Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 291: Hawaii

In the World Championships, the US team only finished fifth.

They not only lost to Lithuania in the group stage and Spain, but also lost to the Chinese team in the knockout stage.

The fans in the United States are frying.

"Fifth place! We are one grade ahead of the world, and we only got fifth place!"

"My God! We can't even beat the Chinese team!"

"What kind of **** game! A bunch of rubbish!"

The US Basketball Association also came forward quickly.

"The NBA is suspended, star players are on strike, and a big-name player is reluctant to participate. We are also very helpless."

This is throwing the pot to the NBA.

The public also criticized the NBA.

"The NBA is too unaccountable, too unaccountable!"

"Those NBA stars take so much money, but they don't contribute to the country. They really have no sense of national honor at all."

"Boycott the NBA! We don't watch NBA games! We move to the NFL!"

Disturbances one after another, all up and down...

Soon, David Stern also stood up and spoke on behalf of the NBA League: "The strike is a decision of the players union. The league supports NBA players in the national team and supports them to play for the country."

The NBA player representative and Chairman of the Players Union Ewing also responded quickly: "We are happy to contribute to the national team. However, we will not give up the pursuit of our own rights and interests. If we do not increase our salary, we will not play the game. !"

The topic slowly returned to the NBA suspension, back to the conflict of interests.

NBA labor and management fight against each other in the air and continue to argue...

On September 24, the NBA officially announced the cancellation of the 24 pre-season warm-up games and rookie training camp in the 98-99 season.

The leaders of the players' union gathered in Las Vegas to continue the strike and continue to boycott! "We will not compromise!"

Afterwards, the two sides made trouble in the court about whether the team needed to pay the players or not during the closure.

It’s just that this sentence will take some time...


The sky fell with a high against.

The NBA's labor disputes are also being dealt with by the people above, but now most of the players are leisurely vacationing.

Hawaii is a great place for vacation.

The golden sandy beach is spread flat and flat into the depths of the waves under the embellishment of pineapple and palm trees, and the mellow fragrance of wine and melodious music wafted under the colorful umbrellas scattered on the shore.

There is no word "romantic" in Hawaiian, but the romantic style has been integrated into every corner of Hawaii.

Smoking cigars, watching the waves, eating seafood, drinking red wine, this is the summer life of many NBA stars.


In a large villa, women and children were playing happily, while men gathered on the basketball court to play a bullfighting game.


On the court, Tracy McGrady is facing his cousin Vince Carter with the ball.

McGrady looked at Carter provocatively, "Vince, you are not my opponent, hurry up on you!"

Carter didn't care, "Cut~ Since childhood, when did you not get beaten up by me?"

"Nonsense!" McGrady disagrees at all.

Carter exemplified: "When you were six, do you remember? Back then, you..."

At this moment, McGrady suddenly started, "Look at the move!"

Carter could not defend enough and was broken through. He could only curse: "You are too mean!"

After scoring the goal, McGrady didn't care at all.

Surprisingly, this is all learned from some people off the court.

McGrady raised a finger and reminded: "There is one last ball!"

Currently 5-3, McGrady's match point.

Suddenly, both sides stopped talking, and seemed to be serious.

McGrady lowered his center of gravity and kept dribbling the ball from his hips, his body swaying constantly, imaginary and real. At a certain moment, McGrady suddenly took a step with his left foot and jumped on the right.

Carter kept his hands open, stepped back quickly, trying to block, but was not thrown away by McGrady.

However, McGrady took a few steps and pulled up suddenly.

Height and long arms, he pulls up and shoots completely unreasonably.

Carter couldn't cover it at all.


Bye bye!

McGrady smiled and sent away his cousin, then looked to the sidelines, "Next!"

Kobe, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped up.

Kobe didn't say anything when he came up. He picked up the ball and immediately did one.

A Buddha worship action, one step back on the left, jump directly to shoot.

McGrady's cover will arrive soon.

However, Corbett deliberately increased his shooting angle.

The basketball jumped over McGrady's fingertips.


Goal in!


Kobe raised his arms and shouted!

Nothing is more important than this goal.

After scoring a goal, Kobe finally smiled. "Tracy, you can't guard a ball? Get ready to step down."

McGrady said indifferently: "Hehe, it's just a ball. I just covered you several times."

As a result, Kobe took the opportunity, "Watch the ball!"

McGrady was caught off guard, "Despicable!"

It's another battle...


At this time,

"Hahahaha~ Father Li, please help me, Mama Lin and others are going to throw me into the water."

On the sidelines, a little bit jokingly ran over and rushed to hide behind her father Li.

The women on the other side also laughed happily, and did not come to disturb the men's interest.

And Iverson on the side was very jealous: Tayala, the ghost girl, didn't even want her father.

When a little girl came over, the men laughed a lot more here.

Li Nan touched Tayala's little head pettingly, "Tayala, who do you think is the best among these uncles?"


Tayala frowned, this question made him very embarrassed.

Even the two guys on the court stopped, wanting to hear the answer from the little girl.

After a long time, she finally loosened her brows.

"Well, the most powerful is the uncle (Maddy), the second is the uncle (Carter), and the third is the uncle (Kobe)."

This little girl directly queued them all out.

McGrady smiled, "Tayala is such an honest boy."

Carter was unhappy, "I lost to that kid? Wait, Tayala, I'll beat him down later."

Kobe is not happy What? Me third? Tayala, you must be mistaken! I am leading now. "

Kobe is eager to try, to take McGrady to operate.

And Iverson on the sidelines is not happy anymore.

"Good girl, have you forgotten Dad?"

"Of course my father is better than these uncles." Tayala said as expected.

Iverson nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, Tayala suddenly added, "However, it is Papa Li who is the most powerful."

Li Nan immediately opened his eyes and smiled, "Tayala, your vision is the best! The best in the world!"

"Hehehe!" Tayala smiled and blinked at Li Nan.

Although it is Tong Yan Wuji, but everyone puts the words in their hearts.

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