Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 244: Next time it's still mine

On the sidelines, the coaches on both sides are doing the final arrangement.

Del Harris, with silver hair, also heard the shouts at the scene.

"Fuck that Li? Are they going to choose three points and bet it all?"

If you play overtime, the fans may be happy, but the players on both sides are not very happy.

Many teams will have games tomorrow. If there is something wrong in the end, it would be bad.

In the end, Harris chose to be cautious.

"Look at it, look at it all."

Holding the drawing board, Harris began to write and draw, "They must handle this ball for Michael. Carl, you are on the inside to prevent them from stealing points. Gary, you stare at Michael. As long as you enter the three-point line, you will double-team him. Everyone else is staring at each other...Don’t foul, remember, don’t foul..."

Defense is like this, you have to think about everything. Even if a point is missed, it is likely to be fatal.

On the other hand, Larry Bird also has his own plans.

"Three points! I need a three point!"

Larry Bird looked at the people in front of him,

"This game will let it end here. Let's not waste any more effort."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Larry Bird just started arranging tactics, "Give this ball to Michael first..."


A short 30-second pause, it feels like a long time has passed.

The people at the scene are all looking forward to it.

It's just that it's been a long time since I started.

In the stands, the excited Diana also helped Larry Bird arrange the tactics, "Larry Bird directly arranged for Lee to shoot three points for this ball, it will definitely be a lore!"

Zhao Mingming also nodded with approval, "That's right, just design it directly to Li. Why bother to discuss it for so long?"

Wang Dazhi in the front row shook his head: Xiao Li, you really have many fans.


Beep beep! ! !

The referee's whistle kept blowing, and it took a long time to call out the people on both sides.

Eastern forces: Jordan, Reggie Miller, Glen Rice, Li Nan, Rick Schmitz,

Western troops: Payton, Kobe, Eddie Jones, Garnett, Malone,

Li Nan sent a sideline ball, and the other four members of the Eastern Army gathered together, and Schmitz stood up.

Malone stared at Schmitz, Payton stared at Jordan, Eddie Jones stared at Miller, and Kobe stared at Glen Rice.

Garnett covered the server on the sidelines.

This server is Li Nan.

Seeing this arrangement, some people also have opinions.

"That old man is so disgusting that he arranged for Li to serve!"

"Exactly! Will he be a coach?"

"There are 10 seconds left. Larry Bird may have any tactics."

More people held their breath and stared at the court.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

On the court, all ten players looked serious, and no one spoke.

Beep, a whistle!

The three members of the Eastern Army rushed out using Schmitz's cover.

Garnett danced and danced with his hands, but it was useless at all.

Li Nan handed the ball safely to Jordan's hands.

After getting the ball, Jordan once again used Schmitz's screen to get out of position and shoot directly out of the three-point line!

In fact, all three of Li Nan had a chance at this time, and they all had a better chance than Jordan's.

However, Jordan did not pass the ball in accordance with Larry Bird's arrangement! At the critical moment, he only believed in himself!

Three points! He shot decisively.



The basketball knocked heavily on the front of the basket, with a long rebound, and it bounced directly out, and it fell into Schmitz's hands.

Without thinking, Schmitz slammed the ball and passed it to Li Nan who was outside the three-point line.

However, Li Nan's chances after getting the ball are not good.

Garnett posted it as soon as he received the ball.

Facing Garnett, a defensive titan with a tall and long arm, Li Nan's shooting angle was almost covered.

At this time, someone was helping to shout the time, "4, 3,..."

Time is running out, Miller and the others stopped and stopped moving. This was the last blow.

Win or lose in one fell swoop!

The whole audience was staring at Li Nan, staring at the duel between Li Nan and Garnett.

"What will Lee do?"

At this time, everyone saw Li Nan holding the ball above his head.

"Is this still looking for someone to pass the ball? But, time is too late."

Garnett approached intently, covering Li Nan with his hands high, "I won't let you cast it!"

At this time, the fans in the stands shouted, "2!"

After a while, Li Nan bounced to the ground suddenly, without any warning.

Garnett reacted slowly, but he quickly jumped up and blocked.

"Want to fight in front of me? No way!"

However, Garnett was half a beat slow after all. Moreover, Garnett found that the guy in front of him jumped so high, his arms turned out to be so straight, and his shot point was incredibly high.

"I can't touch it!"

Wrists shook, finger roots sent away, fingertips said goodbye to basketball.

The ball flew to the basket with a spin.

Garnett could only watch.

The light was on when the ball was flying in the air.


time up!


Goal in!




"Li! Li! Li!"

Madison Square Garden Arena instantly went crazy!

On the field.

Li Nan looked calm, gestured a pistol with his right hand, and blew "fu~".

Then, in an instant he was surrounded by a bunch of "unfamiliar" teammates, touching and yelling.

"Yeah! Good shot!!"

"Wow! Lee! You are so awesome!"

"This ball is a bit powerful!"

Larry Bird stood on the sidelines and smiled and applauded, with the kindness of an old man on his face.

People from the Western Army watched quietly.

O'Neal sat on the bench with his mouth slightly open, Duncan's eyes on the side were round, black and white, Kobe on the court shook his head...

Garnett was stunned, looking at the basket, a little lonely...


David Stern soon appeared at the awards ceremony.

"This is a wonderful All-Star game. The players on both sides have played extremely high standards, let us all feast our eyes..."

After talking for a minute, David Stern didn’t Okay, next we will present the MVP award for this game. He is Michael who has 36 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists. -Jordan! "


There was a lot of cheers, but it was mixed with a few "different opinions".

Seeing Li Nan's disappointed eyes, Jordan also patted his shoulder.

"Old guy, I'll leave it to you this time."

"Little guy, it's still mine next time!"

"Not always!"

"Hen~ then just wait and see."

Jordan turned and walked out, holding the trophy high under the attention of the audience.

At this time, the scene shouted uniformly: "MVP! MVP! MVP!"

Li Nan watched silently from behind...

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