Barrier of Light

Chapter 944 Crushing (First update! Thank you to the leader who

This is a battle without suspense.

Two people, against two hundred people.

On the surface, the Kurosaki group has an absolute numerical advantage. In most "gang struggles" in Yinghai District, quantity means victory, but this is not the case in battles in the extraordinary world.

A humanoid creature appeared from behind Shen Li.

It was raining and dark, and the iron disciple's whole body was exuding an eerie cold light.

"Do we need two people?"

Shen Li said lightly: "I think one of me is enough."

Song Ci looked back at Gu Shen and grinned: "Tsk...why didn't the Dongze family's 'title' come? Xiao Gu, do you sometimes make miscalculations?"

Gu Shen smiled: "Don't worry, that guy can't escape."

Gu Shen returned to the small courtyard and pushed Higashi Sei out with a chair. The rooftop on the second floor of the small courtyard was an excellent place for viewing. It was raining lightly. Higashi Sei's mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth. He saw The dark crowd in the distance became agitated and couldn't help but want to make some noises, but in the end they could only squeeze out the sound of um, um.

The dark crowd finally stopped a hundred meters away from the small courtyard.

These people are extremely orderly, and their walking speed and frequency have been strictly trained.

At the front of the crowd, there was a figure who was not tall. He was wearing a black feather woven suit and a high ponytail. His face was sharp and angular, and there were two deep scars on his left eye.

The man looked at the lonely small courtyard, and did not underestimate the enemy. Instead, he waved his hand to signal the followers behind him not to move forward. More than a hundred extraordinary people just spread out and enveloped the entire small courtyard.

Higashi Sei stared at the man in the front, tears streaming from his eyes.

The latter's eyes calmly swept across the small courtyard, and when passing by the rooftop on the second floor... he trembled inadvertently, and soon returned to normal.

"The three of them are probably not from Yinghai. They may not know the situation here."

The man spoke calmly: "My name is Toze Takamasa, and I am the head of the Toze family in the Yinghai Sea... For five hundred years, the Toze family has been the leader of the Isakou Islands."

After saying these words, the small courtyard fell into silence with no one responding.

Shen Li frowned: "What is this guy talking about?"


Song Ci was silent for a while, then sighed: "Since I was young, I have been unwilling to deal with Yinghai people. This is how they talk."

Gu Shen moved a chair to the rooftop on the second floor and sat down, and said in a faint voice: "What Toze Takachosa probably means is... the Toze family is very powerful. You can understand 'ditou' as the five families. This is showing strength." .”

Shen Li sneered when he heard this.

"This shows that our plan was successful. This guy brought people here, and he doesn't know our details."

Gu Shen patted Higashi Sei on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It seems that this young master still has some gold content."

But the doubts in his heart were deeper.

The relationship between Higashi Sei and Higashi Takamasa is extraordinary. Since the head of the family values ​​Higashi Sei so much and is even willing to personally rescue people, why would the "transfer plan" be excluded? This is somewhat unreasonable.

"I hope everything tonight was just a misunderstanding."

Takashi Toze didn't get a response, and he wasn't angry. He stretched out his hand and waved.

The two guards behind him took out two large boxes and opened them.

Two large boxes full of green silver.

The production of mithril materials in the Keduchi Islands has always been very good.

For extraordinary people, money has lost its meaning...but green silver is still a very scarce and high-value resource, and it is a very good choice to forge weapons!

"Interesting, is this a bribe?"

Song Ci felt that this matter was getting more and more interesting and couldn't help but laugh: "But this guy is quite smart. If both boxes are opened and they contain money, let's see if I don't tear off his head and use it as a ball."

"This is not a bribe, this is still a show of strength."

Gu Shen's expression remained calm and said: "They were able to take out two large boxes of green silver so easily... Think about these people's weapons and bullets. If we don't agree to 'reconciliation', they will use 'green silver' to fight We are.”

There was silence in the small courtyard. Only Higashi Sei was whimpering excitedly.

"Everyone, do you really not even say a word?"

Takamasa Toze waved his hand to his subordinates to take the blue and silver box down, and asked the question sincerely for the last time.

Still no response.


The smile on Toze Takamasa's face gradually disappeared. He had never thought that the negotiation would be successful, but since the other party was so rude, he didn't mind letting these three foreigners try the Kurosaki group's methods.

[Profiling] The information obtained is that the two perpetrators in front of the small courtyard have at least level four strength.

Although the Toze family cannot compare with the big families, they can still handle two fourth-level families... without any problem.

"In that case, I wish you all good luck."

Takashi Toze spoke in a cold voice.

The Kurosaki group began to divide the camp, and the extraordinary people behind set up their guns.

Several laser beams lit up and were aimed at Gu Shen's eyebrows on the rooftop on the second floor.

The elder held an umbrella and backed away, and the dark crowd behind him began to charge.

The moment the crowd begins to charge.

Song Ci leaned against the wall and said boredly: "Shen Li, I'll leave this cheap victory to you."


Little Iron Man didn't mind the low technical content of this kind of task. He was a martial arts fanatic himself, and in his early years at Chunyuguan, he only did chores of fighting and sweeping the floor. There was no difference between fighting one hundred and two hundred people.


The iron-eaters rushed out.

The fourth-order realm is like a "nuclear weapon" in this kind of market fight.

The moment Shen Li took action.

Takashi Toze, who held an umbrella and retreated, immediately sensed something was wrong. He was quite capable and had already reached the fourth level of cultivation before he became the head of the family. However, his talent was limited and he had been stuck on the tenth level of the deep sea for so many years, unable to move forward... Leading the Toze family forward was exhausting. Without all his efforts, he would probably never be able to become the legendary titled transcendent like his grandfather in this life.

"This domain so powerful?!"

Takashi Toze turned around and saw figures flying out like being hit by a tornado. The sound of crackling iron sounds echoed densely and dullly in the suburban wilderness.

Shen Li is like a wolf among sheep.

His fists, palms, knees and elbows turned into weapons at this moment.

After five years of training, the iron-eating disciple has been controlled by him to an incomparable degree... Although he has not yet comprehended his own "second domain", his current combat power looks at the fourth level, and there are no opponents.

Objectively speaking.

Shen Li's combat power now is equivalent to that of "Fisher" and "Zhong Yuan" six years ago. He is definitely a strong man who can stand alone!

Indeed, he is now the famous "Fourth Judge" of Nagano, and he has perfectly taken over the mantle of his master.

Shen Li rushed half a hundred distance away and suddenly felt a killing intent.

There were two rays of cold light, hidden among the crowd, slicing through at extremely fast speeds——

clang! clang!

The power of all these slashes was extremely powerful. He stretched out his arms to block, and the [Iron Disciple] also immediately called back to him, barely resisting this cross slash!

There is a clean open space among the crowd.

A tall figure, wearing feather woven clothes and an evil ghost face, pointed the tip of a knife straight at Shen Li.

If you look carefully, you will find that this evil ghost mask is completely different from Gu Shen's "ghost veil". This is an "ancient wearing custom" in the Yinghai area. This kind of mask is called "Nengmian". It looks ferocious and has its own meaning. .

"My name..."

The extraordinary person standing with the knife just spoke.

A huge force came.

His words were interrupted instantly. Song Ci, who had been leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly opened his eyes, stepped out of the ground, and ran directly into the crowd. In an instant, he arrived at the location where Shen Li was at the moment. Kicked away, the fourth-level transcendent who was wearing the [Energy Face] had just uttered two words when he was knocked down by a horizontal kick. Then Song Ci slapped the fourth-level transcendent on the head and drove it into the ground.


This scene shocked everyone.

Including Takamasa Toze.

This fourth-level transcendent who wears the [Neng Neng] is the number one worshiper in the Toze family. It is said that after traveling across the five continents, he has cultivated his ability [Steel Cutting] to an extremely high level. He may still be able to do it in this life. There is a chance to touch the level of "banning"!

one move?

Just one move and he was defeated instantly? !


Shen Li said angrily: "You bastard! Didn't you agree to let me come?"

Song Ci said angrily: "It's already dawn after you finish the fight!"

The two cursed each other, but did not forget Gu Shen's instructions. They each rushed in one direction and charged into battle... The crowd was noisy again, but this time they did not swarm up, but fled in all directions!

In the face of overwhelming strength, no matter how many there are, it is meaningless.

Song Ci took action.

These people will know that this guy is most likely a "banned account"!

There were also dead soldiers who launched a final fierce attack, but those green and silver bullets that filled the sky were unable to hit Song Ci at all. When they hit Shen Li, they only made a crisp sound like crackling fried beans——

There was no suspense about this battle from the beginning.

Not to mention the 200 people brought by the Kurosaki group, even 2,000 people could not change the outcome.

"Song, you idiot, you scared Takashi Toze and he has already started running away!"

Among the crowd, the man in feather woven clothes quickly swept towards the deep forest.

Song Ci looked gloomy and snorted coldly.

"Leave these people to you."

Without saying a word, he gave up the pursuit of the remaining members of the Kurosaki group and headed straight for Takamasa Toze.

The scene of Toze Takamasa escaping was also witnessed by the rooftop on the second floor.

"Your father is very flexible."

Gu Shen pulled out the cloth strip at the mouth of Dongze Well and said calmly: "Do you want to go back to bring in reinforcements?"

There were tears in Higashi Sei's eyes and he looked resentful, gritting his teeth and staring at Gu Shen.

"I don't understand... Since Toze Takacho values ​​you so much, why didn't you bring that 'title'? The file says that he was your grandfather, the last head of the Toze family." Gu Shen said leisurely: "Yes. Is it inconvenient to act because you are too old? Or is it because you respect your elders and think these people can handle us? "


Higashi Sei didn't answer, but it wasn't important anymore.

For Gu Shen, this plan has been successful, all he needs to do is attract the unprepared Takashi Toze.

As for escaping.

Takamasa Toze cannot escape.

Even now, it is difficult for me to escape from Song Ci who is chasing him at full speed.

Gu Shen looked at the winding and rugged deep forest in the north of the small courtyard and said calmly: "Your father placed a 'green silver mortar' there in advance. This was a pretense of escape, and he was preparing to lure people over and launch a bombardment, right? "

Under the shroud of his spiritual power, there are no secrets for miles around.

Gu Shen had already seen through this little trick and didn't bother to point it out.

Higashi Sei's eyes were shocked: "???"

"It seems like it's an old routine in your family."

Gu Shen crossed his arms and said with a faint smile: "It's useless. There is only one result after this guy fires, and that is to be beaten up by Song Ci."

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

As soon as he finished speaking, extremely bright artillery fire burst out in the deep forest.

The silent night was disturbed by artillery fire.

It startled a group of sleeping crows.

(PS: First update! Thanks to the leader who "came to this world", an additional chapter will be added tonight, a total of four chapters! Please vote for the monthly ticket!)

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