Barrier of Light

Chapter 92 Sisters (1)

When Gu Shen returned to Meng Yuzhe, there was only Miss Xin in the clinic.

"Mr. Tang called me and told me that you might be late for a while today." Zhou Yesin smiled and teased: "What, you've slept through it too?"


Gu Shen explained without blushing, "Something happened last night."

Justice Tang Qingquan actually took care of the aftermath for himself. That should be Cui Zhongcheng's arrangement. After he made the phone call from Jiangtan last night, Mr. Cui considered today's situation.

In this case, just go straight down the slope.

After a haha, Gu Shen changed the subject and asked curiously: "Xiaoxinjie...there are no guests today?"

"Yes...why not!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yexin leaned over with a serious expression and said solemnly: "I received a phone call this morning to make an appointment... He said that a very rich and important person was coming over and had reserved the venue for Sleeping Whisperer in advance."

Gu Shen was a little surprised: "Can we... also book the venue?"

"Actually, it's impossible." Sister Xiaoxin sighed, "But there is no way, the other party has given too much."

"Although our purpose is to complete the experiment, after all, we still have to rely on revenue to live." Zhou Yexin rubbed his hands with some anxiety and said with emotion: "Mr. Tang has such a good vision, you are really a magical person. Our business is getting better and better after coming to Miyuzi."

Gu Shen scratched his head.

If it weren't for the hypnosis, Miss Xin wouldn't be able to just lament the word "miraculous", right?

Overnight, the walls of the small clinic were covered with banners.

"Come on. Come on. Come on." Zhou Yexin rubbed his face and kept cheering himself up, "With this deal, the store rent will be covered for one year."

Gu Shen smiled, "Mr. Tang... isn't it free of rent?"

"He doesn't have to give it, but I have to give it. Mr. Tang has already sponsored me a lot. If he has the ability, he will definitely repay the favor." Sister Xiaoxin said seriously: "What's more, the location of Lipu Street is so good. , the rent of the shop is not cheap, it costs 30,000 to 40,000 yuan a month, even though the place is small."

Then the reward for this order is four to five hundred thousand?

Gu Shen was stunned.

Then he quickly reflected and found that after joining the Judgment Office, his outlook on consumption had indeed changed. His first reaction was not that the rent was too expensive, but that he was curious about who could be so generous.

As I was thinking about it, there was a commotion downstairs.

The young lady opened the curtains and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows to see a black Phantom slowly advancing among the crowd of people watching, and finally parked on the street.

This big black car must be expensive.

Gu Shen said silently in his heart that although he didn't understand cars, he understood people...

Three minutes passed after the car stalled, and when the crowd of people gathered had dispersed, the driver slowly got out of the car, opened the door for the back seat, and held up an umbrella. All the glances from the crowd were blocked by the big umbrella.

"I'm coming."

Zhou Yexin paced back and forth anxiously. This was the first time she had seen such a big customer. Her mind went blank. She was very nervous at the moment, holding her pocket watch tightly in her hand.

What should I say when we meet next?

What if in the end...the treatment effect is not satisfactory?

A bunch of trivial thoughts came to me.

Then these thoughts were interrupted by the sound of climbing stairs.

“Kick, kick, kick—”

The sound of high heels.

Go upstairs slowly.

Every step feels like stepping on my heart.

There was obviously no idea left in his mind, but he was still nervous. Zhou Yexin glanced at Gu Shen and found that the young man was unexpectedly calm.

Gu Shen's mood did not change from beginning to end. He just marveled at his employer's wealth and billions.

Now he only has curiosity in his heart... Although most cities are prosperous and rich people gather, there shouldn't be many people who "spend money like water" to this extent, right?

The big black car was parked on the street just now, surrounded by crowds. Looking through the glass, his vision was a little blurry. He didn't see the big customer's face clearly, but he could only tell that it was a woman.

On the contrary, it was the driver who got out of the car to hold an umbrella for a big customer. He was probably a bodyguard or something like that. He caught Gu Shen's attention... He felt that he had seen that guy before, at least his body shape was familiar to him. .

The man climbed up the stairs first. His footsteps were so light that they were almost inaudible under the cover of high heels. Ordinary people couldn't feel this detail, but Gu Shen captured it keenly.

This guy walks like a ghost.

He is a very powerful master.

At this moment, Song Yingji, who was climbing the stairs, was wearing a suit and had a calm temperament.

When he set out, he began to wonder who the young man Cui Zhongcheng recommended was. After thinking about it, he couldn't think of when such a young hero was born in Dadu.

Finally, we can get a glimpse of the true face of Mount Lushan...

I'm actually a little nervous now.


The footsteps on the last step were a little loud.

The atmosphere in the Meiyuzhe Clinic was solemn and tense. The moment the two people's eyes met, two uniform exclamations burst out.


Song Ci looked at Gu Shen as if he had seen a ghost,

The expressions on both men's faces were wonderful and unacceptable.

Gu Shen's eyes were quite complicated. It took him a full ten seconds to allow himself to accept that the handsome and dog-like guy in front of him was the sloppy crow who ran away to treat guests at noon today...

No wonder the figure in the crowd just now looked so familiar!

There was only one person left on the second floor who was confused.

Zhou Yexin looked at the two people blankly, and the three of them looked at each other.

Then a soft and powerful voice sounded from the stairwell.

"Yingji, do you know each other?"

Song Yingji quickly came to his senses. He regained his calm and calm image, turned sideways to make way for his wife, helped her slowly climb the stairs, and responded with some embarrassment: "What a coincidence, we just met today..."

The madam glanced at Gu Shen and then at Crow. She knew very well what Song Ci liked to do in the old city. Judging from the strange look on the young man's face, he probably did something immoral like running away after treating guests. .

"It's indeed a coincidence. We met again just after we met, which means you are destined for each other." Madam smiled softly, looked at Gu Shen and said, "After it's over, you can have a good chat."

The lady got no response.

The young man who was stunned in place... From the moment the lady came up the stairs, he just glanced at him, but after one glance, he stuck to the lady's face and never moved away.

It has been dozens of seconds.

This is inevitably a bit rude.

Gu Shen's heart was filled with huge waves.

What was even more shocking than seeing Song Ci again... was the woman in front of him.

Song Ci has the symbol of Chengxinhui tattooed on his body and is closely related to the Zhao family. He also mentioned a mysterious big shot at noon.

Nowadays, a certain big shot spends a lot of money to come to Miyu just to see a doctor.

These two pieces of information are connected together, and it is not difficult to guess that the woman in front of him is the legendary "Madam" who can cover the sky with one hand as a woman in most cities.

What shocked Gu Shen more than his wife's identity was her appearance.

Snow-skinned and red-haired, with almond-shaped eyes and peach cheeks, her long hair was tied back in a bun.

Madam is really good-looking and young...

Much like Nan Hibiscus.

Except for their different hairstyles and temperaments, the two people are 90% similar in other places.

Like... sisters.

[Or they are biological sisters. 】

At this moment, Gu Shen's mind automatically recalled many details from the past that he had ignored.

The night before leaving for Dadu, when the senior brothers and sisters had dinner together, Nan Jin's expression changed slightly every time the name Cui Zhongcheng was mentioned.

On the way to the orphanage, Nan Jin casually mentioned that she was richer than she thought.

Mr. Shu said that Nan Jin was brought from Dadu. After joining the tribunal, he worked hard all year round and continued to perform tasks.

And the most important thing is——

Whenever Gu Shen asked about Nan Jin's past, she just remained silent and did not respond.

She seems to have no concept of family and is unwilling to expose her past to outsiders.

Gu Shen could feel that to Nan Jin, the word "past" was just a piece of white paper soaked in the deep sea. If possible, she would have wanted to stuff this piece of white paper a hundred thousand miles under the sea, where it would become more and more rotten. Okay...but unfortunately, no matter how deep and rotten things like this have been in the past, they will one day be dug out and aired in front of some people's eyes.

The moment he saw his wife, Gu Shen made random guesses about many things.

It wasn't until Zhou Yexin pulled hard on his sleeve that Gu Shen realized his gaffe.

He quickly looked away.

Zhou Yesin hurriedly stepped forward and said with a very low-spirited smile: "I'm sorry... This young man is my assistant. He has only been here for a short time. Please forgive me."

The lady smiled gently and said nothing.

"Are you Dr. Zhou Yexinzhou?"

She said softly: "I heard Tang Qingquan mention you, you are amazing."

Zhou Yewenyan was stunned... In fact, she had met some so-called big shots with "high positions" over the years, but none of them could be like the lady in front of her. Just hearing the voice made her feel deeply affected.

She still didn't know who this big shot was.

But the moment she heard her name from the other person's mouth, she felt a great sense of honor in her heart.


Zhou Yexin didn't know what was wrong with him, why he was so clumsy today.

She struggled to speak clearly.

The lady smiled again, "Don't worry, I'm looking for Dr. Xiao Gu...that's your assistant."

"Ah...ah? Oh..."

Zhou Yexin looked a little stunned. For some reason, after learning that she was not looking for her, she didn't feel too disappointed. Instead, she felt relieved.


Song Ci stood up and opened the door of the single room on one side, glanced around inside as a check, and then gave his wife a look that indicated it was safe here.

At this point, the lady slowly stood up and entered the single room.

Gu Shen then entered.

As they passed each other, Crow reminded him softly and seriously: "You've hidden it well enough... Do you know who this is? I will always be here to guard you."

"You hide it well."

Gu Shen sighed softly and sighed.

"This big shot is indeed big."

According to my writing habits, if there is a branch line that runs through hundreds of thousands of words, similar to the sisters in this chapter, the title suffix will be one, two, three, four, five, six, etc... This type of title will only appear when it involves related plots, not Continuous style.

So when Sister (2) appeared after a while, it was not a mispronunciation.

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