Barrier of Light

Chapter 855 The Final Battle (2)

Thunder roared and the land heaved.

Standing on the high wall of S12 area, you can see countless thunder falling from the sky, weaving into a web, and the beast spirits that are coming one after another are killed on the thunder net...

On the other side, it was reduced to a dark and gloomy hell.

Baixiu and Mu Wanqiu went on a killing spree against the beast tide!

The scene of two fourth-level S-classes going all out was very rare. Unfortunately, the [Deep Sea] signal had lost its effect under the cover of mountain ash, otherwise the whole world would have witnessed this spectacular and intense scene.

There is an anthropomorphic "god" sitting on the ceiling and on the ground.

The [Thunder Realm Walker] who controls the sky thunder, and the [Judge] who controls life and death, each carry out killings in their own ways.

The ability ratings of [Thunder World Walker] and [Judge] are both S-level.

But the focus of the two is different.

White Sleeve's attack range is larger and wider than [Judge]——

Mu Wanqiu's immediate fatality rate is higher than that of the [Thunder World Walker]. Wherever the [Judge]'s sickle cuts through, low-level extraordinary creatures will be deprived of life in an instant. This is the power of the law that takes effect immediately!

Low-level extraordinary beings are simply unable to fight against the [Judge].

From the perspective of pure "killing", Mu Wanqiu is stronger than Baixiu.

Industry specializing in surgery.

However, Xiao Xiu's realm was much higher than hers. Under the bombardment of a large number of sky thunders, the [Judge] who only resisted a corner of the flank of the battlefield looked a little pale and not so dazzling.

"It's so scary..."

The little iron man stood at the top of the city, looking strange and muttering in a low voice.

Mu Wanqiu's explosive power is also terrifying!

These two people are both monsters among monsters!

He pressed his hands on the city wall and was about to turn over when a voice stopped him.

"Shen Li."

The person who came was none other than Chen Mei, and he also brought Mr. Zhuang Suzhuang and Jiang Du. Jiang Du was carrying a basket on his back. Inside the basket was a closed life device that housed the divine baby.

"Just don't join the war."

Although Chen Wei had not climbed the stairs just now, everything that happened on the high wall was within the scope of his mental monitoring... After all, he was also a top-level fourth-level man. Although he was a melee attack type, his mental power enveloped the city wall, so there was no problem.

Mu Wanqiu's participation in the war was somewhat unexpected by Chen Bu.

He originally thought that the Beizhou foreign aid called by Gu Shen would only be responsible for "receiving" friendly troops.

I never expected that the most talented S-class in Beizhou would actually be involved in danger himself.

All I can say is... Shen Li's previous words made a great contribution.

Chen did not want to say to the little iron man: "If you can speak, speak more."

"Won't I join the war?"

Shen Li scratched his head. Originally, he was still gearing up. Although his strength was not comparable to that of Baixiu Mu Wanqiu, he had at least broken through to the fourth level and awakened to higher-level uses of his abilities.

He gained a lot during this mission south!

On the one hand, he broke down the inner barriers and subdued the awakened [Iron Disciple].

On the other hand, he successfully broke through the realm and condensed his own domain!

One day in the future...

Maybe he can become as great as the "Embroidered Bone General"!

But now, he just wants to jump into the beast tide, open up the field, and kill a beast spirit. This is a good time to test the results of his cultivation!

"This is what Mr. Xiao Gu means..."

Jiang Du unloaded the basket on his back. The basket was light but also heavy.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, I hope you will keep 'him' personally."

The divine baby inside was soaked in nutrient solution, seemingly sleeping but not sleeping. He slowly opened his eyes amidst the turbulence and looked at the outside world... His eyes were as calm as ever, even a little indifferent.

Shen Li was startled for a moment.

He subconsciously took the basket and looked at the baby in the basket who was looking up...

The calm eyes made him feel dazed for a moment.

"Since you have to keep the divine infant, it won't be your turn to fight next."

Chen Didao: "With two S-class people participating in the battle, it shouldn't be a big problem to defend the S12 area until the Beizhou airship lands... I will lead the sincere combatants to carry out follow-up kills to escape the beast tide."

"Then... what do I need to do?"

Shen Li was holding the basket, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

He suddenly became a big idler.

And this was not his intention, he also wanted to fight.

It's just that the weight in the basket is more important than the battle under the city... The moment he looked at the divine infant, he vaguely felt something calling him.

This is like...a guide from fate?

The power in the dark made him hug the basket and protect the baby.

"You don't need to do anything, just keep an eye on him."

Jiang Du said sincerely: "Mr. Xiao Gu hopes that you will bring the divine baby safely to Nagano..."

"Wait, what's this word?"

The little iron man realized something was wrong: "I can understand if I am asked to keep the divine baby, but why would Gu Shen say such words that are like asking an orphan? What about others? Aren't they ready to come back?"


Jiang Du opened his mouth and was speechless.

He could only remain silent, because that was what Gu Shen said when they parted at the city gate.

Looking back now, it really does have some meaning of entrusting an orphan.

It's just that when the South Cave was in turmoil and Jiang Du was assigned many tasks, he didn't have time to think too much.

"Gu Shen...where is he now?"

Chen Wei frowned and asked a very important question.

During that time, he was too busy to take care of the trivial matters in the city, so that he neglected the most important guy in the city.

"Mr. Xiao Gu...accompanied Adam to the core area of ​​[Tan Yao]."

"Did he say when he would be back?"

"He didn't say..."

Jiang Du was confused and said: "But counting the time, it should be time to come back."

"Damn it, how can you be such a god..."

Veins surged on Shen Li's forehead, and he spoke subconsciously, but as soon as he said the first word of the word "God's Seat", he realized something was wrong and immediately changed his words: "The situation is urgent! I'll go find him first!"

He was holding the divine infant and was about to take a step when Chen Mei reached out and held him back.

"You want to help him?"

Chen Mo's eyes were calm, without the slightest hint of joking, and he just asked seriously: "Can you help him? If there is a problem that Gu Shen can't solve, will things get better if you go?"

Shen Li fell silent immediately. He stood at the city wall and became at a loss what to do, neither standing nor leaving.

"Look at the Divine Infant. Sometimes you can make great contributions even if you don't take action."

Chen Wei said softly: "I entrust you with this task because Gu Shen trusts you the most."


Shen Li said in a hoarse voice: "I know, I will take good care of the divine infant."

After realizing that Gu Shen was disconnected, he immediately tried to use the "underworld fire" in his mind to connect the apostle to the throne, but this time the connection ended in failure.

So he informed Mu Wanqiu, who was killing people in the [Judge] field, about the situation.

The response was the same.

Pluto’s authority has expired!

The little iron man stood on the top of the city wall, watching Chen Mei and the members of the Chengxin Society enter the battlefield, watching the gunfire explode into flames among the beasts...

He silently clenched his fists.

This seems to be the first time in my life.

He hated his own powerlessness so much.

At this important moment, he clearly wanted to do something, but seemed unable to do anything.

The false canopy of Sangzhou Cave has been shattered.

But the real sky is no better than the fake sky...

The hurricane in the ice sea moves northward, forming violent turbulence. In this kind of bad weather, ordinary air vehicles cannot go out for operations, but the energy boat is an exception. The strong logic material that fully covers the outer shell and the extremely stable energy supply are enough. Let the energy boat directly fight against the ice and sea hurricane.

At this moment, a large fleet consisting of twenty-five medium-sized energy boats was moving against the wind.

The main boat opened the energy shield and carried out stable wind breaking.

The following twenty-four airships spread out their wings.

"Fisher, Wei Cheng, next you are responsible for controlling your respective fleets."

For this rescue mission going south, this fleet was temporarily built, with Osmond, the Eye of the Third Legion, in charge of the overall command, sitting on the main boat. In fact, the commander-in-chief is not responsible for the meticulous rescue mission, but only to facilitate coordination. and scheduling.

Fisher and Wei Cheng are the real people in charge of this mission. One of them is responsible for accepting the extraordinary people from the South Cave, and the other is responsible for connecting with the North Cave base camp.

Wei Cheng is an important member of the Silver Fox of the Second Legion. His status in the Legion is equivalent to Fisher of the Third Legion. Zhong Yuan, who investigates the Legion, is a top player among the fourth-order extraordinary beings. He is deeply loved by the generals and is extremely popular among generals. Possibly a future successor.

"Live fish, I'll take the first step."

Entering the airspace of Sangzhou Cave, the communication system immediately received interference.

Wei Cheng, who had black hair and black eyes, was not panicked at all. His task was relatively easy. He arrived at the North Cave first from the south, and then Captains Wild Dog and Lu Zhe were responsible for picking him up.

Just follow the steps, complete the landing, and pick up the people.

He spoke in the channel: "I wish you good luck with your mission. See you in Central City."

Fisher's response was simple: "Thanks, see you in Central City."

Compared to Wei Cheng's ease.

The situation that Live Fish is facing now is much more serious, and the effort he needs to expend is several times and dozens of times that of Wei Cheng.

"All members, [Deep Sea] communication may be broken at any time, and I will conduct all subsequent commands through spiritual links."

Fisher spoke from his heart and expanded his territory at the same time!

Although it is in the air at the moment.

But his abilities are related to water.

At this moment, the ice sea hurricane is coming, and the humidity in this area is very high.


Countless black water vapor condensed and turned into water droplets, linking the ten energy boats under his command.

Fisher's territory unfolded smoothly.

Everyone could hear a vague, rich voice that seemed to be transmitted through the water, "Next, I will guide the direction."

The field of view of the source energy boat was disturbed, and the density of mountain ash in Sangzhou Cave was too high.

In this situation.

Most of the drivers were disoriented.

Only Fisher, the strongest, could barely see a glimmer of light. He used his "domain" to clear the way. The characteristics of the undead could not be used in this situation.

In fact, if the fleet loses its direction, there will not be particularly serious consequences...

It’s just that the extraordinary beings in the South Cave are still waiting.

That place is facing an attack by beast spirits... Every extra minute spent will increase the risk!

"Provisional fleet to assist the field, report."

The ten source energy boats moved forward simultaneously under Fisher's spiritual link. At the same time, "spiritual communication" within the fleet was also going on.

These ten energy boats were donated free of charge by Gubao.

As for the legion soldiers participating in the rescue mission, they were also temporarily selected from various fortresses.

How fast and convenient is it!

Each source energy boat can accommodate 200 people and is equipped with 15 legion soldiers. Their strength is not very strong. Most of them are only at the beginning level. Those who have been promoted to the intermediate level can already serve as captains in the fortress transportation establishment. Very long...

At this moment, in the No. 3 source energy boat, the captain in charge of the airship is monitoring the list.

One by one, the extraordinary beings temporarily mobilized by the legion are counting:

"Thirteen, Zhang Qiu!"

"Fourteen, Mo Yu!"

"Fifteen...Zhao Qi."

The energy boat was tossed in the storm.

As the last voice fell, the list check was completed. The detachment leader nodded and ignored the last inconspicuous man who reported his name slightly. This time he went south for rescue, time was tight and the task was heavy. This improvised rescue team , the list is quite complicated, most of the rescuers are average in strength and have varying qualities, so there is nothing to fault.

All the detachment leader was thinking about was how to take action next and how to quickly connect with the South Cave after landing.

The report is completed.

In the energy boat, the fifteen team members on temporary missions had no communication anymore.

From the moment we boarded the energy boat to now, the atmosphere has been tense.

"Brothers are all unfamiliar faces..."

Zhang Qiu was the first to speak. He briefly introduced himself to the people around him: "I used to do personnel management in the Deep Scale Fortress. I was exposed to the enlistment list and I know a lot about the northwest frontier... Judging from everyone's appearance, it seems They are all recruited from different fortresses."

"I'm in Dongning, a small fortress."

A strong man next to Zhang Qiu said: "Shenlin is a big fortress... You are responsible for personnel management, so you should be considered a civilian. How come you are on this mission?"

"Ahem, that was before..."

Zhang Qiu smiled helplessly, a little embarrassed: "At that time, my second uncle was a civil servant of Deep Scale Fortress, and I asked him to help me arrange the position."

"Tsk, what a big shot."

The strong man smiled and said jokingly: "Logically speaking, you shouldn't be here."

Zhang Qiu said embarrassedly: "A few years ago, Grand Duke Zhuxue mobilized the Privy Council to investigate second uncle went in."

Several people fell silent.

"So...were you all forcibly recruited here?"

Zhang Qiu smiled bitterly, and immediately understood after seeing the subtle expressions of the people around him.

They were all recruited.

He lowered his voice and asked: "I really don't understand. Although our frontiers are in short supply of manpower these days, to carry out such a task, we can't carry out a hundred people, right? Why do we need to mobilize zeros from four places in the frontiers?" Scattered legion members...and I was just a civil servant before. Can a civil servant do this kind of task well?"

"Now that we're here, let's do what we have to do."

A hoarse voice sounded from the corner.

"You have been in the border area for these years. Don't you understand the basic disciplines? Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

Several eyes fell on the speaker.

The person who spoke was Mo Yu, who had just reported the number fourteen.

He crossed his arms and lowered his head to rest. At this moment, he slowly raised his head and said calmly: "How to arrange personnel and carry out tasks is a matter for the superiors... Think carefully about your past. The superiors can think of recruiting and arrange you at the moment of the mission. Isn’t dedication a good thing?”

Zhang Qiu was silent.

Most of the members who were temporarily recruited had a history of taint.

"What's more, there are volunteers here who are not 'recruited'."

When Mo Yu said this, he paused.

He unconsciously glanced to his right, the man who had never spoken a word from beginning to end.

He came from Luoyin City Fortress, and he should have been punished for violating military discipline... but the garrison asked him to wait for news, and he was sent to the source energy boat soon after.

Never imagined.

There is another person in Luo Yincheng Fortress who is traveling with him.

It wouldn't surprise anyone.

It happened to be this man named "Zhao Qi"... Every soldier who joined the army in Luoyincheng at the same time was stronger than this guy named Zhao.

But for this mission, no one took the initiative to ask for help.

Because it is very simple. Due to the mechanism of special recruitment, everyone already knows that this is a redemption reserved for "stained people". Most Beizhou soldiers value their reputation very much and they do not want to participate in such a "redemption" mission.


The whispers in the energy boat became quiet.

Everyone looked at the guy in the corner with different expressions. Only after talking to each other did they realize... that there was still a No. 15 here.

Because he was too silent and out of place.

So much so that he has been ignored.

"What's his name?"

"It seems that the surname is Zhao..."

The detachment leader cast a cold and stern inspection gaze, and several people stopped talking and began to convey messages mentally. However, for a while, no one remembered the name of this inconspicuous guy.

It's called Zhao Qi.

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