Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 119: Duck egg, are you okay

   After New Year's Day in 1997, the results of the first round of the All-Star vote were released.

   "This, this is impossible!"

   When many people first saw the voting results, their first reaction was this.

   After all, the voting result is like this——


  1, Li Nan, 524083 votes!

  2, Michael Jordan, 402364 votes!

   3. Grant Hill, 351,623 votes!

   4. Scott Pippen, 322243 votes!

   5. Anfenni Hardaway, 307,481 votes!


   8. Allen Iverson, 282,316 votes!



   1. Charles Barkley, 352,514 votes!

  2, Sean Camp, 338491 votes!


   Many fans do not believe it. Although this is official data, no one wants to believe it is true.

   "Half million votes in the first round? How is this possible?"

   "Why? Why is Chinese Li the first place? This is unscientific!"

   "Impossible! This is absolutely false!"

   "Is this David Stern's conspiracy?"

   "Everyone, vote for Michael!"

   "No, I'm going to find Stern! If he doesn't give me an explanation, I won't let him go!"

   Many New York fans spontaneously went to the NBA headquarters building to ask for explanation.


   The Olympic Building stands on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

   From the outside, this dark gray high-rise building can easily be buried in the center of Manhattan with many skyscrapers.

   Walking into the building, the casual coffee bar, simple oil painting decorations, and security guards in dark blue uniforms are just like any office building.

   But in the hearts of basketball fans all over the world, 645 Fifth Avenue in New York is the Holy Land.

   Because this is the headquarters of the NBA, the heart of the NBA.

   A large office on the 15th floor of the Olympic Building. This is the office of NBA Commissioner David Stern.

Stern’s office is only about 25 square meters, with brown walnut walls, a brown office desk that can hold a meeting of 6 people, a brown leather sofa, and orange lights. The entire office is shrouded in warm colors. It is warm, and it is the color of basketball.

   The office is like a small NBA exhibition hall. The display table by the window is crowded with all kinds of NBA memorabilia, player photos, shaking head dolls, and small trophies of various shapes.

   In the office, David Stern is holding coffee, looking out the window, smiling.

This 54-year-old man who positioned himself as "first husband and father, then NBA president, lawyer, businessman, and finally NBA fan" is like the simple Olympic Building, but he has brought basketball fans all over the world. The most exciting enjoyment.

   "Button button!" A knock on the door sounded.

   "Go in!"

A western (ren) outfit (mu) pen (gou) is pretty (yang), wearing glasses, his hair is bald into a deep M shape, his face is pale, his eyes are sunken and his eyes are sunken, but his mouth is a guy with a brilliant smile. Came in.

   "Mr. President, there are many reporters outside who want to interview you. From their appearance, they are not kind."

   must have come for that.

   David Stern had foreseen this situation a long time ago.

   When the votes came out on the first day, David Stern was also taken aback. However, he was happy.

   It’s just that those people outside seem to have opinions.

   "Don't bother them. A group of short-sighted guys."

   Stern sat down and saw who hadn’t left yet, "Huh? Duck egg? Are you okay?"

   "President, I want to ask, why do you care about that market so much?"

   Stern threw the question back,

"Why not?"

Duck eggs-the joke is also bold and outspoken, "Daiyang is too poor and too backward, and their consumption level is too low. Instead of wasting energy to develop there, we might as well go to Europe for a bit more. Of course, we can also be in China Compete with the Super Bowl for the market."

   "hen~ the mouse is short-sighted!"

   David Stern sniffed, and stared at the duck-dan-joke.

"Duck balls, don't underestimate that market. There are 1.2 billion people there, which is more than the total population of developed countries. And the speed of development there is very fast. Although they are still behind, they don't need to be a few years away. It will catch up. The potential for the future there is very, very large. And I have invested in advance, do you understand?"

   "Yes, I understand." Duck Dan-joke bowed his head slightly, very humble. However, he was thinking of something else in his heart.

   However, Stern knew that this guy had his own ideas.

"Duck eggs, you should go out to the outside world more, don't stay at home all the time. Look, your hair has fallen so much." Stern stroked his dense hair, "Duck eggs, you have to follow I still learn a lot."


   The NBA official has never given any response, but the outside media has exploded.

   "China Li leans against a country!"

   "Lee may become the first international player ticket king!"

   "The NBA All-Star Game may reset voting rules."


   Li Nan kept a low profile for a while, but was accidentally placed on the front page headline.

   Some people are insinuating, some are envious, some are exaggerating, some are dismissive, some are starting to call on everyone to suppress Chinese fans, and some...

   Well, someone approached Li Nan directly.

   "Hello, Lee, I'm David Falk."

   Looking at the old white man in front of him, Li Nan was slightly surprised.

  Who is this David Falk?

  He is the agent of Jordan, Mourning, and Juwan Howard, and also the agent of Iverson.

   Falk has hundreds of NBA players.

   He is best at helping players sign some incredible fat contracts, and his trick is to create a free agent year.

   The super free agent market led by Jordan in the summer of 1996 was, to a certain extent, the work of this big boss.

Mourning and the Heat reached a seven-year contract of 105 million U.S. dollars, and Juwan Howard also reached a seven-year contract of 105 million U.S. dollars with the Washington This is the first billion-dollar contract in the NBA. They are inseparable from Falk.

   And Iverson’s top pick is also rumored to be related to Falk

   Everyone drafts first before signing an endorsement contract.

   However, Falk did the opposite.

   Before the draft, he helped Iverson sign a huge advertising contract with Reebok, which made Iverson famous and its influence greatly exceeded other rookies.

   With Falk's help, Iverson succeeded in becoming the No. 1 pick and signed a huge contract of $9.39 million for three years.

   In short, this is a big boss in the brokerage industry.

   But, why did he look for me? Want to sign me?

   Li Nan is not very clear.

   Sure enough, Falk quickly expressed his intention.

   "Lee, how about signing into my banner? Allen knows that I never treat myself wrongly."

   Iverson nodded on the side, which was tacit approval. However, he didn't speak, because he didn't want to participate in it and let Li Nan make his own decision.

   "But, I already have an agent." Li Nan expressed a little regret.

   It was Falk's negligence, but he didn't mind. There are no corners that have been dug up. He decided to dig up the agent with him.

   "Li, we can actually do this~"

  Falk did not finish speaking, the door was knocked.


   Li Nan's agent soon appeared in front of everyone.

   "Justin, why are you here?"



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