Barrier of Light

Chapter 909 The account ban is coming (Third update!)

After handing over the [Cloud Mirror], the grotto returned to calm.

The situation between the Black Turtle and the Julu seemed to be very balanced before, but in fact it was not like that... Although the Julu Saint was promoted to the title earlier, he knew in his heart that once the Black Turtle successfully broke through, he would be completely If you are at a disadvantage, you will not be able to compete in terms of strength, and you will not have an advantage in terms of authority.

But now, with one more thing of authority, it's different.

With a title like Black Turtle with average killing ability, there is no way to kill the Giant Deer Saint with one blow.

Once taken action.

Then no matter how bad the giant deer is, he can still run away with [Cloud Mirror]!

The situation is truly balanced at this moment.

The Black Turtle God's expression was gloomy. At this moment, he was at the most important moment of breaking through the situation. He quickly adjusted his mentality and concentrated on manipulating the two realms into one.

Not long after.

The steam from the grotto melted away and returned to the Black Turtle.

[Iron Armor] and [Xuanshui Embryo] are perfectly integrated, which also shows that he has successfully broken through.

"Brother Xuangui has broken through?"

The Julu Saint smiled and said congratulations: "Congratulations."

But there was no joy on Xuangui's face.

He had no choice but to admit defeat when the Julu Saint took advantage of the situation.

"Julu, I need to remind you."

Black Turtle said in a deep voice: "What you are holding now is the 'authority' of the Sky God's Throne."

After being promoted, his tone was different from before.

Xuangui knew that he would not be able to get back the [Cloud Mirror] for a while, but this level of intimidation was still necessary.

"Don't worry, leave the 'Ice Sea'... I will return the authority immediately." The Julu Saint did not accept this trick at all, and did not think that [Yunjing] was a hot potato at all.

This level of intimidation is just a matter of fooling others.

Before Lord Godhead went to sea, the Church of Storms had been in internal strife for more than ten years——

The fight between several saints was even fiercer!

What thoughts and tricks have he not seen before?

Julu, who was still recovering from his injuries at this moment, didn't even bother to raise his eyelids: "If I guess correctly, the second batch of official troops from Wuzhou going south to sea should have already set off. Maybe when we leave [Ice Sea Ruins], They have already reached the periphery, and by that time...even if I want to take away this object of authority, I cannot take it away."

"As long as you know……"

Xuangui could only snort coldly.

"Okay, withdraw your 'spirit' now."

Xuangui spoke calmly. He had completed his final promotion and did not need this check and balance method to ensure safety at this moment.

In his heart, there is still a trace of the spirit of the Julu Saint.

This is really disturbing.

Keeping this ray of spirit, Julu Saint only needs one thought to detonate his heart. The best outcome for him is to die with this madman!

He quickly made a request to relieve the spirit of Xinhu.

"Not urgent."

Unexpectedly, Saint Julu looked leisurely and said calmly: "Wait until I heal the injury... You have completed the breakthrough. Now I am the weaker party, and it is your turn to protect me."

"Your special mother..."

Xuangui was so angry that his teeth itched.

Now that I think about it carefully, I have really fallen into the trap of the Julu Saint. This guy came to my door and actively requested the exchange of spirits in the heart lake as a title to maintain the balance of the situation... I must have been waiting for this moment. , now the strength and weakness are exchanged, but the black turtle is tied to Julu's pirate ship.

He suppressed his temper and asked angrily: "Your injury is already almost healed, how long will it take?"


Julu said calmly: "Why are you so anxious? Are you sure if you encounter that red shadow again?"


Xuangui was speechless for a moment.

However, after breaking through, he was looking forward to meeting the red shadow again. It was not that he wanted to compete with the red shadow again, but he was more than 90% sure that he could escape intact. Trap the Julu Saint to death at the hands of Hong Ying!

Just waited for a while.

The Julu Saint finally finished his healing.

His whole body exuded a blue glow, and the blue waves attracted by the [Tide] authority slowly dispersed.

Except for the broken antlers, more than 90% of the injuries on the giant deer have been repaired.


Xuangui finally waited until Julu came out of seclusion, and quickly urged: "Remove the 'spiritual binding'."

This time, Julu remained unhurried: "No rush."

The black turtle's eyes widened.

"You and I need to work together to have a chance to leave the ice sea..." The Julu Saint smiled and said: "Since we have decided to form an alliance, I think it is better for us to maintain a 'spiritual binding', so that no matter who encounters difficulties, the other party will It's impossible to leave him alone. Didn't you just get stabbed in the back by Yun Hu before? You don't want to be stabbed in the back again, right?"


Xuangui stared at the Julu Saint, he had never seen such a shameless person!

"I don't care about your backstabbing."

"But I care."

Julu said calmly: "You can release your inner lake spirit, but I will not release mine... I'm sorry, you have to help me before leaving the ice sea. You have no choice."


Xuangui's whole body felt like he was struck by lightning.

He felt as if he had fallen into a huge trap. From the moment the Giant Deer Saint came to the door, he had been trapped.

Step by step, I sink deeper and deeper.

He took a step forward, grabbed the giant deer saint by the collar, and said angrily, "Old man, are you playing with me?"

In the world of extraordinary beings, strength is respected.

Before being promoted, no matter how much Xuangui looked down on Julu, he would always call him "Senior" when he saw him.

After promotion, it's different.

The title "Old Man" did not make Julu angry.

A sarcastic look appeared on his face, which was actually equivalent to a clear answer.

Yes, what can you do?

Saint Julu has been crawling around inside the Church of Storms for many years. He has never seen anything like this. He just gently patted the young man's mouth and reminded him: "Brother Xuangui, why are you so rude? Don't forget ...Your [Cloud Mirror] is still in my hand."

"Son of a bitch."

Xuangui loosened his clothes and stared at the giant deer.

If he leaves the ice sea, he will kill this guy immediately!

"Where are the airships from Dongzhou and Beizhou?"

He suppressed his anger and decided to endure it a little longer.


The giant deer slowly stood up, smashed the snow curtain of the grotto, and slowly walked out, looking at the world of ice and snow in the distance.

After a moment, the Giant Deer Saint turned back to glance at the Black Turtle who followed him out, smiled and spoke.

"Don't worry, your and my final demands are the same. On the way to the end, the process will inevitably be a bit bumpy. All these things I did are just for 'self-protection'."

He stretched out a hand and pointed in a certain direction of the snowfield.

"On the way here, I saw the energy boats in Beizhou and Dongzhou. I used [Tide] to mentally mark them."

Julu said calmly: "Next, we will seize the ships. You and I will each seize one."

Two source energy boats advanced slowly in the air.

After encountering the red shadow ambush.

The two continental coalition forces have become extremely cautious. They have confirmed that extraordinary life exists in the ice sea ruins...

And the strength is extraordinary!

The most sensible thing to do now is to find the exit of the [Ruins], leave quickly, and bring the information from this exploration to the outskirts of the ice sea. According to the original plan of the mission, the Five Continents Fleet has almost arrived near the [Ruins].

This operation seems to be a joint law enforcement across the five continents.

But in fact the information is not shared.

The resources and information explored by the pioneer teams from each continent are kept confidential.

Of course, Nagano Central City, which has merged with the Alliance, is an exception.

"Captain Wei Cheng, this [Ice Sea Ruins] seems a little weird... It looks huge from the outside, but when you explore the inside, it's much smaller than expected."

"Indeed, this snowfield doesn't seem to be very big."

The central control rooms of the two energy boats are conducting a closed network spiritual link meeting.

Zhong Fan said solemnly: "We haven't encountered 'extraordinary life' since we left the snow mountain. If we go further, we may be able to return to the original entrance."

"There is probably not one entrance and exit to this kind of disaster."

Zhong Yuan said calmly: "Even if you return to the starting point, you may not be able to return the same way."

Their biggest problem now is to find the exit from the [Ice Sea Ruins].

"No matter what, I should try it first..."

Wei Cheng said: "To find the exit from the disaster area, we can only search bit by bit. There is no shortcut."

"Speaking of which," Zhong Yuan suddenly asked, "Do you think it's strange that Hong Ying didn't choose to pursue him at the last moment?"

Even though he was out of danger, he still couldn't forget that scary guy.

"It's very strange."

"A normal extraordinary person would have been furious after being shot at indiscriminately like this."

Li Shici chuckled and said: "Do you still remember the 'Guangming God Statue' that appeared above the snowfield earlier? That should be the [Incense Lord] domain of Long Qi, the seventh elder of the temple. If it was on the ice sea earlier, we gave Guangming City a chance to counterattack... You should have a chance to see that statue.”

The previous visions on the snowfield were a bit scary.

They guessed that it was probably Longqi and Hongying who faced each other... and they didn't know what the outcome would be like.

They hope to lose both sides.

If I could only choose one, it would be fine if Longqi was hacked to death.

The ice sea extraordinary is a bit scary, but it is far less terrible than Guangming City.

"You seem to hate the Temple of Light?" Wei Cheng rubbed his eyebrows, a little confused: "Why?"

In the early years, the relationship between Central City and Guangming City was still very good.

As an old man in the legion.

Wei Cheng still maintains contact with some powerful people in Guangming City. Although the alliance between the two continents has broken down, they can still be regarded as friends.

The breath of light has changed.

But some people haven't changed.

"Do you need a reason to hate someone?"

Zhong Fan did not explain, but simply said: "People from Nagano will attack Guangming City every time they see it. Besides, wasn't your initial reaction also to attack?"

"That is the discipline required by the legion. When encountering non-friendly forces, seize the opportunity as soon as possible to avoid being attacked."

Wei Cheng smiled and said: "Your round of artillery fire is a bit smug... But that's right. You don't need a reason to hate someone. If you let me know that it's the bastard Long Qi, I will also use all my firepower. .”

In recent years, the Holy Judge has spread his faith throughout the five continents.

All major legions in Central City have suffered varying degrees of erosion.

Wei Cheng has friends in Guangming City, but they are based on common understanding and being on the same level.

He also hated the fanatical believers in the temple.

In the conference room, only one person was still thinking about the previous topic.

"When we left the snow-capped mountains, the red shadow stopped pursuing us."

"Leave the snowy mountains and stop pursuing..."

Zhong Yuan raised his head and asked in confusion: "Do you think this red image is guarding something?"

Several people looked at each other, looking at each other.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud explosion!

The central control room was suddenly shaken.

The spiritual session was over in an instant.

Wei Cheng Zhongyuan stared at the screen in front of them——

I saw a burly figure in black, suspended in the air.

An upright humanoid beast appeared behind it. This was a "domain creature" condensed into a human form with a certain degree of autonomy. It had the body of a deer and the head of a deer, exuding an extremely dangerous savage aura!

Wei Cheng and Zhong Yuan looked at each other and recognized the identity of the figure in black!

"Church of Storms! Giant Deer Saint!"

At the same time, the protective cover of the Beizhou source energy boat was chopped into pieces by a giant axe, and a large amount of source matter burned in the air. The protective cover exhausted all its energy and barely resisted the first blow.


next moment--

The giant ax was grasped by the power of the void and slowly pulled out!

The Giant Deer Saint stretched out his palm and grasped the flying black ax. Without any hesitation, he immediately struck down with the second axe!

(PS: 1. The third update is completed! That’s all for today. Please give me a monthly ticket~2. By the way, I would like to mention the Easter egg in the previous chapter. The red-shadowed laser eye is actually a tribute to Uncle Wuzhu. The tricky Jianke is my favorite. One of the novels~)

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