Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 300: You are very discerning!

In the Sixers locker room, these guys are really happy.

"It's so cool! It's so cool! Today I finally got rid of all the bad anger before!"

"Hahahaha! It's great to hit those bulls out!"

"Without Michael, the Bull is nothing!"

"Now we can beat them by tens of points."

Everyone is happy when you say a word to me. Even the newly joined Martino Mobley, Matt Geiger, George Lynch

At this moment, the guy Coleman suddenly called: "Brothers! Continue to work hard in the second half, we will not let them score more than 50!"

This is a bit too much, but~


Everyone responded one after another. What a group of... people.

Alas~ the tiger fell to Pingyang and was... uh~ not right! It should be a beating dog...

Li Nan sighed and shook his head, and inadvertently found that Iverson was looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Iverson asked seriously: "Lee, when will you be?"

Li Nan didn’t understand the question that Iverson suddenly came up with, "Huh? What will happen?"

"My one-step action! I remember you didn't know it during the summer vacation." Iverson was very curious.

After playing together for half a month, Li Nan didn't even think about it. Iverson also wanted to teach, to be Li Nan's master.

As a result, when Li Nan returned from a trip to Italy, he figured it out for himself.

Curious, full of curiosity.

After Iverson mentioned this, Li Nan understood.

"You said this, I would have done it a long time ago. Didn't it just steal a half step? Soeasy!"

"Steal half a step? What steal a half step? Why can't I understand?" Iverson's face was full of question marks.

Li Nan also debunked the tricks in Iverson's extraordinary actions, "Every time you make a breakthrough, you will first take a small step and then launch an offensive in an instant. It is this small step that gives you half a step ahead of others. Advantage. It's like a small step in tennis. Of course, to be more accurate, it is a start in a running game."

What small steps? What rush? Iverson heard in the mist, "Is it so profound? Why don't I know?"

Seeing Iverson was like a fake, he really didn't know.

Li Nan suddenly curled his mouth, "So, Allen, I have caught up with you now."

"Hehe, Li, you said this too early. Even if I don't need that rush step, I will live as I want to live! You are far from me."

Iverson is so confident.

"Hehe, right? Then we Bibi?"

"Bibi is Bibi."


The intermission was quickly over.

The Bulls players quickly came to the sidelines.

The visiting 76ers didn't give up so much face. Stay a little longer in the player tunnel.

Why should I be a foil for you? Want to be beautiful!

However, the fans in the stands were a little excited.

The most exciting is Li Yapeng who flew over from San Francisco.

What Li Yapeng looks forward to most is the ceremony for the Bulls to receive the championship ring! Of course, the most anticipated is Michael Jordan.

However, the Bulls made a big joke with many fans.

The Bulls players came on the field one after another to receive championship rings from the boss and general manager.

The finale to receive the championship ring turned out to be Kukoc!

No one behind!

The awards ended here, and the referees began to enter the arena...

Home fans are not happy.

"What about Michael? Didn't you say that you will be there today?"

"A lie? The fat guy Klaus actually lied!"

"Michael! We want Michael!"

There were big boos from the stands.


The Bulls management is really disappointing.

No Jordan! No Pippen! No Rodman! No Cole! No Longley! No Phil Jackson!

Is this still a bull?

Li Yapeng shook his head!


With a long sigh, Li Yapeng sat on his seat again, feeling ashamed and not wanting to move.



The second half of the game began.

The Bulls didn't have the power to fight back because of receiving the championship ring. On the contrary, it made people look weaker.

On the court, Kukoc sat on Li Nan, he was a bit taller than Li Nan, but it didn't work. Li Nan abruptly withstood the impact of Kukoc.

Can't open the top and dare not shoot. Kukoc finally chose to pass.


The fans in the stands felt embarrassed.

Especially a fan with a desperate heart, shaking his head and sighing constantly.

The Bulls were playing absent-mindedly, but the 76ers were morale.

Whether it's defense or offense, the 76ers are a positive one.

Of course, the 3 and 9 are particularly positive today!


On the field, Li Nan held the ball at a 45-degree angle on the right, and he took the initiative to switch to Hubble in singles.

Before Kukoc defended Li Nan, it was too uncomfortable. Had to be replaced!

In the stands, Li Yapeng is not optimistic about Li Nan's singles.

Although Li Nan played very well with the 76ers on the fast break, Li Nan's singles were really not good.

After so many moves, there is no move. Hubble is very familiar with Li Nan. It is easy to figure out Li Nan's breakthrough routine and want to defend Li Nan.

Jordan is the best.

If Li Nan could be as good as Jordan, no, if Li Nan could be half as good as Jordan, then he would be great.

Just when Li Yapeng was thinking about it, Li Nan on the court raised his left foot, which was a tentative step.

However, when Li Yapeng saw Li Nan stepping on this probing step, Li Nan suddenly moved, and he easily passed Hubble.

Li Yapeng felt, "It must be Hubble's carelessness. Next time, Li Nan should not be let go so easily."

However, after that, Li Nan used the same trick to pass Hubble twice.


Li Yapeng suddenly felt a little hot on his face.

"Li Nan played well today!"

Not much to say, let's see!

See how badly the Bulls will lose today and how many points Li Nan can score today.


In a certain offensive round, Snow's pass was suddenly interrupted and Hubble took the ball and made a fast break.

Just as Li Yapeng wanted to stand up, he saw Li Nan who was chasing after Hubble.

Hubble, be careful!

Li Nan, come on!

Li Yapeng said silently in his heart.

The voices of the audience in the stands rang, some cheered for Hubble, some reminded him, and some were praying and silent for Hubble.

The man and woman beside Li Yapeng have stood up, looking forward to something.

On the field, the Bulls players reminded, "Be careful!"

However, Hubble did not respond at all.

The scene was too noisy.

Hubble leaped towards the One-handed lifted forward, his fingers lightly hooked, the ball flew upward, and Hubble also began to fall.

Finally scored a goal!

However, at this time, someone shot out from behind and slapped the ball!


Hubble's dream was shattered by this slap.

"Good shot!" Li Yapeng jumped up and exclaimed.

This shocked the man and woman beside him.

However, the girl unexpectedly cast approving eyes.

Man, you have a good eye!

Li Yapeng pretended not to see the look of the girl next to him!

I was originally a Chinese, what happened to supporting Chinese players? Isn't it normal?

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