Barrier of Light

Chapter 927 Are you here to draw the sword too (Third update)

Chapter 927 Are you here to draw the sword too (Third update!)

The initial number began to dive...

Over the long years, Av has always kept it in a state of "drifting with the tide". However, due to the large size of the initial hull, it has not moved much in the ice and sea erosion for hundreds of thousands of years.

At this moment, the big guy dived into the deep sea.

This is what Yin Zhuo Meritz saw after he fell.

[Ice Sea Ruins] disappeared...

In fact, what the Initiate showed above the sea was just the tip of the iceberg.

Now completely submerged into the sea, surrounded by tight defensive formations, those survivors will never see the so-called [ice sea ruins] again unless they "seek death" and go into the sea to search.

And this time the dive is no longer as simple as sinking at a fixed point.

The five "leaders" Gu Shen mentioned earlier really scared Afu.

He was afraid that the only legacy left by his master would be destroyed, so he activated the backup energy source after submerging. Then the Initiation would sail slowly close to the ground at the bottom of the ice sea. It didn't matter where it went in the future, because Aif It will prevent things like [Ice Sea Ruins] from happening again. Even if a transcendent goes deep into the sea, they will not be aware of the existence of the Initial Number.

"Okay, now you can safely touch the dream left by the 'Lord of Love'."

Wait until everything calms down.

The small cube robot flew back to Shen Shen.

No need to remind Afu.

When the initial number submerged, Gu Shen was already making preparations.

He regained his breath.

The skeleton sitting in the middle of the throne in the bronze hall, nearly a thousand years later, still exudes powerful majesty.

Even standing on the edge of the golden dream, I can still feel waves of pressure.

"Ask me beforehand, I can't guarantee success."

"I don't mind waiting a little longer. If you can't do it, there's Miss Xiaoman..."

Av paused and added understandingly: "Safety first, do what you can."

After saying that, it flew away and dragged Gu Xiaoman back two steps.

One person and one machine gave Gu Shen enough space.

Gu Shen took a deep breath and walked into the dream.

Although the edge of the golden light seemed to be faint, when Gu Shen took a step, his figure was instantly swallowed up.

"Can a fire that has been extinguished for so many years be so powerful?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

He looked back.

In the Bronze Hall, Gu Xiaoman and Afu have disappeared.

Just touching the outermost edge, you are pulled into the dream. The power of the "Lord of Love" is really scary.

Gu Shen's inner lake, which had been adjusted for a long time, immediately began to boil.

He sat cross-legged and circulated his breath through the four seasons to fight against the interference of this golden dream——

Spring, winter, autumn.

The three volumes of breathing techniques practiced in reverse are unfolding one by one at this moment.

A hanging tree appeared above Gu Shen's head. He originally wanted to summon the "Dark Fire", but unfortunately, the "Dark Fire" did not have the miraculous effect Gu Shen expected in this merger.

Perhaps it is because the authority is too weak.

The jet-black flame was immediately extinguished as soon as it was summoned out of the golden dream.

"Pluto's power is too difficult to use..."

Gu Shen gritted his teeth and quickly stabilized his emotions. What he was now in contact with was only the outermost layer of the golden dream.

Even if you have to face the pressure left by the throne of God.

Also the weakest.

After nearly a thousand years, can't I bear even one ray?

He doesn't believe it!


There was a strong wind surging in the dream, carrying the rusty air of bronze. Gu Shen's mental power was highly concentrated, and the source of his body began to be consumed rapidly.

He knew that this was a confrontation with fantasy.

Gu Shen stared at the end of the golden dream and touched the "dream" left by the Lord of Love, just to get a glimpse of the truth back then!

In the strong wind, the dry bones on the throne seemed to come alive, and the dry bones were filled with golden splendor.

Divine power flows, muscles and bones are filled, flesh and blood is full.

It was just covered by layers of golden gauze, so Gu Shen couldn't see clearly...

"I want to see what secrets there are in this dream!"

Gu Shen gritted his teeth and stepped towards the throne of the Bronze Hall. The pressure on the spiritual sea increased instantly. Thousands of willow leaves dropped from the hanging trees and enveloped him. He forced himself forward carrying the remaining power of the golden dream's fire.

I saw a graceful figure shrouded in the golden gauze, pierced by a long sword.

What muscles and bones, what flesh and blood.

Under the initiation of the flame-extinguishing sword, it was all nothingness. The central line of the Withered Bone Heavenly Spirit Cap could not be repaired even in the dream. The central axis line was still made of pale and weathered bones, so that the flesh and blood filling the surrounding areas looked like nothing. It was extremely weird. Fortunately, it was covered by a golden gauze, otherwise it would have been an extremely horrifying scene.

"Whoever comes...please stop."

A light and ethereal voice sounded in the dream.

Gu Shen's eyes widened.

He didn't believe that after so many years, the Lord of Love still had some consciousness left.

This is impossible.

Therefore, he preferred that the voice in the dream at this moment was the fantasy in his heart, or the fixed words left by the Lord of Love when he was dying.

No matter how.

As soon as this ethereal voice came out, Gu Shen immediately stopped.

He wanted to find out, but he knew better that the coercion of this dream was so great. With his current strength, he was far from the stage where he could make mistakes at will.

The word "stop" was in a soft tone, and the other party should be trying to persuade her.

If he insists on moving forward, he may be directly knocked away.


Gu Shen forced himself to speak. He wanted to know whether this was the voice from his heart or a message that had long existed in his dreams, so he spoke to test it at this moment.

The golden Lord in the dream did not respond to Gu Shen, but asked himself.

"What year is it today?"

"It should be the year 647 of the New Calendar." Gu Shen thought for a moment and answered unskilledly.

After all, he had been locked under the sea of ​​ice for nearly six years.

"……should be?"

These words from the Lord of Love made Gu Shen unexpected.

The other party raised rhetorical questions in real time based on his own words.

He stared blankly at the golden figure on the throne. Under the winds, everything seemed so unreal.

This is by no means a rant left in a dream. can only be the response given by one's own heart.

The fire of the Lord of Love has been extinguished. It can't be the Lord of Love from thousands of years ago, right?

Gu Shen quickly regained his composure and realized a more important detail.

After answering his own question, the Lord of Love actually became curious about the word "should be" and did not ask himself what the "new calendar" was.

"...I don't keep track of time."

Gu Shen did not explain too much and simply said: "So I don't remember the specific days outside very clearly."


The figure on the golden throne smiled softly.

Although the wind was fierce and powerful, her voice was quite gentle: "There are very few people like you."

Gu Shen rubbed his eyebrows.

Every word of the Lord of Love is packed with information.

Without letting him think too much.


The Lord of Love asked word by word: "Are you here to draw the sword too?"

As soon as the word comes out.

Gu Shen stopped answering.

He stared at the withered bones seriously.

The withered bones on the throne were wrapped in golden gauze. Its body was dignified and elegant, but it was a pity that the heavenly spirit was penetrated. Even if it was in a dream, it still had some bloody and terrifying meaning.

After a long time, Gu Shen shook his head and bowed: "Sorry, senior... for disturbing me."

He backed away.

The Lord of Love was not in trouble.

This golden dream showed no resistance at all.

Step by step, Gu Shen walked out of the range of the golden gauze. The pressure gradually diminished and the sound of the wind gradually died down. Finally, he completely exited this dream and returned to the bronze hall.

"Brother Gu Shen, how are you?!"

Gu Xiaoman came over nervously.

Gu Shen's eyes were still fixed on the withered bones on the throne. After leaving the dream, the withered bones no longer moved, and the flesh and blood also disappeared...

The feeling of reality and dream being reversed is very uncomfortable.

Even if his spirit is strong enough now, it will still take some time to digest this perfect sense of inversion.

A few minutes later, Gu Shen let out a long breath.

Now he can distinguish between the real world and the imaginary dream world.

"It's okay...I'm not hurt."

He first comforted Gu Xiaoman who was worried about him, and then looked at Afu on the other side.

The little robot blinked in the air: "Gu Shen, what did you see?"


Gu Shen did not answer Afu.

He just looked Afu directly in the eyes.

Although this guy has no eyes, after looking at each other for a long time, the little cube subconsciously moved its body and placed it on a human body. It was afraid of looking at each other, which was a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

"...Brother Gu Shen?"

Gu Xiaoman felt that the atmosphere was a little solid. She was a little uneasy and subconsciously tugged at the corner of Gu Shen's clothes.

Gu Shen reached out and patted the little guy's head.

He asked the old question he had asked once: "Afu... I have a question that I want to ask again. After all these years, are you the only one with the initial number?"

"If you think of me as a 'human being'..."

Av's answer was exactly the same as before.

But this time, Gu Shen interrupted him.

"Let me ask another question."

Gu Shen said: "In the past few years, apart from me and Gu Xiaoman, has anyone else stepped into the Initial Number and entered this bronze hall?"


Av was silent.

"You know, AI is a creation that is approaching perfection, but the more perfect it is, the more flaws there are in places that are not noticed by people." Gu Shen reminded seriously: "You were born too early, and you haven't learned yet. Lying, as everyone knows...sometimes, silence itself is the answer."

"Let me answer it for you. Someone has already been to this bronze hall."

Gu Shen turned around and looked at the golden dream.

He said word by word: "If you want to know what I saw in the dream of the 'Lord of Love', you must tell me, who is that person? When did he come? Did you also give it to him?" What is the entry and exit authority of the initial number?"

Again, a long silence.

"Sorry, Mr. Gu Shen. I have no intention of being your enemy."

Afu's voice was low but very serious: "Due to the master's settings, I can't lie, so I can't hide some truths... But I firmly choose to remain silent about the other part of the truth. Because I promised him to keep it secret, I can't Breach of promise."

"Such a long time has passed, and now the Initial Ship has chosen to submerge. The next visitor is far away. It can be said that the possibility is close to zero."

Gu Shen asked coldly: "It doesn't matter if you choose to keep it secret and miss the opportunity to understand the content of the dream again?"

Av's answer remains the same.

"……It doesn't matter."

"All right."

Gu Shen suddenly put on a smile. He patted the little cube on the head and said with a smile: "It seems you were rejected last time. You are quite unlucky."

Afu: "???"

It hung in the air blankly, realizing that it had fallen into Gu Shen's language trap again.

Once again, I missed understanding the content of the dream.


It never knows what a dream is.

"Don't be too nervous, I just want to see what the underlying logic of your program looks like." Gu Shen smiled, and then suddenly asked: "Speaking of the high-ranking visitor, as long as you don't take the initiative to tell me, it doesn't matter. A leak, right?”


Afu flew back a short distance warily.

The humans who came to the Initial Number this time were no less cunning than the previous one.

"Gu, don't try to get anything out of me!"

Afu looked at Gu Shen who was pressing closer, his voice angry.

"calm down……"

Gu Shen slowly moved forward, straightened Afu's head, and forced each other to look at each other: "I'm just going to ask you a question. If you don't answer, I'll take it as a 'yes'..."


The red light in Afu's pupils flashed very frequently, indicating that he was very nervous.

Gu Shen smiled and said: "The last person who came to the initial number, his name... was he Alan Turing?"

(The third update is over, good night everyone.)

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