Zhe and Jia Wei were probably the "strongest" in this meeting. After all, they were older than the others.

But if we want to talk about "status".

The red dragon, representing the sky throne in the upper city, has the greatest say.

This meeting was initiated by him——

"We are not here to argue."

The Red Dragon Divine Envoy smiled and said: "The situation of the 'awakening experiment' in Sangzhou Cave is not good now... As outsiders, we need to rescue the local residents. The top priority is to clean up those mutated extraordinary species first."

"This meeting is actually to discuss how the next joint mission... should be carried out smoothly."

He said in a deep voice: "Cleaning out the extraordinary creatures is not a simple matter. According to the information from the Holy City Research Institute... Dongzhoufang has just wiped out the 'Queen's Birdwing Butterfly' in Area F."

In front of everyone in the conference room, the images of Area F collected by [Deep Sea] appeared.

It is Gu Shen, the scene of White Sleeves fighting against the Queen's Bird Wings and Butterflies——

The scene of the two fighting among the butterflies was clearly captured. [Deep Sea] had just completed the upgrade and strengthened the control in Area F. This video was studied by everyone.

"The battle is fierce..."

Lu Zhe glanced at it, sighed in a low voice, and at the same time smiled at Gu Shen and said: "Your progress is really amazing. Is the move that killed the 'Butterfly King' a 'field'? Could it have been done three times?" Is it beyond the realm?"

Gu Shen just laughed it off.

It doesn't matter if the images of his battle are spread out.

It can be expected that Suzaku will study it carefully, and when he enters Sangzhou Cave... this guy will cause trouble for him.

"There are different numbers of 'extraordinary beings' in the outer ring of the four areas of Sangzhou Cave. There must be species more dangerous and powerful than the Queen Birdwing Butterfly." Red Dragon said slowly: "So the four areas are divided equally. ...It’s really unreasonable. After all, there are four divine envoys coming to the upper city, and the speed of clearing the designated area will be very fast. However, some weaker ones may still face greater pressure to clean up even if the area they are allocated is small. "

He looked towards Dongzhou.

The implication is obvious.

The weak one he was referring to... was Dongzhou. The so-called "equal distribution" was that only Dongzhou had less power than the other three continents.

Gu Shen's eyes met the red dragon's.

He said calmly: "I agree with what the 'Red Dragon' said. In order to avoid excessive pressure to clean up extraordinary species, it is best for the weaker ones to give up their territory..."

When the red dragon heard this, his eyes were slightly surprised, but he was stunned for a second.

But one second later.

Gu Shen said calmly: "Mr. Jia Wei, there are only two people from Guangming City coming to this meeting. Can they handle the large-scale killing mission of 'extraordinary beings'?"


The red dragon was silent.

Jia Wei's expression was as usual, and the new blessed son beside him showed a gentle smile: "Without Mr. Gu's trouble, Xizhou can easily complete the task and even provide external support. If you can't resist, Guangming City is willing to provide free help." support'."

Gu Shen smiled silently.

His eyes did not look at the Blessed Son at all.

Since he spoke, he has been staring at the Great Knight of Mingguang Armor. Now he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Mr. Jia Wei... I forgot to ask, who is this?"

"I am the new blessed son of Guangming City."

The young man in white robe was still not annoyed and said with a smile: "My surname is Su, Su Ye."

"Su Ye..."

Gu Shen nodded and said sincerely: "Being a blessed son in Guangming City is a high-risk profession, so you must be careful."

Guangming City kept the news of the new appointment to the throne secret.

Su Ye's face was full of holy light, and he seemed to be two completely different people from Meng Xiao... But for Gu Shen, who had seen too many fanatics in Guangming City, he didn't believe what the "new blessing" could be. Good guy!

Apart from Meng Xizhou, who has the constitution of the Holy Light chosen by Heaven, who can reach the top among countless Holy Judges, where else can there be a so-called "pure white" person?

This was not the first time Gu Shen had seen this kind of guy.

Mostly it's the kind where the brighter the smile, the harder it will be when stabbed in the back.

"Thank you for reminding."

Su Ye said sincerely: "I will pay attention, and you must also pay attention... The mission in Sangzhou Cave is very dangerous, be careful not to die in the hands of those 'extraordinary beings'."

Gu Shen ignored it.

He looked at the four divine envoys and asked: "The proposal just now is very good, but Xizhou is unwilling to accept it. What should I do?"

The red dragon remained silent.

In fact, in today's meeting, the Tower of Source made it clear that it would target Dongzhou——

In the past twenty years, Dongzhou has always been weak and inferior to others.

Even though there is a new throne now, after all, the fire has just been integrated and there is no actual performance in the battle between gods. Dongzhou is still at a disadvantage in this kind of "cooperation" in world tasks.

But Dongzhoufang's attitude was unexpectedly tough.

Not only did the highest bench agree to the meeting's approval...but there was also a difficult guy who stepped forward.

Dongzhou is not mentioned in every sentence, but Dongzhou is mentioned in every sentence.

You said give up ground?

If I don't agree, what do you want to do now?


The target of the mission that Honglong received from Mr. Tianshui this time was actually Baixiu, so he didn't take Gu Shen seriously at all.

he knows.

This young man has been in the limelight in recent years, and he is unique. He is the future Grand Adjudicator, a disciple of divination, and the "hub" for the confluence of two continents.

S-level... is indeed very powerful.

But he just killed one a few years ago!

"Let me tell you Zhongzhou's suggestion——"

"Out of consideration for the combat power of the four divine envoys, I sincerely hope that... the three continents can give up five living areas respectively, which can not only relieve the pressure, but also maximize the use of resources in the living areas."

Red Dragon made a direct statement.

There are a total of 79 medium-sized living areas in Sangzhou Cave. In this way, Zhongzhou owns nearly half of them.

This proposal is unreasonable.

Both Dongzhou Fang and Beizhou Fang couldn't help laughing angrily, but Xizhou's new blessed son did not get angry.

"I suggest that two of the Four Divine Envoys from Central Continent return."

Wild Dog said expressionlessly: "Then give up ten living areas. Beizhou and Dongzhou can help complete the killing mission... But what's the difficulty in killing some extraordinary creatures? In the Duolu River, we worked together to kill Bi All the extraordinary creatures in the entire Sangzhou Cave combined are a formidable enemy."

In fact, everyone knew the outcome of this meeting when it was held.

At this moment, the red dragon expressed its stance, which was equivalent to fast forwarding the progress bar.

No one can convince the other.

The only one who can be "persuaded"... is Nanzhou. Therefore, the saints in the Holy City were very self-aware and chose to "give up" from the beginning. They did not interfere at all in this meeting that did not match their own strength.

"So, what do you want to do?"

The red dragon speeded up the progress bar again and brought the topic to the end.

For a moment, the meeting was a bit chaotic.

Someone tapped the table lightly.

Boom, boom twice.

All eyes are attracted.

"Don't forget, everyone. We are here to 'save' Sangzhou Cave."

Gu Shen asked with a smile: "This is an aboveboard 'rescue operation'. Why does it need to be so messy, like the big powers are dividing the land? Could it be that Zhongzhou wants us to fight to decide who comes first and who has more?" Less?"

Of course Zhongzhou thought so.

But Zhongzhou cannot say that.


The expressions of the four divine envoys were very subtle. If the red dragon hadn't stopped him earlier, Suzaku would have already stood up.

Obviously, this is a trap.

"Since it is a 'rescue mission', then working together to clean up the 'extraordinary beings' outside Sangzhou Cave is the key to the meeting..."

On the Beizhou side, Lu Zhe understood the situation and expressed his opinion: "If there is really a 'lack of combat power', then we can carry out 'reinforcements'. Perhaps this is more 'reasonable'."

Su Ye, who had been silent, nodded and said: "...I agree."

Jia Wei also said: "I agree."

Guangming City has the fewest visitors. According to Red Dragon's logic, this was originally intended to put pressure on Dongzhou, but it was their turn to bear the pressure.

Beizhou took Gu Shen's words and proposed a solution.

"It's just... Dongzhou needs one less living area after all..."

Red Dragon looked down at Gu Shen and said, "Dongzhoufang, are you willing to agree to this plan?"

"They won't say no."

Suzaku spoke.

He looked at Gu Shen and said faintly: "Brother Gu has said before that under the general trend, everyone should first clean up the 'extraordinary creatures' in Sangzhou Cave. As for a living area, this is just a small matter...Brother Gu, you What do you think?"

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