Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 306: Clever pause

The ball disappeared?

Jason Williams and Collis Williams are confused.

At this moment, Li Nan in front of them raised his hands high and said two OK.

"He cast it?"


The two Williams turned at the same time and looked at the basket.

Time is up, the red light is on!


Goal in!

Basketball shot through.

Beyond the three-point line, Iverson held a hand pretendingly.

But, in the end, neither Williams knew how they lost.


The audience rang out in exclamation.

There were cheers from many people. Of course, more is the sigh of the Kings fans.

The 76ers all rushed into the court.


"we won!"


On the sidelines, Larry Brown looked at those crazy celebrating boys and smiled faintly.

On the edge of the 76ers' crazy celebration, the Kings players and the audience looked at the big screen. They felt that they might not have lost.

On the big screen, as soon as Li Nan got the ball, he did not hesitate to pass the ball back and found Iverson.

Iverson made a three-pointer!

Everyone could see clearly that the red light came on after Iverson took the shot.

Beep beep!

The referee pointed his finger in front of everyone and the goal was effective!

Officially certified, this is a buzzer lore!


Cheers were heard on the scene again.

The last hope of the Kings is dashed!

Jason Williams and Collis Williams shook their heads and sighed at the same time:



Jason Williams passed the ball for a whole game, but was also slammed in the end.

After the game, both sides clapped and greeted.

Webber finally said, "Boy, you are a coward! I dare not shoot the lore! You are evading responsibility!"

Li Nan spread his hands and smiled, "I won anyway! Others, Whocare? Who cares?"


The game data,

76ers 83-82 King


Iverson, 8 of 19, 24 points, 4 assists,

Li Nan, 8 of 18, 20 points, 6 assists, 7 rebounds,


Webber, 19 of 19, 25 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists.


News interview after the game.

Larry Brown did not bring anyone to the press conference.

This season, Larry Brown's management of his players has become even stricter. Many times Li Nan and Iverson hit key and lore shots without Larry Brown.

Today is no exception.

At this moment, Iverson and Li Nan are undergoing post-match physiotherapy.

This short period of time after the game is the best time for physiotherapy and must be seized well.

Instead of wasting time on these useless media interviews, it is better to get physical therapy and recuperate.

After all, this season is too tight, too tired, and must be taken seriously.

Without seeing Iverson and the others, the reporters also aimed at Larry Brown.

A reporter asked: "What do you think of Coach Brown about Lee's timeout?"

Everyone is very concerned about the suspension. Was it a coincidence of habit, or was it premeditated wit?

Larry Brown praised the timeout naturally, "That was Lee's decision. To be honest, I didn't expect to call a timeout off the court. Now, we can see how decisive Lee was then. Li has always been a smart guy! On the court, he knows what to do better than anyone else. That was a smart timeout!"

Larry Brown doesn't always praise people, but for Li Nan, he doesn't hesitate at all for his exquisite words.

Everyone understands what Larry Brown said, the timeout was intentional by Li Nan! It is wit and bold!

Soon, the reporter's question came again.

"We saw that Lee won the boxing game today, but why was Allen the last shot? Coach Brown, did you interfere?"

Larry Brown smiled, "Hehe, you were fooled by those two guys. Have you seen them reveal the results of the guessing to their opponent before?"

When everyone thought about it carefully, it quickly became clear.

The reporter asked again, "What do you think of the official MVP rankings?"

Larry Brown said lightly, "Well, the public has sharp eyes."

When everyone still wanted to ask, Larry Brown got up and waved his hand.

"Everyone, time is in a hurry, see you next time!"

It is really short of time. Because the team is about to switch overnight.

Next stop, Los Angeles.


Before getting on the bus, Li Nan also followed the fans and spoke well.

"Wow, today your ‘MVP’ shouted so well. Just yelled Webber’s free throws."

At that time, Webber had been waiting for the shouts to stop, and he was very annoying. Li Nan knew at the time that it was those people who made ghosts.

Although Webber may not be able to score without shouting, after all, Webber's free throw percentage is 45%, less than 50%, only slightly better than Ben Wallace. However, Diana and Zhao Mingming are really smart. College students are college students.

Diana pointed to Wang Dali with a smile, "This is actually Ming's boyfriend Wang came up with."

Yes, Wang Dali has also come to the United States, he is closer to Zhao Mingming.

Li Nan also beat Wang Dali’s chest.

"Yes, Dali, I have learned a lot from the cleverness."

Wang Dali grinned, "Ha ha ha, no, no, you are still smart, Brother Li. Your time-out is really too classic. This is definitely going to last forever."

"Ha ha ha, it's not so exaggerated." Li Nan waved his hand casually.

Zhao Mingming at the side nodded very well with Wang Dali, "Brother Li, you are too modest. You were really too witty at the time. If it were me, I would definitely choose to take the ball for two steps and then move the ball over there throw."

Diana and the others kept nodding, obviously agreeing with Zhao Mingming's words. "In the end, the one who passed the ball without looking at people is so wonderful, it will definitely be the classic of the classics!

"Hahaha~~" Everyone is so enthusiastic, Li Nan also smiled happily.

Some people say that passing the ball at the last moment is a cowardly act and evading responsibility; some people say that it is a smart choice and a good pass.

It's hard to adjust!

Li Nan felt that all he had to do was to believe in himself and believe in his own judgment!


Soon the news media also reported it.

"China Li sent a wonderful memorial, Allen's three-point domineering lore!"

"The rock-paper-scissors game of Philadelphia Gemini is deceptive!"

"That was a clever timeout! The Chinese are too clever! You can make a decision in that situation!"

"Marvelous Ben Wallace is alone against Cross Weber!"

"Lee's timeout reminds me of the 93 NCAA Finals."

The 76ers player was well praised.

But on a certain plane, Cross Webber suddenly had a pain in his chest...

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