Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 112: "One" Tactics

   The 76ers' three-point rain in the last game is still fresh in the memory of the players of the Huoqian team!

   The fire base team began to be vigilant.

   "Watch Lee!"

   Yes, what the Huojian team does is to stare at Li Nan!

   In their opinion, the 76ers have a three-point threat, that is, Li Nan alone!

   The Rockets did not dare to empty the inside line, after all, Iverson's breakthrough was too sharp.


   Iverson shook Maloney step by step, and Olajuwon blocked in front of him, forming a pincer with Maloney.

   Sure enough, Iverson could only pass the ball to Coleman who was emptied.

   With no defense, Coleman's mentality is exceptionally stable.

  He has experienced too many such scenes.

   He knew that there must be many people in the stands watching his jokes, and many people despised his weakness and despised his timidity.

   But, he doesn't care.

  Li Nan said that the birth of a new style of play always has a process, and there is always someone to go ahead. And he Coleman is at the forefront! He is the pioneer of big three-pointers!

  Although Coleman knew that these were all coaxing him, he felt comfortable in his heart!

   "I just love to shoot three pointers, can you control it?"

   Coleman shot calmly, with a confident look on his face.

   Of course, not just this ball, he is so confident in every three-pointer.


   did not enter!

   Coleman has some regrets on his face, some annoyed, some, uh, can’t figure it out!

   "It shouldn't be, I am aiming well."

   But everyone in the Huoqian team was relieved, but more smiles.


   The 76ers' three-pointers are fake, bluffing!

   Barkley is even more prosperous, "It's our turn!"

   Huoqian's offensive rhythm is not fast and they play very steady, but their offensive power is really strong!

   The 76ers' defense can only be kept within the three-point line.

   This time, Barkley focused on Stackhouse. With another onslaught, Stackhouse directly retreated.

   Witherspoon, who can't stand it, doubled in the past.

   "It's you who are waiting!" Barkley's eyes were quick, and the ball passed directly from under Stackhouse's crotch to the hand of Drexler who was cut short.


   Drexler makes a nice dunk!

   "Rookie! Go home and practice again!"

   Stackhouse was beaten out of temper.

  I was still secretly gloating just now to watch Li Nan being bullied by Barkley. I didn't expect it would be my turn so soon.

   Too aggrieved.

   But, no way, that's the 76ers' lineup and style of play.

   Stackhouse actually wanted to hit Barkley a lot, out of anger. However, in the starting lineup, almost all the ball is in the hands of Iverson. Stackhouse has become a three-pointer.

   At this moment, Stackhouse misses the time he was on the bench.

   When Li Nan whispered something to Iverson when he saw the bottom line, Stackhouse was also very uncomfortable. But he was helpless.

   "Why didn't that guy get reimbursed for the season?"


  The game continues!

   On the field, Iverson was holding the ball near the center circle, his index pointing up to the sky.

   This is the "1" tactic of the 76ers!

   Li Nan and Stackhouse quickly sank to the bottom. The two of them were the most accurate baskets. They were ambushing outside the three-point line at the bottom corners on both sides.

   Coleman and Witherspoon are on standby 45 degrees outside the three-point line.

   The Firebase team was very cautious in defense. Coleman was released, Olajuwon was on the inside, and the others were man-to-man defense.

   In this way, Coleman's side becomes the best and most broken point.

   Coleman mention it, pick and roll outside the three-point line!

   Maloney was hung up, slowing down the pursuit speed.

   Olajuwon stared at the three-point line.

   "What should I do? If it is overtaken by him, my old face will be broken!"

   Some of the fans in the stands have stood up and played big. This is Iverson’s opportunity!

   Everyone thought Iverson would break through and eat Olajuwon alone!

   However, Iverson chose three points!

   Yes, three points!

   Iverson had made three-pointers in previous games, but he was more of a breakthrough and mid-range.

   Will this ball be scored?

   The answer is of course, yes!


   Iverson’s three-pointer hollowed into the basket!

   was just a three-pointer, the Huojian team didn't take it seriously.

   But when Iverson hit a three-pointer in the same position twice, Olajuwon finally pulled out!

   But when Olajuwon came out, Iverson immediately passed him with speed. One step passed, rushed in, an emergency stop jumper, easily hit!

  The score on the court became 27-26, and the 76ers went ahead by 1 point!

   There are 4 minutes left in the first quarter.

   beep beep!

   The low fire team called a timeout.

   Rudy Tomjanovich clearly remembered the last game, it was a profound lesson!

   holding the drawing board, he also began to arrange it.

   "They are a bullhorn tactic. The most threatening is Iverson. Look, we are like this..."

   In the commentary, Groom Albert gave an introduction with a smile.

"Wow! I looked at the previous game data, Allen's 9 games, 20 three-point shots, 11 goals! Based on the 55% shooting rate, Allen's three-pointer is actually not worse than Li! "

   "Unparalleled speed, sharp breakthrough, beautiful jumper, excellent pass, precise three-pointer, Iverson is so good!"

   The 76ers fans in front of the TV are also very excited.

   "Alan is really amazing!"

   "If he also shoots three-pointers, then nothing will matter."

   "Alan is really too comprehensive, absolutely omnipotent!"

   "I like Coach Davis's tactics, Allen's ability has been fully amplified!"


   The 20-second timeout came to an end But coach Rudy Tomjanovich is still explaining something.

   This is one of the unspoken rules of the NBA. The referee will only urge you, and will not do anything to you.

   When the Huojian team played, it was at least two minutes later.

   The Firebase team made adjustments, Olajuwon went off the field, replaced by the fast Osella Hannington, and led by Barkley and Drexler.

   The 76ers replaced Blanco and Mark Davis, and Coleman and Stackhouse went down.

   When the game went to the 76ers offensive round, the Huoqian team was difficult.

   Li Nan reached the 45-degree angle, Witherspoon reached the bottom corner, and Rudy Tomjanovich also frowned.

  Sure enough, Iverson and Li Nan played a pick-and-roll!

   Coach Rudy arranged a double-teaming tactic, but Li Nan was cheaper.


   Li Nan hit a three-pointer!

   Give Iverson an assist!


   The two clapped happily!

"nice shot!"

  On the field, Iverson smiled unusually.

   Iverson looked up at the data, 14 points, 6 assists and 3 rebounds, feeling happy!

   Sure enough, playing like this is really easy!

   Li Nan also gave a thumbs up, and he smiled happily.

   This is Harden's style of play for the Firebase team.

   Use Iverson to replace Harden, this game scene is really interesting.



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