Barrier of Light

Chapter 960 Land Lion (first update)

"If I don't want to, what should you do?"

The woman in the secret cell had a cold voice.

"You are a goddess, I can't do anything...but isn't there anyone in this world that you care about?"

Yao Jin smiled and said: "The Lord God is selecting the 'successor of the fire'. Xizhou has welcomed many guests in the past few days. I heard that the Gu family also sent a mission to Dongzhou."

The word "Gu family" came out.

Meng Xizhou's expression changed slightly.

The goddess who had been sitting quietly for many years had an evil intention lingering between her brows.

"Yao Jin, this is a matter between you and me...don't involve innocent people."

"What's the word?"

Yao Jin lowered his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I still have some self-awareness. Yao is so soft-spoken that he is not qualified to play chess with the young master of the Gu family, let alone involve him in the game. But there are some things that are beyond my control... You You haven’t contacted him for several years, right?”

After being trapped in the secret prison.

Rumors spread, but no one knew the truth.

But Gu Nanfeng must know... It is impossible for Meng Xizhou to have been serving the throne as rumored by the outside world. There is no news at all. He must have been imprisoned!

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore."

Yao Jin said gently: "As for the [Holy Book], don't be in a hurry. You can think about it slowly."

Leave all the way through the dark corridor.

Yao Jin's spirit reconnected with [Deep Sea], and he began to look through the files.

Xizhou has limited authority.

The temple can only retrieve part of the Dongze case file in Yinghai District.

This kind of case files involving a continent's secrets are often concealed by high-level officials... If the outside world wants to know the truth, they can only read official "reports".

But smart people know that.

Reports of this kind of thing are only half true. If you want to understand the answer, you need to go deep into the essence.

"On the day Higashi Shozo was executed, the Yuantei Island negotiations had just been completed."

"The Dongzhou Fleet is on its way back to Nagano..."

Yao Jin was thoughtful.

The leader of this fleet is Gu Nanfeng. The coastline blockade of Yuanting Island has been closed. No one knows the truth about what happened in the ice sea... but the truth at this time is no longer important.

There is a high probability that none of the thirty-five cloud ships dispatched by Guangming City and Source Tower will come back.

The response given by the combined fleet in Nagano, Central City, was that a sudden severe weather condition in the ice sea caused the fleet to get lost, and they did not know what happened.

This is ridiculous.

But no matter how absurd it is, Guangming City can only accept it... because they haven't received even a little bit of news or images. There is no news yet about the leader of the Xizhou Fleet, Yin Zhuo.

These are not what Yao Jin cares about, what he cares about is the time in this secret report.

The death time of Dongze Shozo will only be earlier than the official notification, not later than this, and at this time, Gu Nanfeng is still commanding the fleet.

Yao Jin guessed that a chess player in Dongzhou secretly planned the case file of [Snake God Faith].

In his mind, the most qualified person was Gu Nanfeng.

But the time doesn't match.

"Could it be... that he is really a 'shadow' like me, who has never appeared in the world's sight?"

Pushing the wheelchair out of the secret prison, Yao Jin squinted his eyes. The fierce sunlight from the outside world fell on him, making his bones warm. His face was very pale, as white as the robes of the Church of Light, and the breeze blew by. , Yao Jin let out a faint breath.

The two Holy Judges rushed to meet him.

"Lord Yao Jin, envoys from all continents have arrived. The Great Elder has ordered us to fulfill our duties as landlords... Some people need you to meet in person."

this matter.

Originally, Yuan Yang was in charge.

It's just that Yuan Yang has been thrown into the secret prison... so Yao Jin happens to do it for him.

Yao Jin looked at the sun at the zenith calmly, his eyes a little dazed.

Under this sun, how many shadows like myself are there, unable to see the light?

The Church of Light has cultivated countless sacrificers, dark sons, and shadows.

The lives of most of these people are short and tragic.

Those who can stand in the sunshine alive are the lucky ones.

"You just said that envoys from all continents are here. What about Dongzhou? Is Gu Nanfeng here?" Yao Jin came back to his senses and spoke in a low voice.

"There are missions in every district in Dongzhou."

A Holy Inquisitor hesitated for a moment and said, "Nagano... sent someone, but no one from the Gu family came."


Yao Jin sneered lightly.

Sunset in Xizhou, for such a big thing, will the Gu family send someone?

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, he will not believe it.

Due to the express provisions of the Five Continents, extraordinary people with titles above the rank of Transcontinental Travel need to apply to the Parliament in advance and must pass the approval before they can officially act. Otherwise, the consequences caused during the cross-continental mission will be fully responsible for the place where they belong.

Gu Nanfeng didn't show up because he didn't want to openly defy the law.

"Sir, there is something I need to tell you."

Another Holy Inquisitor whispered: "Many years ago, His Majesty the Divine Throne appointed an [Apostle] in another continent..."

The Holy Judge just spoke.

Yao Jin frowned and said, "Song Ci from Dadu?"

This matter is no longer a secret in the temple. Back then, with the help of Meng Xizhou, Gu Nanfeng sneaked into Guangming City, saw the Guangming Throne in person, and obtained an apostle's token.

The temple didn't understand it back then.

But later, Song Ci became completely famous in the first battle in Dadu!

For the temple, it is actually excellent news that a top [immortal] like Song Ci is willing to accept the light token.

So they sent the Holy Inquisitor to invite Song Ci to go west.

This request lasted for many years.

Yao Jin remembers very clearly that seven or eight years ago when he was just the guard of the secret prison, he heard the Holy Inquisitor's report to the temple... Several believers in the metropolitan area were beaten up by Song Ci. This was unprecedented in the history of Guangming City. Nothing like this has ever happened. Just accept the token and not return to Xizhou.

Beating believers shows no respect for the Light Church at all!

"Song Ci...what happened to him?"

Yao Jin rubbed his eyebrows and said, "If I remember correctly, didn't this guy hide in Qingzhong Cemetery?"

After Baizhu smelted Douzhan Tinder, Dongzhou became hardened.

Dou Zhan and the Queen joined forces and began to create a "confluence". Song Ci simply ignored the Church of Light and hid directly in the divine domain of the Dou Zhan Seat. There was nothing that Guangming City could do about this kind of hooliganism.

You can't start a war with Baizhu just because of an [Apostle], right?

"He's out."

The Holy Judge reported in a low voice: "Song Ci left Nagano a few days ago. The inspiration of the Dream of Light on [Apostle] gradually revived. His state of mind has been greatly improved in the Fighting God Realm, and he can now resist the 'Red Lake Dream' ' has arrived, but the temple can see his whereabouts in bits and pieces... In the past few days, he has been traveling westward, taking his time and pace. He was obviously heading for Guangming City, and he is now almost in front of the city. "


Yao Jin let out a breath of gloomy air and said gloomily: "This person is obviously here for the 'furnace fire'. This guy named Song is really good at opportunism!"

After taking the apostle's token and taking advantage, he hid in the Dou Zhan God's Domain and disappeared.

When the Lord here is about to choose a successor... he pops up again!

"There are many people in the temple who are dissatisfied with Song Ci. Several elders said they would take away his token coat of arms!"

The Holy Judge sighed softly and said, "Sir, how should we deal with this person?"

"The token was given by Lord God, how can the temple be qualified to take it back?"

Yao Jin shook his head. He calmed down and said slowly: "The Great Elder has left the 'reception' matter to me, so I won't bother other elders. You tell them not to act rashly... No matter what, Song Ci is the [Apostle] of Light." , since he came to Guangming City, he is a guest of the temple. Now he has arrived in the city? "

The Holy Inquisitor hesitated and said, "Yes...and he is clamoring to see you."

"see me?"

Yao Jin smiled faintly and said, "Take me to see him."

After a while, he arrived in front of the temple. Outside the courtyard wall, there were lush grass, the sun was shining, and a breeze was blowing.

"Are you the one in charge of the Temple of Light now?"

A very rude voice sounded.

Song Ci frowned and looked at the young man sitting in the wheelchair in front of him.

"The second elder has something to do temporarily. I will handle the trivial matters in the city on your behalf." Yao Jin looked at the two "young people" in front of him.

He knew Song Ci and had read the files countless times.

He practiced quiet practice in the Dou Zhan God Realm for six years.

This person's aura is completely reserved, and he must be even better than before.

He definitely has the ability to get a title, and it's a very strong one.

After taking a look, Yao Jin gave a rough evaluation in his mind. In fact, according to the laws of the continent, Song Ci needs to apply from the parliament if he wants to cross the continent... But after all, he still has an identity, the [Apostle] of the God of Light. , according to the law, he should have been extradited back to Guangming City long ago, so there was no problem with this meeting.

"Who are you?"

What really caught Yao Jin's attention was not Song Ci, but the young man standing next to Song Ci who looked almost as thin as himself.

"My surname is Lu, Lu Shi."

The young man smiled gently and read out a name that Yao Jin had never heard before.

The surname Lu is quite famous.

Most of the flowers were named Lu, Lu Nanzhi and Lu Nanjin, and they all had a close relationship with Song Ci.

But who is this land lion?

Yao Jin was a little confused. He had read the Wuzhou case files and had no impression of this person in his mind: "This guy's spiritual aura is really ordinary...either an ordinary spiritual extraordinary person with about third level strength, or His mental power is stronger than mine, reaching the level of being banned."

The thought flashed across my mind.

Yao Jin felt that the possibility of the latter was very low. In the entire five continents, there were probably only five people at such an age with stronger mental power than himself...

White sleeves, red dragon, Mu Wanqiu, Su Ye...

All he could think of were famous people.

This land lion doesn't look like it.

"Brother Song Ci, I have long admired your great name."

Yao Jin said calmly: "I heard that you have been reluctant to leave in the early years. No matter how much we begged you, you still refused to move... Why do you want to come back and take a look now?"

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