Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 167: Prepare for war

The 76ers quickly confirmed their 12-man squad for the playoffs:

Iverson, Stackhouse, Li Nan, Witherpoins, Coleman, Nash, Scott Williams, Doug Overton, Mark Davis, Don Macron, Mark Blanco, Frank King.

Although Iverson still has injuries, he still appeared in it.

And Lucios Harris, Michael Cage, and Mark Hendrickson were excluded.

Next, the 76ers have 4 days of rest.

At the beginning, everyone was very excited, but the next day everything went flat. Because this playoff is destined to be a round trip, after all, the opponent is the Chicago Bulls!

This season, the 76ers played against the Bulls, 1-3, with a winning rate of 25%. The winning game was due to Li Nan's lore. The other three games were all caught and beaten by the Bulls.

Everyone knows that they will lose, and their mentality is very relaxed, without any burden.


During training, everyone found that Davis looked at his eyes differently, which made people very scared.

"This guy wants to find something wrong to punish me, right?"

Everyone was cautious.

However, Davis really just looked at it that way, and didn't want what.

Davis was actually very pleased. Looking at these guys' changes over the past year, thinking that he made the playoffs in his first season as a head coach, he was even more satisfied.

It's just that Davis also smiled when seeing these guys training seriously.

"I can be considered a bit prestigious, haha, yes, yes! I have also improved."

What he didn't know was that everyone was afraid of being taken into the office to preach.

That preaching is really annoying, and no one wants to run into it a second time. That's a punishment even more uncomfortable than a free run.

The training soon came to an end.

"Come on, take a shot!"

On the court, the 76ers' players began their team shooting games, which is the last item of team training every day. It has been the 76ers' team tradition that has continued for a season.

Today everyone is comparing free throws.

Free throws can be said to be a basic skill that the 76ers attach great importance to. In the case of such exhaustion in training, can maintain a high shooting rate, that is the top player.

There are 3 groups of each person in the free throw game in turn, with 10 in each group.

Among those who have completed so far, the best score is Steve Nash.

27 in 30, 90% hit rate, quite scary.

In the regular season, Nash shot 82.3%.

Nash's passing is outstanding in the team, and his shooting is also top-notch in the team.

Nash's three-pointers are also very accurate, shooting 44%. Although I didn't cast much, it was definitely a hit. In the 76ers, he is a reliable point.

The current second place is actually Frank King, with a 26-for-30 shooting rate of 86.7%, which is very good.

When Frank King first joined the 76ers, his free throw percentage was just over 60%. However, this season, Frank King worked very hard, and his various abilities have made great progress. In the regular season, his free throw shooting rate also reached 80%, and his basic skills are quite good.

Third place is Frank King’s good friend, Mark Blanco! 25 out of 30, 83.3% hit rate.

These three people may not be as talented as others, but they are definitely the hardest.

In every training, Nash followed Li Nan and arrived first. Frank King and Blanco were a bit slower and came the next morning. The four who left the training at the latest.

Frank King and Blanco were also selected to the playoff roster with their own efforts. In their own words, that is Guangzong Yaozu.

Stackhouse is next.

Stackhouse really had a very unhappy season.

At the beginning of the season, he actually had to compete with an 18-year-old guy for the starting position. Moreover, this kid slowly became stronger and stronger, already posing a huge threat to Stackhouse.

Stackhouse actually wanted to leave long ago. However, he was very unwilling to leave like this. He tried every means to make himself stronger, just to prove himself.

Stackhouse was also completely involved in today's free throw game.


This is the same good result as Nash, tied for first place.

However, Stackhouse shook his head.


Can not be done. Less than that guy. That guy can make at least 28!

Stackhouse walked away in silence, and began to practice. A little arrogant.

Of course others knew that Stackhouse was comparing Li Nan, no one said much, just thought about it silently.

"Jerry is already very good."

"Why compare with him? That's a pervert!"

"Jerry got into the horns and couldn't get out."


Coleman played.

Although the number of losses has increased, Coleman is still very interested today.

Moreover, he seems confident today. He challenged Li Nan, who hadn't made the top three in the team.

"Lee, shall we compare? Those who lose will ask everyone to eat pizza."


Li Nan hadn't spoken yet, but the others started to lively.

Li Nan was also doing the action of rolling up his sleeves.

"Yes, come on."

Li Nan was about to do it, and Coleman quickly grabbed it.

"Wait, you can't free throws, it's not fair to me."

Li Nan knew it was not that simple. "Huh? What do you want?"

Coleman should speak out. "Of course you took the three-pointer, I made a free throw."


Everyone was amused by his "humor."

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Li Nan actually agreed.

"Well, yes. I'll try it."

Coleman grinned, "Hahaha, today I am finally not the last one."

The whole team watched the game of the last two guys.

Coleman took the lead in the three groups, 21 of 30, 70% shooting, a normal level.

When Li Nan arrived, everyone laughed.

"Lee, come on! I'm waiting to eat your pizza."

"Li, I want to eat Super Supreme Zhixin I?"

"Li, I eat cheap raspberry and arugula ham pizza, but I want to eat 10, hehehe."

Li Nan looked at the ugly faces of those guys, and also rolled his eyes. Do you just think I lost?

"For the pizza, I won't lose!"


Seeing Li Nan's high spirits, everyone was also happy, Coleman smiled happily.

In the regular season, Coleman's free throw percentage was not low, about 75%. Li Nan's three-pointer game is 48.2%, which is very scary.

However, three-pointers can't be compared with free throws. Everyone felt that Li Nan was defeated.

Bang bang bang!

Li Nan took a few shots and his three-pointer was coming.

Coleman took the opportunity to say another sentence.

"Lee, why don't you go forward a bit, three points are too far."

"no need!"

Everyone was watching the show with a smile at first, but when Li Nan scored 5 of 7 goals, everyone stopped laughing.

When Li Nan scored 14 in the top 20, Coleman felt that something was not right, so he quickly grabbed Li Nan's broken drum.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Li, you have to change one."

"Change it? Change what?" Li Nan was also a little speechless.

"I allowed you to free throws, but ~ ~ you have to close your eyes."

As soon as Coleman said this, the others burst into laughter.


"Derek, you are too shameless."

"Aren't you just like shamelessly?"

Everyone condemned Coleman, but Li Nan didn't care.

"Close your eyes? Let me try."

6 out of 10!

"Yeah!" Coleman took Li Nan and ran, "Walk around, today Li treats guests, and pizza starts!"

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