Barrier of Light

Chapter 921 Leader (first update!)

Afu promised very neatly!

It is indeed its wish to leave a name for its master... After a long time, humans today have forgotten the existence of the "god of molten iron and craftsmen".

"I can agree to your second request, but I have one condition."

Afu said seriously: "You need to act under my supervision and never do anything that goes beyond the rules."

"That's natural."

Gu Shen smiled and said: "Don't worry, without your permission, we will not take away any grass or trees from the Initial Ship, nor will we enter or leave any room of this starship at will. As guests... we know this. , there are still some.”

He was half negotiating and half deceiving before.

But when he said it, he didn't mean to lie at all.

Gu Shen respects the "God of Molten Iron and Craftsmen" who has never had the opportunity to see his true face. Without him to build the starship, there would be no Five Continents Civilization a few years later...

Such a figure can indeed be called a monument.

It really should be left in the history books.

"good very good……"

Afu's tone softened, "So, what is the third request?"

It was not friendly to Gu Shen at first.

Because the "combat power" displayed by Gu Shen has threatened the safety of the Initial Number.

But after being in contact for a while, Afu changed his mind about Gu Shen greatly.

This is not a bad person.

In other words... this is indeed not the "violent maniac" shown in his data report.

As a program created by the God of Craftsman, its only mission in life is to serve this huge, empty and ownerless starship, waiting for the return of its owner.

Obviously it is impossible for the master to return.

But I am lucky enough to see the new fire of civilization still burning, and to see the results of the master's efforts to fight against chaos...

The long-cherished wish that it has never forgotten has been half achieved.

"We haven't thought about the third request yet, so we won't mention it for now."

Gu Shen patted Xiao Man on the shoulder, the two looked at each other and gave this reply.

Be it black silver or those resources.

For Afu, it doesn't matter.

Gu Shen didn't want to take this opportunity to extort money... If it came time for them to need it, Afu would not be stingy because of his "blood heir" relationship with the God of Craftsmen.

"Is that so?"

Afu smiled and said, "You guys are quite strange."

Are you still weird?

Gu Shen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. This was the first time he heard someone say this to him.

Gu Xiaoman's expression also became complicated.

"By the way, back to the previous question."

Gu Shen said: "If the people who arrive here are not the 'leader-level' extraordinary people who control the fire, but ordinary people...but they come on energy boats, will the defense mechanism of the Initiate be triggered? If there is a firefight, What will the final outcome be like?”


Afu thought about it carefully and said with a smile: "Are you worried about them destroying the Initial?"

He had seen all the small airships that Wuzhou had entered into the initial number before.

can only say.

This civilization is just in its infancy.

These "air vehicles" are not on the same level as starships.

"The defense mechanism of the Initial Number is very strong. If I don't want to, they won't even be able to find the entrance."

Afu chuckled and said: "You know, this big guy is not a pile of scrap metal... There is energy and a complete power system here. However, during the escape that year, the initial number was too heavy and was judged to be activated even at a huge cost. , could not escape the 'storm', so it was directly extinguished and sank on the spot. Most of the energy stored in the initial number was taken away. But the only part left was enough to deal with external crises. Once the energy is activated, the Initiate can instantly launch a very violent counterattack!"

"You are still using 'red and silver bullets'..."

"The Initium can launch large-scale 'black and silver artillery shells'! If necessary, it can also use 'quantum lasers' to strike!"

These few words are enough to make every Wuzhou person feel despair.

Quantum laser should be the secret weapon hidden in the eyes of the red shadow robot...

Gu Shen sighed and felt a headache.

The large forces from the Five Continents should be arriving at the [Ice Sea Ruins]. As he originally guessed, this is not a place that the current Five Continents civilization can explore. If these people touch the ban, they will definitely suffer a devastating blow. .

"So don't worry, the initial number is safe."

Afu said seriously: "At least with your level of civilization... you cannot threaten the Init. Unless there is a genius among you who has developed a weapon that does not belong to this era."

"Heaven-sheath weapon?"

Gu Shen immediately thought of [Children].

In fact, when Afu mentioned the words black silver cannonballs and quantum laser... he was thinking of the dimensionality reduction attack in the frozen lake.

Everything on the Initial Number is driven by "Essence" and is completely automated.

If you want to fight against the Initiator, you need to bring out the same level of firepower.

Forget about the red and silver bullets, these things are simply not on the table.

As for the black and silver cannonballs... maybe the manufacturing technology is there.

But the raw materials are too scarce, and even if the five continents put all their efforts, they can't make a few. It's not that the civilization of the five continents is too backward, but the resource output of the new homeland is only so much.

"A sky-sheath weapon? What is a sky-sheath?"

Av was quite interested.

He is very interested in the civilization of the Five Continents. Although the technology of the Five Continents is very backward... but it seems that the level of extraordinary cultivation is not bad.

Judging from the recent login, many extraordinary beings with good qualifications have been born here. After careful evaluation, it found that the extraordinary level of Wuzhou was far greater than the current technical level.

"I won't be able to explain this for a while..."

Gu Shen smiled bitterly and said: "Afu, can you control the 'Initial' to submerge again? A large number of energy boats will come here from Wuzhou later..."

Say this.

Afu's tone became solemn: "A large amount, how many? A thousand ships?"


Gu Shen was silent.

In Av's opinion, only a thousand medium-sized energy boats can pose a threat to the Initiate?

But it is true... the size of the Initial Ship is far beyond the imagination of the world. I am afraid that it would really take a thousand energy boats to be qualified to attack it.

"Probably dozens of ships." Gu Shen said honestly: "But I don't want you to have a conflict."

"Dozens of ships..."

Afu also fell silent for a moment.

He thought for a while and said seriously: "This number of energy boats are not qualified to pose a threat to the Initiation. As long as they do not activate the 'power of authority' on the periphery, the defense mechanism will not be triggered... I will let them enter the Initiation." No. 1 outside the deck space, and then send out the corresponding 'red shadows' according to the number of people coming. Just guard the snow mountain control room and kill all intruders. As for the other people, what are they doing in the outside snow field? I Don’t care.”

Those black silver, those ores.

None of it matters.

Avwen said: "Everyone gets what he needs. I also need to collect samples to see what is happening in the outside world."

"I'm afraid you don't much human greed has expanded after thousands of years of evolution."

Gu Shen lowered his eyebrows and said: "As long as the Wuzhou army comes in, it will be useless no matter how many 'Red Shadows' you send. Once they have evacuated the snow mountain, they will consider breaking into the control room... You need samples, and they will It takes everything.”

"Greed exists in any era, but in the face of absolute strength, greed is meaningless."

Afu's tone was calm, with only a slight pause: "But I do feel that the 'greed' of your era is far greater than that of the past."

He witnessed with his own eyes the giant deer's sneak attack on Yun Chuan and the assassination of Gu Xiaoman by the Tower of Source...

Everything that happened on the snowfield was under Afu's watch. This was why he did not help Gu Xiaoman at the beginning. Before completing the "assessment", he was not sure whether Gu Xiaoman was a trustworthy person. "leader".

"You think too simply."

Gu Shen smiled.

At that time, mankind was in a great flight, and all the leaders were intertwined.

But now, the internal fighting within Wuzhou is fierce.

The initial snowfield resources, the black silver alone, are enough to cause one war after another!

"How many leaders did you have back then?"

Gu Shen looked directly at Afu and decisively asked this question.

"Besides my Master, and the Lord of Love... there are two more."

Afu said calmly: "They are all extremely great beings. In our era, the power to tame the gospel box was the ultimate genius chosen one in a million."

This time Gu Shen did not show surprise or exclamation.

"Didn't you notice? The genes of the human race are evolving..."

Gu Shen said word by word: "The proportion of extraordinary people is getting higher and higher, and their genes are getting stronger and stronger. During the long period of escape, this ethnic group began to believe in 'extraordinary power' to save themselves, rather than technology..."

Afu was stunned.

"So all the technologies of Five Continents Civilization are no longer developed."

"This may be because a great 'craftsman god' like your master has never appeared again..."

"It may also be because humans have other, more powerful leaders."

Gu Shen held out five fingers and said calmly: "There are currently five leaders who control the 'Gospel Box Power' in the Five Continents. If the Five Continents troops determine traces of your existence here, then the five leaders are determined to take action. This Can the 'Initial' survive?"

"...Five leaders?"

Av was shocked.

There was no such information in the memory he read.

The existence of the fire cannot be detected, and all information about the throne cannot be read.

Afu looked at Xiaoman and said in disbelief: "Including her?"

"Not included."

Gu Shen shook his head, and he also hid himself.

The Lord of Wine, Pluto, and if you include travelers...then there are eight fire seeds confirmed to be located within the five continents, which means that up to eight leader-level extraordinary beings can appear in the five continents in the future!

"Once the Wuzhou troops land... this incident will become out of control. In the end, if those 'leaders' arrive in the ice sea, can you still control the situation?"

Gu Shen asked: "Quantum lasers, black and silver cannonballs, or what other trump cards you have, ask yourself, will these things work for the 'leader'?"

"..." Afu fell into a long test for the first time.

The cube's red light flashed very frequently, as if it was entering some kind of state of anxiety.

"Sink, disappear into the ice sea again, don't let others find you again."

Gu Shen gave his advice sincerely: "This is the best destination for the initial account."

(PS: 1. It took half a day to write the outline. Everyone has been waiting for a long time. The middle and later stages of the plot need to be carefully polished. 2. Today is still the third update. If time permits, it will be the fourth update. The extra chapter is thanks to yesterday. The silver "lives forever".)

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