Barrier of Light

Chapter 849 The strongest third level in history

This sword pierced the blood and fire and hit Gu Shen's forehead.

But it made an extremely hard crisp sound.


Since then, there has been no more sound.

This fragile sound echoed in the dust. Adam, who immediately ran away after failing to hit the target, stood a hundred meters away. He lowered his head as usual and looked at the broken scrap iron dagger in his palm.

The blood-colored flames spread out layer by layer, and the sudden mental restraint barrier was torn apart layer by layer by the blazing fire.

Gu Shen slowly stepped out.

His brows are surrounded by dense black iron scales!

Yes, the sixth-level source armor can indeed only protect his body, but he also has the [Iron Throne]... a weapon made of ordinary materials like wing iron, which is twisted together, cannot break the protection of the superimposed iron scales.

"It's really unexpected."

Gu Shen's tone was sarcastic, and there was no surprise on his face. He said expressionlessly: "I really didn't expect to see you in Sangzhou Cave. What should I say now?"

"Since it's a reunion of acquaintances, you can say, 'We are destined to meet you thousands of miles away.'"

Adam dropped the scrap metal and spoke with a smile. His eyes were completely blood-red.

"Who is your acquaintance?"

Gu Shen sneered and said: "I would rather say... you should stay in the pit during the defense instead of coming out to disgust people. The biggest dereliction of duty of the Church of Storms in the past few years is not getting rid of you."

After the Xiyin City incident in Nanzhou, Xiao should have been crazily hunted down by the church.

Gu Shen originally thought that even if this guy could escape the Saint's pursuit, he would not be too happy, but he did not expect that they would meet him again in Rhine City in Central Continent not long after.

Bloodfire has countless hosts.

Because of its parasitic nature at will, as long as Xiao's mental power is strong enough, he can assign a large number of clones to carry out actions around the world!

But looking at this characteristic, Blood Fire can be regarded as an "S-level" ability!

With the blessing of this ability, as long as Xiao is patient enough, he can become a dangerous person who is feared by a continent... Back in Dadu, he even captured the body of Commissioner Zhou Yu who had the title of strength.

But it is precisely because of this ability.

The owl won't stop there.

His real ambition must be greater... Becoming a title is the pinnacle for ordinary people, but it is nothing to him.

The characteristics of blood and fire are too dangerous.

If the god sees it, he will definitely take action to eliminate it.

No matter how much he jumped, there was no possibility of survival in the palms of the Seven Gods.

"It is indeed a pity that the Church of Storms did not get rid of me." Adam looked indifferent, not feeling angry at all, but smiled and teased: "Who makes the God of Storms an arrogant person who looks down on all living things? But ordinary people He took one more look at me and I should have died, but... there are no ifs in this world, so I am still alive and well now."

Xiao himself knew that he was not qualified to shout in front of the throne of God.

So he lives with his tail between his legs.

And to survive this far... his plot is [Tan Yao], or what is in the core area of ​​[Tan Yao].

"This should be where your body is, right?"

Silver light surged in Gu Shen's palm, and truth gathered into a sword.

His gaze went beyond Adam and went straight to the end of the ridge. If you want to find a shelter within the Five Continents, then Sangzhou Cave is one of the best places... The mountain ash here can cover the source material and prevent it from being destroyed by the [Deep Sea 】Peeping, you can also block authority!

As long as the god doesn't come in person.

Then he is safe.


Adam smiled slightly and did not answer the question.

But the answer is already obvious.

A large amount of mountain ash flowed between the two of them, and the ridge at this moment ushered in the final silence.

"You responded in advance to the attack just now. You guessed what I was going to do." Adam smiled softly: "How did you guess it?"

"Although I don't know how you can shield the blazing fire induction..."

Gu Shen raised the tip of his sword, pointed it at the blond man, and said calmly: "But I do have to admit that my spirit did not detect the 'breath of blood and fire'."

His flame was always dormant and watching.

Adam's reaction, Adam's behavior.

All of these are no problem!

"But you made a very stupid mistake... I said that Suzaku was dead, but I didn't say that I killed Suzaku." Gu Shen said calmly: "It is very difficult for one person to hunt down the four gods. , my internal deployment has always been to encircle Suzaku when the opportunity arises."

Adam was startled.

No one knows the content of the conversation between Gu Shen and Hong Long.

His act of hunting Suzaku alone would not be known to anyone.

"It's hard for me to accept this reason."

Adam smiled helplessly and said: "You know, the original owner of this body is outside the research field and is not a smart person. This kind of small mistake in wording should not be considered as evidence, right?"

"I'm sorry... I only rely on intuition when making judgments."

"Ever since you were brought back by Jiang Du, I felt something was wrong."

"Adam cherishes his life as much as gold, so he hopes that I will save him from the sea of ​​misery and avoid death at the hands of Suzaku... But now [Tan Yao] is about to explode, and this guy is still covered in wounds, and he has just been attacked by a beast spirit. Such a person , will the first thing you do after waking up be to immediately leave for the [Tan Yao] core area?"

Gu Shen paused and said, "I've been wary of you since that moment. I guessed that you were causing trouble... but I didn't find any suspicious aura on Adam."

The blond man chuckled.

The blood and fire all over the sky flowed back like rain, converging on his body!

And he took off the mechanical prosthetic eye, and the empty eye sockets were once again densely covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes.

"Because... there has never been an 'Eye of Destiny'."

Adam lowered his head, looked at his hands, and said with a sarcastic smile: "This fool did pick up an eye in the core area of ​​[Tan Yao], and he did see some illusions, but these were all influenced by the 'Blood Fire Spirit' In the end, everything he saw was what I let him see. Before my consciousness was released and invaded, he was always who he was, and what he said was all the truth."

I see.

Blazing Fire is the most accurate lie detector. The reason why there was no abnormality before was because Xiao Xiao deceived Adam.

"Without the Eye of Destiny, those divination..."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

After arriving here, Adam gave more than one accurate prophecy.

About Mr. Zhuang’s notes, about the Son of God, and about the neutral!

He suddenly realized something very important... Xiao's characteristic is "spiritual capture". He once relied on this characteristic to cultivate a large number of fanatical believer foundations in the metropolitan area.

So what did Xiao do with his energy during the three years he lived in this Sangzhou Cave?

In order to avoid possible pursuit by the church in the future.

Xiao didn't dare to use his spirit to seize a large number of extreme people, because once the storm faith was involved, it might lead to the throne of God to take action.

But there will be no danger in seizing the "extraordinary beings" on this island!

No one cares about the life or death of these extraordinary beast spirits!

No one would have thought that everything these seemingly stupid beast spirits do is actually meaningful and controlled by someone!

That’s why every beast wave breaks out by such a coincidence!

Qi Mo and Zhuang Su both thought this was the "divine infant" influencing [Tan Yao], but in fact it was Xiao's will driving the beast tide... In three long years, his spirit penetrated the volcanic crust and spread toward the island. , many extraordinary creatures have been imprinted with the spiritual imprint of blood and fire.

After the awakening experiment began, a large number of animal spirits became conscious and were able to seek good fortune and avoid evil on their own. A very small number of them felt the danger of blood and fire, and then raided the periphery!

For them -

The most terrifying existence is actually the owl that lives invisibly on the island!

Gu Shen was silent, the cause and effect were connected at this moment, and those seemingly weird little mysteries were also explained.

Shen Li was deliberately attacked by a tide of beasts, and Adam was snatched away by a big-winged sparrow. These were all situations under the control of the owl.

"So the one who killed Suzaku... was actually you."

Gu Shen stared at the blond man in front of him.

No wonder he felt weird when he saw Suzaku!


During the duel with him, Suzaku's spirit had been eroded by blood and fire!

"From a biological point of view, you were the one who made Suzaku's heart stop beating." Adam smiled: "It was you who crushed Suzaku's bones and scattered ashes. What I did was not that bad... He was in [ Tan Yao] was almost out of breath, so I gave him a breath. Theoretically, I was the one who saved him."


Being able to say such words, Gu Shen felt that he had underestimated the shamelessness of the person in front of him.

"And now, I want to save you."

Hearing this, Gu Shen couldn't help but sneer.

When he lifts his sword, he cuts it off on the head!

The arc of truth sputtered and roared, turning into a long rainbow that penetrated the ground. However, the mountain ash swirled around, and the source of essence flowing in the sword light quickly depleted. This volcano was equivalent to a natural realm——

A natural realm that suppresses all extraordinary beings!

Adam didn't even move.

He stood a hundred meters away, watching the silver-white sword energy tear apart layers of sand and dust.

When we finally arrived, only one tenth was left.


The blood fire swept out, transformed into a shield, collided with the sword energy, and directly annihilated the long-range attack sword energy.

Adam chuckled.

The next moment, his eyes flashed. After the sword energy was broken, a figure rushed over at extremely fast speed.

After Gu Shen drew his sword, he started running and charging up his strength!

The truth disappeared from the sword form and turned into countless silver lights wrapping around the fist.

One punch!

Blazing fire and bloody fire collided, and the fist tore through the bloody barrier and hit the blond man's cheek!

The smile on Adam's face suddenly disappeared, and he raised his arms and crossed them in a defensive posture.


Amidst the muffled sound, Adam was thrown away, and his feet made a long ravine on the ground. After Gu Shen shattered the blood-fire barrier, he showed no intention of stopping. He hit his knee and struck hard. The blond man was hit on the lower abdomen, causing Adam to cough up a large mouthful of blood, and then an elbow hit the back, followed by countless punches and kicks, pouring out like a gust of wind!

Blazing Fire is a spiritual system, and so is Blood Fire!

If an outsider were to watch this battle, they would definitely find it absurd and funny.

Two top spiritual extraordinary beings are fighting hand to hand...

To be precise, one party is crushing and ravaging the other party!

Adam had time to block the first few moves, but as Gu Shen opened his fists and kicks, Adam could no longer defend himself. He could only hold his head to protect his cheeks, which was the most important and vulnerable place, because the blood and fire resided there. In the head.

And Gu Shen was rude...

He knew that the body at this moment belonged to Adam, but in a battle of this level, there was no room for mercy. The person whose spirit was taken away by the owl... would most likely only end in death.

Having fought with Xiao many times, he knew that the host's pain and sensations would be transmitted.

Since the owl doesn't care that Adam's body is ravaged.

Then he doesn't care about ravaging the owl's spirit.

This violent beating lasted for more than ten minutes. Gu Shen maintained a very high frequency of strikes. He showed no sign of exhaustion... If Xiao Xiao could bear it, then he could keep fighting! Until the original owner of the body, Adam, was beaten to death!


Above the ceiling, a muffled thunder sounded.

Gu Shen's outpouring of murderous intent was finally interrupted by a large-winged bird king. Countless dark clouds on the far side were like splashing ink, and a large number of black birds swooped in as if they were bewitched!

The big-winged sparrows on Sangzhou Cave Island are generally very powerful.

And the Big-winged Sparrow King, who leads the entire group, can even reach the realm of a third-level transcendent.

This big-winged sparrow king is more dangerous than the one that almost killed Shen Li before, and is almost infinitely close to the fourth level!

During the ten minutes when Chun Chun was beaten and unable to fight back, Xiao Xiao's spirit was indeed tortured...

This was the solution he came up with.

Use foreign objects to interfere with the battle!

Countless black sparrows come to die——

Gu Shen had to give up beating Adam.

He sneered, and pressed Adam's face with one last slap, slamming him into the ground. The blow was so violent that Adam's head was embedded twenty centimeters into the ground, and his whole body fell into the ground like a green onion.

Immediately afterwards.

Gu Shen unfolded the [Iron Throne], and one hundred and sixty-eight iron scale flying swords came out in an array.

The black tide of the big-winged bird submerged him.

And the cold sword light cut and brought out countless blood!

The sky and the earth were dim, the mountain ash roared, and in the black tide there was a particularly huge giant bird king that screamed sharply and spread out its wingspan of twenty meters, like a blade cutting through the sand.

Gu Shen did not retreat, but started running instead.

The moment the two collided, Gu Shen instantly expanded the realm of pure land. A large amount of wind and frost descended around the Great Winged Sparrow King, causing its speed to suddenly slow down. Then Gu Shen pulled out two short daggers, namely Tear and Break the Origin, and inserted them into the Great Winged Sparrow. The king's forehead was frozen by ice!


The huge falling sound shattered the black tide!

This big-winged sparrow king was killed at the first sight, and its body was nailed to the volcano ground. The two huge iron wings were frozen by the pure land, and then smashed to pieces by the blazing fire!

Gu Shen slowly stood up.

This group of large-winged sparrows that had been temporarily recruited were slaughtered within a few seconds...

Under the black tide and bloody energy, Gu Shen's black robe of a law enforcement officer with a hunting sound appeared extremely gloomy.

He looked expressionlessly at Adam sitting up on his elbows in the distance.

The blazing fire absorbs the blood in the air, the source of living things, and the bits and pieces of residual blood fire.

Adam looked at this scarlet scene and couldn't help but smile.

"Tsk, it's unbelievable. This should be the strongest level three in history, right?"

"With your current mental strength and combat power level. You only need to break through the realm once more and reach the fourth level. You should be able to try to merge with the 'fire', right?"

He stretched out a palm, slowly wiped the wound on his cheek, and asked with a smile: "Gu Shen... I'm not kidding you, I'm really here to save you. Don't you feel that blazing fire and blood fire are mutually exclusive? Is there attraction between them? Don’t you want to know the relationship between the two? "

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