Barrier of Light

Chapter 852 Day of Destruction (2)

The Eye of Destiny is fake.

But the scene in the false prophecy actually happened.

The man with arms outstretched at the crater of the volcano is surrounded by countless spewing mountain ash. Thousands of animal spirits are galloping on the earth. The rolling vibrations are like thunder, and they are about to tear the land apart.

Dust swept across.

"This is the day of destruction for Sangzhou Cave."

There was both pity and sarcasm in Xiao Xiao's eyes: "Since the Wuzhou government doesn't care about the lives here... then it shouldn't matter if we just destroy it, what do you think?"

"I think the one who really deserves to be destroyed is you."

Amidst the roar of countless torrents, Gu Shen's mind fell into an unprecedented calmness.

He raised his ruler.

Countless silver lights twine.

[Tan Yao]'s mountain ash formed huge ripples in circles.

During his trip to Central Continent, he actually already knew the origin of "Xiao". This was a mistake made in Mr. Turing's laboratory that year. This mistake is likely to be closely related to his future... What Xiao said, about "Blood and Fire" Gu Shen believed in the connection between "" and "blazing fire".

Because of this, he made up his mind at this moment.

No matter what the cost.

Kill the owl.

At this moment, time on the [Tan Yao] Ridge seemed to slow down. For Gu Shen, this was an extremely familiar feeling.

Someone has used some kind of privilege to interfere with this real world where time flows normally.

Countless silver rays of light were wrapped in circles among the mountain ash and dust.

[Truth] spreads and entangles Gu Shen.

Flowing clouds high in the sky, silhouettes falling.

Light and darkness cut through the iron dome and illuminated the earth. This is a false space that simulates the real world one-to-one. The throne in the darkness is particularly dazzling against the backdrop of countless blazing lights. This is the first time that the "devil" has come to this place. Close to the light, it sits at the forefront of thousands of shadows. Its body seems to be about to break through the thick black veil, exuding waves of ominous evil.

This was also the closest Gu Shen got to the devil.

The two of them were almost face to face, but the devil's throne was too high. When he leaned over, he looked like a giant staring at ants.

Gu Shen raised his head and said calmly: "I thought you would remain silent."


To this the devil had no answer.

It just said expressionlessly: "It's a good thing for you and for me to save meaningless conversations."

Gu Shen nodded.

"So this time you are still here for the transaction..."

Gu Shen laughed at himself in a low voice: "You can't sit still, you are afraid that I will die here, and the guy opposite who is entangled in blood and fire will just throw away the ruler."

Xiaoxiao looks down on fire.

In Xiao's heart, blood fire and blazing fire are nobler things than the seven gods' fire...

Not to mention whether blood and fire are more precious than fire.

Just consider Xiao Xiao's behavior and you will know that he can really throw away the ruler or destroy it!

This is a complete lunatic, and nothing he does will surprise anyone.

"Yes, so you have to win."

The devil didn't bother to conceal his intentions. After the Dolu River incident, there was no longer any trust between him and Gu Shen.

It was looking for an opportunity to destroy Gu Shen.

Gu Shen is also looking for opportunities to destroy it.

However, for the two mortal enemies... there is a reason why they have to join forces at this moment.

"Good, I think so too...I have to win."

"If I lose, I will die and you won't survive."

Gu Shen stared at the darkness in front of him and spoke word by word: "The guy in front of me controls 90% of the extraordinary beast spirits in Sangzhou Cave, as well as unknown forbidden powers, weird methods... If I want to kill him, I can't. , it should be impossible to escape now, so there is only one way left."

His tone was extremely indifferent and calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

No matter life or death, it doesn't matter anymore.

After a brief pause, Gu Shen stretched out a hand.

He said, "I want all [the truth], all of it."

All [truth] means all the authority hidden in this ruler.

Not only that.

It also means...the secret hidden in the ruler.

For example, the actual drawing of [Extinguishing Candles], and the specific method of how to use thought to transform it.

[Truth] God's weapons of this level have a very high upper limit. As the user's realm improves, they can continue to be developed to a higher level——

What Gu Shen meant was to let the devil hand over these advanced usage methods and the [truth] thinking methods that he had accumulated for many years.

The devil in the throne was silent for a second and refused coldly: "It doesn't take that much to kill him."

Up until this moment, the two of them were still competing.

Gu Shen knew that with both parties knowing the truth, it would be impossible for him to threaten his life again.

I am determined to kill at this moment, and the other party knows it very well.

Mediation and negotiation also lose their meaning at this time.

"I will give you the complete concrete drawing of [Candle Extinguishing], and the incomplete [Achilles' Heel]."

Something Gu Shen had never heard of came out of the devil's mouth.

Achilles' heel?

The link with Chu Ling was disconnected, and Gu Shen could not access the database to check relevant information...but he vaguely remembered what "Achilles" was.

Nagano's ancient secret book records some ancient myths written by old humans six hundred years ago.

Achilles is a mythical figure who only exists in legends.

"What is [Achilles' heel]?"

Gu Shen frowned and spoke.

"The moment you hold the [Truth Extinguishing Candle], you will know it."

The devil did not explain, but instead said: "The ruler is a bridge that can carry the spiritual meeting between you and me. It has reached its limit at this moment... You should know that in the scale of fate, equality needs to be maintained in every exchange."

"I can only give you these two things. If you can't kill him, and you want to use higher-level [Truth]..."

"Just let me go."

The devil no longer hides his intentions.

He had been planning on taking over Gu Shen's body step by step through transactions.

This unprecedented three-time transcender has unparalleled top talent!

Once it is "plundered".

Then you will have a perfect body that surpasses its predecessor!

"This is the precondition for me to give these two items - if you don't agree, we will die here together."

The picture shows the poor dagger.

After the devil finished speaking, he stopped moving.

The two spiritual waves of darkness and light confront each other in the ruler space.

Gu Shen raised his eyes, half-smiling but not smiling, and looked at the dark throne in front of him.

He asked softly: "How about I just give you this body?"


The devil is silent.

Darkness obscured its face.

In fact, it was frowning at the moment because it couldn't tell whether Gu Shen's words were serious or sarcastic.

Just when it was hesitating.

"It's a pity that you missed a good opportunity."

Gu Shen sighed softly and said calmly: "Actually, I was serious just now, but now I have changed my mind. I accept this deal, and now I want to take away the [Candle Extinguishing] manifestation drawing and [Achilles' Dream] heel】!"

Or because of the darkness, Gu Shen couldn't clearly see the look of the devil on the throne.

The trick I just played was not on the stage.

He hoped to see that the guy opposite had an angry look at this moment, or an expression of disdain for such a dirty trick.


Darkness is eternal.

He couldn't see anything.

All that reached his ears was a cold voice in response.

"……as you wish."

The devil on the dark throne raised his hand and released a dark ball of light. This ball of light swept out of the shadows and was instantly illuminated by the bright sun. After hitting Gu Shen's forehead, it exploded like fireworks and turned into countless objects. The stream of light, with a bang, illuminated the entire ruler space in an instant——

The light and darkness entangled in the ruler space separated instantly.

The deal was made and the storm swept.

Gu Shen's consciousness returned to the real world in an instant. On the other side of the sand, Xiao Xiao had not yet finished raising his arms!

A large amount of information poured into his mental sea.

This is the first time he has truly tasted the sweet taste of "soul trading"... Before that, he abolished the ruler and sealed the devil.

But in the end fate pushed it to this point.

Gu Shen signed an agreement with the being in the ruler, and he paid the price to gain more power.

Every time in the past, it was just a small bait thrown by the Dark Throne.

This time, it's different.

[Truth. Extinguishing the Candle: A sealed object that has been contaminated with the blood of the Seven Gods. The power of the original version is positively correlated with the user's source of energy storage, and the modified version is positively correlated with the user's mental power. 】

The Ruler gives a complete path to manifestation in the spiritual sea.

Gu Shen could imitate the fake sealed item based on his experience of using it, but there was no way to restore the striking feel and true power of a top-level artifact with this level of imitation.

At this moment, the complete path of manifestation is burned into my mind.

Gu Shen felt an unprecedented sense of guidance——

In an instant, he had seen the internal structure of [Candle Extinguishing].

Even those taboo structures involving cause and effect were all understood and comprehended by him in just a short moment.

Silver light surged, and the vague bow shape of [Truth. Candle Extinguishing] had condensed in the palm of my hand.

Immediately afterwards, there is the second object brought by the transaction:

[Achilles' Heel: This is the unexplainable 'conceptual power'. If you are the destiny holder of 'Extinguish the Candle', then when you hold it, you will realize the power of 'Achilles' Heel' specific meaning. 】

This second reminder came into his mind, and Gu Shen still felt a little confused.

In the ruler space, he asked the devil what his "Achilles' heel" was.

The devil didn't answer.

Just tell yourself, hold the [extinguished candle] and you will understand.

At this moment, there is still no explanation for this reminder... just that it is a "conceptual power"?

Gu Shen did not hesitate. He took a deep breath and poured all his majestic spiritual power into the ruler. Countless mountain ash was blown away by the strong wind, and silver light lit up layer by layer. The dark and dim mountain body of [Tan Yao] It was as if there was a silver-white moon burning, which was Gu Shen manifesting [Truth. Extinguishing the Candle].

The use of [Truth] requires a huge amount of mental energy.

But Gu Shen never thought that the actual realization of [Extinguishing the Candle] would require so much energy!

He has just been promoted, and at this moment, the spiritual sea is on the same level as Zhongyuan Fisher... Among the fourth levels, except for those monster transcenders, no one is stronger than him!

But just to make [Candle Extinguishing] condense, it has already cost 60%!


In the void, a round of silver vortex was born. It was caused by the excessive concentration of mental power, which caused the space to be unable to bear it, causing collapse.

Gu Shen's expression looked slightly pale. He tightly grasped the white-scaled bow that embodied the truth and lifted it out of the collapsing vortex of the void. The moment he grasped the [Extinguished Candle] in the real world——

Gu Shen understood the meaning of [Achilles' Heel].

The legendary "Achilles" was a brave and skilled general. The only weakness in his body was his heel, and he was eventually shot in the vital part and died.

The original meaning of Achilles' heel means "fatal weakness".

The moment Gu Shen held the [Extinguished Candle], he saw the true structure of everything in the world.

Every speck of dust floating around.

And Adam wrapped in countless dust.

He wants to use [Candle Extinguishing] to smash any object, whether it is alive or dead, [Achilles Heel] will provide him with a clear and accurate landing point. Everything in the world will exist as long as it has a structure. A “disintegration point”…

This is [Achilles' heel].

A conceptual field that comes with [Extinguish the Candle] and is given to the Lord of Destiny for free.

This artifact has undergone a certain degree of change after being embodied by [Truth]... [Achilles' Heel] requires the consumption of mental energy. Every time you look at something, every time you understand a weakness, you need to consume a little mental energy. The stronger the opponent, the more concentrated the arrow is, and the more energy is required.

Gu Shen took a deep breath, raised his bow and looked at the blond man.

His gaze penetrated countless sand and dust——

Directly locked on that wisp of blood and fire.


The smile on Adam's face solidified for a moment.

Obviously, only a few seconds had passed in the real world. The volcano was erupting and the earth was shaking. He seemed to hear the strong beating of his own heart.

Everything is so wonderful.

But suddenly, an extremely strong uneasiness emerged in my heart.

His raised arms didn't have time to fall.

Gu Shen pulled out a "big bow" out of thin air from the mountain ash, and then pointed the big bow at himself——

Xiao suddenly stopped laughing.

His intuition is extremely keen. Since his birth, he has been able to detect any danger that befalls him in advance.

And the last time I encountered this strong sense of danger was in Dadu!

His countless clones were smashed one by one by Baizhu, who had become the God of War, following the sea of ​​spirit...

This extremely intense crisis is often accompanied by immediate destruction!

It wasn't Baizhu who gave him this sense of crisis at this moment.

But Gu Shen.

A mere third level!

"That bow...what is that bow?!"

"What the hell!"


This was the last bit of consciousness left in Adam's mind.

When he saw a ray of silvery white light condensing on Gu Shen's fingertips, everything was over.

The two people stood as if forming a long line.

Xiao Xiao never thought that the death of his body would come so quickly.

Gu Shen loosened his fingers, and the silver light instantly penetrated "his" head. Although this was not his body, an unprecedented heart-breaking pain shook the heart of Xiao——

He didn't have time to roar or howl.

A ray of blood fire was penetrated by silver light and brought out the blond man's head.

[Truth. Candle Extinguishing] combined with [Achilles' Heel] directly crushed Adam's weak point.

Gu Shen's arrow did not kill Adam's body.

But the real weakness, the "blood fire" that controlled Adam's soul!

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