Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 295: Itchy

Time flies quickly, November has passed for a long time, December has come to the end, and Christmas is coming soon.

The harassment between labor and management continues.

In early December,

Some team owners even accused Jordan of paying too much and affecting the salary cap.

But Jordan stood up and angrily: "If you have no money, you can sell your team!"

Many Jordan fans stood by Jordan and angered the management.

Soon afterwards, the NBA officially announced: Cancel this year's All-Star Game!

During the day before Christmas Eve, the NBA officially announced: January 7 is the deadline. If the agreement is not signed, the season will be cancelled directly!

David Stern's attitude is very tough!

Since you are red-eyed gamblers, I have to be the same crazy bookmaker.

There is no compromise between labor and management. However, the pressure is coming!

Do you want it this season? Can you make this money?


On the 25th, Christmas Day, the major cinemas were very lively.

A movie called "Uncle Drew" is quite popular.

This movie tells the story of Uncle Drew.

Uncle Drew owns a basketball team called the "Blue Brothers". This team used to be a well-known team in New York's Streetball Sanctuary Locke Park, but gradually withdrew from the arena with age. Uncle Drew will lead the old guys back on the court and play against opponents who are much younger than him.

Finally, a group of elderly basketball players violated the rules and participated in the Locke street basketball game, where they abused other young hairy boys on the court.

In the movie tidbits, everyone knows that 5 Uncle Drew are Iverson, Kobe, McGrady, Carter, and New York streetball king Alston.

And Uncle Drew’s four teammates, the domineering three-pointer Reggie Miller, Webber who is good at high-point and straight-arm shots, the unique basketball giant O’Neal, and the streetball proficient in streetball skills. King Alston!

In the film, there are also many new and old star players participating in the three old NBC commentators Matt Gokas, Bill Walton, Matt Gokas, Iceman George Gervin, Coleman, Nash, Nowitzki...

However, who exactly is Uncle Drew? The movie was not announced. In the cast list, the actor wrote about Uncle Drew!

This also triggered a lot of conjecture.

"Uncle Drew must be Michael Jordan!"

"'Being old doesn't mean you don't play ball, you are really old the moment you don't play.' Does this sentence imply anything?"

"Maybe, there really is such a terrible old man!"

"This movie is really irritating!"


On the 26th, major news reported a shocking news.

"Uncle Drew" box office on the first day of $ 8,861,313!

In the highly competitive Christmas stall, it ranked eighth on the day.

The first place, "Mind Drops", 25.26 million US dollars,

The second place, "Kiss Mom", 19.14 million US dollars,

The third place, "Electronic Love Letter", 18.42 million US dollars,

The fourth place, "French Open", 15.14 million US dollars,

Fifth place, "Prince of Egypt", $14.52 million,

The sixth place, "The teacher is not a person", 11.63 million US dollars,

Seventh place, "Superstar Joe Yang", $10.6 million,

The eighth place, "Uncle Drew", 8.86 million US dollars,

The ninth place, "Shakespeare Love/History", $7.78 million


"Uncle Drew" has been well received by film critics and audiences.

"Uncle Drew" does not apply to any existing physical or physiological logic, in other words, it shatters all the existing logical frameworks and re-establishes its own movie ecology. In this ecosystem, the only order is basketball. To be precise, it is street basketball. Compared to the strict rules of the NBA, street basketball is more free. In addition to being a sport, it is also an art. It is a dance, a rap, and an outline of Aphrodite. The mental totem of the contours."

"Uncle Drew did not use any special effects, and even the scenes that ignited Rock Park's blood and arrogance were not the waves caused by basketball superstars, but basketball. Basketball is the best special effects in the world.'Why not love, Basketball is the most reliable thing in the world. You don’t complain or question. You drop it and it bounces back immediately.'

"The film presents a sense of comics with sharp edges and corners. The best thing about comics is that they draw, condense and enlarge real life. In the film, the old boots have been in a wheelchair for more than ten years, and the dark lights are half blind. Entering Rock Park, as soon as you touch the basketball, you return to the passionate time of shirtless teenagers. Steals, dribbles, passes, and dunks. "Just like breathing, basketball is instinctive, and you can't forget it." A basketball spirit, but also a life attitude. Just like Uncle Drew taught the young Dax, "If you don't take the initiative, your chances of success will be zero."

"Uncle Drew feels that the current young generation is too impetuous and too utilitarian,'fancy moves, extremely **** shots' and not'playing properly'. When Uncle Drew said that he just played for'love' , Drew a burst of laughter from the young people. They did not realize that it was because they were missing a bit of true love that they could not focus on the moment and have no distractions in the process of playing."

"Uncle Drew regards basketball as life. Basketball guides his life. He understands life from basketball. He said,'Basketball is the most reliable thing in the world. No complaints, no doubts. You drop it. It, it will bounce back immediately.'This may be a true portrayal of Uncle Drew."


The next day, "Uncle Drew" box office soared, surpassing 10 million box office in a single day.

After that, it continued to overtake.

A week later, the box office has passed 66 million! Ranked fourth in movies of the same grade!

Beginning on New Year's Day, the box office of "Uncle Drew" has dropped, but it still ranks in the forefront. Looking around, it is about to break 100 million.

Some people can't sit still...


In a luxurious suite in Las Vegas, the leaders of the player union gathered together again.

Ewing was still encouraging everyone, "Everyone, hold on! We are about to win."

However, this time, someone stood up.

Billy Hunter, Vice Chairman of the Players Union!

"Patrick, I think it's time for us to back down."

Ewing glared, "What did you say?"

Who knows that Billy Hunter "banged" the crime,

"Enough, I am fed up! Patrick, I am fed up with you!"

Billy Hunter pointed directly at Ewing's nose and cursed.

"Patrick, you selfish idiot!"

"Did you not see? People are making We are wasting time and wasting our lives here!"

"Don't you see that many players have lost their jobs? They need to support their families, they need to play games!"

"We can't go on like this anymore, we must do something!"

Surprisingly, Ewing didn't say a word of rebuttal in the whole process, as if he had already realized his mistake and was speechless.

The players' union suddenly tilted...


The players are jealous when they see other people making money making movies. The team owner sees the huge market appeal of NBA players, and that's all money!

So, on January 5th, before the January 7th deadline given by David Stern, labor and management got together again in New York.

negotiation. one day one Night!

On January 6, the labor and management took a step back and finally reached an agreement...

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