Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 171: Star making

In an office on the 15th floor of the Olympic Building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

President David Stern began to test and teach assistants again.

"Duck eggs, what do you think of this?"

Duck Dan-Joke is also thought about.

Stern has taken great care of Jordan. Now that the league has "three-point team defeating the Bulls" situation, Stern definitely doesn't want to continue to see it?

So, the duck egg-joke said:

"President, I think the three-point line is still too close. 6.7 meters is too easy for NBA players. It is better for us to restore the original 7.25 meters!"

Stern was noncommittal about what the duck egg said, but instead asked: "Then what do you think of these games today?"

Today is the second game day of the first round of the NBA playoffs, with a total of 4 games.

Pistons 89-85 Eagles,

76ers 140-112 Bulls,

Trail Blazers 77-95 Lakers,

The Sun 106-101 is supersonic.

What do you think?

Duck Dan-Joke also helped his glasses and started to think.

In these four games, the teams won by young people.

In connection with the previous story of Stern’s creation of the star Jordan, he finally has his own answer.

"President, I think it's time to start training new people."

Stern looked at the duck egg with approval, "Then tell me, who is suitable?"

Grant Hill was deliberately cultivated by the league before, but the newcomers that emerged this year seem not bad.

Duck Dan-Joke also quickly gave his choice. He wrote four names on the paper.

Hill! O'Neill! Li Nan! Iverson!

Stern was a little surprised, "Huh? It turned out to be him? Didn't you always like it over there?"

Duck Dan is very frank, "If you don't like it, you don't like it, but I think Mr. President, what you said is right. That is a very potential market. We can use him to open up a new situation in the NBA."

"Hen~you are very honest," Stern smiled, then he picked up his pen.

Click, click, click!

In the end only one remained.

"This..." The duck egg was a little puzzled.

Stern said quietly, "It's still early."


April 27th, Chicago United Center Arena.

As soon as he got out of the car, Michael Jordan was surrounded by guns and guns.

"Michael, losing the first game will affect the team?"

"Michael, will you make any adjustments today?"

"Michael, do you think the three-point tactic can really restrain the Bulls?"

Jordan did not answer a question, but chose to solve the problem on the court, and then let everyone shut up.


35 points!

The bull is retaliating completely!

The fourth quarter is obviously garbage time, the 76ers have already replaced the full bench, but the Bulls still do not replace the main force, just want to fight to death. The 76ers' benches doubted life.

After the game, the 76ers certainly complained.

Head coach Davis said in an interview: "It's a pity to lose, but what makes me even more regretful is the demeanor of the Bulls!"

Bulls head coach Phil Jackson said, “It’s not like that. We didn’t mean to target each other. We all know that the 76ers’ three-pointers are terrible. Without ensuring the absolute safety of the team, we Don't dare to care."

At that time they had won two or thirty minutes, and they were still so hypocritical.

Davis was also annoyed.


The 76ers walked into the arena with ease when they came, but when they left, their faces were unhappy, and some even had frustrations on their faces.

In Chicago in the middle of the night, there was a lot of wind blowing, and it was a bit cold, the kind of cold that blows through the clothes, as if it can penetrate people's hearts.

The 76ers left the United Center Arena in a bus and left the streets of Chicago. There was no more happy singing of howling ghosts and wolves when they came.

Although I thought I would lose, but who didn't expect to lose so thoroughly.

The Chicago Bulls taught the young 76ers a lesson, a real lesson. ————The defending champion is inviolable!

The ultimate offense, suffocating defense, the team seems to be integrated and unbreakable.

On the bus, everyone was very depressed. They didn't have the leisurely time when they came.

No one likes to lose unless he is Shabi.

Li Nan sat at the back of the bus, sighing in his chest.

But, how do you make this tone?


The 76ers' three-point shooting team is really only suitable for drifting in the regular season, playing the playoffs is really difficult.

How to do?

At this moment, Li Nan suddenly thought of Iverson...


The next afternoon, Philadelphia, Wachovia Center Arena.

Bang bang bang!

The 76ers' players are all training seriously. Yesterday's defeat made everyone feel grieved, and everyone was a little angry.

At this time, a few strangers suddenly came on the Beep Beep! ! !

The training came to an abrupt end, and the team members quickly gathered.

Seeing the people, the head coach Davis greeted them enthusiastically.

However, in the team, there were people hiding in hiding, their eyes flickering.

Davis was also very happy to introduce to everyone at this time:

"Everyone, let me introduce, this is Mr. Jim Burheim, head coach of the Oranges of Syracuse University!"


The 76ers seem to know old Jim, and the applause was a bit warm. It's just that Jim Burheim's ferocious eyes are really scary.

Old Jim pressed his hands down, and the applause stopped.

"Ahem, thank you for your applause, but I don't need it. I came to you today because of Li. Li, helped me before. This time, he asked me to come over and have a look, then I will come."

Li Nan below is also pouting, the ghost asks you to come? Obviously you came by yourself, and I'm still in the dark.

Old Jim saw Li Nan's expression, but he didn't care at all. "I'm here this time to teach you something about defense. I hope you can use it then."

Speaking of which, old Jim also looked at the one of the 76ers.


Coleman moved out slowly, scratched his head uneasily, smiled stupidly, "Coach, why are you here?"

The players also watched the excitement one by one.

"Is this Derek? How do you feel like a charming little girl?"

"The mouse saw the cat? Hahaha, I finally saw someone who can make Derek submissive."

"Don't you know? Derek graduated from Syracuse University. He is also a disciple of Old Jim."

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