Barrier of Light

Chapter 879 Under the Sea (Seventh update!)


The cloud ship fell onto the sea surface, but it did not make the violent bumps as imagined. Even with the protection of the protective cover, the bottom of the cabin still inevitably collided with the waves, but everyone felt as if it had scratched the land.

"This is……"

Yunhu stared blankly at the scene displayed on the main control screen.

Countless mist was bounced away by the source energy shield held up by the cloud ship, followed by countless wind and snow. When the cloud ship sailed into the interior of the ice sea, the seawater that kept hitting the bottom of the cabin actually turned into land, and countless Rubbles splashed and ejected from both sides of the cloud ship, and in front of them was a vast and open ice field!

"Sure enough...the entrance is right on the sea."

The black turtle looked solemn and whispered: "If you guessed correctly, we have now entered the [Ice Sea Ruins]!"

The protective shield was gradually reduced during the bombardment. The moment it realized that the scene had changed, the cloud ship's forward speed immediately began to slow down.

"You've entered the ruins, is it that simple?"

Someone spoke in disbelief.

Someone suddenly shouted: "Look, the way back is gone!"

Gu Xiaoman followed the sound and looked behind Yun Chuanchuan.

The place they came from was already covered by a sheet of snow and fog.

The fog was thick and it was difficult to see the direction.

"Stop, turn around!"

Yunhu roared.

The cloud boat was raised again and quickly changed direction... However, the way out was blocked by heavy snow, and countless ice and snow debris hit the protective shield. After traveling a certain distance, the cloud boat gradually stopped.

Because the scenes seen by Binghai were too shocking, and the law enforcers involved in this mission were generally relatively young, the scene at this moment caused a certain degree of commotion.

Gu Xiaoman wrapped himself in a cloak and silently watched Yun Chuan's turmoil.

In the end, it was Yun Hu's voice that silenced the entire audience.

"It seems that we have indeed entered a 'disaster situation'. There is no need to panic. According to the original plan, the team will leave the cloud ship... Now is the time when the exploration mission really begins!"

As a mission leader and an envoy of the Tower of Origin for many years, Yunhu has seen many big scenes.

It is normal to lose your exit when entering a disaster situation.

The entrances and exits of many disaster areas are not located together.

But actually finding the exit is not too difficult.

As long as it is a closed disaster area, it must comply with the iron law of conservation of source matter, so it is often only necessary to determine the approximate direction of the exit through the direction of the "flow of source matter".

Under the suppression and leadership of the two divine envoys, everyone on the cloud ship quickly restored order. They put on the latest exoskeleton equipment, which was also the "source-like armor weapon" developed by Shangcheng against Beizhou. , began to disembark one after another.

No one distributed equipment to Gu Xiaoman, and she didn't care.

What she is wearing is the fifth-level source armor. Even the equipment of Yunhu and Xuangui are not as good as the one she is wearing!

Everyone on the cloud ship had undergone training before setting off and was divided into dozens of teams. The captain was the candidate for the divine envoy. Each of them would carry five to six extraordinary members...

Soon only Gu Xiaoman was left in Yunzhou.

Yunhu and Xuangui didn't say a word to her before leaving...

Since Mr. Tianshui gave this little girl extremely high authority, they can treat her as an invisible person. They do their tasks and Gu Xiaoman can do whatever he wants.

The relationship between them seems peaceful.

But in reality there is an undercurrent.

Gu Xiaoman knew the real reason why Yunhu and Xuangui didn't attack him——

Although it is impossible to connect to the deep sea network in icy waters, the closed network on the cloud ship is still working silently.

The reason why these two divine envoys did not show hostility to him was because they were still returning... At this moment, the closed network on the cloud ship was faithfully recording everything that happened in the cabin!

Gu Xiaoman waited quietly on the cloud boat for an hour, and she was not in a hurry to leave.

Tell yourself intuitively.

[Ice Sea Ruins] is not as simple as it seems.

If the docking point chosen by Yunchuan at this moment is very dangerous, then the outgoing exploration team will soon encounter an accident... With so many outgoing teams, they cannot all be destroyed. Someone will definitely escape back to Yunchuan. By then, maybe Yunhu Xuangui He will definitely choose to restart the cloud ship and find a slightly safer place to station.

In addition, Gu Xiaoman also felt "hostility" from those candidates.

During this time she was excluded from the group.

None of the candidates for Yunhu and Xuangui interacted with her. Although this was something she expected... But she vaguely felt that if she was put into a alone situation and met these guys again, they might do what they did. Do some crazy things.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

She chose to wait for the law enforcers to disperse, and then go out to explore at a relatively safe time.

I would rather be a lone wolf.

Don't be teammates with these people either.

Under the sea of ​​ice, a silent place where no one can see.

A piece of stone sank to the ground, making a dull impact sound.


That was the sound of touching the deepest rock in the ice sea.


This sound slowly swayed in the depths of the ice sea. Unfortunately, in the endless darkness, no one could hear it, and it was quickly drowned by the sound of the undercurrent.

Waves from the deepest part of the ice sea repeatedly wash away the stone walls.

But it was blocked by the red, faint brilliance of the array pattern.

This stone was shrouded in the brilliance of the array pattern.

And inside, there is a skinny figure standing tall and skeletal, as if stuck to the stone wall. A failing heart is carved on the top of his head. Countless complicated and obscure ancient texts are wrapped around the heart, spreading into a dry plant. If you just look at the entangled tree trunks and look at this stone wall mural, you will have the illusion that this skinny figure is actually sitting under this ancient tree.

There was a "dong" sound as the stone fell to the ground.

The echoes gradually spread and then dissipated.

This stone was stuck in the gap of the sheath rock in the deep sea crust and could no longer move. However, at the bottom of the silent deep sea, there was a second "thump" sound.


That dry and failing heart seemed to be rejuvenated!

It actually jumped!

The skinny figure's eyelids blinked slowly.

A ray of golden fire ignited on his forehead. This ray of fire was so dazzling that it looked like a sun in the dark sea ten thousand meters deep!

The moment the fire burned, it was absorbed by the stone wall and turned into wisps of flames that swept into the ravine of the stone wall.

The ancient inscriptions on the sunken stone wall blend with the golden flames, complementing each other.

The golden fire flows slowly on the stone wall like lava, carrying majestic vitality, climbing all the way up, nourishing the dry and dried branches of ancient literature, and finally merges into the heart.


Once again, the beating sound sounded!

The withered figure that had been sleeping for several years slowly opened its eyes.

Pure land world.

Tie Wu stood on the roof of the tree house with his hands on his hips, contentedly looking at the magnificent scene in front of him.

Using the suspended wood as a dot, it spreads out with a radius of ten miles.

The flowerbeds are all square and neatly built.

Although the snow is falling heavily and the frost is still there, the plants and animals in the flower beds have finally sprouted a seedling. With the flying snowflakes everywhere, this touch of green is amazing...

"Thanks a lot."

Li Qingci landed slowly, came to Tie Wu's side, and said this.

If I remember correctly, Tiewu has not rested for seven days and nights. Although the soul in the pure land does not need to rest, long-term work will actually consume the spirit. The soul can be condensed by relying on this ray of spirit. If the spirit is scattered, ...then there is nothing.

"It's okay. It's not hard to serve Lord God."

Tie Wu grinned and said, "Miss Celadon, do you think there is anything that needs improvement in this flower garden?"

"It's gone now."

Li Qingci shook her head and said: "Winds and rain from all directions, suppressed by vegetation, these are all built according to the drawings designed by Adam."

"That's good." Tie Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the flower garden not far away. Adam, a tall, silly man with blond hair and blue eyes, was squatting in front of a plant, studying without knowing what he was studying.

Next to Adam, squatting was another really stupid guy, Hong Zhong.

Adam was studying vegetation and how to make the green leaves of the Pure Land world take root and sprout.

As for Hong Zhong... Tie Wu really didn't know what this guy was studying.

Thinking of this, a sad look appeared on his face.

"Girl Celadon, how long has it been since this happened? Why is Lord God still sitting cross-legged under the tree? What are you trying to comprehend?"

Next to the flowerbed, directly under the hanging tree, a figure in black clothes with an upright back sat cross-legged.

Gu Shen.

Gu Shen's state at this moment is very subtle. Every soul in the Pure Land can see his real figure. But if someone touches it, they will find that this figure is like a wisp of wind, which will disperse when touched and retreat. After three feet, the figure will regroup.

At this moment, Gu Shen was more like a soul than those souls.

"I have no idea."

Li Qingci thought for a long time and finally sighed and shook her head: "Perhaps Gu Shen is figuring out a way to make this world less cold?"

There was no way she could tell Iron Five the truth.

Gu Shen is now trapped under the 10,000-meter-deep sea... The shadow at this moment is the embodiment of Gu Shen's attempt to advance.

But she didn't lie either.

Li Qingci practices the art of praying and has very keen intuition.

She had a hunch that if Gu Shen wanted to break through the deadlock, just relying on promotion might not be enough.

"Make this world less cold..."

Tie Wu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and his expression became complicated. He recalled that when he and Gu Shen first met, this place was still deserted.

At that time, the Pure Land was not cold.

The continuous spring rain is as moist as cake.

Now, after many years, he has become accustomed to the cold and deathly silence of the Pure Land world.

"Can this world really be less cold?"

Tiewu smiled softly, rubbed his hands, and murmured: "I'm quite looking forward to that day. I want to see these green leaves bloom."

The words fell.

The hanging tree branches drooped, creating a breeze.

The wind is a bit cold, but not as cold as before...

Tie Wu was slightly startled.

He subconsciously stretched out his palm to catch a ball of snow blown from the branches.

A gentle breeze blew.

The broken snow began to melt.

A less cold breeze began to blow in this world, blowing up puffs of snow. The souls wandering in the pure land raised their heads one after another. Most of them had lost their intelligence, had no independent consciousness, and could not speak. But as the soul's most basic environmental sensing, it still has it.

These souls all looked confused.

In their perception...the world seems to be starting to change.

Adam was squatting in the flowerbed, smearing a handful of green plant leaves on his fingertips, and getting the white frost on his fingertips. At this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

"The melting?"

Hong Zhong, who was beside Adam, also had a surprised look on his face, and there was a roaring sound in his throat.

Countless winds converged towards the center of the world where Suxuan Mu was located. The figure sitting under the tree had not moved at all for more than a thousand days. Under the blowing wind and snow, the illusory shadow gradually solidified.

"Lord about to break through?!"

Tie Wu looked startled, but soon he realized something was wrong. In the process of the illusory figure solidifying, a large amount of wind and snow were involved in it. Also involved were the extraordinary sources produced by the spirits of these plants and trees. quality!

Li Qingci's eyes lit up and she immediately said: "Quick, right now, send all the essence accumulated in the flower garden -"

In the past few years, Pure Land Soul has been cultivating and planting intensively day and night.

The purpose is to produce enough source material!


The pure land began to tremble, and every soul became busy again.

The wind and snow howled, and the original sense of coldness and desolation gradually dissipated. At this moment, the strong wind became slightly bleak and chilling.

A large amount of source matter gathered crazily and poured into Gu Shen's shadow!

Countless fires of vitality burst out from Gu Shen's withered brows, and the branches and leaves of the hanging trees were blown up by the strong wind, flying like fireworks.

It's snowing heavily.

Three transcendences brought an unprecedented increase in combat power, and also made it extremely difficult for Gu Shen to break through the realm. He needed to transform a large amount of "fire of vitality" to fill the lake in his heart... After five years, this longest journey The barrier was finally broken through.

The realm of "vital fire" was established in the Pure Land world and spread outward.

It is different from the ordinary fourth-level transcendent who has an area that extends ten to twenty meters.

Gu Shen's "fire of vitality" swept endlessly over the wilderness. The fireworks that flew up from the hanging tree branches streaked across the zenith like meteors. The ice and snow melted wherever they passed, and the cold Winter reverses course.

The entire Pure Land, all the souls, are witnessing Gu Shen's unprecedented and great breakthrough.

However, above the iron dome, there was a shadow slowly emerging.

This shadow tore apart the covering of the pure land sky, aimed directly at the Suxuan wood, and sprinkled a perfect, rich black.

The place where this black beam of light landed was none other than someone else.

It was Gu Shen who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, immersed wholeheartedly in breaking through the bottleneck.

Li Qingci, Tie Wu, Adam, Hong Zhong... looked stunned, looking up at the direction where the shadow was casting!

I saw countless black shadows mottled and intertwined, reflecting on the clouds a mirror world that was almost exactly the same as the Pure Land. The only difference was that it was a pure black "Pure Land"!

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