Barrier of Light

Chapter 874 Fight again (Second update! Please vote for me!)

"Gu Shen, you big liar!"



The girl's voice echoed among the vast silvery mountains, and finally dissipated with the wind and snow.

This tundra encounter is destined to be short-lived.

Parting soon came.

Bai Xiu saw Gu Xiaoman off the snow mountain, passed by the blue lake again, and flew over the heavy snow. When they were about to leave, Gu Xiaoman suddenly asked: "Master Bai Xiu, everyone said that Gu Shen is dead, do you think so too?" ?"

"This question... makes no sense."

Baixiu shook his head and said, "I hope to see him again...but I also know that this hope is slim."

Gu Xiaoman's eyes were a little disappointed.

She quietly tightened the string on her cloak and said softly, "I know."

Baixiu felt a sense of sourness in her heart as she looked at the little girl's mature appearance after putting on the black cloak.

It was very windy and snowy.

The little black dot trudged hard on the snow. In the end, he did not look back. He just turned his back to himself and waved symbolically from a distance, telling him not to worry.

The wind in the tundra was howling and biting, and White Sleeve stood leaning against a raised boulder. The cold wind blew against the stone like iron, making a clanging sound.

"It's time to come out."

He spoke in a low voice.

At the far end of the snow, a figure in a red cloak slowly walked out, wearing two swords at his waist.

"You were a little light just now, you can use it harder."

The red dragon walked out of the snow mist and leaned on the back of the big stone. He smiled and said: "This little girl has never suffered a lot since she started practicing. I thought you would give me some education on setbacks."

"What's the word?"

Baixiu frowned, with anger hidden in his voice: "She is my disciple, so I naturally have to cherish and protect her. How could I deliberately take action against... the losses she suffered along the way of cultivation? She will always have to eat what she deserves, and it is not her turn." I’ll impose it.”

"……All right."

The red dragon shrugged. He knew that he and Baixiu could not reach a consensus on this topic, so he changed the topic and praised with a smile: "You have made rapid progress in practice in the past few years, faster than I imagined. You are worthy of being an 'S-level' .”

"I don't think it's that big of a deal."

The word S-class is a supreme honor to others.

But to Bai Xiu, this is nothing.

Baixiu's eyes fell on the end of the tundra. He could no longer see Gu Xiaoman. This chance encounter in the tundra was naturally not a coincidence... Only the Red Dragon knew about Gu Xiaoman's departure from Zhongzhou, so Baixiu appeared at this moment. Here, it was because Red Dragon told him the news.

In the previous communicator, Hong Long sounded anxious, but in fact he was not panicking at all.

The future Master of Wine went out alone to experience, how could he let anyone go?

If Gu Xiaoman really wants to go somewhere where it is inconvenient for him to follow him, Red Dragon will also find ways to hire a "protector" who is strong enough.

"Did you, the Tower of Origin, really take good care of her?"

Baixiu said coldly: "She must have suffered a lot in the past five years."

"Sorry, the Tower of Origin and I are actually from two camps." Red Dragon crossed his arms and said calmly: "How can you not become the 'Lord of Wine' without enduring hardship? The road to becoming a god must be full of thorns... Besides, you don't have See how Zhongzhou has been messed up by her in the past few years, and none of the people who made her suffer ended well in the end."

Baixiu said reluctantly: "But why did I hear that someone under Yunhu's family wanted to kill her?"

This question left Hong Long speechless.

"This is just her guess..."

Red Dragon sighed softly, rubbed his eyebrows, and after a moment of silence added: "Although she was right."


As soon as these words came out, the murderous intention in Baixiu's eyebrows began to condense.

Someone really wanted to kill Gu Xiaoman.

"The identity of Gu Xiaoman's 'Lord of Wine' has not been announced yet. The only people in the entire Source Tower who know her true identity are Sky, Sir, and me... As for the other people, they only know that she has a special identity and She is highly favored and is a super genius brought back from the Sangzhou Cave mission." Honglong explained: "In the eyes of Yunhu Xuangui, she was not a threat at first. But as the position of 'Wine Fire' increased, As time went by, they gradually realized something was wrong."

Baixiu probably understands why.

The Tower of Source is really good at catching fish, even its own people can't catch it.

The existence of the four divine envoys can greatly safeguard the status of the Tower of Source.

But if you want to drive these four "top talents", you need to set an ultimate direction that they are willing to pursue.

At this moment, it is the fire of wine!

After ascending to the position of divine envoy, how can one resist the temptation of fire...

During the Sangzhou Cave mission five years ago, Mr. Tianshui used "fire" as a guide to push the four divine envoys to go out with all their strength. However, after the mission was over, there was still no news about the owner of the fire.

After that, there were only some rumors one after another.

Even if the four divine envoys were fools, they would still feel that something was wrong with this approach.

Although it is impossible for them to resist the divine authority of the Tower of Source, they will always accumulate dissatisfaction... But at this time, the pending "Tinder" has become a driving force for checks and balances. As long as the identity of the owner of the Tinder is not announced, it means that they are actually still If there is a chance, even if there is real resentment, it is impossible to vent it.

But Gu Xiaoman's growth made Yunhu Xuangui feel real danger!

"The Sky God is indifferent to everything. He doesn't care about the process that this matter has to go through... He only cares about the final result. Finding the perfect 'Lord of Wine' candidate for the Tower of Source can only be regarded as a beginning. What Qinglong wants to do is to let The 'Lord of Wine' grew up quickly, so he chose this approach."

Red Dragon lowered his eyebrows and said: "In the past five years, the relationship between the four divine envoys has been deliberately differentiated, forming a certain degree of opposition. The Sky God Seat encouraged the Cloud Tiger Black Turtle and Suzaku to 'hate' Gu Xiaoman."

Baixiu looked gloomy: "Are you... raising Gu?"


The red dragon took a deep breath and said: "Only those who stand out from thousands of people are qualified to pick the fire. If you want to make the knife sharp, you need enough whetstones. In the clear layout, the so-called The divine messengers are just stepping stones for Gu Xiaoman... If she wants to become the 'Lord of Wine', these stepping stones are indispensable. I can't interfere in this process."

He lives under the tower of divine power.

Even if he saw what Qinglong was going to do... he couldn't change it.

Bai Xiu was silent for a while. He wanted to say that he would set out to kill these divine envoys, but in an instant he understood what the red dragon meant by "unable to intervene".

Gu Xiaoman's real trouble came not from the divine messenger, but from the divine power.

If the sky imposes these hardships on her, she must endure them!

Even if Bai Xiu really kills the envoy, a new envoy will be born soon!

"You and I can only watch the Lord of Wine's journey to godhood."

Red Dragon chuckled in a low voice, "There is only Xiaoman on this road, and she is destined to be very lonely... I know you are upset, but now is not the time for you to take action. If you step forward to kill the divine envoy at this moment, it will only make you [Yunjing] noticed your presence. If Qinglong senses something is wrong and is determined to lower his body to kill you, what should you do?"

Baixiu looked up at the vast snow, silent again and again.

"So whatever we do at this moment is not going to make things better, it's going to make things worse."

Red Dragon comforted him: "But you can rest assured that I am Xiaoman's 'protector'. I will protect her. In the future, she will become the strongest 'Lord of Wine' in history."

The two of them were leaning against the front and back of a boulder.

In the past five years, the relationship between Bai Xiu and Hong Long has gradually changed from "hostile and unfamiliar" at the beginning, and now has become a delicate "temporary ally".

He knew that Honglong and Mr. Tianshui were planning a revolution in Shangcheng.

The move of cultivating Gu Xiaoman to become the Lord of Wine is the decisive move to overthrow the "Sky Throne" in the future.

He also knew that in the final killing of gods, he had an extremely important responsibility... Qinglong had lost to [Thunder World Walker] in a young battle, and he needed to fight before the battle between gods began. Cultivation of abilities to the extreme, the extreme here is not just "title".

But the ultimate in mundanity!

The trials provided by the deep sea are only twelve levels, but the limit of extraordinary people is by no means only twelve levels.

Among the titles, there are also three, six or nine!

Powerful titled extraordinary beings, such as the Rusty Bone General of the Fourth Beizhou Legion, can defeat one against three in a battle of the same level and win!

As for the weaker ones.

The [Shuangchuan] Gu Zhi next to Councilor Chen San of the Nanwan Group is a good example. This title was injured when he was exploring the old world when he was young, and his strength continued to decline. Once the title of the World Congress is given, he will no longer be able to It will be taken back, and there is a possibility that a titled transcendent of Gu Zhi's level will lose to a "fourth-level transcendent".

"When will the final plan begin?"

Baixiu asked.

"I don't know, I'm just a chess piece." Red Dragon smiled, "I'm only responsible for taking orders from Mr., he is the real chess master... But this day shouldn't be too far away, right? Your time It’s very urgent. By that day, you must at least reach the level of Beizhou’s Rusty Bone General.”


Baixiu let out a faint breath and suddenly said: "Let's have a fight."


The red dragon looked stunned, but he couldn't allow him to speak, and the boulder behind him suddenly cracked.


Bai Xiu turned around and pressed one hand on the boulder. In an instant, a ray of lightning spurted out from the palm of his hand, spreading rapidly along the cracks in the raised boulder, and then sputtered and shook!


Countless brilliant white lights exploded on the snowy field. The red cloaked figure leaning on the other side of the boulder rolled away slightly comically. The red dragon pressed the ground with one hand and propped himself up. With a quick glance, the boulder was broken into pieces. Afterwards, the sky was full of white snow and thunder fell to the ground like a waterfall, sweeping towards him.

He didn't have the slightest intention to take action, he just kept retreating, his posture was as graceful as a swimming dragon, and if he ignored the loud shouts, he could still be considered calm and composed.

"Hey, hey, hey, do you have martial ethics? Why do you take action just because you say it?!"

Bai Xiu looked calm.

Five years ago, the two fought against each other on Sangzhou Cave Island...but at that time, he was suppressed by the red dragon!

Since Xiao Xiu's debut, he has never fought a "evenly matched" battle. Whenever it was a battle between peers of the same level, he always ended up with a crushing victory!

And fighting the red dragon again has been a small wish for the past five years.

"It's not easy to see me, wouldn't it be a waste if we didn't have a fight?"

Baixiu said calmly: "Anyway, you have already broken through that level... just in time for another fight, right?"

He pointed his hand at the location of the red dragon and held it in the air. In the next moment, the Thunder World Walker condensed out of thin air and appeared behind the red dragon's backward sweep.

The latter's pupils shrank, looking at the fist directly thrown by the Thunder World Walker, he realized that Baixiu was serious, so he was forced to draw his sword.


There was an explosion above the snowfield, but the violent sound did not spread.

Because Baixiu has spread out his spirit and completely enveloped the land, ensuring that not a single breath is exposed.

A lot of snow dust sizzled.

The Thunder World Walker looked at his sandbag-sized fist with dissatisfaction. It was stained with a ray of red lightning, which cut the elemental fist into pieces and made it difficult to bond and heal in a short time.

On the other side...a nearly 100-meter ravine was plowed out on the snowfield.

The red dragon held the knife in one hand and blocked it in front of his cheek. He bent his waist slightly and kicked on the ground to release his strength, maintaining this posture.

The dagger was not unsheathed.

"If you are still worried about what happened five years ago and want to beat me up now... then please do so."

The red dragon slowly stood up straight, spread his arms, looked at the tall Thunder World Walker calmly, and laughed at himself: "Next, I will not take any defense, nor will I launch a counterattack."

Say this.

Baixiu naturally had no reason to continue fighting.

Xiaoxiu waved his hand to disperse the [Thunder World Walker]. He knew that his move was not too abrupt. A top transcendent like Red Dragon could predict danger in a thousandth of a second. His previous intention of the move was very obvious, and " "The speed" has slowed down... The reason why I didn't say hello was because I didn't want what happened at this moment to happen.

Deep down in his heart, Bai Xiu was looking forward to a real fight with the red dragon.

He was a little disappointed: "You don't want to fight?"

"……In no mood."

Red Dragon stuffed the dagger back into his waist, and said in a helpless tone: "If I remember correctly, I already said it five years ago... I didn't come here to fight. I fought with you at that time, just to Determine your realm and let you know that there is such a thing as 'killing gods'. Now that we are allies, why is there any need to fight again?"

Baixiu discovered that Honglong was a very purposeful person.

In other words, Red Dragon is a very lazy person who will not consider anything that is not planned.

In the name of "The First Divine Envoy of the Tower of Source", this guy is planning the treacherous act of killing the gods and changing the sky. He can be regarded as the biggest kid in the entire Central Continent!

"I'd be in a lot of trouble if I fought with you."

The red dragon paused for a moment and explained: "I don't want to return to Central Continent with an injury and attract attention. If you really want a result-"

"Just think that I lost."

(Thank you for the quiet golden alliance! Start updating! Jojo, I am no longer a human being!)

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