Barrier of Light

Chapter 907 Mechanical Life (First Update)

"Xiao Man, I finally found you."

The snow fell silently and the wind filled the mountains.

Gu Shen stretched out his hand to hug the thin figure who couldn't help but tremble, and gently patted Xiaoman's back.


He thought about it for a long time and said thousands of words.

In the end, Gu Shen just stretched out his palm to wipe away the little girl's tears, and then said two words with a smile.

"Don't cry."

Xiaoman took a deep breath.

Gu Shen turned around and protected the little guy behind him.

He felt his broken sleeves being gently tugged, and a cautious voice sounded nervously: "Gu Shen...he is very powerful."

The sight of Hong Ying drawing the knife shocked Xiaoman greatly.

She was worried.

Gu Shen... was no match for this red shadow.

The meaning of tugging on his sleeve is actually that he wants to leave.

Previously, she wanted to go to the end of the ice sea ruins, because her intuition told her that there was something worth risking her life to explore.

But after meeting Gu Shen, she no longer thought so.

She now wants to go back alive with Gu Shen.

If she continued to move forward, Gu Shen would take risks... Then she would rather not go.

"rest assured."

"...No matter how powerful he is, I will kill him for you to see."

At this moment, Gu Shen's voice was as reliable as a mountain in Xiao Man's ears. She had the illusion that even if the sky fell, Gu Shen could hold it!


The silence on the snowfield was broken.

Hong Ying drew his sword again, and the hundreds of bamboo armors on his body clanked. He stepped on the ground and struck out at an extremely fast speed.

It's such a "simple and unpretentious" sword technique.

The five continents forces in Ice Sea Ruins were all beaten to the point of losing their temper.

Gu Xiaoman's pupils shrank. Her mental strength was already outstanding among her peers, but this level of fighting was still too advanced for her. She didn't even see Hong Ying's forward movements clearly. She was just in a daze, and then A figure holding a knife and slashing high appeared above his head!

During the entire process of slashing with the long sword.

Gu Shen didn't even move a step.

But he was not unresponsive. From the beginning to the end, his blazing fire was staring at Hongying. The opponent exploded very quickly, but his spirit capture speed was even faster!

He had carried a knife forcefully before... It was actually a "test".

The journey south was full of dust.

When his mental power captured Xiao Man, Hong Ying had already drawn his sword.

So Gu Shen saw the weird scene of Xiaoman avoiding the red shadow with a punch, and that's why he had the idea of ​​carrying the knife with his body.

This bamboo-armored man's sword-drawing speed and posture are impeccable.

But the fighting idea is very strange, as if it has been programmed to be "cautious"... Even the attack of a third-level transcendent, the bamboo armor man has to evade it!

"He" does not formulate tactics based on the opponent's strength or weakness.

But adapt to the situation!

So this time... Gu Shen deliberately waited until the bamboo shadow sword was about to touch his forehead before taking action!

Hong Ying slashed down with a knife!

Gu Shen moved instantly, and the two realms of Blazing Fire and Pure Land sprang out. The moment the realms spread, the retreat mechanism of "Red Shadow" was triggered. However, ninety percent of the way to the sword was reached, and it was already too late to evacuate at this moment. A ball of green frost and coldness enveloped the tip of the knife, while countless wind and snow climbed up along the bamboo armor like little snakes!


The red shadow of the bamboo armor swept across quickly, and the bamboo armor on his body vibrated with dense tremors, constantly stirring up broken ice.

He tried to get rid of the suppression of Gu Shen [Pure Land] by moving at high speed, but the effect was very poor.

Gu Shen stretched out his palm from the distance and clenched his fingers suddenly.

A ball of blazing fire exploded from the wind and snow, turning into Gu Shen's palm, and five flaming fingers pressed against the bamboo armor man's cheek.

"Fire! Invasion!"

Gu Shen launched a mental attack without hesitation.

The fiery five fingers pressed hard——


Amidst the explosion and roar, Gu Shen felt the empty feedback after the invasion of blazing fire.

"There is no spiritual sea?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and sneered, was it really what he had guessed?

The extraordinary life nurtured by this [Ice Sea Ruins] is basically a mechanical creation!

At this moment, the bamboo armor man was forced into the same situation as when he was besieged by the energy boat before.

"Warning, elimination offensive is ineffective."

"Some parts are frozen, it is recommended to launch a counterattack."

The alarm sound coming from the skull sea made it give up retreating.

So in the explosion of fire, a safe and sound scarlet phantom rushed out!

The bamboo-armored man launched another attack. This time he shattered the wind and snow with his sword and suddenly stepped forward.

Gu Shen didn't retreat but advanced. He stepped forward and punched!

The two figures were very fast, and in Gu Xiaoman's eyes, they were two blazing lights that collided together——

Blazing light burst out, accompanied by an explosion that shook the snowfield.

The whole world is silent!

"Chi chi chi..."

A large amount of mist rose over the snowfield, and two figures could be vaguely seen anxiously attached to each other, almost becoming one.

Is there a winner?

Gu Xiaoman gritted his teeth and stared into the depths of the mist.


A very slight electric arc exploded in the mist. Gu Shen, carrying a thin and fragmented torso, slowly walked out of the mist. He punched Hong Ying's chest and shattered the layers of protection. Bamboo armor at the heart.


Seeing this scene, Gu Xiaoman let out a long sigh of relief.

Her back was soaked with sweat.

"Is this the end?" The little guy was in a daze and asked in disbelief.

"A true master kills with one move."

Gu Shen grinned.

He threw the bamboo-armored man to the ground. The latter's chest was punched through and a big hole was made. The beating arc light could still be vaguely seen... but no blood flowed out.

Although he had already guessed in his mind, when he actually saw the internal structure of the bamboo-armored man's body with his own eyes, Gu Xiaoman couldn't help but said in surprise: "I thought this guy was an extraordinary life born from the ice sea..."

"Extraordinary life born from the ice sea?"

Gu Shen smiled.

"I heard what 'they' said." Gu Xiaoman smiled bitterly and briefly told what happened on the way here.

Gu Shen listened quietly.

He didn't expect that the little guy would encounter so many dangers along the way...

"The flesh and blood are weak and the machine is soaring. Although this guy is a 'mechanical creation', the creator who created it must have high-level wisdom." Gu Shen himself didn't know what the secrets of this [Ice Sea Ruin] were. , he squatted down calmly, inspected Hongying's body, and chuckled: "Maybe there is an extraordinary life in this place, and it is behind the 'wall'."

"Behind the wall?" Gu Xiaoman was startled.

"This snowfield is 'fake'." Gu Shen said calmly: "In other words, what you see is only a part of the real snowfield. In many vast places, there are actually invisible walls of air blades. If you touch If you touch it, you will be strangled..."

We can judge from this bamboo armor man.

There is a certain intelligent life in this snowfield who is proficient in mechanical creation.

Then those "walls" erected in the void of the snowfield are probably also the means of intelligent life.

"For example, here."

Gu Shen's spirit swept far away, and he found an air wall. This land of snowy mountains seemed to be close to the limit of the snowfield map. This kind of air wall was easy to find... He took Gu Xiaoman through hundreds of Mi, suddenly stood.

Gu Shen kicked out a large rock at random.

"Buzz buzz!"

The big stone was thrown out, chopped into dozens and hundreds of pieces in the air, and finally fell to the other end of the snow.

Gu Xiaoman was stunned.

She clenched her palms and felt a sense of fear... If there was no red shadow, she would have encountered this wall of air if she had walked a certain distance further.

By then, will she be crushed to pieces like this boulder?

Gu Shen looked at Xiao Man and couldn't help but smile. He reached out and grabbed the little guy's shoulder.


The two returned to their previous place.

"But you don't have to worry, the carrying capacity of this air wall is limited." Gu Shen said leisurely: "There is no airtight wall in this world. If there is, just smash it... The 'strangling power' of this wall is certainly terrifying, but As long as the physical body is strong enough or the domain power is strong enough, you can forcefully get through it."

"Is that so?"

Gu Xiaoman murmured: "I always feel that there is something very important at the end of this [Ice Sea Ruins], which is worth taking a look at..."

She pointed to the end of the snow-capped mountains.

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows. That direction was exactly where countless air walls lay across.

"This bamboo-armored man is enough to prove that there really is an 'intelligent life' here..."

Gu Shen pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly: "The real [Ice Sea Ruins] is not this plain."

Along the way, he saw many attractive things.

This snowfield is full of mithril ores, as well as a large amount of orderly extraordinary source matter.

It’s just that the real secret is not here!

"The real [ice sea ruins] are behind the 'air wall'..."

Gu Shen said solemnly: "The existence of this red shadow is more like a patrolman. The reason why he does not appear in the northern part of this snowfield is because there is nothing important in the northern part of the snowfield worth guarding."

"That's right." Gu Xiaoman's eyes lit up and he murmured: "This guy's activity track is only in the snow-capped mountains area, because if you go further, you will reach the real [entrance to the ruins]."


Gu Shen smiled happily.

He knelt down and looked at the bamboo-armored man whose chest he had punched through again. This was a mechanical life. It had never "lived", and naturally there was no death.

Just because he punched too hard, he was in a scrapped state at the moment.

Take apart the bamboo armor and you will find it.

This thin body is made of black silver.

No wonder the intensity is so high and the speed is so fast.

"This guy doesn't have a 'spiritual sea', so he's not afraid of soul attacks from spiritual extraordinary beings, but at the same time he can't cultivate into the so-called 'field'." Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and glanced around from top to bottom. , and finally stopped on the pale mask of the bamboo armor man.

That mask covered the entire face of the bamboo-armored man.

Gu Shen stared at the ancient text for a long time.

He raised his eyebrows and asked softly and thoughtfully: "Xiao Man, do you want to see what this guy's face looks like under the mask?"

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