Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 127: The goal is invalid!

Li Nan didn't look back, but his instinct told him that Kobe is the one here!

"Want to cover me? Come on!"

Li Nan smiled.

If he doesn't dare to dunk because he is afraid of being blocked, then he will live for nothing in this life!

Of course, Li Nan also has the mind to compete with Kobe upright.

Li Nan's feet worked harder.

He rushed into the paint area on his side, and with his speed, Li Nan jumped up with all his strength.

The basket is closer, closer.

A dark shadow seemed to accompany him behind him.

Li Nan saw the most beautiful scenery on the basket, and also saw the lines of Kobe's palm. Without any hesitation, Li Nan smashed the ball in. Without any skill, he just smashed it hard!

The ball touched Kobe's hand, but did not change the impact line.


Fry the basket and dunk!

The fans in the stands shouted in exclamation.


"After three people in a row, and then dunks on Kobe, is this really Chinese Li? Isn't he a shooter?"

"Wow, Chinese Li's bounce is so scary!"

"Is that stuck in the air? Kobe has gone down, he is still in the air!"

"I'm starting to look forward to his dunk contest tomorrow."

Li Nan hung up the hanging basket, and the good air was really good.

As soon as he came down, Iverson rushed over and hit his chest fiercely.

"Wow! Lee, Unbelievable!"

Iverson stared at Li Nan in surprise, happier than he was honored.

Li Nan suddenly pointed to the backcourt.

Iverson saw that scene as soon as he turned his head.

Kobe single-handedly killed the past.

He wants to dunk!

He rushed forward irrespectively, even though the basket was 206 Antoine Walker, Kobe didn't mean to stop at all.

Walker was obviously not ready, he just raised his hands in a daze, watching the guy flying in front of him.


Kobe had a dunk behind Walker!


The audience at the scene did not know how many times it was "wow".

Both dunks were quite shocking. Tomorrow's dunk contest is even more exciting.

At this time, Kobe tugged his mouth, he walked with his own pride and confidence!

It is impossible to defeat him!

This is Kobe!

Seeing Kobe walking by, Li Nan also pushed Iverson.

"Alan, the one you missed."

Iverson squinted at him immediately!



This rookie game suddenly became different because of these two dunks.

Hand-to-hand combat!

Yes, more intense hand-to-hand combat has begun!

There is no one to stay in the court.

Each offense and defense became more exciting and tense.

This is the taste of the playoffs!

With 40 seconds left in the game, the score between the two sides was 88-90, and the East team led by 1 point!

At this time, the ball is in Fisher's hands.

In the low position, Kobe still entangled with Iverson.

Iverson is also a stubborn temper, and he doesn't change defenses at this time, just to carry it himself.

Feeling the thrust from Iverson’s hand, Kobe also disdains.

"You can't prevent me!"

"That's not necessarily~"

Iverson was cold. He learned defense from Cheeks. If I can't hate you, I can't interfere with you?


Of course Kobe knows Iverson's interference with shooting, after all, they have been facing up for twenty minutes today.

However, this time Kobe is full of confidence.

The more it gets to the end of the game, the more so he is.

With every shot, he felt so perfect.

At this position, Kobe has practiced countless turn-over jumpers in private. If you hit one, then hit someone else and say otherwise, Kobe is absolutely sure to hit the little guy Iverson.

As long as the ball is in hand, I can overtake the score!

Just the ball?

Fisher, are you passing?

The moment Kobe turned his head, the power behind him suddenly dropped.

Then, he saw Fisher lost the ball.

Well, to be precise, the ball was taken away.

Originally, Fisher wanted a lob to Kobe in the low position, but he was intercepted by Li Nan in the air and took a straight shot.

Fisher was also alert. He just lost the ball and immediately started to fight back on the spot.


Fisher slapped the ball hard, and Li Nan's hand was about to swell into pig feet.

However, this time he failed to cut the ball.

Li Nan's hands were like pliers, holding the ball tightly.

Fisher was secretly surprised. "This guy,"

But Li Nan passed the ball at this time, and then immediately abandoned Fisher and left.


Two guys in 76ers white jerseys suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

Just a simple pass, they passed all obstacles.

The commentator on the scene also stood up and shouted, "showtime!"

Then, everyone saw that the Philadelphia Gemini rushed into the paint one after another, Li Nan hit the ball on the backboard.

Iverson followed and jumped up like a spring.

Slam dunk with both hands!



This dunk is still very pleasing. Although not as fierce as the previous two, the audience still responded with warm applause.

Li Nan also reached out,

"Good buckle."


"Of course!" Iverson was somewhat narcissistic.

When those two guys were gay, they gave high fives angrily, but someone on the side rushed again

"Damn, come again!"

Kobe! Yes, it's Kobe again!

After all, Li Nan couldn't catch up with the start earlier, they could only rely on Camby, who hadn't walked through, to guard.

However, just as Kobe was preparing for the action just after halftime, the referee on the sidelines blew the whistle.


time out!

Timeout from the head coach Danny Angie!

There was nothing wrong with calling a timeout at this time, and the bid was very timely. However, there was a curse from the stands.

"Speechless, why does the NBA have such a trash coach?"

"Idiot, Danny Angie is an idiot! No wonder the Suns' record is so rubbish."

"If he doesn't call a timeout, Kobe will count this three-pointer."

Yes, Kobe just made a long-distance attack and made an unreasonable three-pointer.

The ball was scored, but the referee's whistle rang.

The goal is invalid!

Kobe is still trying hard, he doesn't want his efforts to be wasted because of a fool.

"Referee, this is definitely my first move... I don't believe it! I want to watch the video replay!"

However, the referee was very sure that he was not mistaken, and Kobe shot after blowing the whistle.

Kobe shook his head, spread his hands, and stood quietly for a while, then he felt helpless, UU reading www.uukanshu. com walked out in frustration.

Angie patted Kobe on the shoulder, apologetic, and even said aloud, "Sorry! Kobe, this is my fault!"

However, English is English, and there is no such thing as our "sorry".

Kobe's eyes were a little cold, and he remained silent.

Angie didn't care about that much either, picked up the drawing board and started to lay out tactics. This is a tactic designed for Kobe.

"There are still 22 seconds left, this ball, let's play like this..."

The other side.

Li Nan and Iverson were relieved.


The two couldn't help but look at each other, both of them rejoicing.

That guy is really not relaxing for a moment. </div>

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