Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 136: 3 points is 1 faith


The man in the suit in the corner of the stand accidentally choked again and spit out a sip of beer.

"I can't get the champions I got. Isn't this Cole bad luck?"

Just as the man in the suit was muttering something, a thick arm stretched out.

"You sprayed me all over?"

Seeing the muscular man with various evil beast tattoos in front of him, the man in the suit didn't panic at all, "Hey, what are you doing? Do you know who I am? I am, oops~oops~"


At this time, the stadium was emptied, Li Nan was in the middle, hostess Berry smiled, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

"Lee, do you have anything to say about winning this three-point shooting championship?"

Li Nan took the microphone and thought about it quietly, then said:

"I like three-pointers!

Yes, I like three-pointers very much.

Since I started playing basketball, I like three-pointers.

Three-pointers are very important to me. It is a weapon to strike at opponents, it is a powerful soldier to siege the city, and it is my desire for victory.

Three points is a belief!

I may not have a strong body, but I can shoot three points!

I may not be tall, but I can shoot three pointers!

I may not have great skills, but I can shoot three points!

In short, I love three-pointers! "

After Li Nan finished speaking, the scene suddenly fell silent.

"Hey~ don't do this? Give some reaction?" Li Nan also felt bad in his heart, "This is written by those guys, not my intention, really!"


At this moment, without knowing who took the lead, applause suddenly came.


Of course, there were a lot of messy whistles inside. Not everyone likes three-pointers that much.

Some people like great dunks, some like tough confrontations, some like brilliant skills...

Turnip greens are difficult to adjust.

The host, Berry, doesn’t want to say any more.

"We congratulate Lee on winning the 1997 All-Star three-point contest!"

When Li Nan raised the three-pointer trophy with one hand, his other hand raised his index finger.



This is Li Nan's first championship trophy in the NBA!


Charlotte City.


After hearing what Li Nan said on TV, Dell patted his hands heavily.

"What this Chinese Li said is too appetizing for me! How good is three-pointer? Just throw three points. This is the simplest and most effective tactic."

It didn't take long for Dell to be disturbed.


When seeing the eldest son's eyes, Dell was a little embarrassed and some wanted to escape.

"What are you doing?"

"Dad, I decided, I just followed Li to shoot like this." With that said, Stephen also made gestures to elementary school students to shoot. "With this force, I can definitely make many long three-pointers."

Dell told the truth, "But it's not pretty. When you grow up, people will laugh at you as a primary school student."

"But I'm a primary school student now!" Stephen blinked.

Yes, he is still a primary school student, so he can't make a standard shot.

For persuasion or something, Dell can only give up.

"Oh~ forget it, let's talk about it when you grow up. Anyway, you are only 9 years old, and there will be time for correction in the future."

Stephen didn't listen so much anymore, he had already ran out to play, and didn't even watch the dunk contest later.


In the live commentary, Reggie Miller suddenly jumped out.

"What Lee said is really good! Really, what he said is right, and I can't agree with it anymore.

Three-pointers are a strategic weapon. Not only does it score 50% more points than inside shots, but it also expands the defensive area and opens up the gap in inside shots. Accurate three-point shooting technique is a key factor in determining the outcome of the game.

At a critical moment, a three-pointer is a championship! No one can ignore the three-pointer!

Three-pointers are the best weapon, we should shoot more three-pointers!

Just like the 76ers.

The configuration of the 76ers is actually not very good. They can win so many games, in large part because of their three-pointers.

Of course, my words may not be good for the 76ers, but what I said is the truth. "

Miller does not have the superhuman physical quality of many NBA stars. He is 2.01 meters tall and weighs less than 90 kilograms, making him once considered impossible to make a difference in the NBA.

However, Miller has conquered strong opponents one after another with his precise three-pointers and repeated lore, and also conquered the hearts of countless fans. His classic "Miller Moment" is even more unforgettable.

His teammates and Indiana fans love him, but many of his opponents hate him.

Reggie Miller did not like the Chinese, but today he agrees with the Chinese very much. He also took the opportunity to add this wave to fuel the flames.

But Bill Walton and Matt Gokas wisely chose to stay out of the matter.

They don't have so many ideas about what is not three points. Saying at this time will only make more mistakes. Let others talk about it.

In this case, the old groom has to get along with the mud.

"The three-pointer is indeed a very good offensive weapon. In 1994, the league narrowed the three-point line to be in line with international standards. We should really pay attention to the use of three-pointers. But we still have to be rational. In the team Without a good three-point shooter, the team still carefully considers this style of play."

After the muddy mud, the old groom also changed the subject very very bluntly.

"Okay, dear viewers, the three-point game is over, and the next is the wonderful dunk contest. The league has already said that this is the last dunk contest..."

The old groom said briefly, and then looked at the other three people.

"For this dunk champion, three, should we also guess?"

The old groom smiled all over his face, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Not because of the gambling and the meal, but because of the ratings of the dunk contest.

The three-point contest just now was really exciting, but for the next slam dunk contest, many viewers have no expectations.

In the dunk contest these years, no big names are willing to participate, and dunks are even more mediocre, and the ratings are deteriorating.

The TV stations and the NBA guys also asked the groom to do something.

What can the groom do?

Dunk is indeed very exciting, but it is all newcomers, and even Asian players, how can this mobilize everyone's enthusiasm?

Make bricks without straw.

In order to make the game a bit of a conversation and slacken the fans' appetite, the old groom had no choice but to act accordingly.

With the previous defeat, those three guys really got the bait easily.

"Yes, you can, but it's $1,000 this time!" Miller is a money fan.

$1,000 is not more than that said less is not a lot, anyway, it is more than that meal!


Wharton and Gokas also agreed. If you lose, you will win back. This is a gambler.

Matt Gokas is the first one again. "This time I choose Kobe! He dunked Walker yesterday. That ball is really cool!"

Reggie Miller: "I chose Darwin Hamm. This is a profitable dunk. He dunked a rebound in college. His dunk is definitely not bad."

Bill Walton chose, "Michael Finley, he is good, I also heard he has a lot of creativity. This time he might win the championship."

The old groom was helpless and chose at will: "Okay, then I'll choose Li, it's almost the same anyway."

Seeing the old groom's grievance that "I have lost", the three guys also laughed.

Hahahaha~ You can finally win this time, right?

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